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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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You might want to try the Classics from Houston it was a fun one and we had some great views for the Prince dance etc. thanks to hereforclay58.

How about I try the whole goldarn thing! Seriously, I'm getting it all in my clackstash! I'm so glad this came up tonight because I most obviously was asleep when it first went online!

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Thanks for the links, luckiest1 and chopped liver. I knew your site was out there somewhere, but I hadn't bookmarked before. So sterlingheights is any other sterlingheights footage in sterlingheights line for a "Best of" series? :whistling-1:

Personally, I'm feeling pretty confident that the May timeframe for the CD is going to hold up. We've definitely heard more from Clay himself about this CD than we did about ATDW, and what he's told the M&G'ers and recent interviewers seems pretty consistent and almost all positive. I have a feeling that the recording process is a lot farther along than we might think. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, but the May date would be so perfect, and the Spamalot run seems like it was set up specifically to end at just that time. The ClayNation spies need to track down Jaymes there in NYC and try to squeeze some news out of her. :imgtongue:

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I'm not chopped liver (heh) but we're working on Canandaigua right now, and then I think we are going to do a CITH (Kalamazoo) before we do Sterling Heights. But yeah, how could we NOT do Sterling Heights? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'd love a summer tour (except my Visa wouldn't) but I'm not going to get my hopes up for one. If the CD is on track for May then maybe he will be able to swing one, but I don't blame him for not wanting to commit to something like that at this early stage of the game. I do think we'll get a Christmas tour, though.

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luckiest, thanks for the link to the Houston stuff...I didn't know. I have a Mac and it has its own download manager, so I should be okay downloading more than one at a time, right?

Oh, and I'm going to go with a summer tour, guys. If he's actually been talking about the CD dropping in May, I imagine his team has already started checking out dates at various venues for a tour to promote it. Of course, I'm talkin' out my ass since I know nada about all that stuff. But wouldn't it be absolutely


if we actually got a TOUR?!?!? As in---you know---an announced tour with all the dates and venues in a cool list all at the same time?!?!?!? :lilredani: (muski prepares herself for pigs flying overhead if that were to become reality :unsure: ) I hear that other concert artists have tried that novel approach to marketing a tour; perhaps Clay should try it. :whistling-1:

He could do an August/September tour. Take some time before his November/December holiday tour. He likes to keep busy and with UNICEF, BAF, etc....that should do it.

Muski, I love the way you think! :F_05BL17blowkiss: May I join you in this little fantasy? I know it's not realistic and it may not even be the best thing for his career, but damn I'd love a May CD and summer tour. For totally selfish reasons..

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For purely selfish reasons, I'm good to go with the May release date too. My theory: I've been told that if you tell a goal of yours to someone else, you're more likely to achieve that goal. Maybe that's what Clay's doing in this instance. So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


...I certainly do hope that if something happens, and the release gets postponed...well, I may just hide in a hole for a while. I keep saying over and over again I don't believe this fandom is particularly patient, and I remember all too well the feelings of frustration when no news kept happening over and over again in 2006. (IMO, that was partially what drove the whole speculations about the "terrible relationship between RCA, Clive and Clay; there was no news, so something had to be made up to keep the fandom talking. JMHO.) I hope this time that some have learned to keep some realism in their lives. Yes, even me. *g*

As for the tour -- IF the album comes out in May, I'd like to see it be a very late summer tour; August and September. It's a terrible time for me to be away from work, but if I need to, I'll try my best for it. IMO, this would give Clay time after Spamalot to 1) rest; and 2) promote the album. Then, if he's finished with the tour in Sept., he'll have time for some more rest before the Christmas tour.

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That reminds me: luckiest1 and goldarngirl, weren't you working on a Best of Houston series? Did they ever make it to the respective vaults?

Our Houston set of montages has been available on our site since November. They were sent to the vaults but have yet to be vaulted. If you are going to grab them from our site, please be aware that you need to use a download manager because it is not a dedicated server and the download will most likely stop and start. Once they hit the main vaults, I'll give a heads up here.\

ETA: BWAH! goldarngirl beat me to it. :cryingwlaughter:

I think it's already on my server (thanks chopped liver, hey it rhymes) so if you'd allow me to help with hosting, I can just move it to the public side. Or you both can do it since you have access. (ie. make a folder called "httpdocs/members/goldarngirl&liver_heeihavetopbilling")

Just to clarify, 00lsee, I promised not to host any Spam items so I didn't make a similar offer earlier. Love you for making it, though, and I know a LOT of people appreciate it.

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DepSouthGirl posted this on CH:

I read on another board ...and they have a video.... I can't seem to download it and I hesitate to bring someone else's video over but.....At the stagedoor, Clay was signing Playbills and told someone..."I'll get to you, don't shove it in mah face."

Boyfriend's getting downright assertive.....I love it.

If this is true, I say---YOU GO, CLAY! I'd be perturbed having things flapping around in my face, too! Geeez! I love how he seems to be growing those titanium ones even bigger these days... :hubbahubba:

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I personally hope there is no summer tour. If he has album out in May or June he needs time to promote it properly. ANd squeezing in a tour before Xmas, because you know he is doing that, just seems like to much. I'd rather see him pour everything into album promotion and then tour in 2009. Of course if there is one..I'll be there in a new york minute.

I'd also like to see him hold off on a tour and be able to cover the US and Canada after he promotes it effectively. I really think Clay needs to at least get to some areas of the US that have been ignored and of course I want him to come back to AZ. because I can't travel far to see him. This next CD is going to be an important one for him since he is saying it is what he wants and it will be more representative of him. I want him to take the time he needs to make it all as successful as possible, CD and tour.

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I personally hope there is no summer tour. If he has album out in May or June he needs time to promote it properly. ANd squeezing in a tour before Xmas, because you know he is doing that, just seems like to much. I'd rather see him pour everything into album promotion and then tour in 2009. Of course if there is one..I'll be there in a new york minute.

I'd also like to see him hold off on a tour and be able to cover the US and Canada after he promotes it effectively. I really think Clay needs to at least get to some areas of the US that have been ignored and of course I want him to come back to AZ. because I can't travel far to see him. This next CD is going to be an important one for him since he is saying it is what he wants and it will be more representative of him. I want him to take the time he needs to make it all as successful as possible, CD and tour.

I think we would all love a tour with a bigger coverage...unfortunately, tour promoters that do nationwide tours may not be too eager to jump in if there is no radio hit from Clay. I think the trend has been to do smaller clubs or venues first as the cd gets promoted. I think this is what Justin did. I also remember with Breakaway, Kelly started with a smaller tour first. Then if the CD has one or two hits...a bigger nationwide tour may be possible.

I think it will really depend on what the goal is for this CD. IMO ATDW was not meant for fanbase building...but to give the existing fanbase something to tide us over. I do think TC should start concentrating on trying to expand Clay;s fanbase. If that is the goal...then I hope they add radio and TV promo in the plan. There is also the question of what type of production he has. If he will have lots of orchestra...then the tours may be limited. But if its more like MOAM...then there is more flexiblity.

So my wish list...May release...with lots of radio visits and TV...I hope he takes advantage of summer hits like So You think You can dance. He can have a small tour to promote the CD August...then continue promoting during the start of the tv season. If he can have some hits off this CD...then he can have a bigger tour 2009....that would hopefully include visits to Asia, Australia, Europe and Canada.

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The last one is for muski..........

Yeah Divayenta is reporting in at the CH:

The show is faboo. Not a dull moment. Brilliant, everyone in it is a shining star and huge talent, including Clay.

His accents, his faces, his background chatter ( rhubarb,rhubarb,Hail Caesar!), his interactions with everyone and that FACE! Oy! And he said "goyim"! He IS a dancer- a natural- it just had to be brought out properly , given permission, coaxed. And can he shimmy and shake!

He does not disappoint. Again, he is in brilliant company who lift him higher.

At the Stage Door: I think I was channelling merriee or something, but I was cracking up the waiting crowd with OTT statements with an English accent.

I had the poster for anyone to sign. Christopher Seibert came up and I shoved Clay's dress in his face. "You want me to sign on CLay?"

"Yes!" I screamed, "you are too fabulous!"

Next up the man himself. I understand his embarrassment now. After you see the show, and the brilliant talent, you understand why he doesn't want to be shown extra attention.

He looked like Leslie Howard/Peter O'Toole classic English movie star in that camel coat and blond hair with the aquiline nose. When he came round my way, I was standing behind other women, he did grab my poster and he saw Seibert's autograph already on it. I did it on purpose.

"What? You had somebody signin' on mah picture?"

"Of course, you all were great!" He laughed.

Hannah Waddingham came around and I decried how fabulous her breasts were. "And they're real, " she smirked. "How do you do it?"

"Great costuming"!

Lancelot and the kid who played Herbert also signed . So they're all on Clay.

Oh, after Clay was done , he told everyone to stay and sing "Happy Birthday" to the kid who played Herbert. "I"ll go get him"" said Clay. When they came back out , we all sang HB and this kid almost cried. We were such good little fans. And that kid was amazing.

That face is so gorgeous, and they have got his wig the right shade now. A true strawberry blonde. He is too beautiful . As Brother Maynard , he had the English preacher thing DOWN. I can't wait for what waits for him next, so talented is he. I love the Cockney dopey guard.

He fits in with that cast perfectly.


Get this: the guy in the box office said :"Clay is much better, much better!" meaning , as opposed to the other guy.

I said,"Clay's a real comedian , we've seen it in concert and now everyone else will see."

"OH, yeah" he said, "Clay is a comedian".

The Clay fans were laughing at my lame attempt at Clayversion, but it looks like the man was already converted.

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I think we would all love a tour with a bigger coverage...unfortunately, tour promoters that do nationwide tours may not be too eager to jump in if there is no radio hit from Clay. I think the trend has been to do smaller clubs or venues first as the cd gets promoted. I think this is what Justin did. I also remember with Breakaway, Kelly started with a smaller tour first. Then if the CD has one or two hits...a bigger nationwide tour may be possible.

I think it will really depend on what the goal is for this CD. IMO ATDW was not meant for fanbase building...but to give the existing fanbase something to tide us over. I do think TC should start concentrating on trying to expand Clay;s fanbase. If that is the goal...then I hope they add radio and TV promo in the plan. There is also the question of what type of production he has. If he will have lots of orchestra...then the tours may be limited. But if its more like MOAM...then there is more flexiblity.

So my wish list...May release...with lots of radio visits and TV...I hope he takes advantage of summer hits like So You think You can dance. He can have a small tour to promote the CD August...then continue promoting during the start of the tv season. If he can have some hits off this CD...then he can have a bigger tour 2009....that would hopefully include visits to Asia, Australia, Europe and Canada.

My wishlist is for a May release, taking advantage of Mother's Day, the TV sweeps and the big finale of a show like DWTS or AI. Touring in the summer sounds good since most of the big shows will be in re-runs. Because he's on the East Coast for the early part of this year, I hope the next tour will allow the eHP to do that Pacific coast roadtrip we've always wanted (Vancouver to Williamette Valley, sampling Dungeness Crab, Wild Pacific salmon and Oregon Pinot along the way).

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Oh, after Clay was done , he told everyone to stay and sing "Happy Birthday" to the kid who played Herbert. "I"ll go get him"" said Clay. When they came back out , we all sang HB and this kid almost cried. We were such good little fans. And that kid was amazing.


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Oh, after Clay was done , he told everyone to stay and sing "Happy Birthday" to the kid who played Herbert. "I"ll go get him"" said Clay. When they came back out , we all sang HB and this kid almost cried. We were such good little fans. And that kid was amazing.


God, this just KILLS me! It's sooooooo Clay AND soooooooo us! I mean, really. Maybe this synergy we have between us---between Clay and his fans---is replicated with other celebrities, but I'm just completely new to this whole thing. He can ask us things...can direct us and we're there. And he KNOWS we will be. There's never doubt on either side, is there?

He KNOWS who we are. The bad with the good, but he depends on the good.

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Oh, after Clay was done , he told everyone to stay and sing "Happy Birthday" to the kid who played Herbert. "I"ll go get him"" said Clay. When they came back out , we all sang HB and this kid almost cried. We were such good little fans. And that kid was amazing.


God, this just KILLS me! It's sooooooo Clay AND soooooooo us! I mean, really. Maybe this synergy we have between us---between Clay and his fans---is replicated with other celebrities, but I'm just completely new to this whole thing. He can ask us things...can direct us and we're there. And he KNOWS we will be. There's never doubt on either side, is there?

He KNOWS who we are. The bad with the good, but he depends on the good.

muski... now you made me schmoopie... sniff. He's such a sweetheart and a major Broadway show cast is finding that out and will spread the word. You can't get much better than that.

Hope the reviews are great... I'm getting nervous. Wonder when they will come?

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ETA: I just remembered something I saw and was curious about: I saw Ringo Starr for a few minutes on LKL last night just as Larry was asking him about the controversy between him and Regis & Kelly. Ringo said that the problem had nothing to do with Regis and he still loved Regis. I had to leave at that point, but anybody know what happened? He sure didn't say he loved Kelly and Gelman!

Bookwhore... I read somewhere that during the interview part with Ringo the subject got onto the size of Ripacrit's butt. I'm figuring Ringo didn't care for her hogging his time, especially when they insisted he cut his song time. So, my read is that her need to be the center of attention during his time pissed him off just a little.

On the Ripa/Ringo matter, I, too, think it is very interesting how Ringo is pointedly ignoring Ripa, by saying he still loves Regis. Ripa evidently felt that she could take on Clay with no repercussions, but I haven't heard her say anything about Ringo. Maybe she has enough sense not to take on a former Beatle, or she actually learned something from the fall-out with Clay, or TPTB have muzzled her!

Yeah Divayenta is reporting in at the CH:


He looked like Leslie Howard/Peter O'Toole classic English movie star in that camel coat and blond hair with the aquiline nose.<snip>

Clay's latest "movie star" photos do remind me of someone and my mind has been churning to figure out whom. In addition to Leslie Howard, Peter O'Toole, Beau Bridges, Bill Holden, etc., I would now add to the mix George Peppard (I saw "The Carpetbaggers" when I was a small child and just beginning to realize the concept of a risqué movie, without knowing why it was risqué, but I remember thinking even then that George Peppard was stunning).

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Hmmmm... no comment on a summer tour. Quite frankly I wouldn't expect one until late summer, if at all. I'm thinking he wants more NJU at his concerts and it may take awhile for this cd to get big enough for more to want to attend his concerts.

My impression is that he is not doing Spam merely as a P.R. move for his next CD, and doesn't want to talk about tours and such right now - especially with a fan base who will scurry all over digging and poking and intruding on the slightest rumor or offhand remark. It looks like some fans have already moved past Spam! Short attention spans. I am waiting for someone to hand out clack to the cast as they appear at the stage door. Or to ask the cast what is on Clay's new CD.

Yeah, if the CD gets delayed or if there is no tour announced immediately, I will avoid most boards because all the conspiracy crap will start up again.

Haha! Ringo is pretty outspoken - and I bet Ripa was told to just keep her mouth shut now. I kinda wish she would go off on Ringo, tho, just to see the fallout.

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I think it's already on my server (thanks chopped liver, hey it rhymes) so if you'd allow me to help with hosting, I can just move it to the public side. Or you both can do it since you have access. (ie. make a folder called "httpdocs/members/goldarngirl&liver_heeihavetopbilling")

That would be great, Scarlett, we'd really appreciate the help! But I think I'd better leave the folder creation up to you. ;)

My impression is that he is not doing Spam merely as a P.R. move for his next CD, and doesn't want to talk about tours and such right now - especially with a fan base who will scurry all over digging and poking and intruding on the slightest rumor or offhand remark. It looks like some fans have already moved past Spam! Short attention spans. I am waiting for someone to hand out clack to the cast as they appear at the stage door. Or to ask the cast what is on Clay's new CD.

OMG, they wouldn't! [/snerk]

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Good Morning Everyone,

98 Days until the Closing Day of Spamalot!

100-107 Days until The New CD (depending on release date...still keeping fingers and toes crossed!)

Everyone have a great day!


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Regarding fan behavior, fans asking cast members questions about Clay and stuff like that, is very poor judgment but doesn't bother me all that much because the sad fact is that some people have little or no judgment in real life and aren't going to develop it just because they're fans of Clay. I try to not condemn people who may make asses out of themselves without actually hurting anybody else. What gets to me are the supposed intelligent professional fans who meddle in Clay's business by contacting the record label and distributors and putting out press releases and interviewing people only tangentially associated with TC and then broadcasting opinions and rumors as if sourced and causing a hullabaloo on the boards. That sort of thing is harmful in a systemic way, and crosses the line for me.

Clay's the only one who could ever attempt to exercise control over the fanbase as a whole -- and I don't think he's interested in doing that. This fanbase is full of people of all ages, from all walks of life, with a myriad of personalities and behaviors -- there are fans that project, pretend and think it's a power contest, and there are fans who buy tickets and albums and merchandise, and never express an opinion. This really is a Clay Nation and I'm looking forward to the day when the Clay Nation truly extends around the world. There's something unifying, purposeful and joyous about being Clay's fan that papers over a lot of behavior that I don't find laudatory, but I try to let it be.

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