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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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I was just over at IDF ranting in a thread where they talk about songs and someone was saying that some Christians have changed Imagine from "No religion" in a line to "more religion" or "one religion"

From this section

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

I contend that it is reversing the meaning of the song and just wrong, where as others contend that it is just like changing the gender in a song. I have to stop arguing with people , but some things people say just irk me because it is so insert not nice word here, I don't want to use it, but get frustrated. Sorry, I just feel this way. Sort of like the "Clay was buying out his contract with RCA and signing with Warners" - FC information if I ever heard it, and yet some people want to treat it as if it came from a reasonable source! I don't theenk so.... (just say that in a taunter's accent)

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From butterflyshine at CV:


eeee....Goldsboroaikenfan just saw a clip for WRAL tomorrow....she heard Clay singing a song...a ballad...but she doesn't remember much more b/c she was spazzing...the voiceover said Clay was going to tell us a secret about his music that we don't know....eeee...i hope someone caps it....

A small clip of Clay singing in the studio was just now on WRAL TV. They mentioned more would be on about Clay tomorrow -- and wow! there it is again --- Clay in the beige sweater at a microphone and a guy with a British accent said something about songs that people will not be expecting Clay to sing. (sorry jumbled a bit -- I was on the phone when it came on) Stay tuned -- tomorrow at 5:00pm for more.
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Well there's a difference between ranting (and puking) here on our board, and hitting his site and engaging him. Big difference, IMO.

I have never seen his blog and god-willing never will. I saw him on an E! special about paparazzi once, and that was enough to make me despise him even if I'd never heard the name Clay Aiken.


I had, quite unfortunately, wondered over to his site well over a year ago as a big idiot very naive fan and low&behold I was mortified. Simply because I had given it hits and became physically ill! Now, while I am sure that last statement would most likely bring the pig fits of glee, I can honestly say that I have never been back nor have I ever ever watched/tuned into anything with him in/on it. There's a visual for ya. ugh

What the hell is happening? I feel like I am living in an alternate universe these days.


ETA - A ballad?

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From butterflyshine at CV:


eeee....Goldsboroaikenfan just saw a clip for WRAL tomorrow....she heard Clay singing a song...a ballad...but she doesn't remember much more b/c she was spazzing...the voiceover said Clay was going to tell us a secret about his music that we don't know....eeee...i hope someone caps it....

A small clip of Clay singing in the studio was just now on WRAL TV. They mentioned more would be on about Clay tomorrow -- and wow! there it is again --- Clay in the beige sweater at a microphone and a guy with a British accent said something about songs that people will not be expecting Clay to sing. (sorry jumbled a bit -- I was on the phone when it came on) Stay tuned -- tomorrow at 5:00pm for more.

EEEEEE- Can't wait!!! :clap::clap:

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I wouldn't THINK of adding to PH's hits (and income) by going to his site, but it's hard to avoid the piece of shit because virtually every legitimate (using the term loosely) news program has featured him--showing his handiwork. Why he constititues news is just beyond me.

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From CH:

They've run 2 promos so far, and I'll have both! The first has more of him singing (not much, but still), and the British guy saying that the album will be one that has people saying "Is that Clay? Is that Clay Aiken?"

I'll get it up as quickly as I can. Wish I could cap the HD, though. Poot.

Tomorrow at 5. W00T!

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Guy with a British accent? Sounds like our producer may be revealed!

cindi, I agree that actively engaging idiot blogger on his own blog is stupid. And I'm sure our rants here are mostly harmless. Having said that...we do have guests here, and even the admins don't know the identity of them.

I guess it's just my nature, but I've always one that felt that hatred breeds even more hatred, and somewhere down the line, the circle has to be broken. In my case, it ends with ME ignoring the jerk.

And yes, I realize I've just broken my own rule with this post. It's a hard world we live in.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....I think I'll just do a bunch of happy dances that we'll be getting album news very soon! EEEEEEEEEEEE!

:Pogo0: :Pogo0: :Pogo0:

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From butterflyshine at CV:


eeee....Goldsboroaikenfan just saw a clip for WRAL tomorrow....she heard Clay singing a song...a ballad...but she doesn't remember much more b/c she was spazzing...the voiceover said Clay was going to tell us a secret about his music that we don't know....eeee...i hope someone caps it....

A ballad??? Clay singing a ballad??? Oh my! What happened to all those rock songs he really truly wants to sing? Did Clive kidnap one of the pooches again? I mean, someone must have forced him to sing a ballad because we all know that Clay really hates singing ballads! <snark>

Guy with a British accent? Sounds like our producer may be revealed!

Or at least his voice will!

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something about songs that people will not be expecting Clay to sing.

Hmmm.....well about the only thing I would not expect Clay to be singing is "twangy" country, opera and maybe heavy metal? But otherwise I think the field is wide open. He has proven he can sing ANY genre. Afterall we have heard him do rap, soul, blues, CC, soft jazz, etc. I wonder what "people" they might be refering to...

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Yeah, I sorta wonder who they are referring to - because I can't imagine hearing Clay singing and NOT recognizing the voice...

Hell, I think he could do twangy country really well - I think heavy metal might be beyond him though...

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From geekette at the CH:

I ran it back to watch again (the one on the 5:30 news). It definitely "Producer" on the screen, while the British guy saying "I'm very optomistic that we'll have a record where people go "Is that Clay? Is that Clay Aiken?"

Short sandy brown hair, no glasses, a bit on the craggy side, stubble, I'm rough with ages, but maybe late 40's?

The 5PM news had a couple lines from a ballad. Pretty, but I'm not sure I'd call that one unexpected, at least musicwise. Lyrically, "all works out" and "conquers fears" are two phrases I can make out.

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It is probably a rock ballad, suitable for a rock star. heh.

Oh boo, I will have to start getting a life and stay off the boards soon. I really don't want to speculate.

As far as the producer saying people will say - that's Clay Aiken? I imagine it would not be the fans who know what Clay can sing. I wonder if the word "butts" will be featured in that ballad?

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I'm not concerned about lurkers or whatever. I think not dwelling on the piece of crap and every now and then stating the obvious is ok. I actually love that on the day to day basis for the past 2 years I have no idea what's going on in the swamps. I don't need to know..I just assume the worst and nothing they've ever done or said has shocked me.

Yay for the producer. I guess he's talking about NJU because I'll know Clay from word one.

ETA: And I'm sure there will be ballads. I doubt they are going that far with whatever they are doing. I look forward to learning more.

And I can actually imagine Clay doing pretty much anything but rap, maybe hip hop. Not that he couldn't sing it well.... but bringing the right attidue..not too sure. But hey I'll never say never with Clay. Whatever, 12 polkas..and I'd buy that too.

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Yeah, I sorta wonder who they are referring to - because I can't imagine hearing Clay singing and NOT recognizing the voice...

Hell, I think he could do twangy country really well - I think heavy metal might be beyond him though...

Heh, I guess I was thinking more along the lines of "having a hoedown, get out yer bango" (t/m Clay AI2R) kinda twangy country. snark ;)

Okay, I am now getting "officially" excited! Is it too soon to EEEEEE? just a bit


eta - oh oh, did i just kilt the thread? :(

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! New Clay music!!!!!

Personally? I FLOVE it if the first thing he 'leaks' is a ballad. I can almost hear him giggling and sticking his tongue out at a few 'experts'. BWAH!!!!

And there might be lurkers? Who care about Per ez Hil ton? Ooooh goodie. Hey LURKER. C'mere. Come CLOSER......... Are you close enough now? PER EZ HIL TON is a bottom dwelling maggot wart on the frog's ass of life. Sincerely... cindilu2

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ETA - A ballad?

It is probably a rock ballad, suitable for a rock star. heh.

BWAH, you people are CMSU. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! for WRAL clack. Can't wait for tomorrow!

And in the roller coaster ride that this fandom is some days, {{{Clay}}} and {{{fans with tickets}}}.

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play, what are you talking about? Did we receive word that Clay's not on stage tonight?

yeah...from newbird at CV...

I just talked to JoJoBugs. She is at the theater right now and they were told that Clay was not going to perform tonight!!


I don't know if it's true or just a rumor, but I'll be hurting for everyone if it turns out true...sick Clay and the fans

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Loved the two clips...makes it seem so real now! So, anybody recognize the Producer?

Laughn 25 days until Spring on the calendar, but I am not counting on it getting warm here anytime soon...I bet we have snow on Easter!

It's true, Clay will not performing tonight as well as two other cast members..don't know who they are as of yet.

His slight cold must have turned into a full blown one...lots of nasty bugs going around...I never expected him to go through the entire run without missing at least one show.


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