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American Idol 7


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Missed David, Holey Moses - they amde him sing first? What is this world coming to?

Carley seemed to be singing as if she was fighting with the melody to my ears. There was something off, maybe she was trying to make it her own,didn't pull it off.

Syeesha,I didn't know the song, but it sounded off key to me. i know it was amazing to sing like a note only dogs could hear, but did the viewers?

Kristy sings the melody, so maybe that is what it going on. still don't like her voice.

Paula! geeze? What the heck is that, Mariah denies her age, much like you, Paula. How could you say she can now leave it to a younger genreation? rude!!! Doen't expect to be invited to Mariah's birthday party.

So they thought David coul survive going first, thenthey speak all the girls in a row sothey will be forgettable? guess they want a girl gone. Interesting how Simon seems to have soured on Carly.

Oops, forgot Brooke - did she really sing, I was sitting on the couch and she just passed right without me noticing.

Well, well, well, the first standing O of the season. I don't think there were any last year.

I see his dying brother is in the audience. No wonder he is so happy, how nice for his family for him to be there when he gets somuch praise. I wonder if the media will cover his brother a lot tomorrow.

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I'll be damned....a song I'm willing to pull off iTunes. David Cook ran with "Always Be My Baby". Say what you want about Mariah - she in general has almost always had a GREAT grasp of the commercial, and as a songwriter, her eyes fuckin' lit up. That was good. That was real good. I think the studio version will be kickass, clean up some of the rough edges...

From the sublime to the horrible - Jason doesn't seem to have the musicality of Cook - that arrangement was HORRIBLE. Really, really horrible. And some of those notes were a sin and a shame. He just kicked "I Don't Wanna Cry" in a bad way.

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I guess I go against the grain. I did not enjoy David C. I did not like it to about half way through. Then the backup singers came in and the band was adding alot. I usually like him, but the song did nothing for me.

I also did not like Jason version. Sometimes he sounds good other times not. He is so cute, but vocally does not have it.

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Hee KANdre I will have to disagree with you on Jason. surprise!!! I really liked that. Maybe its good that I don't know that song originally but I thought he really made it his own. I thought the arrangement is truly cool and I wouldn't have thought that was a Mariah song. I can't wait to download that.

I did like David and Jason the best. I like the fact they got a mariah song and rearranged it. Yup Mariah is a good song writer if she made both songs and they stood up to different musical styles.

I think you need to like Jason style to appreciate him cos its not really the vocals but how he connects with the song and express it. I was not surprised that Randy didn;t like the arrangement...that was pretty far from his usual production.

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At this point the test really for me is what performance do I want to see again or DL. SO far I have DL all of Jasons songs cos he sounds great on a recording. Tonight its David C and Jason for me.

I think...as sad as it makes me...Brooke is not holding up to this competition. I don;t think she is adjusting to the different styles as well as Jason and David C. I will not be surprised if she goes tonight. She had the worse performance. Her nerves got the better of her and her playing and singing was just terrible.

ah...I think thats why David was crying...his brother was there when he did so well.

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I'm not sure how well it translates - because I know the songs both David C and Jason really, really well - and Jason's to me was just enough like to sound really, really off...it just sounded to me like he lost his place. And you have to be really SUPER good for me to ignore the vocals - and Jason would probably only sound decent to me somewhere in the Caribbean after I had had many, MANY colorful fruity drinks.

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I wasn't impressed with any of them, but I think I figured out what went wrong with Carly. She got behind the music and never caught up. I didn't know Dave C's song, but he sang it confidently and that does buy some points from the viewers. Jason sounded like a lot of other Jason's songs.

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I'm not sure how well it translates - because I know the songs both David C and Jason really, really well - and Jason's to me was just enough like to sound really, really off...it just sounded to me like he lost his place. And you have to be really SUPER good for me to ignore the vocals - and Jason would probably only sound decent to me somewhere in the Caribbean after I had had many, MANY colorful fruity drinks.


I was a bit worried by your reaction about how others liked Jason so I checked other boards and so far so good for him. I think Jason and David impressed with their new arrangement. I was surprised to find a lot of people still liked Brooke. I wonder if she can be saved tonight.

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Of course, it probably doesn't help that at every commercial break I'm winnowing through the NAT for my Ozzie minions buds! Vocals, breath control, lack of visible nerves and camera awareness fall WAY short for many...

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Of course, it probably doesn't help that at every commercial break I'm winnowing through the NAT for my Ozzie minions buds! Vocals, breath control, lack of visible nerves and camera awareness fall WAY short for many...

yeah this is what I find troubling about David A. he just seems soo young and nervous and green when he is not singing. I alos think his voice often lask breath support. I really don;t get the "pure" tones that people are hearing. I guess after Clay's pure tones Its hard for me to get impressed. David A can sing well...but I don;t find his voice all that unique and compelling. Don't even find him attractive.

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Of course, it probably doesn't help that at every commercial break I'm winnowing through the NAT for my Ozzie minions buds! Vocals, breath control, lack of visible nerves and camera awareness fall WAY short for many...

BWAH - yeah, Clay could always find the camera in the crowd ANYWHERE!

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Even more important, he knew when to STOP looking at the damn thing - I swear, Syesha did at least 270 degrees tonight!

OMG yeah this is one of the things I hate about Sayesha...she does not have good Camera technique!!! I noticed this another week. wasn;t really watching her so I didn't see her do it again.

To me the ones that seem so natural and cool on stage is David C and Jason. David A looks over anxious...Brooke is starting to lose confidence...Carly looks desperate...Kristy looks constipated...and Sayesha looks over confident.

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Playbiller, it's ME, I'm the one shocked that Michael was voted out last week. He won me over with Across the Universe. There were about five others I would have voted off before him.

Syesha tonight was the most horrible, to my ears. She was wandering around the musical scale in a vain search for a melody. She hit the big notes, but it was all those other notes in between that became dissonant to me. I've never heard that song before, and if that's really the way it goes, then she still messed up by picking a crummy song.

But, poor Carly suffered most tonight. Without You can separate singers, and she did not make the cut. When she was trying to affect some big moment at the climax, well, hearing her attempting "I can't give, I can't give anymore" made me shake my head and say, Unfortunately, honey, you really can't. She had the range, she doesn't create a force with a rich tone at that range (contrast Clay Aiken). Overall, it was weak and could doom her.

I agree with the growing consensus on David A. The kid can sing, but watching him sing sometimes makes me feel totally detached. He has no magnetism. Not for me, at least.

I don't get the big deal about Jason. He can never follow through with his notes and stay on key. Whatever his appeal, it escapes me. I understand he's popular, so with the glowing comments from the judges (i.e., they view him as marketable) he'll likely stay safe.

Brooke is someone I've tried to like, and start out liking most weeks, but she always loses me somewhere before the end of the song. Always. There's something almost too needy about her performances that make me uncomfortable. And the girl has no obvious talent at the piano. I just don't know why she continues to expose her extreme limitations that way.

Kristy Lee Cook I really liked tonight for the first time ever. I don't hide my general aversion to country music, but she sang this song with power and conviction -- and she stayed on key. She really has a strong voice within her range.

David Cook stole the show. He was amazing tonight. I'll buy that song. If tonight is any indication of what he's capable of, he could kill Daughtry's career. He's a much better singer, and a more compelling performer. And he's likeable.

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was watching Jason and Davids performance on you tube...and I am still very impressed by both of them. They both showed such confidence and were very comfortable with their skin. Very different styles...the Rocker and the mellow out dude. I think Jason captures that singer/songwriter style that is so popular in pop music now. It is not really about the vocals but the feelings behind the song and the song and production.

I agree..for me David is a better rocker than Daughtry. I really liked Chris in the beginning but he was not able to show too much versatility and musicality is rather limited to shouting out every song. I think David is much much more authentic than Daughtry and I am looking forward to his CD.

So I am happy cos I think I will have lots of space in my ipod for Clay, Jason and David..three very different artists.

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Just listened to Clays Without you...live and recorded....and he was giving that song his all...he stuck to a classic arrangement and just sang his heart out...that was what Carly lacked. She was holding back and it was sooo obvious.

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David A---same ole' same ole'...nice voice, but I'll wait til he matures a bit before I buy anything. He makes ME uncomfortable because HE seems so uncomfortable.

Carly--ouch. Just ouch. Screaming does NOT equal emoting. I really think that instead of getting better and showing what she's got each week, she's become less polished and has revealed what she's missing.

Sayesha---she hit some clunkers, but then the odds were against her since she did so many runs...I thought she did well, actually. But she doesn't 'connect' with me, you know?

Brooke---It's really past time for Brooke to go home. You know, my boyfriend before my now hubby played guitar and often he and I would sit around and I'd sing as he played. Sorry, Brooke, but I'd compete with you--maybe I wouldn't win, but you wouldn't slaughter me, either.

Kristy--I actually thought she did well (for her)...She had more confidence and picked a good song for her abilities.

David C---I guess I'm going to have to listen to this again because I just didn't hear all the WOW...I heard some questionable notes and...I actually like David fine, but this one escaped me.

Jason--I think he's a cutie....and I like the unique things about him. Even the way he sometimes cuts off the notes...He's no Clay, fo' sho', and his vocals ARE weak, but there's just something....

I vote for Brooke to go...but if it's Carly I won't be disappointed either. heh.

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If they never do another Mariah Carey night on AI it is all right by me! While some did do mighty fine jobs...a whole show of slooooooooow songs just about did me in! Good lord that was boring!

And does anyone else get squicked out by David A's speaking voice? And how come they didn't yell at him for being so frickin' predictable?! E.V.E.R.Y.B.O.D.Y. knew he would sing that song....or something as close to it as he could get. EEEEEEEE'NUFF of the inspirational songs little man.

I'm ready for Carly to go home.

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Hmmmm, I think one of the problems with a competition like this that, honestly, if you want to show serious no holds barred vocal talent, ballads (or sloooooooow songs) generally are considered by singers the best way to show off their vocal chops. And too many of these singers don't have the vocal chops. I know personally I would have just as hard a time sitting through a number of badly done uptempo numbers as well. And I don't tend to associate bouncy dance mixes with "OMG! That's was incredible", which I think some of these people need to shoot for because very little is actually distinguishing them from any other wannabes; really, you can cover a lot of flaws with a bouncy melody, move quicker past your mistakes in an uptempo number. But I don't think "Man! Those are some killer vocals on Fantasy (except for those dolphin noises!) or Emotion (except for those dolphin noises!)!", I think "Man! I can really shake my butt to that song!"

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Oh goody - I found this thread!

David A - there is something "off" about this guy. Can't put my finger on it. I think he has a very nice voice but I can't watch him sing, walk, or talk.

Carly - never cared much for her. The tattoes kind of squick me out, for one thing, but I just wasn't getting all het up about her ever. And I don't think she did Without You justice.....she doesn't have the range or the power that someone we know has. Nice bar singer!

Syesha - reminds me of the time I saw Whitney in concert. Blechhh. Just sing the damn song and forget the vocal gymnastics...they're boring! I think there are hundreds of girls just like her with voices that are just the same. Nothing special (that was my best Simon impersonation...)

Brooke - nice lady. Pleasant voice. Would like to hire her as a nanny if I had little kids. But I agree - it's time to go.

Kristy - I actually think she's alot better than Simon, et.al. have made her out to be. She's got a great country voice. But it's very clear they don't want her on the show much longer.

David C - I REALLY REALLY like him. He doesn't have the unbounded ego of Daughtry and has a much better range and voice. But, that song last night didn't do much for me - maybe because it didn't sound familiar or...I don't know! I do hope he wins though. I like the fact he isn't doing cooky-cutter stuff. And I got all schmoopie when he cried at the end. Was that his brother in the audience?

Jason - again, I really like this guy but I'm not sure he has the vocal chops to win the competition. And I agree with Pauler - I would love to sit on a beach and listen to him sing and play. I can see him in small venues or comfie bars just singing his heart out. Not sure how marketable he would be as a recording artist though....but then, I have no clue about marketing a recording artist! I think his looks )which are different) and his shyness (which I think is genuine) and his "what the heck" attitude are keeping the girls voting for him.....

I think the bottom three tonite are going to be: Brooke, Carly and Kristy!

And....some more two cents....I don't care for these theme nights. I think they're pretty pointless. Why should a good singer be able to sing all these different genres? Why not let these people sing what they want to sing - or have theme nights like: ballads, rock and roll, country, up-tempo. They only give them a narrow list of songs to sing and then ding them for their song choice!!! Stupid.

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I'll up your two cents to a nickel!

I would rather they have broader themes like you're suggesting - but I think the themes do provide a point of direct comparison. Also, I think if you are a really good singer with great basic singing talent - you really can handle different genres while making them your own. I like artists throwing a curve ball every so often - and the really great artists get inspiration from a ton of sources - one of the reasons I love Paul Simon. If you can't sing without a country twang or gospel inflections or a rock growl - you can't sing.

Whitney - vocal gymnastics not withstanding - really could just sing, from gospel to opera to an upbeat dance number - (and the vocal gymnastics - just like the Olympic kind, can be very entertaining if done right, and if you like that stuff. If I never hear a guy or a girl whining monotonously while plinking at a guitar or piano, it'll be too soon. There's not enough beach in this world to keep me listening to Jason or Brooke. Now, they are boring to me.) Freddie Mercury (who also loved to indulge in gymnastics) was a great vocalist. Nat King Cole. Luciano Pavarotti. Roy Orbison. George Michael. Celine Dion. Art Garfunkle. Of course, I tend to be prejudiced to those pure of tone, so most rock vocalists (except for Freddie Mercury and David Bowie) don't quite make the cut of great vocalists - but the best of them have something.

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To me the themes is just something to challenge the contestants. How will a rocker and a mellow out dude and a folk singer handle Mariah. I guess its really a way to make things inteesting to the audience. Has nothing to do with their careers afterwards...all about ratings.

I am actually enjoying this group I think I have more favorites here than any other season except AI2 and the first time I really anticipate the shows since AI2. I always look forward to what Jason, David C and Brooke will do. I really liked Ramielle...I think she has potential...just needs to mature more and Chikizie was a hoot when he was still here. I really don;t care about the winners because I think David C, Brooke and Jason can have a good music career after this. I am curious to see if the TOC David A will actually win.

Jason definitely has a future in pop music. His music is pretty similar to a lot of music my kids listen to. He fits in the singer song writer box that are similar to John Mayer, Jason Mraz, John ondrasik, Ben Folds. The same with Brooke. I heard one of her original songs Free and reminds me of the Bubble song so she is very marketable too. The most marketable of course is David C.

Actually I think they may have a problem with David A. Yes he seem to fit the Hannah Montana crowd...in looks. But his singing style seem a bit old. He does not do well with fast songs. I dont know if he can find a good ballad song that will be a hit with the preteen crowd so they may have a dilemma with him. With the preteen crowd great vocals is not a pre-requisite. I mean Zac Efron is not a vocal powerhouse.

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