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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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OMG! That YouTube was freakin' hysterical!

Not denying that Cowell is "just another guy with an opinion", but just like ole Clive - he really has had some success in the music industry prior to Idol, and isn't always completely talking out of his ass. In general, if he's not talking about Clay, we tend to line up a lot on the Idols. As I said, many of his comments taken straight up, especially about Broadway, are in general true. If it weren't for Idol, Clay wouldn't be on Broadway now. And yeah, Clay is probably making more off his recording career than on Broadway (though I think that would mostly be through his tours as opposed to his CD sales, considering his lack of writing credits for his CD. Though I also think he's getting a fair amount for the Broadway turn as well). I did indicate that Simon was wrong on Clay's possible success as a recording artist - but Simon has also admitted that he is occasionally wrong.

Honestly, from seeing Clay that last night on AI2, I would have never thought he would go anywhere near Broadway - I just didn't see that in him. What I am saying, even though Simon put it in a nasty way, is that he did see that potential, to the point where he admitted that he would personally cast him in a show. Of course, all of this is fresh on my mind as I spent the entire weekend going through the entire original episodes. Simon has never struck me as stupid - just someone with blind spots big enough to drive a truck through.

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Jimmy Kimmel just cracks me up. That's the funniest thing! I'll bet Clay will laugh himself sick when he sees it. Now, it would REALLY have been funny if Clay had been in it. I loved the little PH touches--the nasty notes on the pictures. Too perfect. :cryingwlaughter:

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Simon has no claim on All-Knowing-Recording-Expert. To me, he's just another guy with an opinion.

I'm with you here, kf. It would be interesting to have a video compilation of all the times he's made a comment in the vein of "I just don't see you as a recording artist/what we're looking for, etc" and then show the people to whom he was speaking! :cryingwlaughter: What he's looking for? Fantasia? She's done okay. Ruben? Wellll.......Taylor? Of course, he's on record as not thinking Taylor should have won, but who then? Katharine? Uh.....I really don't think Simon's 'record' of pop idol prophecies is all that impressive, actually.

And it CMSU whenever he talks disparagingly about the whole Broadway thing---Let's see, he's made a fortune on "Il Divo" and now I hear he's 'discovered' another group of operatic singers? Hmmm....

Thing is...during the AI competitions, there are many times where I agree with Simon's assessments! I rarely agree with HOW he makes them, but more often than not, his comments about someone's VOICE mesh with how I heard the sounds...Lord, especially so far this year---I don't know what Randy and Paula are hearing, but all their gushing over many of these people have me sitting with my jaw hanging open!

Can't watch Jimmy's video at work, dang it! I think it's so cool that all those celebrities joined in on this---to me, it's like a solidarity thing---celebrities uniting against all the tabloid and sensationalist shit. Ha! :cryingwlaughter:

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Ah, Ruben Studdard. I hope Ruben can hold his health together for the proposed tour of "Ain't Misbehavin'", which could rejuvenate his career a bit.


Newsweek review is pretty darn good! I wonder if anyone pays attention to them? It is an embarrassing role, but they really should have gotten the menorah joke, Spamalot has so many layers, I guess a few escape attention.
I think the menorah on the piano was actually a layered joke, as the candelabra was iconic to Liberace. Or, as artquest said elsewhere:
You can't put a candle holder of any kind, even a menorah, on a piano without invoking Liberace. That's what makes it a visual pun, like so much in Spamalot. Works for me on both levels.
So, yeah, the reference didn't surprise me...just irritated me because of the inevitable implications. A few other lines in the review annoyed me, but overall, it was a GREAT review! And since the writer helpfully posted her email addy, I dropped her a complimentary line. No, a regular line, not a strand of creeper.

How does Holly have access to your mail?!

Those of you who have attended or will attend multiple shows, could you do me a favor? I heard something cute about Hannah and Clay exchanging congratulatory looks during a curtain call...I'd love to know if anyone else noticed/notices this. It made me smile, if true, because it is so reminiscent of his concert persona.

Ah, gah...th_fallingslowly.jpg

this is my new, admittedly fuzzy, desktop background from dreamlarge's video

...mesmerizing. What a face...I sensed he could act just from watching him sing all this time. Those eyes, those expressions, those hands. Ah...just...Nice to have my opinion of his potential validated by his successes.

Jimmy Kimmel! Bwah! And wasn't that Brad Pitt delivering the FedEx? Oh my word. I saw part of this last night on tv, but had no idea it was a response to Silverman's video. They must have an interesting relationship...and from the looks of it, LOTS of Hollywood friends.


Can't watch Jimmy's video at work, dang it! I think it's so cool that all those celebrities joined in on this---to me, it's like a solidarity thing---celebrities uniting against all the tabloid and sensationalist shit.
Even more so when some photos used in the video resemble those PH posts on his juvenile blog.

Those of you who can't see the YouTube now, please post later with your reactions. I thought it was witty.

And maybe I can persuade a certain lurker to post her recap from her whirlwind round trip to NYC.

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All I can say about Jimmy Kimmel's video is that I watched it last night after the Oscars, and I saw WAYYYYY more of Jimmy's body than I cared to. It's now a documented fact now that JK does not work out. Just EWWWW to having to see that! I much preferred Sarah Silverman's video, maybe because it's nicer to think about f***ing Matt Damon.

KAndre, I'm right with you on Simon in that I think he's more honest in his opinions than are Paula and Randy, but then again he has biases that I don't care for. I just don't believe he can take any credit for saying Clay would find success on the Broadway stage rather than in recording, because I don't see it. To me he was excluding any other career for Clay outside of musical theater. I think Clay will do more on Broadway in the future and I see leading parts for him and I'm sure they're being offered right now, but I believe the BIG money in the business is in solo concert tours, more so than recording and/or songwriting, and I believe a singer pretty much has to be a recording artist to sell concert tickets. So, I stick with my inclination that Simon was dead wrong on this one. I'm more than willing to agree that being a Broadway star is a great big deal in prestige and profitability, but I still say that Broadway's not big enough to hold Clay Aiken's talents. He's still getting started.

My daydream of the hour is that Mike Nichols has taken such an interest in Clay, and Clay's comedic instincts, timing and mimickry, that he will cast him in one of his films. Clay on the big screen, in the flicks, would be my dream come true. Clay in a Mike Nichols film ... with a percentage ... OMG YES!

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My daydream of the hour is that Mike Nichols has taken such an interest in Clay, and Clay's comedic instincts, timing and mimickry, that he will cast him in one of his films. Clay on the big screen, in the flicks, would be my dream come true. Clay in a Mike Nichols film ... with a percentage ... OMG YES!

Oh, let me join you, kf, in a big ole' Meg Ryan "YES! YES! YES!" to this idea. :clap: I just heard somewhere about Justin Timberlake making another movie and already getting positive comments about his acting. I just know that if it's something Mr. Aiken wants someday, he'll give film acting the same 500% Aiken Effort as he has on Broadway...and anything else he attempts.


I need a moment to ponder that last bit.... :hubbahubba:

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I think Clay can beat Santana in the "cutest little butt wiggle" category.

Oh sure. But Johan's is more predictable. Before EVERY freakin' pitch...up to a 100 pitches per game.

YOU COUNTED?? Seriously, you counted? :cryingwlaughter: I can see me counting, but you?

Clay wrote:

It will be interesting to see the “Claymates” in Python-land!

I know I'm "parsing his words" here, but the way this is written, I wonder if he did these blogs ahead of time, and they are just publishing them once a week (except for the one week they forgot....).

That was my immediate impression, too ldyj, that they were done ahead of time and just now being published.

BWAH!! I just watched Jimmy's post-Oscar video response to Sarah Silverman. I think it's a scream. And I'm soooo glad Clay isn't in it - this is the last thing he'd need publicity for. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, here's a link:

Jimmy's response on youtube

OMFG!! That was freakin' hysterical! I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I personally hate the "F" word, seldom use it myself and don't like hearing it, but this was just too funny not to laugh at. Jimmy must have a great relationship with a whole bunch of folks. And Josh Groban????? :lmaosmiley-1: I never would have thought it. Robin Williams squirting water in his face just about did me in....choked on my lunch.

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A little Clay mention in the AI7 article

Come back, Sanjaya!

O, Sanjaya, wherefore art thou?

I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice that this season’s “American Idol” contestants are, first of all, part of The Beautiful People tribe. They are camera-ready, fashion savvy and irritatingly cute and in shape, meaning audiences won’t get the sheer joy of seeing a diamond in the rough go from geek to chic.

No Clay Aikens or Reuben Studdards or Taylor Hickses to speak of.


The best part of “American Idol” are all the auditions — and not the really good auditions, but the really BAD auditions. I live for a really bad audition. I know. Call me a bad person. What can I say? They’re entertaining.

And the other best part is watching the unslick underdogs — the waitresses, the music store employees, or the geeky singers — evolve into this American singing star.

God bless America!

I just want a Clay Aiken to root for, by golly.


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Heheh, yeah, Josh Groban's stock definitely went up a few points for me there. OMG! Jimmy is insane, but too damn funny! Only thing that would've made it funnier for me is if Clay had appeared at the end and decked Ben. *g*

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Heh - we are so primitive - we just like the male that we like to have lots and LOTS and LOTS of resources - even though my baby-makin' days are long over...

Clay decking Ben would have ruled!

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Mama's sister, my ittybitty Aunt Hilda had a heart attack, but due to her other health issues, is not expected to leave the hospital.

She weighs 63 pounds, has complications due to her terrible auto accident years ago, is in congestive heart failure, but is not a candidate for any of the usual corrective procedures.

ittybittyaunt2.jpg In this picture . . .

Dog=75 pounds

IttyBitty Aunt = 83 pounds.

She was talking yesterday and asked about everyone - asking by name, asking how they are doing, telling stories - until she just didn't have the breath to talk. And even then she still wanted to talk!

I'm doing well one minute and weepy the next. I mostly mad at myself for not going to visit her more. I know guilt is not a productive emotion. I know it. Intellectually. I can't change yesterday. I know.

But I will say this. (goes to the discussion about PLAY going to *coughafewcough* shows)

Do it now. Whatever it is you've been thinking about and keep putting off.

Call that classmate you've lost touch with but think about occasionally.

Call your mother. Or you uncle. Sister. Aunt. Friend.

Take that pretty new dress, or shirt or skirt you got for Christmas and folded neatly, put in a drawer to save for a special occasion.

Unfold it.

Wear it.

Enjoy it.

If you can't go to NYC, go see a touring Broadway show.

If you've always wanted to go see a favorite sports team, find a way.

I'm a world class procrastinator.

If you are, too - Make a list of things you want to do, people you've been meaning to have lunch with, something you've wanted to try.

And start with one thing on your list.

And do it.

I'm off to see Aunt Hilda earlier in the day and catch her before the day wears her out. And maybe she'll have breath enough to tell me one of her stories. (She loves to talk and the congestive heart failure is crowding out her breath making that difficult.)

Go kiss somebody!

Cotton... beautiful post! I'm sorry about your aunt, but know that she would not want you to feel guilty about nothin'. I have a very good friend that is 84 and she has told me it makes her very happy to see her loved ones just living life and not treating her like if they look away she might leave at any moment. If she knows you love her then you have done nothing to feel guilty about... period!

{{{{{{cotton and aunt hilda}}}}}}


I am so freakin' proud of Clay. And so freakin' turned on by him and his badass, talented, fearless, titanium-gilded, take-no-prisoners way of living his life.

Dayum. He's so......



on so many levels


muski... may I just WORD your post! He is a "multi-talented people" (tm Sir Robin) who has brought so much joy and never ceases to amaze. I lub him a whole lot!

Heheh, yeah, Josh Groban's stock definitely went up a few points for me there. OMG! Jimmy is insane, but too damn funny! Only thing that would've made if funnier for me is if Clay had appeared at the end and decked Ben. *g*

OMG, cindilu... that would have been hysterical! I loved the video, too. That was quite the production. This will get him lots of comedy points. My dream... he takes over for Leno instead of Conass!

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Ah...found an mpg of dreamlarge's montage...made another screencap. Wow. I don't know why this particular image is affects me so much, but he's just tearing my heart out with this face. The eyes, people, the eyes.


Cotton, I appreciate your post this morning about your sweet auntie. I'm glad you have the opportunity to enjoy her while there's still time. Carpe diem, y'all! :)

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K'andre Just want to say I totally agree with you on Simon; I actually posted some of those same thoughts elsewhere and was pretty much strung up by my thumbs...Simon is just evil you know and God forbid you actually agree with something he said.

Love the Newsday review; you can really drive yourself crazing analyzing every word and every phrase said about one Clay Aiken, so I just take things at face value and move on.


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I often agree with Simon but not in the way he presents his comments. He can be very cruel and yeah I know it is his schtick but I still don't like it. I did not agree with what he said about Clay when he was pimping Ruben and I don't like what he does regarding Clay now. AI should be proud of Clay and all of his success so it makes me wonder how much Simon really dislikes Clay. I've watched the AI2 series multiple times....yes I am that obsessive. Although Simon knew how good Clay was, he deliberately tried to knock him down on several occasions. I saw something personal going on and I saw it for Clay as well. I had my psychotherapist hat on while analyzing the relationship between them and I saw Clay's need for Simon's approval, evidenced by his responses when Simon complimented him. It was clear to me that Simon didn't/doesn't like Clay. I don't think Clay has any use for Simon now. He is long past that need.

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I often agree with Simon but not in the way he presents his comments. He can be very cruel and yeah I know it is his schtick but I still don't like it. I did not agree with what he said about Clay when he was pimping Ruben and I don't like what he does regarding Clay now. AI should be proud of Clay and all of his success so it makes me wonder how much Simon really dislikes Clay. I've watched the AI2 series multiple times....yes I am that obsessive. Although Simon knew how good Clay was, he deliberately tried to knock him down on several occasions. I saw something personal going on and I saw it for Clay as well. I had my psychotherapist hat on while analyzing the relationship between them and I saw Clay's need for Simon's approval, evidenced by his responses when Simon complimented him. It was clear to me that Simon didn't/doesn't like Clay. I don't think Clay has any use for Simon now. He is long past that need.

skybar, your sense of Simon is similar to mine, I think. Claygasm and I were just talking about this recently. I said that what appears to me when I look at those AI2 clips is a classic clash of Alpha males. It's amazing to me to watch how Clay held his tongue so often while onstage listening to the judges' comments. He might show some reaction with his facial expressions, but he never challenged or even questioned judgments---even the really stupid ones. The one that I really remember is after Clay sang HTAE---a song that although I thought Clay didn't sing as well as he usually did (I always thought he seemed nervous and without breath support on this song--never mind the ghostly/ghastly lighting!)---and Randy made the absolutely absurd comment about Clay having 'played it safe' by choosing that song!

HOLY CRAP! That song is cruelly difficult to sing well! The range is unreal! Of course, Randy is such an expert, huh? I actually thought he knew something until he made this comment. Of course, by that time I had my doubts as to anything the judges had to say about Clay since the Ruben pimping was in final force mode then.

Anyhoo....I look at the times that Clay waited for and then reacted to Simon's comments and I can almost hear the retorts whirring in that redheaded brain--I'm sure he had LOTS of things he wanted to say but he was just too damned smart to verbalize them then. So while I'm sure he wanted Simon's approval, I think there was something more elemental going on between those two males. I'll always think that Simon saw some qualities in Clay that confound him---things he himself doesn't have, yet are things that obviously drew people to Clay---things that Simon just doesn't "get" as being qualities a 'REAL' man should/would have. Pissed him off that Clay was so popular, I think--on a personal level as well as a professional one.

Whatever. Simon, when he's not trying so hard to be hot or genius or just too cool, can actually have some worthwhile opinions about things. It's too bad (IMO) that he feels that the only way he can deliver the message is snidely or downright cruelly. I was a fool for know guys like him. Thank the stars I had the sense not to marry one of them.

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YIKES! Just sawt this recap from Can'tGoaDayWithoutClay on CH and need to hear some corroboration from Scarlett!


CantGoADayWithoutClay wrote:

Recapitulation - Part I


Well, that is, of course, with the exception of the Guard scene -- when he hit the floor and that stud's lovely studded tunic fell UP to his neck. JesusOnASchoolBus! Was I the only one in the room? OH, WOW! [t/m ME!] Were my eyes deceiving me? Were they, DarlingScarlettWhoWasJustAsCloseAsI ?? I sneaked another peek. OMG, I cried to myself, Look! No, don't look! No, LOOK! What an inner struggle ! I tried so hard to watch one of my favorite Prince Herbert scenes. But, Hot Damn! ..... the distraction was of major, uhm, proportions!

I’ve been waiting for someone else to say it… to report about it. I’ve been repressing it since it happened (I spent the day with my DH, remember?). That particular scene was not a good choice for dinner conversation -- certainly, NOT with a newly Clayverted DH on my hands! But I digress. Oh, MAN, do I digress. A L.O.T. !

So have a drink and a pee. I’ll be back, with part III.

oh! TWOOOO !

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See, where I thought Randy (and Paula) were stupid in the comments about choosing the song is the fact that neither Clay nor Ruben actually chose HTE or Imagine - the judges picked them.

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I don't get excited about what Simon says one way or another. I think that he is sometimes cruel in his honesty, but I find that I agree with him more than most, and music is a very hard career. If the contestants fall apart over Simon, how in the hell are they going to deal with the PHs of the world? It's probably good practice. I never really thought his comments to Clay were that bad--he often said things that were complimentary. Being a pain in the butt at times is just his schtick. I find him WAY less annoying than that "Dawg" shit and Paula's ...well, I don't even know how to charactierize her.

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Mama's sister, my ittybitty Aunt Hilda had a heart attack, but due to her other health issues, is not expected to leave the hospital.

She weighs 63 pounds, has complications due to her terrible auto accident years ago, is in congestive heart failure, but is not a candidate for any of the usual corrective procedures.

ittybittyaunt2.jpg In this picture . . .

Dog=75 pounds

IttyBitty Aunt = 83 pounds.

She was talking yesterday and asked about everyone - asking by name, asking how they are doing, telling stories - until she just didn't have the breath to talk. And even then she still wanted to talk!

I'm doing well one minute and weepy the next. I mostly mad at myself for not going to visit her more. I know guilt is not a productive emotion. I know it. Intellectually. I can't change yesterday. I know.

But I will say this. (goes to the discussion about PLAY going to *coughafewcough* shows)

Do it now. Whatever it is you've been thinking about and keep putting off.

Call that classmate you've lost touch with but think about occasionally.

Call your mother. Or you uncle. Sister. Aunt. Friend.

Take that pretty new dress, or shirt or skirt you got for Christmas and folded neatly, put in a drawer to save for a special occasion.

Unfold it.

Wear it.

Enjoy it.

If you can't go to NYC, go see a touring Broadway show.

If you've always wanted to go see a favorite sports team, find a way.

I'm a world class procrastinator.

If you are, too - Make a list of things you want to do, people you've been meaning to have lunch with, something you've wanted to try.

And start with one thing on your list.

And do it.

I'm off to see Aunt Hilda earlier in the day and catch her before the day wears her out. And maybe she'll have breath enough to tell me one of her stories. (She loves to talk and the congestive heart failure is crowding out her breath making that difficult.)

Go kiss somebody!

Cotton - I am so sorry about your ittybitty aunt. :hugs-1: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

You are so right about doing it now. The only thing I want to add: rest in between and eat right!! :D

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I think Clay can beat Santana in the "cutest little butt wiggle" category.

Oh sure. But Johan's is more predictable. Before EVERY freakin' pitch...up to a 100 pitches per game.

YOU COUNTED?? Seriously, you counted? :cryingwlaughter: I can see me counting, but you?

Well of course I count pitches. Everyone counts pitches. Nowadays no manager worth his salt will let his starting pitcher throw more than 100 pitches a start. Nobody really knows why. There is some speculation that they may blow up if they throw that 101st pitch. Pitch count is a very important part of baseball now. You'll usually get it at the beginning and end of every inning. So I feel safe saying that he does a butt wiggle up to 100 pitches per game. Actually I've often suspected that he only wiggles his butt when he throws his fastball or maybe his slider. But I've never been able to prove it.


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YIKES! Just sawt this recap from Can'tGoaDayWithoutClay on CH and need to hear some corroboration from Scarlett!


CantGoADayWithoutClay wrote:

Recapitulation - Part I


Well, that is, of course, with the exception of the Guard scene -- when he hit the floor and that stud's lovely studded tunic fell UP to his neck. JesusOnASchoolBus! Was I the only one in the room? OH, WOW! [t/m ME!] Were my eyes deceiving me? Were they, DarlingScarlettWhoWasJustAsCloseAsI ?? I sneaked another peek. OMG, I cried to myself, Look! No, don't look! No, LOOK! What an inner struggle ! I tried so hard to watch one of my favorite Prince Herbert scenes. But, Hot Damn! ..... the distraction was of major, uhm, proportions!

I’ve been waiting for someone else to say it… to report about it. I’ve been repressing it since it happened (I spent the day with my DH, remember?). That particular scene was not a good choice for dinner conversation -- certainly, NOT with a newly Clayverted DH on my hands! But I digress. Oh, MAN, do I digress. A L.O.T. !

So have a drink and a pee. I’ll be back, with part III.

oh! TWOOOO !

Up to his neck?? There has to be at least a little exaggeration/wishful thinking there. Apart from the fact he has a belt around his middle, I'm sure he'd fix it if flapped up too far (I saw him wiggle back some when he fell too far from his mark once, lol). Hee!

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New images from clayaikenpix.com. They've got a bunch of new "old" ones from ACAC, such as this:


And this...


They've also got new "old" pictures from Scrubs, such as this (wenches seem a bit enthralled with Clay, eh?):


They've got more of both of these photo shoots.

Oh yeah, they've also got 4 more from the AP/Spam interview. Heh.





Make sure to click a few times....

My work, for today, is done. :hubbahubba:

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Up to his neck?? There has to be at least a little exaggeration/wishful thinking there. Apart from the fact he has a belt around his middle, I'm sure he'd fix it if flapped up too far


Gosh, cindilu.....it's a good thing I'd already eaten most of my cornflakes before you pissed in them! :cryingwlaughter:

I'm gonna pretend that every word she said is the truth, dammit! And I'm going to pretend that it was ME in that front row looking at a prostrate guard whose tunic was all the way up to his chin and therefore whose lower body was gloriously wrapped only in fake chainmail tights.

yes, I am. :hubbahubba:

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