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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Am I the only one who finds it interesting that they didn't give this person a gender?

Nope you aren't the only one. None of these articles mess with my emotions. OK pfft. Who cares what they have to say about it. Their so called source could be anybody so won't be suprised or shocked by any dropping shoe.

Lots of good posts today.

Skybar thanks for your perspective as a therapist.

Claygasm and AIKim, I'm pretty much where you are.

I guess I realized a long time ago that Clay was a lightening rod in the media. I think I'm more surprised by things that don't get blown up. You just never know although the urges thing was pretty easy to guess.

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Here's the pic they used:


YUMMY! My favorite look EVER!!!

Oh, I love this look, too. Which is why I had to post it. At least they used a good pic for the article about the article! :)

Am I the only one who finds it interesting that they didn't give this person a gender?

Nope, considering it is OK mag it was the first thing that crossed my mind.

Seriously... Wonder who their "source" is? "Confirmed?" Uh...how? I mean do tell. IM's? Taped phone calls? Pictures? Just how does someone confirm something like that? And industry insider huh? You'd be surprised how that could be twisted to fit someone you wouldn't think of that way. Like some gossips. This is still a tabloid...not buying it.

The people around Clay have been very protective of his privacy. I don't think that's changed.

Well, girls, I've been trying to keep it quiet, and it's been really hard to bite my tongue, but it was little old meeeeee. I don't know how they found out about it, cuz I certainly haven't talked about it until now. We met in LA, and it's true, he was trying to get me to fly home with him, or drive across the country. I can't tell you about any other details, because they're confidential. And juicy. :naughtywag::imgtongue:

And now, for something completely different - a good NJU story from CantGoADayWithoutClay from the CH:

Another whopping NJU story:

Over a month ago I loaned some clack to a guy I work with who mentioned he likes Clay’s music, though he’s not seen him in concert. I brought in some JBT and JNT DVD's for his own enjoyment. He had mentioned to me that he saw the ads for Clay's upcoming stint in Spamalot, and that he would probably get tickets.

Well here’s his email today after seeing Spam on Friday:

I was very impressed with how funny and how well he

fit into a show that has been running for more than 2 years....he has a great future on Broadway

if he wants one....the only complaint I have is that he did not get to use his big voice

much ...I love when he goes full throttle.

My friend who never liked him now loves him because of this show.....(told him so - hahaha)

Loved the show also great fun

I just came back from seeing him -- I went to retrieve my DVD’s which he has now seen (and also enjoyed - I will see to it that he has personal copies for his library). We spent about 25 minutes going over just about every scene Clay was in. He was truly impressed… OVERLY impressed with Clay’s abilities. (He says he considers himself “A Broadway King” - as he has seen just about every show ON Broadway. He saw Young Frankenstein this weekend also, (waves to Diva)and was surprised that after seeing Spamalot, YF was sort of “meh” - the lead had no charisma -- certainly not like Clay (his words not mine) and the whole SpamaCast.

As a matter of fact, when he first recognized Clay in his first scene atop The Tower, he chuckled aloud, realizing that no one around him knew it was Clay. He elbowed his friend, “That’s Clay.” His friend did not believe him. His friend ALSO did not believe how “big” Clay is. heh He was always of the impression that he was a “little guy.” Uh, welcome to our world!

My workmate also said prior to this weekend, his friend only liked Clay’s version of “Solitaire” - but that any other music of Clay’s that he played, he would say, “That’s enough Clay.” And that was that. But now, says my bud, his friend boasts that he is “now a fan.”

Resistance is futile.

p.s. I told my friend, if he wants to hear Clay “full throttle,” he needs to get his ass to a CONCERT! He agreed. Oh, and they're going BACK to see Spamalot a-gain. heee

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Having now googled "Jesse Helms"....I'm with you guys! I doubt it from what I know of Clay. :cryingwlaughter:

BTW....no pins here (stifles big ugly sob.....) but I did receive an invitation to "Snuggle up with Clay Aiken" which I immediately accepted! :hubbahubba:

I have to wonder though....who the hell thought that the "Aiken" needed to be part of that embroidery?? They thought I wouldn't know who they meant unless they added the last name???? :cryingwlaughter:

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Uh....helllooooooooo? :excuseme:

Did no one see a major plot line of the Clyra in that OK Mag's secret source's info? Obviously, my story has reached the hallowed halls of even this illustrious publication.


What's sick is that as soon as I read that OK Mag quote, I could just imagine the spins THAT 'article' will take among both the "Clay is perfect" groupies AND the haters! Oy.

On another note (heh) I read that in a recent show Clay sang the Brother Maynard 'amen' in a scale. Gibby---please suggest to me how he did this...I want him to do that when WE'RE there. :lilredani: or some other type of vocal gymastics....

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Muski, I don't think that the 'amen' was actually sung as a scale. I'm thinking it was probably your typical 'aaaaamen', which in the key of C would be sung as:


Technically, that's not a scale, but is the traditional way an amen would be sung. The person who posted that it was sung as a scale maybe didn't know the difference. Singing it as an actual scale wouldn't have really sounded right, so I think he stuck with tradition, which is what 'Brother Maynard' is all about. IMO, of course!

And yes, he definitely needs to do sing it that way while we're there! Let's let him know, okay? :P

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The monks at the beginning of the show are singing chants, and the interval used in their chant is a minor third. For example, from E flat to C, B flat to G, etc. An amen could be sung that way, although just those notes by themselves wouldn't be very interesting with only 'amen'. It needs more syllables. And it was mentioned that he sung it as a scale, so it's likely there were more notes than there are in the chant.

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And honestly, point that stuck with me after I read the article was that Mary got to go in the bathroom with Clay and he took his clothes off and not a single person her commented on it! What in the world is wrong with this fandom?

Yes - the fact that this was missed by all (including ME!) is unexcusable!!

I read the article this afternoon, I agree with part of it, I also agree that it's a little OTT on using outdated quotes and making a few major assumptions on what Clay "might have said" instead of what he really did say.

I also read all the comments when there were approx 110 of them. What really made me mad was when one comment mentioned Clay having dated a particular person (male) as if it were fact. For one thing, if this was really a friend of Clay's who knew this, I don't think that friend would betray him in that manner. Then in a later post this poster said that it was actually himself, and one of the others called him out for being a particular sludge-like persona - YKW.

I agree that the comments are worse than the article.

I also agree that this is like water off a duck's back.

I love that Clay is getting all kinds of articles written about him, whether they are good or bad, I think it might be good for Spamalot attendance!

I have been in a funk ever since I returned home from seeing two shows last Friday and Saturday. I've been dreaming about the show and hearing the music in my head ever since. Also watching that original cast d/l - in spite of how bad it is. I also d/l'd the original cast music from itunes. I wish they would release a CD of the music with Clay in it.

I snapped out of my funk a little bit last night and made plans (read: bought tickets) to 3 more shows!! I'll see you in the poorhouse sometime in late May!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :cryingwlaughter:

Loved Rvzlady's picture and I'm glad she got to go up there at least once! Just call me Sylvia Finkelstein!! :cryingwlaughter:

Thanks for the cute pins!!! :clap:

ps - if this post doesn't make any sense, it's because I'm a victim of the Aiken Braindrain.

eta: That bit in OK mag - my opinion (which is worth about 2¢) is that they know it's a woman, but wanted to cast more suspicion on the affair by not naming what gender the person was. Just my take!!

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Instead, imagine getting down with him.... :whistling-1:

Now, CG, I KNOW this is a setup because you KNOW my fondness for prepositions.....


And your fondness for a proposition - from the right person.....

Interesting take on the article from OK! Magazine:

But OK! has confirmed that the singer has dated at least one person in the past six months — and that there isn't anything wrong with the Idol alum's sex drive. The source tells OK! that Clay met a special someone who he dated a handful of times last summer when visiting Los Angeles.

The source also reveals to OK! that Clay was so taken with this particular person, he offered to fly them to his home in North Carolina, and was making plans for the two of them to then drive across the country in Aiken's car.

So why would Clay not tell the truth about his love life? "He doesn't like to talk about these things," explains an industry insider. "Saying he doesn't date or have a sex drive is probably his way of trying to end the conversation."

The Clyra, anyone? :whistling-1:

Now I went immediately to the Clelly. I mean she was with him when he played the Greek after all!

Am I the only one who finds it interesting that they didn't give this person a gender?

Wow. I never even noticed that! I just assumed they were referring to someone of the female gender! The fact no specific gender was mentioned never crossed my mind! Do they usually mention a specific gender? I don't know. Seems to me most reading this article would assume female.

Seems to me the only time Clay was in L.A. last summer was when he was touring; so I don't see how he would have had time to date and I don't know how he could drive someone across country when on tour.


Well he was in California awhile (and Kelly was at his concert at the Greek...) :whistling-1:

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Okay, I always feel like a fame-ho when I post something on two different boards, but hey, I thought hard about this post and want to share it here, with those of you who don't venture far from FCA:

merrieeee wrote:

My goodness he is higher on the Daily 10 list than Britney! The guy is a star!!!!

He is like a magnet!

The media coverage from something like this is just amazing, isn’t it? World wars, elections, global warming…and Clay Aiken's urges?! Unreal.

As upset as I was earlier, I’ve come to see this article as just another wave in Clay’s vast ocean. Swelling recklessly, it will inevitably rise, crest, and disperse, rolling away from those impervious broad shoulders…as waves do. Even as this surf surges suddenly against his fine, strong back, I'm finding myself more and more inclined to laugh. He may be leery of the water, but look, he’s braving it anyway, taking “us” with him. He hasn’t succumbed to the waves yet and is not likely to. It’s thrilling, really. An exhilarating lift. A dangerous undertow. After the wave, the trough; after the trough, the wave. Always that mysterious energy buoying him, and “us”, along.

Wiping salty foam from my eyes and sputtering indignantly, I have to laugh.

I mean, really. Wheeee!!!

Naturally, Clay’s detractors are delighted to have fresh material and, oh, boy, the media salivates when he is the hot topic. But I have no control over anything Clay says or over anything said about him. What practical difference can it make to me if any of Levy’s so-called "insights" happen to brush against reality (or just a nerve)? There is more entertainment value in the writer and her zany, sex-centric ideas and perplexing self-expression. There is some prime snark to be mined here! I've been having fun with absurd one-liners all day. Shaking my head over queeny, arched eyebrows and man-voiced happy hicks suppressing the urge to sing honky gospel notes. Weird photograph? Smurf Village? Laughable. So, I laugh.

Ticket sales? Reviews? New album? More challenges? Some may dread the tides and become alarmed when a wave seems threatening. Some shriek and clutch and panic or rage at the wind. Others analyze and calculate wave amplitude and acceleration. A few…well, a few simply savor the pleasing shape of a certain supple spine and lean hips beneath a clinging, damp shirt and soaked jeans. heh

I certainly take perceived insults or damage to Clay very much to heart. Can’t help it. You may have noticed I could not hide my exasperation and outrage last night. But…one thing I admire and enjoy about Clay fans is "our" resilience. That way "we" have of turning the critics’ words back onto them and laughing at the joke they unknowingly present. Of claiming and repackaging and exploiting the critics' hilariously bloated sense of self-importance. Of reducing a noisome, boiling pot of fat-clawed crabs and stinging jellyfish into a tepid, lumpy stew.

Clay's way has ever been one of humor, even about some (to me) very unfunny things. I admit I don't completely enjoy his tendency for deflection in some situations, but laughter can be a useful and appropriate tool.

So, really.

Here’s another wave.

So what.

I’ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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:clap: Indeed, Ms 00lsee! I have shared your dismay over this latest 'wave' of shit media coverage, but this part of your post especially helped me snap out of it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

But…one thing I admire and enjoy about Clay fans is "our" resilience. That way "we" have of turning the critics’ words back onto them and laughing at the joke they unknowingly present. Of claiming and repackaging and exploiting the critics' hilariously bloated sense of self-importance. Of reducing a noisome, boiling pot of fat-clawed crabs and stinging jellyfish into a tepid, lumpy stew.

Clay's way has ever been one of humor, even about some (to me) very unfunny things. I admit I don't completely enjoy his tendency for deflection in some situations, but laughter can be a useful and appropriate tool.

So, really.

Here’s another wave.

So what.

I’ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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broad shoulders

fine, strong back

He hasn’t succumbed to the waves yet and is not likely to. It’s thrilling, really. An exhilarating lift. A dangerous undertow. After the wave, the trough; after the trough, the wave.

Some shriek and clutch

pleasing shape of a certain supple spine and lean hips beneath a clinging, damp shirt and soaked jeans.

Ooooo! I think 00lsee is a close clorn writer!!!

Actually - it was a great post as written. For some reason these phrases just jumped out at me! Maybe I have bee hanging out with my dear muski too long!

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Bravo, OOlsee! Excellent post.

I got my pins today, too! And no postage due. DH and both daughters thought that the pins are really cute, and extremely professionaly done. They asked who had designed them, and I bragged about our talented cindilu2!

ETA: And the banner by cindilu2 is excellent, too!

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Great post 00lsee....

yup...those waves are pesky...but we really just have to expect them to come. What keeps Clay afloat is that his talent is authentic...he has true star power and bizarre articles and haters on the net can;t change that.

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Okay...what's wrong with this list on Newyorkcitytheater.com?


Jonathan Hadary, King Arthur

Hannah Waddingham, Lady of the Lake

Christopher Sieber, Sir Galahad

Michael McGrath, Patsy

Rick Holmes, Sir Lancelot

Clay Aitken, Sir Robin

Jeffrey Kuhn, Sir Bedevere

Tom Deckman, Prince Herbert

How DARE they!!!!!!! :naughtywag:

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I just want to point out that Clay NEVER said, "I have no sex drive and no urges."

There is NO WAY to know if the writer actually used these words in the question or just made them up later. I suspect the latter.

My daughter and I were interviewed once for an article about Mother's Day, and when the article came out, we looked at each other and said, "WHAT??" We didn't say ANYTHING even close to what the article quoted. It made us sound like complete saps (well, it's possible that we ARE, but the writer couldn't have ascertained that from the questions she asked.)

I trust NOTHING unless I hear it come right out of Clay's mouth.

Writing negative crap about Clay is like pissing into the wind. Won't land on Clay.

Wanda.... bolded part (mine) BWAH!!! So true! I just have to get to that place quicker when this stuff happens!

As upset as I was earlier, I’ve come to see this article as just another wave in Clay’s vast ocean. Swelling recklessly, it will inevitably rise, crest, and disperse, rolling away from those impervious broad shoulders…as waves do. Even as this surf surges suddenly against his fine, strong back, I'm finding myself more and more inclined to laugh. He may be leery of the water, but look, he’s braving it anyway, taking “us” with him. He hasn’t succumbed to the waves yet and is not likely to. It’s thrilling, really. An exhilarating lift. A dangerous undertow. After the wave, the trough; after the trough, the wave. Always that mysterious energy buoying him, and “us”, along.

Wiping salty foam from my eyes and sputtering indignantly, I have to laugh.

I mean, really. Wheeee!!!

Naturally, Clay’s detractors are delighted to have fresh material and, oh, boy, the media salivates when he is the hot topic. But I have no control over anything Clay says or over anything said about him. What practical difference can it make to me if any of Levy’s so-called "insights" happen to brush against reality (or just a nerve)? There is more entertainment value in the writer and her zany, sex-centric ideas and perplexing self-expression. There is some prime snark to be mined here! I've been having fun with absurd one-liners all day. Shaking my head over queeny, arched eyebrows and man-voiced happy hicks suppressing the urge to sing honky gospel notes. Weird photograph? Smurf Village? Laughable. So, I laugh.

Ticket sales? Reviews? New album? More challenges? Some may dread the tides and become alarmed when a wave seems threatening. Some shriek and clutch and panic or rage at the wind. Others analyze and calculate wave amplitude and acceleration. A few…well, a few simply savor the pleasing shape of a certain supple spine and lean hips beneath a clinging, damp shirt and soaked jeans. heh

I certainly take perceived insults or damage to Clay very much to heart. Can’t help it. You may have noticed I could not hide my exasperation and outrage last night. But…one thing I admire and enjoy about Clay fans is "our" resilience. That way "we" have of turning the critics’ words back onto them and laughing at the joke they unknowingly present. Of claiming and repackaging and exploiting the critics' hilariously bloated sense of self-importance. Of reducing a noisome, boiling pot of fat-clawed crabs and stinging jellyfish into a tepid, lumpy stew.

Clay's way has ever been one of humor, even about some (to me) very unfunny things. I admit I don't completely enjoy his tendency for deflection in some situations, but laughter can be a useful and appropriate tool.

So, really.

Here’s another wave.

So what.

I’ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

00lsee... AWESOME post! I'm printing that sucker out!!!

cindilu... great banner!

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Marilyon, the picture is a WOW! I mean, he is so freaking CUTE!

How cool is a picture with Clay and Q and A!!! Could you stand it?

Got Spamalot pins today. Yippieeee. Now I just need a place to wear them ... like in New York ... in Three Months??!?!?!?!

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