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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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I do understand disappointment at not getting to see him at the stage door. I really do - I would feel it too. But anger? After just seeing him perform that brilliant show? I don't get that. If I'm sorry for anything, I'm sorry for people who would let that bit of disappointment be the 'take away' from the awesome show they just experienced.

I don't presume to know why Clay chose not to go out. And there have been so many versions of Jerome's words, I don't know for sure exactly what he said (though I do think Jerome is more protective of Clay than any of his fanmommies are - and it's possible he projected a tad too). But given what I saw on the boards yesterday I'm a little skeered to think what might have happened had Clay come outside. J'accuse!!! springs to mind.

And for something completely different.... I had a little fun playing with the cow last night: fetcher2.gif

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.
I wanted to word what you said but only intended quote part of it for reference. I couldn't decide what to leave out so kept it all. I may not have liked Jerome telling me to pass the word along to other fans, but I would not have taken it personally or even thought I was being punished. I'm not responsible for the rest of the fandom and if given the chance would quietly have said that to Jerome in a nice, maybe joking way.

If you haven't voted in the following poll, please consider doing that. It ends today. It is important to a couple of fans who really want to see Clay win this particular poll. If you don't like polls, fine don't vote. If you are more neutral, how about helping out some other fans to whom this poll is important? It may not be important in the scheme of things but it caught the attention of a few fans so I voted to support them.


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What was it Clay said about a bitter 13-year-old on a computer in Kansas? Heh.

All I can say is that Clay is so much nicer than me, it ain't even much funny - I'd be bitchslapping people by now. And making whomever I wanted to punish on Team Clay write down all stupid comments about how Clay should this, that and the other, pick on one seriously know it all fan, and do a listing of all the ways she's fucked up her life and ask her on her favorite board, "Why didn't you do better? What's wrong with you? You can't run your own and hell, Clay's doing better than you, why in the hell should he listen to you? Idiot."

But I'm petty like that.

claytonic, the book does leave that impression - I tend to see the relationship with the step father as more complicated - especially taking into consideration other things he's said, and the difference in his reaction to their deaths.

In other news, I'm to 94.5 GB in 2004, down from 95.3 GB! I thought I would be able to get rid of entire cities on tour, but haven't been able to do that. <sigh>

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..his smile just lights up everything

Thread title?

Good morning, y'all.

KAndre, instead of heartburning over which files to delete, why not get a package of dvds (these hold a LOT of data) and copy files off? That way, you still HAVE it, but it's not crowding your drive anymore. Like having a personal clack archive.

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Clay does the best he can to please this fandom. It is never enough.

It is true that saying " you give them a hand, they want the arm " or something like that !!!! :cryingwlaughter: ( I am not sure the correct saying )

So true. It always reminds me of Shel Silverstein's story, "The Giving Tree." For those unfamiliar with the title, the Amazon synopsis is here:

In Shel Silverstein's popular tale of few words and simple line drawings, a tree starts out as a leafy playground, shade provider, and apple bearer for a rambunctious little boy. Making the boy happy makes the tree happy, but with time it becomes more challenging for the generous tree to meet his needs.

When he asks for money, she suggests that he sell her apples. When he asks for a house, she offers her branches for lumber. When the boy is old, too old and sad to play in the tree, he asks the tree for a boat. She suggests that he cut her down to a stump so he can craft a boat out of her trunk. He unthinkingly does it. At this point in the story, the double-page spread shows a pathetic solitary stump, poignantly cut down to the heart the boy once carved into the tree as a child that said "M.E. + T." "And then the tree was happy... but not really." When there's nothing left of her, the boy returns again as an old man, needing a quiet place to sit and rest. The stump offers up her services, and he sits on it. "And the tree was happy."

While the message of this book is unclear (Take and take and take? Give and give and give? Complete self-sacrifice is good? Complete self-sacrifice is infinitely sad?), Silverstein has perhaps deliberately left the book open to interpretation.

It is sad how so many fans feel such entitlement. How, somehow, back door autographs are assumed to be part of the price of admission. How concert routings must conform to fan convenience instead of financial realities. How he should be expected to read the message boards to discern the mood of the fandom before posting his blogs. How we should be privy to every detail of his career whenever we want it.

Through television, he's made public the inside of his home. He's shared his vacation photos, his tastes in books and television shows, even his excitement in his iPhone. He gives himself fully to every performance, no matter how ill or tired he might be. He has expressed his gratitude to the fans at countless concerts, on multiple blogs, in his book, and in person.

And yet for some, it is never enough.

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It appears after reading all the recaps yesterday, that there were 4 different incidents:

1. The gentleman who was taking pictures.

2. The group who yelled out during the Knights of Ni.

3. The McVargas Girls

4. The group who left during the curtain call to go to the barricades.

I think Clay had every right to be upset.


It would have been annoying AND offensive not just to the actors but to the audiences who frequent Broadway shows, it's a part of their life the way some people go to the movies (for example) every Friday night.

I imagine many of them would have been first time Broadway attendees(for Clay) and they may not realise that going live theatre/Opera/Ballet etc is not like going to the cinema. Actors are highly sensitive and nothing offends them more than having someone disrupt and compromise their work in front of a paying audience. Leaving during a curtain call is downright insulting.

I thought it was made clear what the 'rules' were, but I guess some slipped through the cracks.

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I've read a lot of things since yesterday and the one thing I don't get is where is Clay to blame in all of this? What did he do that was so wrong?

"We" don't know what went on backstage, "we" don't know how angry he was, "we" don't know what he told Jerome to say, "we" don't know what the cast said, "we" don't even know for sure what was done by whom and "we" are getting differing reports of what Jerome actually said!

All we have is circumstancial evidence but hey let's convict him anyway!

Sometimes I'm ashamed to claim membership in the Clay Nation!

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In other news, I'm to 94.5 GB in 2004, down from 95.3 GB! I thought I would be able to get rid of entire cities on tour, but haven't been able to do that. <sigh>

KAndre, what about a USB external drive? I have two of them, one is 120GB and the other is 250GB. They have come down in price a lot, a friend just bought a 250GB Seagate for A$100. So much easier to move them to their own HD. That is what I am doing with your DVDs, I am saving them to my 120GB HD and will view them from there, knowing that the Master copies are safely stored.

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"We" don't know what went on backstage, "we" don't know how angry he was, "we" don't know what he told Jerome to say, "we" don't know what the cast said, "we" don't even know for sure what was done by whom and "we" are getting differing reports of what Jerome actually said!

Yeah I was pouring on my two cents to Ansa in IM and then I heard he was sick and then I realized I don't know shit. And even with the list of 4 things and other comments about one person being named and she wasn't even there and I wasn't affected anyway so I care because? Then I realized I don't. I can understand people who were there having an opinion but that's about it. But I didn't read around so don't really know how bad it was out there or if there were a few loud people and you'll always have those.

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.

Magnificent rant!!! :word:

What was it Clay said about a bitter 13-year-old on a computer in Kansas? Heh.

All I can say is that Clay is so much nicer than me, it ain't even much funny - I'd be bitchslapping people by now. And making whomever I wanted to punish on Team Clay write down all stupid comments about how Clay should this, that and the other, pick on one seriously know it all fan, and do a listing of all the ways she's fucked up her life and ask her on her favorite board, "Why didn't you do better? What's wrong with you? You can't run your own and hell, Clay's doing better than you, why in the hell should he listen to you? Idiot."

Hee--Clay should hire you as his bitchslapper.

I've read a lot of things since yesterday and the one thing I don't get is where is Clay to blame in all of this? What did he do that was so wrong?

"We" don't know what went on backstage, "we" don't know how angry he was, "we" don't know what he told Jerome to say, "we" don't know what the cast said, "we" don't even know for sure what was done by whom and "we" are getting differing reports of what Jerome actually said!

All we have is circumstancial evidence but hey let's convict him anyway!

We don't know shit, but that doesn't stop some people.

And what are the odds that this would happen on the afternoon of the Clay Watch gathering for Spamalot?? [/snark]

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00lsee, claytonic, I love you guys. Y'all are so sweet!

I have two 500 GB, three 320 GB, and maybe four 250 GB HDs (it's was the Iomega 250 one that went out last weekend) and Scarlett keeps tempting me with the 1 TB drives they have on sale - I backup EVERYTHING. Of course, the stuff on the one that went out was on CDs (I started backing everything up on CDs early in my fandom) - I'm now switching my backup to double layer DVDs and one of the 500 GBs.

I'm trying to distill the clack for a quick, high quality hit of everything to keep on tap for Media Player - for example I used to have over 150 GB of AI2 stuff - mostly multiple copies from different sources in different formats. Because of claytonic, I reduced it down to 1 great copy of everything and 42 GB attached to my computer - but I still have the 150 GB on DVDs. Like I know I don't need 5 copies of "Invisible" from the Chicago show of the Independent tour - but va1587 starts at the very beginning and looks to be on the front row near the catwalk (lord, I miss the catwalk!) but the sound is not the best - aigf sounds a little better (lots of bass) and filmed mostly from the Jumbotron which gives good shots but are sort of shaky - FredIsTheWord is futher back and has good view of the whole stage and his whole body and is on his right - Thankful4Clay is on his left and has good sound and you can really the orange face makeup compared to his arms and looks to be in the 3rd row and has good shots of his dancing crazy - theHeidis don't start at the beginning but really steady and in focus. I have over 2000 video files for 2004 alone and it just sort takes awhile to find a specific one. I would like to get down to no more than two (or three) files per song per concert. Oh, and that's just concert files. When you add in the TV appearances and stuff - it starts to get a little bulky. Happily the mp3 files don't take up a lot of room!

Of course I have to watch them all repeatedly first.

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.


I do understand disappointment at not getting to see him at the stage door. I really do - I would feel it too. But anger? After just seeing him perform that brilliant show? I don't get that. If I'm sorry for anything, I'm sorry for people who would let that bit of disappointment be the 'take away' from the awesome show they just experienced.

Yeah, I get the disappointment too, but this goes beyond disappointment. I think "venom" is the perfect word-some of Clay's own fans, who spent time building him up, now seem more interested in tearing him down for every perceived "flaw" and "mistake".

What was it Clay said about a bitter 13-year-old on a computer in Kansas? Heh.

All I can say is that Clay is so much nicer than me, it ain't even much funny - I'd be bitchslapping people by now. And making whomever I wanted to punish on Team Clay write down all stupid comments about how Clay should this, that and the other, pick on one seriously know it all fan, and do a listing of all the ways she's fucked up her life and ask her on her favorite board, "Why didn't you do better? What's wrong with you? You can't run your own and hell, Clay's doing better than you, why in the hell should he listen to you? Idiot."

But I'm petty like that.

I've wanted to say this MANY times- but I'm not nearly as funny as KAndre! :cryingwlaughter:

Clay does the best he can to please this fandom. It is never enough.

It is true that saying " you give them a hand, they want the arm " or something like that !!!! :cryingwlaughter: ( I am not sure the correct saying )

It is sad how so many fans feel such entitlement. How, somehow, back door autographs are assumed to be part of the price of admission. How concert routings must conform to fan convenience instead of financial realities. How he should be expected to read the message boards to discern the mood of the fandom before posting his blogs. How we should be privy to every detail of his career whenever we want it.

Through television, he's made public the inside of his home. He's shared his vacation photos, his tastes in books and television shows, even his excitement in his iPhone. He gives himself fully to every performance, no matter how ill or tired he might be. He has expressed his gratitude to the fans at countless concerts, on multiple blogs, in his book, and in person.

And yet for some, it is never enough.

ENTITLEMENT seems to be a HUGE word in some parts of this fandom, unfortunately. I will never begin to understand it, when Clay gives so much- above and beyond the call of duty, if you ask me.

ON to bigger and better things! I have really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts this weekend about the why's and wherefore's of their Clay fandom, and how it may compare (or not) with other fandoms in their past. For me, I vividly remember watching Clay's first appearance (the Atlanta audition) on Ai, and liked his voice, but he didn't "catch" me until the wildcard show. It goes without saying that his singing that night was spectacular, but I also liked his self-acceptance.

I belonged to a board many moons ago where the question was put out to all of the members- "WHY Clay?"- and this is what I wrote way back then:

Discovering Clay Aiken was like receiving an unexpected gift- one that I will be eternally grateful for. I had no great expectations when I first turned on AI. I certainly didn't anticipate that one of the contestants would steal my heart. But.......CLAY! What was it about him that totally captivated me?

Randy always marveled at that powerful voice emanating from that skinny body- and it WAS amazing! But how did that body house so much personality and charisma as well? It was literally bubbling up out of him- the self-deprecating sense of humor, the quiet confidence, the intelligence, the goofiness, the warm and caring heart, the strength of character, the vulnerability. Add all of those attributes to the sweetest face on earth and that heavenly voice, and it's a potent combination!

He seemed to be an ordinary guy- and an EXTRAORDINARY one- at the same time. Maybe that's the attraction. Fantasy figures are usually unattainable, but Clay was so.....REAL.....so substantial. He almost seemed to be a throwback to another era- an "old soul". You could imagine becoming great friends with him---AND falling in love with him He made you feel comfortable and crazed at the same time. How did he DO that???

WHY CLAY? Because he is truly a gift, and now that I have found him I cannot imagine what my life would be like without him in it.

And I still feel the same way about him today- even more so, if that's possible. He has shown so much strength and character in the face of adversity and cruelty heaped upon him. He does so much for the fans- even though some of those fans seem to enjoy picking him apart. I honestly don't know how he does it. And, having been lucky enough to have met him several times, and to have been the target of both his kindness and his snark-both of which I LOVED- I just think that there is no one else like him! :wub:

I'm so excited- 4 more sleeps, and I'll be on my way to NY to see Spamalot and Brave Sir Robin! I can't wait!!!

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00lsee, claytonic, I love you guys. Y'all are so sweet!

I have two 500 GB, three 320 GB, and maybe four 250 GB HDs (it's was the Iomega 250 one that went out last weekend) and Scarlett keeps tempting me with the 1 TB drives they have on sale - I backup EVERYTHING. Of course, the stuff on the one that went out was on CDs (I started backing everything up on CDs early in my fandom) - I'm now switching my backup to double layer DVDs and one of the 500 GBs.

Well, ain't that a classic case of trying to teach grandma how to suck eggs???

[Hope you guys know what that means - I once used it on someone for whom English wasn't her first language and she looked highly offended, especially since she was about 26 at the time and several years my junior.]

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Well this is probably my last long post before leaving for the Philippines with the kids for a months visit with my mom. We leave this evening for the train...we take an 11 hour ride to Montreal. We stay there for a night so I may be able to check in on FCA...then Tuesday morning we take off for a 19 hour plane ride (25 hours with connections). I will probably be back on line by Thursday.

I have been pretty distracted by all our preparations so wasn;t able to answer Couchie's thoughtful musings yesterday. But I see the conversation has moved on.

I checked out my former haunt to see what the drama was about and I see everyone is acting true to type. People that are usually critical of Clay and likes to put the blame on him is saying he shouldn't have sent Jerome to lecture the fans. the posters that like to tell how other fans should be are on arms against certain fans...and there are those that remain rational and point out...we do not know anything except Clay was upset...so were the other cast members and Jerome went out to tell the fans out there to spread the word that this is unacceptable behavior...or something like that.

I guess people can predict how I feel...I will give Clay the benefit of the doubt that he pretty much knew it were fans that were creating the problem...he knows a lot of us from the past few years of seeing our faces in the audience...and that the incident was not minor and that it did upset the other cast members. I don't consider clay a petty diva that will go on hissy fits for little things. So with no other eye witness account from the stage/backstage...I will assume that Clay had good reason to do this.

Well...hope this will blow away soon and we can have some more positive things to EEEEEEEEEEEe over...

well bye for now...will be back in a few days!!!

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Well hopefully if everything is getting talked about all over the people who leave the show early just to get to the barricades are gettign their fair share of it. I think that is just rude.

Most definitely - but I suspect some will continue to do this.

All I KNOW is that prior to the end of the show when they were setting up barricades my friend asked Jerome is Clay was coming out. Jerome said yes, he was feeling better and would be out. I think this is supported by the fact he did come out after the evening performance. I KNOW Jerome came out later to say Clay wouldn't come out and why.

What I don't KNOW for sure is who was responsible or what exactly happened inside that theater or what Clay told Jerome to say or what the other actors were saying or what Clay was saying. If I had to GUESS I would say Clay was pissed (we all know he can get pissy), told Jerome to go out and tell everyone he wasn't coming out and why. I THINK that he was probably just pissed, perhaps embarrassed, and didn't feel like coming out. I doubt he saw it as a punishment to anyone, even the perpetrators. He may have felt responsible for what happened (even though he wasn't). And it wouldn't surprise me if the other cast members were upset that he wanted to stand by them by not going out.

I said yesterday that I am not surprised something like this happened. I was only surprised it took so long. Unfortunately, it could happen again. I just hope if something like this does happen again, the fans don't take it upon themselves to play police. Its not their job and I have seen times when the fans playing police cause more of a disruption that those they are policing.

Have a safe trip. Ansa! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Someone please remind me not to leave this place!

Some of the criticisms of Clay being bandied about shock me! I mean, there are some even saying this kind of thing could hurt his career because it will hit the blogs and cast him as a diva - a reputation he already has!

They are saying Jerome shouldn't have "lectured" or "scolded" the crowd, that it would anger the NJUs as well as his fans and they would be justified in their anger. From what I heard he said what he said very calmly and politely.

There is more, but geez. Yesterday's indignation toward the misbehaving fans seems to have turned into indignation toward Clay.

I just don't get it.

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yep which usually turns my initial sympathy for those that missed out on seeing Clay go up in smoke. It will hit the blogs because they are going on about it for 2 days which in just incomprehensible to me.

Bye, Ansa! We'll be mostly good!


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Someone please remind me not to leave this place!

Some of the criticisms of Clay being bandied about shock me! I mean, there are some even saying this kind of thing could hurt his career because it will hit the blogs and cast him as a diva - a reputation he already has!

They are saying Jerome shouldn't have "lectured" or "scolded" the crowd, that it would anger the NJUs as well as his fans and they would be justified in their anger. From what I heard he said what he said very calmly and politely.

There is more, but geez. Yesterday's indignation toward the misbehaving fans seems to have turned into indignation toward Clay.

I just don't get it.

I do get it. I just don't like it. And it happens every. single. time. It mostly seems to derive from the same few fans who seem only to remain in the fandom to criticize and judge, and then it is perpetuated by the sheep who follow them. *see previous post re: neediness* If indeed it 'reaches the blogs' it will be because it is fed to them on a silver platter, complete with quotable quotes from 'fans'. Sorry - but they make me want to retch.

I wish just once their spotlight of judgement could be turned back on them. I have a feeling most of them would wither up and die if subjected to the same standards they so vehemently judge Clay by.

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Just checking in... spent the day with my kids and their hubbys yesterday and missed all the excitment. While everyone was wringing hands and pointing fingers, I was in an Irish pub enjoying the local color.

Everyone came home with us to spend the night, and now there is beer being brewed, coffee being drunk, and guitars being plucked.

Life is Good. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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love the last picture. his smile just lights up everything.

Yep. He looks happy. I'm happy. :wub:


I've gave up trying to "figure it out." Made my brain hurt. So I just decided to go with it. Hee.


DD, her BFF and I are going to buy our plane tickets today. Once that is done I will be looking in earnest at the Spam tickets. I'm torn. What's coming up for Orchestra Center is pretty far back, like row R. Would front of the mezzanine be better? Or side orchestra? I really am not as interested in being close as I am in having a good view of the whole show. When we saw Phantom recently (here) we had great seats in Center Orchestra (row F?) I understand there is a lot that goes on above the stage in Phantom but felt as if I missed some of the feel of the show because we were so close. Her Broadway friend thinks the back Orchestra would be better than the mezzanine but admits he hasn't been to the Schubert in a couple of years and may not be remembering it correctly. Anyone?

I had both the front row of the Mezz and row P or S in the Orchestra and I would pick Mezz every time, as long as you aren’t too far off to the left. If you’re too far off to the left you won’t be able to see Clay’s opening scene very well. I had Row A, seat 1 and it felt like I was so close to Clay. And the view is good. SRO would be better than row R, possibly, because I had someone tall sitting in front of me.

What I don't KNOW for sure is who was responsible or what exactly happened inside that theater or what Clay told Jerome to say or what the other actors were saying or what Clay was saying. If I had to GUESS I would say Clay was pissed (we all know he can get pissy), told Jerome to go out and tell everyone he wasn't coming out and why. I THINK that he was probably just pissed, perhaps embarrassed, and didn't feel like coming out. I doubt he saw it as a punishment to anyone, even the perpetrators. He may have felt responsible for what happened (even though he wasn't). And it wouldn't surprise me if the other cast members were upset that he wanted to stand by them by not going out.

Yeah, I’m with you. It probably was more a matter of not feeling like going out because he was upset than it was “punishment”. If he was that pissed, it’s probably better that he not go outside anyway – he might say something he would later regret. <g> And then you would really see the shit hit the fan.

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Does anybody know what hoodie Clay is wearning in these pics from last night?

Clayboard thread link

It's driving me crazy!

Yeah, I’m with you. It probably was more a matter of not feeling like going out because he was upset than it was “punishment”. If he was that pissed, it’s probably better that he not go outside anyway – he might say something he would later regret. <g> And then you would really see the shit hit the fan.

Uhhuh. And you just know some well-meaning fan would have video of it.

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