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American Idol 7


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Like I've always said, Clay has had a better career than 99% of the musicians out there - and I am saying now, has a better relationship with his label than most artists...the music BUSINESS is tough.

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Michael Johns Singing Dream on - I really never liked anyone who covered this song- I thought it sucked, but others probably will like it. I really hate screetching. Many Randy wants to push him into the R&B box. Michael Talking back to Randy. I love when Randy says with all the songs youhad to pick from - I say What 12 songs??? Paula loves it - well, he is cute,which she does mention, not a good sign. Simon,..... Calls him on impersonating a rock stah, wanna be ish.

Syeesha in second spot and jason in 3rd - sucker positions.....I believe by Fantasia - isn'tthere a rule about never singing the song of another idol, you won't do it as well? It was a coronations song (albeit written by Tamyra) and by their defintiion don't they suck? I don't see the challenge, she has a choir, doen't sing exactly like Fantasia, slight ly more "broadway" tone. Heh. No yeah. Not as emotional as Fantasia. One heck of a glory note though. Randy - well Fantasia was better- heh called it.

Jason is singing Somewhere over the Rainbow - in Brother IZ style. Let's see. The song worked for others, not for Tamyra though. Oh No - he is uking the song - no no no.... My dad played a Uke a bit when I was very little. His voice is OK, that song is not dragging, but whoa, this could be his week. They will kill him. Well, Randy loves him, Paula loves him. Simon - duh duh da dum... said fantastic - still could be his week ifothers are a square as me. I will say this, he did take a big chance on this song.

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I'm just bleh on everyone so far.

In Kristi's pre-sing thingie, her eyes looked like two black holes in her head. And I didn't like the squat while she sang. Song was OK. Liked the lyrics. Be sort of funny if she left singing "If they don't remember what you sang, sing it anyway"

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Krusty the clown - I mean Kristy Lee Cook is next vibrato ringing - And no matter how much I want her to stop, she is singing "Anyway".

Randy, pitchy, but he loved it anyway - If you wear sparkly tops, youi can sing badly anyway. paula loved it. Simon - not so much. Talking about song choices again. but he thought she was very good, looks like a star. Pfft - liars. and Sparkly tops....

David Cook singing Innocent. Wheee, he is wearing a "Monkees" coat. Not my favorite song, I must not like good music. Oh, I was forgetting to watchthe lighting - blue and red lights and audience and the little message on his palm. Randy - not your best week. - he must be doing too well in the votes. Paula talks about everything except what he did. Simon didn't like this performance thought it was pompus, didn't like jacket -Hee, he is a bit consumed by clothes isn't he? Geez, this is the harshest I heard him talk to Paula - he told her to Calm down, much like Herbert's father tells the orchestra leader NO!

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Oh, man. I HATED everything about David Cook's performance. The song, oh lord, especially whatever the hell he did to his voice at the beginning, his stance, the stupid writing on his hand. Just hated it.

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Carly - singing Queen "The Show Must Go On" Pitchy to me, she did the proper rock stah stance, but still sleeveless. Randy depimping. He did not like it so much, Paula didn't feel the connection. Well., welcome to what the rest of the audience has been saying. Simon thought she looked good and he felt it was oversinging. He said ti was an angry performance, which I can really agree with. She must not be doing well in the vote, they need to pimp the voters.

So David A gets the pimp spot again, must abe a record number of times while otheres are not geting near it.

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WOW...David C...really BAAAAAAD.

Bad choice of song cos his voice cannot handle the deepness of the original. He was all over the place with this one. It was pretty bad karaoke...and really cheesy with the stupid hand thing...was sooo pretentious.

I love that version of Somewhere over the Rainbow. thats my second favorite nest to Eva cassidy's.HE really did it well though and I felt his emotions while singing it and he was just sooo sincere. But I was sure the zero trio would hate it...and I was shocked that they GOT IT !!! OMG!!! Even Simon??? But I love that...I was hoping he would do What a wonderful world...

I thought Sayesha was stupid doing the Fantasia song...she was surely going to be compared and she was no where near the emotion and passion that Fantasia can do.

Krsity Lee...actually wasn;t bad...but she should go home.

Oh so David A is on the piano...no...and he is pitchy and if Randy does not call him on this...wellll.

I agree with the zero trio about carly...why was she angry and no comparison with Freddy.

Oh David...his quiet moments is sooo airy and pitchy...not very good for me...and I bet they will be loving it...

ahhh at least Simons mentioned the pitchiness and airiness...I do agree, I like this song and interesting it didn;t do that well here. I think this is a Robbie Williams song? He really has a hard time in the US...

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David A = Angels He seems to look better when he doesn't have to look at the audience. When they looked down on the piano, I am so bad, I watched his hands and he is not playing alot of notes. I guess they wanted him to concentrate on singing. he sang well, but there is something I just don't like about his voice, bad me. He did miss a few notes, not that the judges will mention it. Wring, they picked up on the nasal, but they predict great forture for him. of course because he is jsut the most wonderfullest.

And wrong I was, Brooke has the pimp spot.

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<sigh> Just don't like David A. And his voice was raspy and pitchy and little nasally tonight, and not in a good way. And I didn't see the point of the piano, I could barely hear it.

Bleh to everyone!

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So David A gets the pimp spot again, must abe a record number of times while otheres are not geting near it.

Nope Brooke gets it...I am a bit disappointed she is doing Carol King...pretty predictable...but lets see.

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Brooke, Brooke, didn't you check the lists taht Clay has sung and you better not tgry?

Sorry, I can't forget the kind of friend Clay and Angela used to indicate while singing this song. Life is too short.

Not so great, sorry. I guess this is the way to make sure Syeesha leaves before her. The judges kind of like it. If she wasn't in the pimp spot, she would be gone.

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<sigh> Just don't like David A. And his voice was raspy and pitchy and little nasally tonight, and not in a good way. And I didn't see the point of the piano, I could barely hear it.

Bleh to everyone!


Brooke...sounding too close to original...and she seems nervous...

let see if they like this.

yeah...I wish she didn;t sing something sooooo predictable. but she was pleasant.

oh I forgot about Micheal Johns...he really isn;t the kind of rocker to pull that song off...he really seem a poser

oush sayesha sounded bad on the review...

I actually feel Jason did the best for me...He is really becoming my favorite...I listened to his original songs...I downloaded them.

I really don't like David A.s voice. Does not have a smooth quality to me...

this was a very uninspirational night...BLECH

not really intersted in IGB

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oh I forgot about Micheal Johns...he really isn;t the kind of rocker to pull that song off...he really seem a poser

I agree, although I didn't think he was too bad tonight. He's sooooooo easy to look at!

I thought Jason was the best tonight.

Thought Kristy was surprisingly good, for her.

Syesha is trying too hard to fit into the diva mold & I think it's backfiring on her.

David A. I usually like, but he didn't do it for me tonight.

David C..... um.... wow - and not in a good way.

Not crazy about Brooke or Carly.

this was a very uninspirational night...BLECH

Yep, that sums it up well for me, too.

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I have not watched this year, beyond a couple of the auditions. However, I tuned in last night. I wanted to hear what all the fuss was about over the 17 year old kid David. I have heard so much about him from others. While he was good, sweet, and endearing, my pick is Jason as the one to win. He has a distinct look and sound and stands out. I've never heard that tired old song sung better in my life. And that is a long time people.

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I've never heard that tired old song sung better in my life.

Well, Iz still owns (and created) that version, for me.

Did they credit Iz for the arrangement?


I still prefer Jason's singing of it, over Iz's.

Oh, I was just expressing my own preference, it never occurred to me that you would change yours :-)

I am just happy about Iz getting credit.

For me, Jason was just karaoke since he went ahead and copied the ukelele too.

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oh I forgot about Micheal Johns...he really isn;t the kind of rocker to pull that song off...he really seem a poser

I agree, although I didn't think he was too bad tonight. He's sooooooo easy to look at!

I thought Jason was the best tonight.

Thought Kristy was surprisingly good, for her.

Syesha is trying too hard to fit into the diva mold & I think it's backfiring on her.

David A. I usually like, but he didn't do it for me tonight.

David C..... um.... wow - and not in a good way.

Not crazy about Brooke or Carly.

this was a very uninspirational night...BLECH

Yep, that sums it up well for me, too.

So much of annabear's impressions were mine that I just copied them...heh. When they announced that Brooke was going to sing Carole King, I actually said out loud, "Well, of COURSE she is!" I'm really ready for her to go home if for no other reason that I find her BORRRRR-Ring.

Carly seems so very unsure of what she SHOULD sing, how she SHOULD sing it...and I'm very tired of looking at her arm tattoos (and her husband's all-over tattooed countenance shudder))

And I was absolutely gagging while David Cook was doing whatever he thought he was doing...and sorta threw up a little bit in my mouth when he "showed his hand"---tacky, tacky.

Bottom three for me? David Cook, Brooke and Carly.

Go home? Brooke

I have to go with Jason as my fave from last night. He's consistently who he is, you know? He has a unique charisma and beautiful eyes. (This is starting to sound familiar :unsure: )...and although his voice is ah-ight (tm Randy), it's not strong or particularly inspiring. (Ok...that ended any similarity to another charismatic, true-to-himself singer guy. :cryingwlaughter: )

And as a general comment on the AI show itself? I'm totally turned OFF by all the PROPS these contestants are getting---the big orchestra/band, the huge choral backup groups, the flashy set and all the "Pass Go" cards (IMO) they offer. Hell, a LOT of people can sound decent with all that professional armor around them. I'll take a solitary person on a bare stage singing into a microphone as my way of checking out someone's 'star' quality.

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All they seem to need to give the contestants is more rehearsal time.

Ok, I am going out to supposition and rumor and gossip time here. Since they stopped living in a mansion (season 3, early - rats, were the problem) and moved them into 4 people apartments, there seems to be more disjointedness. I here that some contestants go out in the evening to visit people and/or to party. One (just one) year there were rumors about partying too much with drugs and alcohol. Last year there was visiting friends in the evening (going out on a school night kind of rumor), this year, so far, one contestant had gone alone to visit friends in LA. They seem to have a lot more freedom and, at the same time, seem more unprepared for the show. It is odd, because this is the way that a Corey like rumor could have really thrived.

On the other hand, besides recording their little music to practice for the show, for the last two years they each have to record a full studio song every week! This week they had to rehearse and perform two group songs for IGB. This year people (not including David A) there are rumors ab out limited song choice and access. Just maybe they did not have enough time to rehearse.

What ever it is, the producers do not seem to be putting the emphasis on the show, as much as they are trying to focus on past idols, they can't even understand that people have to be able to sing well to hold interest. They really don't know what this show is all about.

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And as a general comment on the AI show itself? I'm totally turned OFF by all the PROPS these contestants are getting---the big orchestra/band, the huge choral backup groups, the flashy set and all the "Pass Go" cards (IMO) they offer. Hell, a LOT of people can sound decent with all that professional armor around them. I'll take a solitary person on a bare stage singing into a microphone as my way of checking out someone's 'star' quality.

What ever it is, the producers do not seem to be putting the emphasis on the show, as much as they are trying to focus on past idols, they can't even understand that people have to be able to sing well to hold interest. They really don't know what this show is all about.

I agree with both of these statements.

For me, there is way too little consistency from week to week, both in performances and in styles. If these people are serious about singing, I think they should already know for the most part who they are musically. The 3 stooges don't need to be pointing that out every other week in between telling them that they need to break out of their molds and try something different. :rolleyes: I also think that when they get to this point, we shouldn't be wondering if every performance is going to be a train wreck. The mark of a true performer is knowing their voice and working it to their advantage. Like someone we all know and love....

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WTH happened this week??? :blink: I just tuned in at the very end last night & I couldn't believe Michael Johns was standing there on the stage with Ruben's CMH playing in the background! :huh:

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