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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


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56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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Looks like annabear and ldyj have the same purty avi! :hubbahubba:

Here's another option for an avi that's slightly different:


Heee, wanda, I can imagine that green ink follows you around!

Ok, I'll take this one!

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I'm entertaining myself by finding cool pics and animations and bringing them over here to share with my friends. I hope ya'll don't mind that I'm posthoing. :)

From this summer's LA show - a veritable feast for tongue lovers:


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HA! Is that one where he was flirting with Angie 'cause her family was in the audience? :cryingwlaughter:

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Thanks for all of the welcomes in the meet and greet thread--tried to reply there, but somehow got messed up. I will take the advice of those who said to ignore the negative posts at OFC. (I had said in my intro.---I have not been able to get into the OFC--for some reason all I get is a lock up next to the address bar. A friend said that they are not doing renewals or new memberships right now.) I'll keep trying--gotta have those blogs!!

Clazorback--thanks for putting up one of my favorite pictures--Clay on his knees dancing with that lady and looking into her eyes. If anyone could not love him after seeing that picture, then they have no heart at all.

skybar22--have to agree--Clay has been building a solid foundation and has associated with some great people--very exciting about this new collaboration with Mike Nichols. I don't think he jumps into things lightly and I have a feeling he has turned down many opportunites that fans are not aware of. He's a very smart, talented man and I think he is careful about what he choses to get involved with.

Felt the same way as some of you who have mentioned that we were seeing Clayton at the end of the CITH tour and I sure loved it. Always felt he was kind of a Clark Kent/Superman. When I used to watch that on tv hundreds of years ago, I really loved Clark Kent and so it is with Clayton. Interesting thought that maybe the two (Clayton and Clay) are getting "integrated" or that maybe Clay is getting more comfortable with his "old self." I actually think he has always been pretty comfortable with Clayton. All I know is that I love them both!!

Off to watch the HOI again--sure hope that the unclipped flap doesn't ruin it for me!

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I'm entertaining myself by finding cool pics and animations and bringing them over here to share with my friends. I hope ya'll don't mind that I'm posthoing. :)

From this summer's LA show - a veritable feast for tongue lovers:


EEEEEEEEEE I saw this in person and sitting in the best seat I ever had...thanks to the eHP...

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Hey RIFAN welcome to main...and I always loved Clark Kent too more than superman....

oh thanks for reminding me...Gotta dowload scarlets widescreen version...going to watch it again cos I only got to watch it ...ONCE....I know bad fan...hee

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Tsk, tsk - I've just finished Sasha and Clay - that was pretty.

And I also figured out why my boyfriend looked a little thicker in the body (yes, I was watching him closely. I'm willing to make that sacrifice for him. I'm selfless that way.) I don't know what's wrong with people - he clearly had on at least 17 layers - I bet he was trying to avoid freezing various parts of his anatomy off! If he was wearing two and three layers this summer, he probably borrowed one of Jerome's suits and just stuffed that sucker!

The bow-legged French dude was lively.

The blond couple were OK. Damn, this is basically the Clay Aiken Show with skating.

And the skaters really, REALLY can't sing.

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Wanda, I have a question for you. I love your short, pithy and irreverant posts. Are you able to post like this anywhere else without getting edited up the yinyang? I'm sure glad you can post here, 'cuz you entertain me!

I am the queen of green ink.

Well if you ever miss it just let me know. I'm sure I can squeeze out en edit if I try real hard. Something like...

I think some people want to see Clay as a victim because they are man-hating stupid bitches who want Clay to remain their little boy forever.


How's that :cryingwlaughter: This is a free service. I'm so going to hell. eek.

Off to work...I seem to have forgotten about job #2. Must get back in the swing of things no matter how much I just want to sit here and play with you all.

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The Cousins dude had a red shirt I want. And didn't skate to Clay and therefore I lost much interest in him.

The black girl (Suraya-something) also didn't skate to Clay - though I think if I were her, I wouldn't either. She looks like the most powerful female skater I've ever seen - like a Mary Lou Retton on skates. Not particularly graceful though - and I can't think of a Clay Christmas song that lends itself to power skating. I'd like to see her skate to Billy Idol though. The pink feathers were cheesy though.

Next is a girl named Karen (she spells it wrong though). Hmmm. Should have let Suraya-something skate to Carol of the Bells (though I didn't like this rendition either - they should have gotten the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Vegas is fairly close to Utah, isn't it?) - the staccato attack would have worked better with the power - and Karen just seemed weak.

Hey! I read the boards! I get to criticize stuff I know absolutely nothing about!

Ok, I'm annoyed at the French Canadian couple choice of O Holy Night because Clay's not singing. And I can see up the girl's nose at the end of the routine.

Yuka something's skating is good - her music just sucks.

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OK, French dude just lost his mind. And any taste in clothes.

Can someone tell him whatever the hell he's doing is not sexy. Seriously.

I am actually watching his entire routine. It's like a train wreck for me. I cannot turn away.

Dear Lord, he has escaped from the rink and is forcing some poor woman from the audience to dance badly with him.

Oh. help. I am sorry to report that he does pelvic thrusts too.

And a backward flip.

And since the thrusts appeared to excite him, he goes back to mack on his dance partner.

And to think, I missed this live.

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The Cousins dude had a red shirt I want. And didn't skate to Clay and therefore I lost much interest in him.

The black girl (Suraya-something) also didn't skate to Clay - though I think if I were her, I wouldn't either. She looks like the most powerful female skater I've ever seen - like a Mary Lou Retton on skates. Not particularly graceful though - and I can't think of a Clay Christmas song that lends itself to power skating. I'd like to see her skate to Billy Idol though. The pink feathers were cheesy though.

Next is a girl named Karen (she spells it wrong though). Hmmm. Should have let Suraya-something skate to Carol of the Bells (though I didn't like this rendition either - they should have gotten the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Vegas is fairly close to Utah, isn't it?) - the staccato attack would have worked better with the power - and Karen just seemed weak.

Hey! I read the boards! I get to criticize stuff I know absolutely nothing about!

Ok, I'm annoyed at the French Canadian couple choice of O Holy Night because Clay's not singing. And I can see up the girl's nose at the end of the routine.

Yuka something's skating is good - her music just sucks.

This all makes perfect sense to me, KAndre.

Oh, and Perma?

I do have to say that I will always, always have a very soft spot in my heart for the JNT06. After that really difficult year, he came out there and let us all know that he had not knuckled under. He had not been crushed or defeated or diminished in any way. He came out singing. He came out snarking. He helped us all find our laughter and joy again. And at the Long Island concert he showed more professionalism, grit and determination than I have ever before seen in a performer, and I don't expect to see it's like again.

God, yes. I was in Long Island and I'll never forget it. I'll NEVER forget DSIAFCD and AIW. Never. WOnder what some posters might say if THAT had been televised?

"God, he looked like he was going to hurl! Couldn't they have made his complexion have more color? Glasses? WTF? That hair looks like Prince Valiant. How the hell is he supposed to gain fans if he's just going to sit there on his ass the whole time instead of walk around? Ok...so here he has this great marketing opportunity and he blows it by not showing his cute ass in those pants. I give up."

:wordpooper::AddEmoticons04212: :thsigns053: :whatever::badmood: :whatutterclaptrap:

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I've enjoyed catching up, another good day of conversation here at FCA, and no posters were injured in the process.

I come asking IPod questions again:

I'm making my Clay playlist and right now am just working on audio files, Itunes doesn't seem to recogize the concert files or a few other things like POYB, any ideas?? :fncomputer:

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Ah, Shae lynn is back.

This explains much. This is apparently the skank part of the program. And Clay apparently felt they were lacking in the boobage department for true skankaliciousness.

Is Shae Lynn really a good skater? Am I missing something?

Even good music couldn't make this better for me.

Thank goodness, we've gone back to the pretty - Clay and Sasha. Sasha need light pantyhose though. She's not as pasty as my boyfriend, but she's definitely not tan.

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KAndre, loving your KlAck of the skating show! :clap:
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Ah, Shae lynn is back.

This explains much. This is apparently the skank part of the program. And Clay apparently felt they were lacking in the boobage department for true skankaliciousness.

Is Shae Lynn really a good skater? Am I missing something?

Even good music couldn't make this better for me.

KAndre, I'm sure one of our Canadian skating fans could answer this a little better than I, she is a former World Champion Ice Dancer and she and her former partner parted ways. If you could watch her and imagine a guy behind her doing the same move maybe it wouldn't look so awkward. They really were wonderful to watch together.

Your skate by skate coverage has been great :cryingwlaughter:

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Wondered when Phillipe jumped "onto" that poor woman if she was a Claymate. I always thought Phillipe was lots of fun to watch, but let's face it, folks--He ain't no Clay Aiken.

I know I am perseverating about this GD flap business--but I just went back and watched the part where Sasha handed him the skates. When he is walking off with skates in hand, it sure looks like the flap is clipped and flapping as it should be. Check it out for me--will you please. I just will not be able to sleep until this gets resolved. Lawd Jesus--I cannot believe I am rewatching a beautiful skating show and looking at a jacket flap!

(Funny--this whole unclipped jacket flap debacle reminds me of some advice my mom once gave me. She said when you buy pants with side pockets to stich the pockets closed. Then they don't gap open and the pants kind of hold in your stomach. It actually works. Only problem is--then you have no place to put your kleenix!)

Loved the Clay-Sasha video (Clasha). The chemistry was great just like with Tyra. Actually, there is always great chemistry when Clay is around women. Only time there wasn't was when he was with Miss Princess Ripa. So, do you think Sasha Googled Clay after the show?

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Have I mentioned how distracting Boitano's little soul patch is? Has someone told him that is so like the nineties?

Thanks, atinal - all I knew is that something wasn't there - someone needs to explain to Shaelynn that apparently feminism isn't for everyone - she clearly needs a man. She just can't have Clay.

oooo, my boyfriend is inviting me to do him for New Year's!

It seems weird to have the two pairs do stuff while Yuka and what'shisname just stand there.

Hey! Where did Suraya-something go?

Man, those skates are FREAKISHLY huge!

That's hot.

Seriously hot.

What, y'all knew I was shallow.

Oh, the French are skating together. How nationalistic! They look like serious power skaters.

Clay looks like he's surrounded by the 7 dwarfs!

My boyfriend is cute, y'all.

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KAndre, I am LMAO here as I read your posts. I'm a big skating fan and you are doing a fine job. Thank you for the much needed laughs.

Sasha and Clay were just adorable together and I think she really did like him. :D

She told him he was cute after complimenting his watch and tie.

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I think KAndre's skating commentary is a lot more interesting and to the point than listening to ol' Dick Button natter on and on about triple axles and whatnot.


I forgot to snag this pic last time it was posted at CV. laughn and I actually drove by Waldo Stadium several times while we were in Kalamazoo and I giggled like a twelve-year-old every time. Unfortunately, the lovely Clay banner is photoshopped ....


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KAndre, I am LMAO here as I read your posts. I'm a big skating fan and you are doing a fine job. Thank you for the much needed laughs.

Me, too :cryingwlaughter: , big skating fan, and I think you're right on, KAndre.

Yep, Shae Lynn is a very successful skater, but her specialty is Ice Dancing, which is very different from singles skating, so it's kind of odd to see her routines now. She and Viktor Kratz were great together as amateurs. Did you notice Clay rubbing his hands together as if she were a treat at the end of her performance after she hugged him, yet again?

He sure got some great attention in that show. I think it was a great opportunity for him, and he performed beautifully.

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