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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Why...oh WHY did I choose THIS trip to bring my laptop without all the various cords and cables and whatnot that came with it?

Now the hotel doesn't have a connector for me to use to play Gibby's DVD and project it onto the wall.....waaaahhhhhhh!

Unless she or Reiki has such an animal, we're doomed to watching it on my laptop screen. :cry4:

This particular conference must bring the "forget the cords" thing out in you....because I seem to remember you doing the same thing last year, in Chicago, when a bunch of Illinois Clay fans got together with you.

You'll find a way to project Clay (heh) -- we did it last year!!!

I also think Clay's issue is that he doesn't fit in a nice little box. Plus people like Alicia have known their whole lives that they want to be musicians and totally define themselves in that way. They know who they are musically. They can explain it. They can articulate it. It's who they are. Clay is still on that journey. Four years ago he was just beginning. He's much further along now but I definitely think he's still exploring all that. And I think that doesn't help when it's time to go before the suits and sorta have them trust in your vision. I've always said this was a journey as a fan. It's been fun watching this all unfold and I think this next album may get us closer to where he'll ultimately end up but it too will be just a stepping stone. I'm so glad I'm here for it.

I wanna be couchie when I grow up.

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Ok - For anyone who is interested in the iTunes version of AYSTAFG, the one you want is episode 11. Both episode 11 and episode 12 have the same description. Logic would tell you its episode 11 that would be Clay's since his aired first, but you can also play a clip from each episode that clearly shows which is Clay's.

It seems episodes 11 and 12 are switch in the order they are listed. It has actually been suggested in some circles that this was a deliberate attempt to confuse people so Clay's episode's numbers would be hurt.

I kid you not.

I guess iTunes is out to get Clay too! :cryingwlaughter:

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Someplace along the line we got a little teeeeeeeeeeny snippet of Clay singing Superstar in Hollywood. Maybe during finale week on AI2? I'm not sure, but I remember being electrified when I heard it way back when and hoping against hope that someday we would be able to hear more. Sigh. It was even better than I thought it would be. Yup, I think their biggest thought when they heard that was "Uh-oh". I think they let him through because they thought they could control the voting and the outcome. We've had other dorky folks since (Chicken Little, anyone?), but not with that voice. Fools.

I have been searching fruitlessly online for something to wear for my son's wedding in Hawaii which is NEXT SATURDAY!!! I have bought some clothing from a company that makes lovely tropical stuff and sells it at our local street fair, which is twice a year. They have online ordering, so after going back and forth with them for 2 weeks in which they promised me the moon, they finally told me they would have to start from scratch and it would only take 6 weeks!!! ACK!!!!!!

We're supposed to be fairly casual, and I have something that would work if I could just find some white pants. Even in California that is no easy task!!! I have a million things to do besides shop!! AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHH!!

So before hitting the highways and byways looking for something that probably doesn't exist, I'm taking a short break.

I had a great time with my Clay buddies yesterday. Y Chrome came along, since he knows everyone and hadn't seen anyone for a long time. We talked and talked about all things Clay, about the writers and stagehands strikes, about the skating show, Spamalot, AI Clay......everything.

After lunch we repaired to my friend's house. We watched Pala, Scruffy's Ft. Myers's banter montage (SO good!) Clay was just possessed at that concert. No one had been there or seen it except for me. SO much fun to relive that concert. We also watched AI Rewind and just loved it.

We always joke that she has a TV the size of Cleveland. Words cannot describe it. This set is 14 years old, so it's not widescreen, but more traditionally TV screen shaped, but the screen is about 6 feet by 6 feet. We think it was the type that was developed when big sports bars were becoming popular. It is just GINORMOUS!!!! You would not believe the details that are revealed when you are looking at Clay larger than life. Scarlett attended one of our sairees there once and brought a DVD with lost Miami IT footage with Clay in the shirt of clingy blue goodness. It was quite apparent to us in that magnified size why we did not see that shirt again. Other hidden mysteries were revealed this time as well. Ahem. Good times.

I have edited one more measly picture. Has anyone mentioned how adorable Clay was at the skating show?? So gorgeous, but really, all kinds of cute!!!! Y'all have corrupted me. Now I can't stop seeing the cute.


And now, I must go on my impossible quest for white pants/tropical clothing suitable for a beach wedding in Hawaii.

Any ideas from SoCal peeps are welcome. I'm desperate here.

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So how many people do you think will not follow directions and resubmit their stories anyway and we get another pissy blog from teacher Clay? I'm thinking by Tuesday, LOL!


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I can't believe the number of people posting comments to the blog, saying that they can't submit a story because they aren't attending a concert. OMFG, seriously. He's made every effort to make this as inclusive of a contest as possible. The boards are teaming with people who are attending and who are willing to read stories for others. Grrrrrrrr, I don't know how he doesn't lose it........

But how cute was that blog? I freaking love him! :wub:

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Hey, ya'll! Guess what - this isn't Muski. This is Gibby! I'm here in her YUUUUUUGGGE but fugly Presidential Suite, along with Reiki. BTW, I'm trying to get Reiki to join up here, since several Vegas people already met her!

We just watched all of AIR Hollywood Part 1, and sawoooned over the Clay parts. I mean, who wouldn't swoon over Clay's parts? And then we read the teacher Clay blog, and agreed that we would submit audibly or whatever way he wants us to submit. No, that's not what he meant????? Aw, I'll blame it on Muski. She's a bad influence.


Heeeee, let's see what other funny stuff I can say about Muski while she's in the bathroom, leaving her laptop unattended. Hmmmmm.

Well, to be honest, she really is a sweetheart under all of that smutting. Heeeeee!

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Well I just got back from doing the last of my Xmas stuff! I was in Wal-Mart and I heard Open Arms sung by some cute, good singer, really good singer named Clay Aiken! (tm. HH)

I just froze in my tracks it was so nice to listen to him. Right before that they were playing a Sousa march...yep that's Wal-Mart quite the eclectic place!!!

Ok so now I get to watch the Clack again...do a chore....watch a little Clack.....do another chore....watch some more Clack.....another chore...oh to heck with the chores...I'm going with all Clack all day!!!!

Don't forget to obey teacher Clay or he might just have to make you stay after school. By the way the offer still stands if someone wants me to read their tome.

OK so when did I get to be a personal manager? Me likee!

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I've been listening to the news about the broadway workers strike and how a lot of the shows have shut down as a result. I don't know if Spamalot is one that's affected and don't know how long this will last or how it will ultimately affect the show, but it's not good news for people going to NY to see a broadway show. Grrr I'd really be pissed! :cry4:

Hey merrieeee, I heard ATD yesterday in the grocery store. First time I'd heard him in that store so it was a treat. :hubbahubba:

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Permaswooned... that is your best picture of Vegas yet!!! THUD!!! WOW!!!

I live in OC and down by the beach you can find stores that specialize in tropical clothing! Pennys might be a good bet, too, since they carry a lot of selection, but I'd let my fingers do the walking where possible. Also, stores like Nordstrom, etc, have personal shoppers that you could call to check out the store's inventory for you! Last resort, as soon as you land in Hawaii... go shopping!!!

I downloaded Fifth Grader from itunes and man is it awesome. For $1.99, it was well worth it. The picture is better than what I had on my Tivo AND my Tivo missed the very end, so I got to see something I had not seen before. I recommend it and someone said TPTB would notice how many downloads happened and that would be good for Clay! It is half a gig, tho, but I plan on burning it to DVD (itunes says they will help... we'll see, since I've never done that before), then deleting it.

That blog.... hehehe... Clay had what seemed like a bright idea to make his concerts different, but as anything involving the fans, it turned out to be not as simple as he thought... oh, well... gives him something to do in his spare time... LOL

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That blog made me tired just reading it. Way to ramp up the tension there, dude! I'm glad I only have to spend the time until my concerts pining after a M&G, without having the uncertainty of wondering if a story made the semi's or reached the audio level or whatnot. That sounds like if could be worse than :Tour4:

Good luck to all the FCA'ers who have submitted stories, and I hope you make it on stage!

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The poor guy blogged a PS...lol...he really must be swamped.

PermaSwooned, my friend has a huge TV like the one you described. I've always wondered what Clack would look like on it. Unfortunately, they only use it for sporting event. What a waste. I'm sure Clay would make a nice contact sport. lol

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Awwwwww, I love a good P.S. Especially when it involves a venue I'm attending....and submitting a story for. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I had to rewatch AI Rewind again. Please tell me I'm not the only one obsessed with him kissing the camera at the beginning?

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Back from my little soiree with Muski and Reiki. Muski is the hostess with the mostest! She provided all kinds of beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, snacks and a huge presidential suite. I contributed a laptop and speakers. With Clay as the entertainment, how could we not have a good time?

Anyway, Lucky, I have a couple little presents for you! No, not a gif of the kiss, but a few screencaps, from CAP:




And for merrieeee, Clay and Quiana:



And for jamar:




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Aw, what a cool blog. It sounds like he's enjoying all the stories, so that's cool....but I think he also enjoys the work too. Good for him.

BTW, I'm with merrieee in that if you've written a story for St. Louis or Merrillville and are scared silly to read it -- I'll do it! I had no good stories to write on my own, but I've been known to be a bit of a ham, or can do dramatic readings at least!

Amazing Race fans -- join me in the thread (starting here); I'm in for an informal chat during the East Coast showing. 'Tis a good night of TV around here -- TAR, the finale of The Next Iron Chef, and then AI Rewind. Thank God for laptops!

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Another FCA get together tonight..I"m getting ready to go meet Cha Cha Trusty and her family for dinner in a couple of hours. She is sooooooo good..she's the one from out of town yet she's taking pity on me and coming to Jack London Square to meet me rather than making me face my fears and drive over to San Francisco. I can fly across the country and rent a car and drive all over but ask me to drive to San Francisco and I start shaking.

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