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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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I hope y'all know that its perfectly ok to share your reaction on the board...whatever they may be. I think the important thing is that we process them and try to move on...and not let the bad ruin the fun and celebration of being a Clayfan.

Yes, and I hope no one took my question as an accusation or a scolding. I just genuinely want to know. I respect the women of this board so I wanted to know the reasons why some react the way they do from women I respect.

Its just the reactions of some the last couple of days has puzzled me. So I had to ask.

And I appreciate all the answers very much. It is very interesting to me to see the different and varied reasons. It helps me understand.

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Each of us responds to information differently. While I was reading that article the other night, I just felt sick. So much of it seemed to be mocking him, his accent, his sincerity, his personna just about everything about him. Like Muski said that night, I too, just felt tired.

When I started reading others reactions, that it wasn't so bad, I started to wonder, what's wrong with me that I feel so down after reading that article. I have been able to let a lot of the crap roll off, but this got to me. I knew there would be fallout.

Like Clay, I was a news junkie for awhile, but based on what I've learned about news since I've been a Clay fan I don't trust any of it anymore. Basic rules of journalism are out the window, gossip sites are now considered reliable sources. It is just one of those things that sets me off. I wish it didn't, but it does.

When the ABC.com article was linked, I had to walk away for awhile. Later I was removing some of my downloads off of my husbands computer and I clicked on a video. I didn't know what it was, there was no sound it was just video, he was entering the arena from the back with thousands. not hundreds but thousands of fans screaming for him. I felt the tears well in my eyes.

He still deserves that.

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Yes, atinal, he does deserve just that.

To me the worst part of that article was how Levy mocked his accent in print. That single thing, alone and unto itself, told me all I needed to know about Ariel Levy and her talent as a writer. I guess she just wasn't able to capture the essence of his conversation without the phonetics. Back to English Comp I for you Ms. Levy....do not pass go.....do not collect $200....do not forget your student loan comes due six months after you graduate. I can't say I was upset by what I read, I think my skin has gotten tougher than it once was. I was mostly disappointed that a four page piece in a supposedly sophisticated publication was wasted at the hands of someone so inept. Someday someone will write another interesting and intelligent piece about Clay Aiken. ****Digs her copy of Elle out of the box for storage and adds it to the "to be shipped" pile.***** In the meantime, I'll enjoy all the good things that being here, in this Clay Aiken place, brings to my life.

And I'll practice my arena scream.

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Each of us responds to information differently. While I was reading that article the other night, I just felt sick. So much of it seemed to be mocking him, his accent, his sincerity, his personna just about everything about him. Like Muski said that night, I too, just felt tired.

When I started reading others reactions, that it wasn't so bad, I started to wonder, what's wrong with me that I feel so down after reading that article. I have been able to let a lot of the crap roll off, but this got to me. I knew there would be fallout.

Like Clay, I was a news junkie for awhile, but based on what I've learned about news since I've been a Clay fan I don't trust any of it anymore. Basic rules of journalism are out the window, gossip sites are now considered reliable sources. It is just one of those things that sets me off. I wish it didn't, but it does.

When the ABC.com article was linked, I had to walk away for awhile. Later I was removing some of my downloads off of my husbands computer and I clicked on a video. I didn't know what it was, there was no sound it was just video, he was entering the arena from the back with thousands. not hundreds but thousands of fans screaming for him. I felt the tears well in my eyes.

He still deserves that.

Yesyesyesyesyes.....I need to WORD this whole thing, atinal. You've captured how I processed this one, too. In fact, I went back to my clack files tonight, too, to watch something reassuring. And there was so much to choose from.

G'night, all... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: Couldn't sleep...came back downstairs....read a book for a while...then, because I was troubled...I watched goldarngirl and luckiest's Best of Houston LAA. So very beautiful.

But too sad.

So I watched Long Island's All Is Well. I was there that night and I'm so glad I was. He was...is...an amazing man.

All Is Well.


I love that man.

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CG, I was at a seminar today about a book I'd read long ago and the reasons I do things or get affected by them was illustrated very clearly.

Can I Do Anything?

My circle of concern consists of all the things that interest me, that affect me, people and things I love or fear or worry about, etc - Clay Aiken, the economy, Clay Aiken, math/science education for girls, Clay Aiken, global warming, Clay Aiken, violence in our society, Clay Aiken, health care, Clay Aiken etc.

My circle of influence consists of the things that I can affect, change, push one way or another, etc. - optimizing my chances of getting to Clay Aiken shows, improving the quality of TV clips, influencing the way people see Clay Aiken fans by not being pushy or demanding or intolerant of other fandoms, choosing whether or not to bring tabloid-reading into my life, etc.

I can choose to focus on my circle of concern, saying things like "X makes me so angry.... If only they would...." and feel like people sh**[tm:cute tower guy] on me all the time -- the victim attitude.

Or I can choose to focus on my circle of influence, addressing the things I can do something about and then reap the benefits of that success.

It's really fun to watch people on a classic item that is NOT within their circle of influence -- a delayed flight. There'll be one person in a rage, taking it out on the airline gate attendant, ranting about how she needs to make sure the plane gets there on time, how important his whatever-event was and "Does she know who he is?!!", etc. Whether or not that particular plane arrived on time was not within the circle of influence of the jerk or the attendant. What was in his circle of influence was how quickly he could get on the next flight and he could affect that by his behavior towards the attendant.

Not focusing on a concern doesn't mean not having an opinion -- some people see me happy most of the time and think it's because I'm either ignorant or delusional. That's inaccurate. I focus on the good and the part of the bad that I can change, then laugh at the part I can't.

While I'm a believer in Margaret Mead's "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has," it takes leadership, planning, well-targeted actions, etc to achieve this. There's a difference between one person watching a TV show and going, "I feel terrible about <world hunger>. This makes me so sad." and another person watching the same show and saying, "I want to do something about <world hunger>. Let's see, I have a band. Maybe we can have a show and donate all the proceeds. I'll talk the local pub into hosting it. (pipe dream: hey, who knows, if we get enough people interested, maybe Mick Jagger'll call me asking to participate and we can move it to the local soccer stadium)"

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You know how Liver's got my nose to the grindstone on Canandaigua, right? :officework:

/JK :)

Hee, yeah I know, mine too! No worries, we appreciate everything you do!

Cool to wake up to recaps this morning. Love hearing about how well you can see him from front orchestra.....wheeeeeeeeeeee! I have row B one night! But I wish they also picked a peasant from the other side of the aisle. My son is excited at the possiblity of being picked, and I don't have the heart to dash his hopes by telling him we aren't on the right side.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Atinal I found your post interesting because I have a different experience; I never get upset about things written about Clay because I know what it is true and I consider the source, most times I just roll my eyes and move on, but sometimes I wonder if I am really an unfeeling person because I don't get upset about things. Reading around the boards the last few days and I was truly like, what am I missing? Because I just didn't see what everyone else was seeing and at some other boards I was made to feel like I was really a bad fan because I wasn't gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair out over this. I always try to come up with logical reasons for things and sometimes that is always not appreciated on the boards.

Oh and the accent thing, well I have seen his accent exaggerated in fan fic many times so I am not sure why this is so different?

95 Days until the Final Night of Spamalot!

97-104 Days to the New CD (still keeping fingers and toes crossed!)

Everyone have a great day!


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Reading around the boards the last few days and I was truly like, what am I missing? Because I just didn't see what everyone else was seeing and at some other boards I was made to feel like I was really a bad fan because I wasn't gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair out over this. I always try to come up with logical reasons for things and sometimes that is always not appreciated on the boards.

Oh and the accent thing, well I have seen his accent exaggerated in fan fic many times so I am not sure why this is so different?

I have not been gnashing my teeth either, but I thought the article was poorly written, agenda laden, probably misrepresented a lot of what Clay said (by taking quotes out of context and the liberal use of ellipses), and was condescending in the use of phonetic spelling. I will not read any fanfic or skit that uses it, either, for the same reason. But I still have managed to take a "hope he's laughing" attitude about it, because it truly was a WTF kind of article.

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I have read all the articles over the last few days and I can say I wish they were not written in the tone they were written in. I believe that woman did not get him. It was a hard article to read and understand were she was coming from. So disjointed. I sometimes wish he would stop putting himself down, but that is him, and I do not think it will stop all together. I think he has a hard time taking compliments. It just amazes me that everything he says makes headlines. Even though this article bothered me and the reactions to it also, I hope he can laugh it off. I know sometimes things probably bother me more than him. I have never responded to anything written about him, I do read the comments. I do not feel he needs us to defend him. He is an intelligent person and can take care of himself.

Got my pins and love them. My friend and I will have to take those and the playbill and imagine we are there.

Cute story, as you know my mother is 86 years old and loves Clay. My sister e-mailed me yesterday and said to have mom show me a picture she gave her. She said her husband was tired of driving around with it in her car, She lives in Kentucky and gave it to another sister who was visiting. I got to my mom's house and looked in the corner of her bedroom and sitting there was a huge poster in carboard, of Clay's album promo for ATDW. I do not know where she got it. My mom looked at me and said, when I am gone it yours. I looked at her and said, that will not be for a long time, so enjoy!!!!

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Oh and the accent thing, well I have seen his accent exaggerated in fan fic many times so I am not sure why this is so different?

The phonetic thing in fan fic and skits also works my last nerve - I think it all sucks. But I have said that before, and so didn't bring it up in reference to that article. At best, it's condescending (ooh, what a cute odd way of speaking instead of normal like meeee!); at worst, it's demeaning (like how the adapter for Gone With the Wind thought Margaret Mitchell had the "best written darkies in all of literature"). That shit pisses me off. No one, and I mean, no one, writes dialect for an "upper class" character. Unless something is totally unintelligible to the readers or unique to the dialect, it's just so fuckin' unnecessary. I try to keep in mind that some mean well, but to me, it says something about their insensitivity. It just does.

gbmifan, I like your mom.

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........., the article was poorly written, agenda laden, ...... misrepresented a lot ......... and was condescending .....

Talk about liberal use of ellipses ... I resemble that remark!! Seriously the edited version of your remarks above pretty clearly condenses my entire opinion of the mainstream media -- print or electronic.

I'm almost to the place with the "news" that if I don't read it in the foreign press, or a blog I trust, I don't believe a word. The American news establishment IS all tabloid all the time. "Monica" was the final confirmation of that ten years ago, and in the past decade it's worsened exponentially.

Does anyone think Clay is singled out for abuse? Well, it's just not true. Yellow journalism is rampant and ugly. We all probably believe something about a celebrity or public figure that is patently false yet settled in the mass consciousness.

The only way to counteract it is to let it go. Pay no attention. Give it no power.

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Hmmm, looks like I've used up my PB bandwidth for the month. Not that I ever post pictures, or anything! Good thing that February is right around the corner.

KF - I agree with this 100%:

Does anyone think Clay is singled out for abuse? Well, it's just not true. Yellow journalism is rampant and ugly. We all probably believe something about a celebrity or public figure that is patently false yet settled in the mass consciousness.

The only way to counteract it is to let it go. Pay no attention. Give it no power.

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........., the article was poorly written, agenda laden, ...... misrepresented a lot ......... and was condescending .....

Talk about liberal use of ellipses ... I resemble that remark!! Seriously the edited version of your remarks above pretty clearly condenses my entire opinion of the mainstream media -- print or electronic.

I'm almost to the place with the "news" that if I don't read it in the foreign press, or a blog I trust, I don't believe a word. The American news establishment IS all tabloid all the time. "Monica" was the final confirmation of that ten years ago, and in the past decade it's worsened exponentially.

Does anyone think Clay is singled out for abuse? Well, it's just not true. Yellow journalism is rampant and ugly. We all probably believe something about a celebrity or public figure that is patently false yet settled in the mass consciousness.

The only way to counteract it is to let it go. Pay no attention. Give it no power.

I agree 100%.

Everything in the media today is shady at best. Like you, I don't believe any of it . It doesn't matter what the topic is. I think everything is "marketed" in a specific way. Sad state of affairs. I highlighted the part I particularly agree with.

It was so nice to read accounts from last night ! I saw Farouche's pictures from the stage door. He looks happy, it warms my heart. What a brave man, he is !

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't have the energy to take every slight to heart. Sure, I wish some things weren't written or said, but, quite frankly, they rarely seem worth the anguish. Clay seems to take things in stride. I wish more fans were able to do so as well.

Amen, Sister Jenna...and in a way, I think that ties into the weariness I've read about. After a while, IMO, a choice should be made, whether to let a poorly written article about Clay, or his fans, or Britney, or Tom Cruise, or anyone in the celebrity spotlight, affect us. It may sound pretty callous of me, but I just can't do that anymore. I don't have time in my life, and there's enough for me to worry about in RL to have this kind of stuff affect me.

Well I'm certainly not fretting about that article nor do I ever defend Clay with comments to articles written. I do, however, admire his strength in dealing with the major fallout from every freakin thing he says and does and so, yes, in that sense, it bothers me that the media went wild with this silly "asexual" crap. It bothers me that anyone in the public eye has to deal with the state of our media and it has much more to do with that than it does with Clay although I care about him. Hopefully he can and will laugh it off. I am even bothered by what the media does to Britney Spears and I don't even like her. It's the principle of it all that bothers me. I tend to have strong feelings about the state of our culture and how the media influences our culture's reality. I don't like what has been done to Clay Aiken by the gossip hungry media because he is not who has been portrayed to be. He does many wonderful deeds and he gets little attention for those but he gets insane attention for putting his foot on an arm rest in a plane. It's absurd.

Totally agree with this. The thing is, I don't think all that many of us had that kind of reactions pre-2003, pre-Clay. Being in this fandom has certainly been an eye-opening experience for so many that way.

Also, I do think this isn't necessarily a new phenomenon, the venue has just changed. If I understand correctly, there's been movie mags and gossip rags out there for much of the past century, and people hungered for that information. What's changed? I think it's the internet -- the ability to spread this kind of information that much more quickly, and without verification. *puts on librarian hat* The problem lies in the critical thinking aspect of this whole thing. People in this day and age tend to pick up and keep the first piece of information they find. I see so many students who use Google, and grabbing the first "hit," even if the information on that web page is crap. They also don't take the time to fully read and try to understand what they find. *librarian hat off* One of the things I've liked about reading these past few days is that more and more fans read it with a critical eye.

And I just got off on a tanget, didn't I?

You know, I do think Clay deserves so, so much. But then...I also think that those of us working people here on this board deserve so much too, and that every human being on earth deserves happiness (even if I don't agree with them), and that everyone deserves the best if they earn it (I know, key phrase there). But, in reality, it just doesn't happen like that. Life frequently sucks. In a way, I despise that I've gotten so cynical, but that's the way it is.

Also...let's take a look at what he's ALREADY gotten. Records that sell millions. A devoted fanbase. A best selling book. A winning appearance on Broadway. A good home in NC. Probably a pretty fantastic apartment in NYC. Friends who support him. A full-time bodyguard who keeps him safe. When I start listing things like that, I realize that him "deserving" things is all rather relative, IMO.

To me the worst part of that article was how Levy mocked his accent in print. That single thing, alone and unto itself, told me all I needed to know about Ariel Levy and her talent as a writer. I guess she just wasn't able to capture the essence of his conversation without the phonetics. Back to English Comp I for you Ms. Levy....do not pass go.....do not collect $200....do not forget your student loan comes due six months after you graduate.

I'll join in on the hating of the accent mocking. To me, that really was the biggest put down in the article.

My opinion of the article has taken some time, and some discussion with Ansa.... I really think that maybe this chick didn't come into the interview with an agenda so much as pre-conceived biases. And, I think that by the end of the article, her biases had changed a bit -- that he's not as dumb as he outwardly (to her) seemed. Also, I got the feeling that while she didn't understand much of him at all (such as focusing on work rather than a romantic relationship), she saw the talent, she saw some of his humor, and she could probably see that he was going to be around for a while in show business.

Not focusing on a concern doesn't mean not having an opinion -- some people see me happy most of the time and think it's because I'm either ignorant or delusional. That's inaccurate. I focus on the good and the part of the bad that I can change, then laugh at the part I can't.

Hey! Scarlett and I are the same person! Except she's cuter and takes way better video. *g*

Cute pic by Shamrock of Clay & Tom Deckman at the stage door on Saturday, when the fans sang Happy Birthday to him. :)


Just wanted to see this picture posted again. It's so cute!

keepingfaith -- :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Didn't we do that little study last year that showed Clay is not the only one who gets crap?

The media is selling what people want. I am always amazed about many people I know who can't deal with complex thoughts because their life is so hectic (and they never heard the stories about K'Andre and airplanes! Hectic?Ha!), so they want to follow Lindsay because it makes them feel superior and because there is good and bad, much like politics has turned into them and us, good and evil. Shades of grey are too complex and require you to think, simple sound bytes are so much easier. Right now, I have kind of OD'ed on politics and can't bear to read it anymore because digging the news out of the pretense is too hard, but I will still go see Hillary tomorrow if I can get tickets just because.

If the media is written with an agenda because people don't care enough to call them on it. it is all too hard.

About the picture above. Shycon on CB said hse has video of the happy birthday singing if she can find a host.

Also, I do think this isn't necessarily a new phenomenon, the venue has just changed. If I understand correctly, there's been movie mags and gossip rags out there for much of the past century, and people hungered for that information. What's changed? I think it's the internet -- the ability to spread this kind of information that much more quickly, and without verification. *puts on librarian hat* The problem lies in the critical thinking aspect of this whole thing. People in this day and age tend to pick up and keep the first piece of information they find. I see so many students who use Google, and grabbing the first "hit," even if the information on that web page is crap. They also don't take the time to fully read and try to understand what they find. *librarian hat off* One of the things I've liked about reading these past few days is that more and more fans read it with a critical eye.

I had to comment on this - there has always been gossip, but these rags were treated as such and were not ever read by respectible people, certainly not quoted in newspapers and on TV. People have had their careers ruined unfairly before for no reason by rags, but they did not have to face the attacks as accepted into common legend (Fatty Arbuckle being the great exception and his notorious parties and alcohol and/or drug use helped cause the attacks, no he did not attack or kill a young woman contrary to common belief that many have since forgotten). The biggest spreader of crap that received respect was rumor monger Drew Pierson who gossiped on politics and was influential because of a regular radio show.

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Does anyone think Clay is singled out for abuse? Well, it's just not true. Yellow journalism is rampant and ugly. We all probably believe something about a celebrity or public figure that is patently false yet settled in the mass consciousness.

I was one who always thought that there must be truth to the "news" - I mean, it's the news! Ha! Being part of this whole experience has made me re-think how I look at any news show. You're right, I'm sure there are several things tucked away in the back of my mind that I heard about someone "famous" and believed - I mean, it was on the news! Again, Ha!

So now I take what I hear, try to determine (if it's worth it) what the agenda is and make up my mind from there. But I definitely look at celebrity/people news with a cynical eye now. And I've listened to the people I work with and how they view what they read/hear from the news. It's quite interesting. Where I can, I play devil's advocate to at least get them thinking about what they're discussing and whether or not it's believable or worth believing. It's not much, but hopefully it gets/keeps them thinking too.

The only way to counteract it is to let it go. Pay no attention. Give it no power.

So very true. I struggled with this two years ago. It hurt to see him hurt and it bothered me that other people would believe the crap. But now, I figure it's his life, his battle if he chooses to fight it, I can only do so much. So I'm here to support him and enjoy the good. And there's lots of good!!

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For me, I'm not sure what causes more of a reation to one article than another, I know this one wasn't the worst. Was it because it came in the midst of all of the joyous fan reports from Spamalot? Was it because quite a few fans were saying things like "I'm glad she called him on that we and us crap" I just don't know.

I think we've (a lot of us) become desensitized to it and I wonder if that is a good thing. I'm not being critical, just asking.

Sadly, a lot of people think if it's written in the paper or in a "reputable" magazine or on a "credible" network it must be factual, because they couldn't print or say it if it wasn't true.

keepingfaith, do I think Clay is the only one this happens to? I'm sure he's not. Since I don't follow other celebrities, I don't know. I know there was a thread here at one time that did a little research on that. I do believe that he gets more than his share of it.

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I am sure Clay is not the only celebrity to get crap written about him, but he sure has his share. I do not know of any other contestant from idol who has had to put up with the amount he has. I feel he is one of the most talented to come from this show yet the press at times seems to ignore that and centers on incidental things that do not have anything to do with the great person or entertainer he is. I have learned to mostly ignore things but it still bothers me at times, especially when some other idols always get great press.

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Sadly, a lot of people think if it's written in the paper or in a "reputable" magazine or on a "credible" network it must be factual, because they couldn't print or say it if it wasn't true.

An unfortunately there are some, like my mother-in-law, who believe that if it's written in The Star, The Enquirer, or the The Globe it has to be true because they couldn't print it if it wasn't. Boggles one's mind, it really does. (I can only confess to this because she's not a blood relative.)

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I am sure Clay is not the only celebrity to get crap written about him, but he sure has his share. I do not know of any other contestant from idol who has had to put up with the amount he has. I feel he is one of the most talented to come from this show yet the press at times seems to ignore that and centers on incidental things that do not have anything to do with the great person or entertainer he is. I have learned to mostly ignore things but it still bothers me at times, especially when some other idols always get great press.

I'm trying to look on the bright side here...because even if other idols get great press, few people seem to really CARE. Clay, on the other hand, gets more than his share of bad press (to the point of seeming persecution sometimes) but he is also so danged interesting that the smallest thing he does is "news". Anybody know about Kelly Clarkson's sex urges? What about the latest Daughtry appearance? Does Carrie Underwood still watch Idol? Anyone care? Bueller? Sure, they sell a lot of cds...and people do turn out to see their appearances. But would a lame article like Levy's even get in the news if it was about anyone but Clay?

There's got to be a pony in here somewhere.

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Sadly, a lot of people think if it's written in the paper or in a "reputable" magazine or on a "credible" network it must be factual, because they couldn't print or say it if it wasn't true.

An unfortunately there are some, like my mother-in-law, who believe that if it's written in The Star, The Enquirer, or the The Globe it has to be true because they couldn't print it if it wasn't. Boggles one's mind, it really does. (I can only confess to this because she's not a blood relative.)

Yeah, Kareneh, I was going to include this in my post as well. It really does boggle the mind.

Ldyj, I agree that the internet has contributed to the problem of the tabloid media, another major influence is the 24 hour cable news networks. They have so much time to fill that they just put everything out there, and what makes it worse is that it is repeated every hour or so. Add to that the fact that they not only use bloggers as sources they actually have them on their shows as contributors or "experts" There is no standard and they use no filter, it's just all put out there.

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