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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

There's one I missed. I thought she went away simply because of management change.

I thought she was behind the unauthorized leaking of the TITN video and thus persona non grata, or is that fan mythology?

I could be talking completely out my butt here, but I thought her stint ended when he left old management and went with Renshaw. She stayed with AI basically.

I thought she was assigned to the next batch of AI contestants. She definitely was part of 19.

I have to word Jenna, Karen eh and KF...I do believe Clay needs to establish his musical identity. I think at the moment...Clay is associated with big voiced ballads that is seen to be either cheesy or old fashioned. I don't think Clay wants to be stuck in this very narrow box. I think Clay can establish a more contemporary sound similar to Five for fighting or John Mayer, he just has to prove that is with the next CD. I think he started showing us the kind of sound he favors through ATDW...but because these were covers...the industry really didn't take it all to seriously. I think there is the idea that covers is an easy way to make cds and since Clay established early on this was not the way he wants his career to go..that it was just a concept suggested by Clive...it was easy for the industry to dismiss that effort.

I really don't think radio will be closed off for very long. If this CD is seen as a good CD, he will gain respect and radio will then be more open to his music. When I listen to a lot of the songs on AC and hot AC radio...they don't sound too different from what Clay can do and has done in concerts. I always remember that there was a time that radio didn't want to play Josh Groban's songs too. He first got the public's attention through TV. Once his music started selling and he got more respect in the industry...radio followed.

I like what Karen eh said...this will have to be a grass roots growth. With the internet and TV exposure...there are a lot of ways Clay can expand his fanbase. But it has to start with music that can be identified with Clay...

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I just want to buy some new music that Clay Aiken's voice renders.

But it's kinda sad, I think, that along with the excitement I feel about the new cd I also have trepidation. Not because of the actual music that Clay will present, but because of the inevitable fan wars over its 'worth'. God, I can hear it now---either declaration that it's the best.cd.of.all.time. or the deathknoll of a talented vocalist's career.


Some...er....'discussion' is, of course, natural and even fun...but history in THIS fandom has made me a bit paranoid, you know? :unsure:

I only have a Southern accent when I'm talking with other Southerners. I guess since I moved around a lot as I was growing up, mine never got a chance to really stick. :cryingwlaughter:

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Just for the record.......I do not have an accent .......you all do!!!!

That's y'all (or ya'all, alternatively), honey baby shugah darlin'...and I'd like to think I have a "suthun" accent, with a tiny Texas touch of twang. :)

Which means, merrieeee that your delightful word "tournament" is pronounce "ternamint", as in varmint. Just FYI. Gran'ma would be so ding-dang proud! :)

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KAndre simply points and laughs at all the oddly speaking eHP...Oregonian accents totally rule!

I am half-assedly watching AI - and have found someone I actually like...some dude named David...put his own spin on "Love The One You're With". Somebody tell me if he's one of the ringers.

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But it's kinda sad, I think, that along with the excitement I feel about the new cd I also have trepidation. Not because of the actual music that Clay will present, but because of the inevitable fan wars over its 'worth'. God, I can hear it now---either declaration that it's the best.cd.of.all.time. or the deathknoll of a talented vocalist's career.


Some...er....'discussion' is, of course, natural and even fun...but history in THIS fandom has made me a bit paranoid, you know? :unsure:


K'Amndre I will be back with that information on Hernandez

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KAndre simply points and laughs at all the oddly speaking eHP...Oregonian accents totally rule!

I am half-assedly watching AI - and have found someone I actually like...some dude named David...put his own spin on "Love The One You're With". Somebody tell me if he's one of the ringers.

OMG I love him...and yeah is he a ringer?

Right now Brooke and him are my favorites...

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Well, so far, I have found he had a band and his slate has been wiped clean. Thanks for the cache. Here you can download him at some lounge - get it while you can. here

This is probably not him, I know he had a band, but the name is not uncomman, I hae been looking through a bunch of chaed stuff because a lot was wiped out.

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I just fell asleep on the couch trying to catch up on my TV watching. Lipstick Jungle (Ipswitch Bungle LOL) doesn't look like it's goin got be all that trilling, especially since I read the book.

I have AI on pause right now, in the middle of Ryan saying THIS is AMERiCan Idol......

I am waiting for my daughter to get home. We have been having an ice storm all day - TG I didn't have to go out! But we are out here in the sticks and it's still raining!

carry on.....

I stopped listening to radio until recently when the local station decided to stick it to the PM's and play what they wanted. They call it a "World Rock" Station. I only listen when I jump in and take off too fast to get my ipod hooked up! And then lately it's been all about SPAMALOT!!


HUGS to all who need them!!!


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I just want to buy some new music that Clay Aiken's voice renders.

But it's kinda sad, I think, that along with the excitement I feel about the new cd I also have trepidation. Not because of the actual music that Clay will present, but because of the inevitable fan wars over its 'worth'. God, I can hear it now---either declaration that it's the best.cd.of.all.time. or the deathknoll of a talented vocalist's career.


Some...er....'discussion' is, of course, natural and even fun...but history in THIS fandom has made me a bit paranoid, you know? :unsure:

This is me...just the little bit of angsting I saw today had me rolling my eyes and sitting on my hands to keep them away from the keyboard, lest I say something that would get me in trouble.

Pre-emptive worrying about something we have no control over just seems so pointless.


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I went through my daughter's playlist the other day looking for new music and I really found a lot fo music I like. Lots of acoustic and ballad songs. Now I know my daughters get their music from the internet. They go through you tube and check out new songs...

they go through much music and mtv sites... I also noticed a lot of their songs came from The OC, One tree hill and other TV show soundtracks.

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Jenna, the angsting has already started with the typical angsters front and center. If it isn't his hair, it's his lack of "selling himself"...WTFevah.

How in the world can it start this early...seriously.

Because it still hasn't ended from the last time. Some people just get stuck in the angst and can't get out.

1.) I thought Vanessa was one of the people who violated the trust in Hollywood. Or was it just another fan made up rumor?

There's one I missed. 2.) I thought she went away simply because of management change.

3.) I thought she was behind the unauthorized leaking of the TITN video and thus persona non grata, or is that fan mythology?

4.) I could be talking completely out my butt here, but I thought her stint ended when he left old management and went with Renshaw. She stayed with AI basically.

5.) I thought she was assigned to the next batch of AI contestants. She definitely was part of 19.

Oh come on! There must be more than 5 theories about Vanessa out there! :cryingwlaughter:

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cha cha, the Spamalot project is fantastic !!!! wow.... it is such a work made with love. thank you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I loved the interview on Broadway.com, everything about it. Clay is having fun, the CD is on track. I am a happy fan.

I can't wait to listen to new music, with new lyrics, new beat!!! I know I will be sitting with my favorite headphones soaking it all in. I don't understand the angst. I am here to support Clay and to enjoy him and all he offers. The joy of it, you know. Also to look at him, he is so gorgeous !

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Saw this posted on EAYOR;

Great Clay Mention! Travel Channel

On Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations", about 2/3'rds of the way through the episode on his new 2008 Britain/Scotland episode, Anthony is making a "rap/spoken word" record of his thoughts about being a chef. Just before going to commercial he makes mention that he hopes this will go big, like Clay Aiken big!

BWAH! Clay Aiken big?

like Clay AIken big?

You bet your sweet bippy I like Clay Aiken big! :hubbahubba:

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Hi everyone!

I am doing fine and i just want to send a hello here that's all.

hey soulsistah...glad to here you're doing fine...

hey Jericho starts again tonight...I guess Clay has DVR...

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There's been angst in this fandom? Angst? In this fandom???

Please, say it isn't so! :cryingwlaughter:

This fandom was raised on angst. Maybe it was the weekly angst during AI. I don't know. It DOES get tiresome, though.

Which is why I am here where angst is rare.

AI - I think there are some very good ones this year so far. I can't believe they are all ringers. I must say I am getting tired of Ryan saying over and over and over and over and over and over that this is the most talented group EVER! But they do seem to have more of a variety of singers this year. The judges probably won't pick any of the ones I like...

I still like AI and still hope they actually find someone I really like because I always have room for more good music in my life. I just hope this year they really do discover some fresh, young talent. Guess only time will tell.

Of course, there really is only one fresh young talent I would like to ravage and he's on stage in Spamalot right now.....

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Ok, kids....here we go....Tomiehawk posted on CV that there is clack of the show and it is supposedly being posted at You Tube. She said it originated at CH...GBB said "nu-uh...nope, nope, nope" (paraphrased!)

My friend in Houston just emailed and said the minions are watching it at the swamp....some fan got pissed because her friend wouldn't share the clips with her...so...another fan sent them to her and she's posting them.

Good lord...less than 24 hrs. since the great article and here we go again!


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I;m not worried about the clips on you tube...if people report it they can zap it right away...

not surprised there is something out there.

I'm not surprised, either...but...I am surprised that this person is so nasty as to post it at the swamp. WTF? She's got a hard on for GBB...

Sorry...decided to delete that part. My association with the swamp is through a friend and I really don't want to get involved in that shit again.

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I;m not worried about the clips on you tube...if people report it they can zap it right away...

not surprised there is something out there.

I'm not surprised, either...but...I am surprised that this person is so nasty as to post it at the swamp. WTF? She's got a hard on for GBB...

edited to take out a section edited by original poster...ansa

Ooooo! Someone is pissed!

And what is the swamp??

ETA: I keep forgetting to tell you.... I got a thank you email from Telecharge. They were thanking me for going to see Spamalot and telling me this new guy - Clay Aiken - is now in it and will be until May 4th and encouraging me to go again!

I think I may have to just do that!

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Ok, kids....here we go....Tomiehawk posted on CV that there is clack of the show and it is supposedly being posted at You Tube. She said it originated at CH...GBB said "nu-uh...nope, nope, nope" (paraphrased!)

My friend in Houston just emailed and said the minions are watching it at the swamp....some fan got pissed because her friend wouldn't share the clips with her...so...another fan sent them to her and she's posting them.

Good lord...less than 24 hrs. since the great article and here we go again!


A very simple post that I attempted to make last Saturday was initially trouted over there. That was very confusing. (eta: no, I didn't take any) I posted it because someone had PM'ed me that there was a clip out there that was being attributed to me.

What's the matter with this?:

Some folks asked about clips I make, pls. scroll if you don't think this is relevant:

I have a very unique way of rendering my clips. I modified the program that I use, and I haven't shared it with anyone (with apologies to those who asked me for assistance/copies in the past). I wanted to be sure I could always tell whether or not a clip is mine.

I'm usually very helpful on all other techie issues and and would love to consult/offer opinions & advice.


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