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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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I'm not in love with the video - but do like it. For me it works better as photos or snippets so can really ooh and ahh with everybody when those are posted. But I actually agree with Clay's decision not to release it at that time. Very intriguing guy though isn't he.

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I think I'm between couchie and CG with my feelings on the TITN video. I loved it at the time, thought it pretty hawt, but I never once thought it really fit with the song. Now, 4 years later....I'm OK with it. There are still a couple of looks that he gives that still give me chills (like the one bottlecap posted, whew), but in a way, I don't think the video has aged particularly well.

Why do I think Clay nixed the video? I think Ralston shot him as "hawt and sexy" and he wasn't comfortable with that at all. I'm still actually not convinced that he thinks that way about himself even today. I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

EEEEEEEEEE! Clay was just on my TV. Doing that train maneuver. Which may have been planned to be sexy. *g*

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I cannot believe how cold it is, the wind chill tomorrow is suppose to be the same, and I have ski patrol and I am going to freeze. Our drive home last night from Vermont to Michigan was very interesting. We had a funny noise in the front of the van and decided before we hit the border into Canada to have it checked out. We found a repair shop and discovered we had a bad wheel bearing and if we would of driven the 700 miles we had we would of lost our wheel. We got lucky. Then we get outside of Toronto and hit a snow storm and the roads were very slick. We still manage to make the trip in 14 hours.

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I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

So, are you saying when he put his toungue through the ring vbefore autioning it off, he had no idea, even after he did it?

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I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

So, are you saying when he put his toungue through the ring vbefore autioning it off, he had no idea, even after he did it?

Nah....I think that was entirely unintentional. He probably does that all the time. I'm sure it was done subconsciously.


**wonders what else he can do with that tongue. He seems to have a lot of 'tongue control'**


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**wonders what else he can do with that tongue. He seems to have a lot of 'tongue control'**

Hmmm....I've given that some thought...and wait! I believe I've even written about some of those ideas.... :whistling-1:

I tell you what. Clay Aiken has done more to stimulate (takes a moment) the U.S. economy than any other single human being during the last five years. I'm checking out this airfare and that hotel rate and checking to see how much it costs by taxi between Point A and Point B.

But it's worth it....'coss :DoClay:

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**wonders what else he can do with that tongue. He seems to have a lot of 'tongue control'**

Hmmm....I've given that some thought...and wait! I believe I've even written about some of those ideas.... :whistling-1:

I tell you what. Clay Aiken has done more to stimulate (takes a moment) the U.S. economy than any other single human being during the last five years. I'm checking out this airfare and that hotel rate and checking to see how much it costs by taxi between Point A and Point B.

But it's worth it....'coss :DoClay:

*ignoring the tongue visuals...ignoring...ignoring*

He definitely deserves a sizeable check from Canon (for S3 & S5 sales) and Apple (for the iphone/touch). And he's stimulating the world economy as well -- I'm currently holding an 8 GB Nokia N95 that's not normally sold in the US.

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**wonders what else he can do with that tongue. He seems to have a lot of 'tongue control'**

Hmmm....I've given that some thought...and wait! I believe I've even written about some of those ideas.... :whistling-1:

I tell you what. Clay Aiken has done more to stimulate (takes a moment) the U.S. economy than any other single human being during the last five years. I'm checking out this airfare and that hotel rate and checking to see how much it costs by taxi between Point A and Point B.

But it's worth it....'coss :DoClay:

*ignoring the tongue visuals...ignoring...ignoring*

He definitely deserves a sizeable check from Canon (for S3 & S5 sales) and Apple (for the iphone/touch). And he's stimulating the world economy as well -- I'm currently holding an 8 GB Nokia N95 that's not normally sold in the US.

Here, Scarlett, let me help you with that ignoring thing.


And speaking of Canon.....LA is FINALLY FINISHED and uploaded. Warning, though, the album is huge but it's too hard on the head to make these big cutting decisions right now, so they're all just going to have to stay there for the time being. I know I have posted a few here and there on this board as I was working on them but here are some links anyway, in case you're inclined to click. The entire album is behind Door #1




Death By Stubble

Another One Just to Make Sure

What a Character

I Like This One in Black & White


Black & White in Song


Basic Banter from the Stool Pic

I Like This One



Off To Make A Cup of Tea....Write Your Own Caption Here

A Penny For His Thoughts.....But I'll Soon Be Outbid

Something for Neck Lovers

The Orchestra Was Cracking Up All Night

Love This Devilish Grin

While This One CMSU

Finally Caught A Little Stubble Scratchin'

Pretty Pretty Stubble

Man Holding Bottle

A Few Clicks and the Goofy's Gone

Man Holding Bottle, The Sequel

A Moment Between Friends

Your Basic Stand up Singing Pic

Add To That A Finger Snap

Another from the collection "Clay Looking Down Angela's Shirt"

Hey! It's Not My Fault....

Gosh, that was long wasn't it?

High fives to keepingfaith and merrieeee who made it past 5:00 AM with me this morning. Lullabies for the rest of you. Had a great time last night! Thanks! I'm gonna miss you all so much.

But I will be back! I swear.....and there's always New York in April. *Sniff*

OH OH OH......Couchie, since this is a coffee mug. You could always put on the back of it......"I Take Mine Unsipped"

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Kanye West has serious ego problems or else he's not too bright. Loved Tina Turner. I can't believe I'm watching an awards show that is not the Oscars. Too lazy to get up from the couch and go to my room.

Kareneh! I hope to see you in April and spend more than 2 minutes with you. heee.

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I see the fan police are out on almost all boards. The problem with staying awake for over an hour, you get to catch up everywhere.

If I could figure out how to post this without being edited, I would like to get this message out to all the fan police. Not that they would care or bother with it.

Clay is coming out with a new album and we keep talking about getting the NJU to buy it, so why are we driving away fans with money who are willing to buy it now? Any NJU that become fans, will they have to measure up to someone's desired behavior before they would be allowed to buy the album?

I spent the first couple of years watching Ruben boards destroy his on-line fandom by coming up with rules and having so many people not pass muster and be called trolls until they got down to the 17 people they could trust. Is this the future of on-line fandom. You must speak/ cheer this arbitrary measurement loud and you must stand during arbitrary moment .

I personally was offended by the broadway ettiquette that was posted on so many boards, it seems unneccessarily and rude. Now I see there a specific behavior required at the gate and you must enjoy yourself a certain amount during the show and you must you must you must

It is exhausting keeping up with all the rules. I guess this is a good time to go to bed again. It must be the sickness talking again. But, yeah, I had half a bowl of soup today, I am eating food again!

ETA - nice pictures, Karen Eh sorry I couldn't view them all.

Scarlett, do you have a used equipment sale?

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It is exhausting keeping up with all the rules. I guess this is a good time to go to bed again. It must be the sickness talking again. But, yeah, I had half a bowl of soup today, I am eating food again!

People seriously need to get lives. I will laugh in somebody's face if they try to dictate my behaviour. Seriously I can understand expressing a concern but we are all grownups here.

As for albums and fans and fan police..not sure what you're talking about but I'm sure the "get lives" sentiment will work for that as well. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Glad you're feeling well enough to be feisty Play!!

Bwah Vince Gill.

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Bwah Vince Gill.

Yeah, that.

I've never been able to see 'all that' in Kanye West and yeah, his ego is so very ugly to me. I truly sympathize with his loss of his mother; from all I've read, they were very close and she was very important to him. But every time I've heard HIM say something at any of these award shows, it's all MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (me being him, I mean) ....and well....I don't think his 'music' is all that, either.

So I just don't get why he's so great.

Play, what the hey are you talking about re: Clay's next CD? :huh:

Amy WInehouse is now the Second Coming, by the way. DId you know that? She's so messed up she couldn't cross national borders in order to be AT the Grammys...so they pimp her all night and then show us her performance from London. Lucky us.

Yeah, I'm cynical. But what the fuck? It's as though the crazy, OTT behavior IS what garners the industry's respect...or at least their tangible symbols of respect. David Grogh of the Foo Fighters? Amy Winehouse?


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He definitely deserves a sizeable check from Canon (for S3 & S5 sales) and Apple (for the iphone/touch). And he's stimulating the world economy as well -- I'm currently holding an 8 GB Nokia N95 that's not normally sold in the US.

Cool smartphone, Scarlett! You'll have fun with that! I love gadgets. Looks like both of our smartphones have GPS so we can find our Clay concerts, great connectivity (wifi, HSDPA and G3) for talking with Clay friends and posting up to the minute reviews during concerts, and lots of storage space for video and audio clack. :dancingbanana:

Kareneh, those are some wonderful pictures! The ones with the orchestra cracking up make me smile. And the stubble is very inspiring! :hubbahubba:

So, I'm supposed to behave a certain way at Spamalot? Well, here's my plan - I'm gonna scream "I LOVE YOU, CLAY!!" every time time he comes on stage, stand during the show, bring nachos into the theater and eat them loudly, and try to take pictures with flash. At the stage door I'm gonna demand that Clay sign four or five things and try to monopolize his time. How do you think that will go over?? :laught31:

Seriously, I have common sense and manners, and I don't need anyone to dictate how I should act. :rolleyes:

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So, I'm supposed to behave a certain way at Spamalot? Well, here's my plan - I'm gonna scream "I LOVE YOU, CLAY!!" every time time he comes on stage, stand during the show, bring nachos into the theater and eat them loudly, and try to take pictures with flash. At the stage door I'm gonna demand that Clay sign four or five things and try to monopolize his time. How do you think that will go over??

Gibby, I hope you're not planning to behave this way Wed., Mar. 26 when I'm there, too. :unsure::naughtywag:

'Coss BOTH of us doing that might drown out SexyHawtSingerMan! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

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Heee, Muski, we could cause quite a scene right there in the front of the orchestra section. :giantpopcorn: Wonder how long it would take for us to get thrown out?

Hmmm, I don't think I'll do that experiment. I'd miss too much of SexyHawtSingerMan!!

A review via CV:

LivelongCarol at CDB writes:

Can you believe it? I went to Spamalot for the second time in a week today and it was my lucky day. I had the lucky seat; seat #C101! During the play when they are looking for the holy grail, the King sends a peasant to find the grail in the audience. He said "its seat C101." The peasant came into the audience to where I was sitting and said "Stand up, please". He somehow planted the cup on my seat and said, "Oh look, here it is." Someone from the stage (it might have been Clay) said, "We should reward her, bring her up here". Holy crap, I felt my knees shake and my insides jump around, but somehow I managed through it all. In the first row was Sandy (ItsAClayDay) and Donna (ThankYouClay). I was so happy to see them, they encouraged me to go up. The peasant helped me up to the stage and they asked me my name. They all repeated it (including Clay) and sang a song to me. That is where I had the thrill of a lifetime....Clay sang to me on bended knee. I only looked at him briefly since looking into those green eyes can be overwhelming. I was soooo nervous, I just kept looking around. They gave me a trophy and a certificate and then took a picture of us all with Clay kneeling down in front of me. Clay handed me the picture and I thanked him in the way that he says thank you at the end of a concert..in sign language when he touches his chin with his fingertips. I was then wisked off stage.

Funny thing is, lots of people came up to me in the lobby when I was leaving and congratulated me. Outside, near the stage door, someone asked me for my autograph and a picture!! LOLOLOL My sister and I went into the restaurant across the street (Junior's) and some more people came over to the table and said "Aren't you the lady who was on stage with Clay?" That struck me so funny that people would do that. Also, Clay didn't come out todayto sign autographs, since it was bitter cold and very windy. The security people said they were afraid the wind would blow over the barriers and hurt someone.

Oh and the play? It was wonderful, again. Dear Lord, this experience leaves you so joyful and upbeat upon leaving the theatre. Its that funny!

Lots of NJU there today. They were very enthusiastic and cheered loud and long for Clay. Our boyfriend is going places folks, just you wait and see!

I can't urge you enough to try to get to see this play. If there is any way you can manage it, please do it. You will never regret one thing about it.

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Hey Scarlett!! Should I get one of those phones - errr - "multimedia computers" - instead of a new laptop?? :cryingwlaughter:

I am seriously in love with that photo of Clay with the lip balm (do you think he got a deal on them from the OFC? :D)

It needs to be on this page along with muski's post......

I had to crop this luscious and sinfully erotic pic of Clay that morganette posted on CH...his lips are all glossy and shiny from gloss or chapstick 'coss they looked rather....

abused. :Thud:

and his hair is all windblown :Thud:

and his nose in profile is perfect :Thud:

and his eyelashes would make a camel jealous :Thud:

and his neck....his neck is stretched and turned, inviting and luscious..:Thud:

and pokey chest hairs are resting in the hollow of his throat... :Thud:

and his mouth..

In the big version you can see his tongue resting just behind his teeth....


ETA: oh...here's the big pic.


Because muski, I totally agree that his lips and chin looked severely abused!!! I wonder who coughShannon?cough helped him abuse them!

THIS neeeeeeds to be on this page too......

All this talk about the scorchingly hawt TITN video made me get out my external hard drive to find this animation:


I just downloaded that video, I think I already have it, but as you know, "One can never have too much Clay Aiken!!"

I love all the recaps!! jules and stp made me giggle and I could totally see where they were coming from. claygasm, I'm glad you enjoyed the show, and I can't wait to put your perceptions to the test when I see it again in a couple of weeks!

Here is a new page full of wallpapers:


some you have seen, and some are new!

ENJOY!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Why do I think Clay nixed the video? I think Ralston shot him as "hawt and sexy" and he wasn't comfortable with that at all. I'm still actually not convinced that he thinks that way about himself even today. I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

Oh I agree. It's just Clay being who he is. He doesn't know and therefore doesn't have to try. I do think he likes to goof around with it a bit now and then and responds to the reaction.

I see the fan police are out on almost all boards.

I had to just about bite my fingers off to keep from responding to some stuff yesterday. Mostly I wanted to say ... If you disapprove of that sort of behavior .... don't engage in it. But you don't get to decide for someone else. You don't.

Clay is coming out with a new album and we keep talking about getting the NJU to buy it, so why are we driving away fans with money who are willing to buy it now?

There is that too.


Monday. Rats. :(

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Can someone give us the Coles Notes version of what's going on outside these walls?

It's -30 Celsius here this morning. I took my son to his MRI appt for 5:30 am and all the hospital doors were locked. Nice. We finally found one with a security guard who let us in before the frostbite set in. We were home by 6:45, and I was at work by 7:30. It's about 55 Fahrenheit in here this morning, apparently the heaters aren't working. Great! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Good Morning Everyone,

83 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

87-94 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

I think it's a bit of both. I think there are times when he knows that something he does drives us crazy, so he uses that. But I also agree with your last sentence, because to me, a lot of the sexy is not in the things that he purposefully does, but when he just is, you know?

There are parts of the TITN video that I love, and parts that I think are a bit awkward looking. I don't blame him for not wanting it out there, but at the time, it really surprised me that he refused to release it. That took balls!

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I can't actually see these pics on my work computer, so I'll just sigh and appreciate the captions... :wub:

bc, he seems to be screwing it.... and is having a hard time... I hope this helps...

luckiest1, sending you a virtual "Cuddle up with Clay" blanket...


Kareneh, thanks for the gorgeous pics. I loved the LA concert!!!

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Fan Police Discussion...Centered around The McVargas Girls (those fans who are fans of Sean and Jesse and have made it very loudly known at concerts). Apparently they were at the stage door Saturday night and some fans took exception to their behavior...there have been various versions of what occurred; either they were being very obnoxious and Clay was upset or they were just having fun and Clay went along with it...depends on who you choose to believe. The discussion then veered off into their concert behavior which some who have been in proximity of them found less than desirable.


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