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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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P.S. No one wants to participate in the audio reviewing this time around? Or am I just jumping the gun? (hee, imagine that) I thought it might be a good idea to get a head start this year, as the clack starts to flow.

Me! Me! I want the Jazzy Medley!! I actually was going to offer to take the Jesus Medley, but you scooped it up so fast my head is spinning!


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P.S. No one wants to participate in the audio reviewing this time around? Or am I just jumping the gun? (hee, imagine that) I thought it might be a good idea to get a head start this year, as the clack starts to flow.

I'd take something....but since I don't know the set list yet....



I love duckfaced Clay. Hee.

KF -- MWAH!!!!

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Personally I think it's about respect. You don't have to like something Clay does but please don't mock the man.

When I read his blog, I went to bed as happy as can be. You bet, all of us can say what we want to say and I love FCA for the fact that it's an adult board -- in content and philosophy -- and all our opinions are respected here -- but setting up camp on another board to get to Clay with criticisms about the program when they weren't even in attendance, well, IMO, that's just crazy. Especially when it's the same damn people every time that do it. The freaking "experts" -- who somehow happen to have no better track record than any other fan -- will gang up and repeatedly share their group think every single time without fail. It tires me out to slog through it, and it doesn't smell like free speech at all. CG, just as a preemptive, I'm not including your feelings and opinions in what I just said. I understand your objections to the venue and respect that -- and share it to some extent. I have my own opinions that don't always mesh with what Clay does. My problem is with those who think they know better than Clay how to plan and run his show, and believe he needs to hear it. I don't see their asses up on the stage entertaining anybody. just.my.rant.because.I'm.entitled.too

Bravo KF...and can't you imagine how it's going to be IF IF IF the album doesn't meet their very lofty expectations.

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I'll take Don't Save It All FOr Xmas Day. I never tire of that one. I think picking a song now is a great idea and just gives people an extra month. I know it's a lot of work and I really want that jazzy medley heee but I'll refrain unless we don't have enough volunteers.

KAndre, can you ogranize again.

Oh I think I'll wait a week to start downloading though so I don't have to backtrack as much.

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Sorry - but repetitive oohing and ahhhing is not the same thing. Justify away though.

ETA - If you read my post, I didn't say you (the collective) didn't have the right to post whatever you want. I stated my opinion on it, that is all. As did you (you, the poster). Hyperbole, ie, Clay is Perfect!!' is not fair. Clay is the object of our affection, our fandom, and my personal raison d'etre on the boards. Therefore, I don't enjoy reading ad nauseum all the reasons why I shouldn't enjoy something about him. If I don't (and there are things I don't) I simply move on to something I do love (and there are infinite things in that category). That is how I enjoy my fandom. YMMV, clearly.

Imagine how it feels to those who just honestly do not like something to hear over and over and over again how wrong "we" are and how right "you" are. Works both way, baby! So, IMO, repetitive oohing and ahhhing IS indeed the same thing as repetive dissension. Its just as unpleasant to those on the opposite side. So I don't need to justify anything. I have been on both sides, so I know.

Listen, its always easy to tolerate repetive dead horse beating when you agree with the point of veiw being expressed, and always hard when you don't. I know no one said you aren't ALLOWED to express the dissenting POV, but it has been said over and over that "you" don't like to hear it and that its not that same as expressing "your" positive POV over and over. And fandoms have been questioned for those dissenters.

And before this starts getting into more dead horse beating, I will stop.

CLAY IS CUTE, by the way!!!!!!!!!!

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CG I think eveyrone is making a distiction. You don't have to like it. I don't care if people say what they don't like or wish their were more fast songs or whatever -- there's just a way to say things. And KF's post really explains another dimension.

And I have to admit if I didn't like something and other people did as a fan I'd actually be happy about it not want to gather more people to my side. But again it's about how. You can't help what you like or don't.

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Me! Me! I want the Jazzy Medley!! I actually was going to offer to take the Jesus Medley, but you scooped it up so fast my head is spinning!


Hee, there is a method to my madness. ;)

I'd take something....but since I don't know the set list yet....


Hee, whatdya mean, I just posted it! Oh wait, you didn't want me to spoil you? :cryingwlaughter: Sowwy. You might want to scroll this next part then. *g*

So, so far we have:

me - Jesus medley

Gibby - Jazzy medley

couchie - DSIAFCD

ETA: Oh ok, KF, since you asked so nicely...

keepingfaith - O Holy Night

Imagine how it feels to those who just honestly do not like something to hear over and over and over again how wrong "we" are and how right "you" are. Works both way, baby!

I guess what I don't understand is why people who don't like something can't just move on to something they do like. Not pointing fingers at anyone, just a general statement about something that has always confused me. *shrug*

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Putting on the admin stilletos:

Let's not have any posts to ad naseum, people! If you notice that something has been posted enough to make someone puke, you've posted too much about it.

Where the heck are my font colors?!?!?

Yes! Organization shall be my thing! Especially since luckiest does all the work!

Now, I'm not saying bribes are necessary to get what you want (or to avoid something you don't), but I ain't not sayin' it either!

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For anyone so inclined, this is a link to an OFC post that CMSU. It's someone's reaction to Clay's blog last night. I wish I could copy it over here, but alas, there are rules to be followed. But I sooooo wish more people would react like this! :lol:

LOL...now that was a great post...

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Speaking of Welcome to Our World - Scarlett asked for an mpeg rather than a wmv. Here it is:

Mega Upload Welcome to Our World (mpeg)

I have more, but Reiki and I need to leave for our long drive back to Denver. If SLC doesn't have her stuff uploaded by then, I'll upload more of mine.

Clay looked and sounded soooo gorgeous last night!

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I'm pretty easy when it comes to Clay....I find it impossible to be upset with a person I don't know. Do all his hair dos and clothing choices make sense to me? No, but, by the time I see them, it's too late to change it so why bother discussing it? *shrug*....that's just me, I guess. YMMV.

It's the "after the fact" stuff that always seems unnecessary, to me. Yeah, the hair could have been different but whaddya gonna do about it 5 hrs. after the concert?

By the way....I love his hair, I was just using it as an example! :)

I think the man wears his heart on his sleeve every time he steps out on that stage.

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Hey, I'll take it. Handsome, hunky, blogging golden voiced singing "man"; No more boy. I've watched the available DLs until I'm dizzy. He really is one heck of a singing man. Darn, he looked good. Jesse is one boatload of talent, himself and the girls were just lovely. I loved what one recapper said: It looked like a very professional TV Christmas special. Aw, My favorite part, so far, is the Jingle Bells medley where he holds that perfect note at the end of Winter Wonderland.

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I don't want any stillettos to hit me anywhere but I looked around a bit (not OFC heee) and I think the mood is pretty good. As long as folks post their feelings with resepct for the man I really don't care whether they like it or not. Although I'm not quite sure how you can have an opinion on the stories if you couldn't hear them. Even the pacing of them..if you're there and can hear every word, maybe you're rapt. And that's the one thing that will change everynight anyway.

I had to call in to say I was going to be late. Crap. I just couldn't go to sleep last night..but I have audio clack to look forward to.

have a good day everybody.

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Oh, great OFC post! Thanks! And I notice some attitudes in other climes have whiplashed so quick as to cause a neck sprain, evidently since Clay said he is what he is, he does what he does, and has once again ignored instructions from a small but loud group. And there is still that need to seem in charge or give approval.

Guess the crux of the matter might be that if someone posts a negative, any positive posted after that seems to be a rebuke - when, this being a Clay fan board, positives would hopefully be posted on a fairly regular basis, anyway.

Although I'm not quite sure how you can have an opinion on the stories if you couldn't hear them.

Bwahahaha! You funny!

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OK Edited and done.

Couchie, are you considering renaming this board as Finding Cute Aiken?

heh. I am sooooo glad that he already had it all figured out in advance.

haha! Couldn't be because some people are so predictable.......

I disagree with this comment, bear with me. The readings have been condemned for months now, since the contest was announced. What amused me was the people who got on the band wagon of submitting memories despite having disdain for Clay for doing this. hey, if you don't like hearing about others memories, why subject me to your memories?

well .... woke up to tons of snow!!! <snip>

Have to run ... work starts in 5 minutes!!

How do you do that, have a ton of snow and still get to work? Give me 8 inches of snow (she wrote, carefully qualifying this because of some people that smut about anything)and I am shoveling my driveway for hours!

it is not that people cannot be unhappy, I am frequently unhappy about a lot of things - A LOT! the dfifference is that I steam, I blow and then I move on. I don't repeat it over and over and over (Unless I the whole kitchen thing have pretty much don't it for you guys, that was an ongoing torture, with the contractor finding new ways to torture me every day)

I've really got to do some work and all (I've been at my desk for an hour and I've doen exactly nada), and I'd really like to see Q & A's dresses. Are there pictures someone can bring over, please? (And not smugmugs, 'cause I can't see those.)

Thank you, I have no idea why smugmug does not work for me, but it just keeps trying to load. I can't see it in any browser.

If someone can go on ad nauseum about how perfect Clay is, then they are inviting those who disagree to go on ad nauseum about why they disagree.

Its a dangerous thing when only one point of view is tolerated and encouraged. There are boards out there like that but thank god FCA isn't one of them.

To enjoy Clay does not mean I think he is perfect, I believe he is human and do not agree with bunches of stuff he has said, but I disagree with what a few fans say about Clay more than I dislike anything Clay has done.

Some people have stated they liked the stories, some people have stated they hated the stories. Some people have said they hate the idea of stories for months now, over and over. I have not noticed anyone posting that they loved the stories before they heard them, just opinions to give them a chance before hating the stories. And this is the difference to me. . Note: I go to at least 6 Clay boards and two generic TV boards and base these comments on the whole sheband.

Personally I think it's about respect. You don't have to like something Clay does but please don't mock the man.s.


I don't expect or demand anyone agree with me, these are just my opinions.

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Although I'm not quite sure how you can have an opinion on the stories if you couldn't hear them.
Aw hell, couchie! Not actually BEING at a concert has never stopped some people from declaring it either

1) a perfect expression of ultimate Clay wonderfulness OR

2)the final nail in his 15 minutes of fame.

Why should it stop people from having self-righteous, absolutely THE definitive, CORRECT opinions of the danged show this time? :cryingwlaughter:

Reading that blog late last night, I could only smile and have even more lustful, longing thoughts about that amazing young man. Dang, he's good. :hubbahubba:

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P.S. No one wants to participate in the audio reviewing this time around? Or am I just jumping the gun? (hee, imagine that) I thought it might be a good idea to get a head start this year, as the clack starts to flow.

I'll do the Sentimental Medley if it's still left.

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I just finished listening to the concert and I am so glad there are clack gatherers like deborah who record the entire concert without editing. I may not want to listen to banter or stories all the time, but I love having them "in situ", so to speak. It really saves the whole concert experience in a way that edited versions don't.

I'm not fond of Christmas. I don't celebrate it, but I don't get huffed if someone wishes me, "Merry Christmas." It is was it is. I tend to avoid Christmas events, but if I find myself there, I'll sing along - usually off-key, but I can't help that.

I found the stories a bit maudlin, cheesy and amateurish, but warm, moving and heartfelt at the same time. That was fine. They segued into the music at the same level. And that, I think, was the point. Pairing everyman stories with familiar music. Christmas schoopieness at its finest. Professional stories, professional readers would have lost the immediacy and (IMHO) brought a hollowness to the experience. After hearing it a zillion times, I still smile at the JNT04 "...and Mary being great with children." Not a moment that could be manufactured.

In spite of my normal avoidance of Christmas stuff, I'm glad I'm going to two shows this year. (as long as there isn't a prayer at the beginning.)

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