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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
    • The man's a joy magnet!

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Crap...I was going to join in the emoticon war but I'm so freaking techie challenged, I'll just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. :imgtongue:

BTW...I'm still home, although I'm working from home via emails and phone calls. But I was reading the paper---scratch that, I was reading the comics (heh) and saw in one of the strips only one frame. It was a picture of a man smiling while holding out a bowl of food, and a dog running towards it, its tongue hanging out and drool flying around him.

The only words were a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

Make yourself necessary to someone.

On the surface it seems such a simple sentence. But I can't stop thinking about it. It means a lot--many things, I mean.

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whoa. just read this on CH:

Clurker at CV wrote:

Just had an unbelievable Clay moment. Turned on the 10 o'clock news. They do a periodic segment where they introduce a child (usually a harder to place child) who needs an adoptive home, and do a nice little informative piece about them, their interests and personallity. Started to notice there was music playing softly in the background. Then it started to connect with my brain..."I don't want to be lonely no more...I don't want to be empty no more....only you can unbreak this heartache...well, you know the rest... Still can't believe it. And what a lovely song choice for that purpose.


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ETA: keepingfaith, I keep forgetting to add....TG you heard from your daughter! What a nightmare! I hate our winters, but it's not been as bad as your conditions. I should thank my lucky stars.

Thanks for all the good thoughts from FCA yesterday. I can be such a putz and while I intellectually understand that worry and regret may be the two most useless things a human can waste time on, that never applies when it comes to children or parents or pets. I remember being a kid and worrying like crazy when my parents were late coming home. I really, really appreciate the good thoughts from you guys. I'm pretty private and live inside myself for the most part, so I'm stretching on this messageboard -- and it feels good. I know that I have divulged things here that my family and friends don't know about me. How crazy is that??? I'd never tell my co-workers any of my business, and I wouldn't trouble my aged parents with my concerns and worries, and so this place can really be a communication lifeline.

Regarding weather, let me tell you about the conditions here in South Texas today .... it's 70 degrees and I drove in under bright blues skies (that are predicted to turn cloudy this afternoon). Overall, it's delightful. I told my DD she needs to come back home to sunshine in February ... but she loves her job in DC too much, even in ice and slush. As much as I worried about her Tuesday night and yesterday ... we were intensely arguing politics before we got off the phone last night. Why did I raise her to think for herself when she's so WRONG on this? Why? Why? (Maybe because I had no choice and she's never listened to me anyway, Certified Piece of Work that she is!)

I'm loving all the Spamalot recaps today, and I have to pinch myself that I'm going to see Clay performing on the Broadway stage in April. I get the warm fuzzies that tingle down to my toes and back up to my brain just thinking about it. And ... I wanna see the show too!

I love Clay -- I'd never tell him, but I'll tell you.



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Hi Keepingfaith,

I am coming out of lurkdom to let you know how relieved and happy I am that your daughter was alright. I had to read pages and pages to finally find that out. My eyes are red from all that reading. As to politics, my daughter and I are on the same page, but I do not know where I went wrong with my sons. All I know is that they are wrong, wrong, wrong. Does not help to argue politics with them. It is very frustrating! I wonder where they got their hard hardheadedness from? Not me! :whistling-1:

Yes, the weather here is beautiful, only thing is for how long? I had a great time with the ehp dinner and enjoyed meeting all of you. I hope to see you all sometime soon.

WARNING to all, the ehp is so scary that they are a lot of FUN! Who knew? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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whoa. just read this on CH:

Clurker at CV wrote:

Just had an unbelievable Clay moment. Turned on the 10 o'clock news. They do a periodic segment where they introduce a child (usually a harder to place child) who needs an adoptive home, and do a nice little informative piece about them, their interests and personallity. Started to notice there was music playing softly in the background. Then it started to connect with my brain..."I don't want to be lonely no more...I don't want to be empty no more....only you can unbreak this heartache...well, you know the rest... Still can't believe it. And what a lovely song choice for that purpose.


Double whoa. I love him singing that - it touches me in a way LAA just doesn't...

Scary fun is good! Heh.

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I need to get a full frontal photo of Clay's Jukebox....you know...the one from the tour..... for a little school project I'm doing. Well, I know I have lots of them on an external that is in the "this comes with me" pile. I managed to dig it out and last night without too much trouble BUT there ain't no power cord anywhere to be found and it's a funky one that I don't seem to have available in the "unpacked power cords" pile that will work with it. Does anyone have a couple of nice clear photos of same at a resolution that will print out well on CD cover size? I would be most forever grateful and beholden. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:arrowed: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! :arrowed:

keepingfaith, I'm glad your daughter's okay. It's tough having your kids live so far away. Sometimes you feel so helpless and there isn't anything as frustrating as that. Mine have been on their own up in Canada for the last two and half years and my girl, our youngest, was only 19 when we moved down here to Texas. I'll never forget how worried I was when I couldn't get hold of my son for more than a week, which stretched into two weeks. And that happened twice. The first time he was avoiding my calls because he had quit his job (found out he quit while I was trying to track him down) and didn't pay the rent I had cosigned for....he knew he was in trouble so wasn't picking up. Didn't answer email or anything. Finally to roust him out of hiding I sent him an email and told him that within the hour I was reporting him to the police as a missing person and as a courtesy to his friends, please let them know that.....in case they have any illegal substances in that house they don't want found. I got a call from him within 10 minutes. The second time he went in communicado he'd lost his cell phone charger and had no money to buy a new one. That time I sent his uncle to physically find him which he did eventually. That time I was freaking out.....even though I knew keeping in touch wasn't exactly his thing, I still worried. And now that he's finally grown up (at 24) and settled into a career with a very nice tattooed girlfriend. I still pay for that damn cell phone of his every single month, just because.


I need another analogy because I hate roller coasters. If I ever get on a roller coaster, I will die. Simple as that.

Another purse-holder here. No rollercoasters for me either. I can do bumper cars or the merrieeee-go-round or we could simply just keep each other company out of the hot sun in the bar. I bet those purses will have beer money in them. :D

And in keeping with that chicken theme.....Emoticon wars, eh? I think I'm more of a lover than a fighter. Besides I'm terribly unarmed. I think I'll bravely run away. :bolt:

Back to homework.....It really is hilarious, you know. I have a good Clay friend who is taking pretty much the same course I am but up in Michigan. She's more than halfway through her program, so has lots more of these digital media type courses under her belt. The thing is....almost every time she had to do a project guess who it was about? I'm now getting into the same type of courses and yes, I'm doing the same thing. The course I'm taking right now is Digital Imaging I (essentially PhotoShop CS3) and most of the grade is 4 projects....design the cover art and label for a CD, an editorial piece on a famous person, a composite poster thing, and two website pages. I mean why would I waste precious time doing research and gathering up all the files I need when I have them at my fingertips.....or at the end of a power cord....which, come to think of it, I don't actually happen to have. Crap! I wonder if by the end of another semester or two I might get a call from a faculty advisor requesting that I broaden my horizon's a little. I hope not, this seems a little less like work. Now I just have to figure out how I can blend my next course (Technical Writing I) with Clay and I'm golden.

Done babbling...have a good one.....and some chocolate.

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From CH Spoiler from GAD about the AI2 Rewind Top 11 show:

The big thing about this episode of AI Rewind is Corey Clark performance from Movie night is not shown. I'm not sure why that is, because he is seen in 2007 interviews, plus at the elimination of Charles Grigsby. But people won't get to see him sing "Take a Look at Me Now" because his performance got cut.

Which is kinda funny, actually. The big point of this episode was the explanation of the Season Two curse: The song you sing is what happens to you on the show. Clay is more succinct (and boy does this bear out over and over in the seasons since AI2): Don't sing a song that you will be embarrassed to sing again if you are eliminated. Which is what happened to Charles when he sang "You Can't Win".

The second big thing about this episode is the performance order is completely switched up; Clay is up first (he was 4th originally). Ruben is shown further into the program (he was 2nd originally).

Clay is very cute talking about being complimented by Gladys Knight. He does this hip-hop head/shoulder roll that's funny because it's shades of him doing those rapper moves during the Classics medley last summer.

In the promo for Country Rock week, Clay is shown being very funny talking about calling his mom in a panic, wanting her to come see him right away because he thought he was going to be cut. And she blew him off, saying she'd see him at Top 6. And he's like "But Mooooommmmmm!!! That's 5 weeks away!!!! I won't last that long!!!!" But she felt he would be fine.

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I need to get a full frontal photo of Clay's Jukebox....you know...the one from the tour..... for a little school project I'm doing. Well, I know I have lots of them on an external that is in the "this comes with me" pile. I managed to dig it out and last night without too much trouble BUT there ain't no power cord anywhere to be found and it's a funky one that I don't seem to have available in the "unpacked power cords" pile that will work with it. Does anyone have a couple of nice clear photos of same at a resolution that will print out well on CD cover size? I would be most forever grateful and beholden. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I do! From Kettering. Unfortunately not here at work. If you haven't found one by the time I get home in a couple hours, I'll post it for you.

:wub:Happy Valentine's Day, FCA! :wub:
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I had this, because I had an Italian charm made from this one. I have a whole bracelet of nothing but JBT.....and that's just one of three Italian charm bracelets. (One of the other two is all Clay, the other is my "RL". Hee)

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I need another analogy because I hate roller coasters. If I ever get on a roller coaster, I will die. Simple as that.

Yup. Exactly.

My (then 10 yr old) youngest son once got me on a roller coaster at Six Flags...San Diego? Somewhere....

And only because I didn't know when I got on it was a roller coaster.

They literally had to stop the ride at the end to pry my fingers off the safety bar. Because I couldn't and he couldn't either. He disowned me for the rest of the day. :cryingwlaughter:

I had this, because I had an Italian charm made from this one. I have a whole bracelet of nothing but JBT.....and that's just one of three Italian charm bracelets. (One of the other two is all Clay, the other is my "RL". Hee)

Eeeeehhh! Me tooo! Have you seen the ones sold to benefit BAF? There are some awesome ones, including things like album covers and JK hearts. I just ordered way too many.

Charming for Inclusion

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