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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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goldarngirl and luckiest1 - I'm downloading your "Best of Canandaiqua" series right now, and hopefully I'll have time to watch it over the week-end. Thanks. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Even though I still wish you had picked a venue with a name I could actually spell. :imgtongue:


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OK, I must be blind. I can't find where that clip is in the CH vault. Can someone PM me the link? I can usually find almost everything in the vault (I have my files pretty similarly organized), but this one is simply eluding me.

Maybe it's because I'm sitting here with the laptop, and the cat on top of my arms.....

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Question: is there a rip of the WRAL "behind the scenes of Spamalot" available for download? I've watched many times today, but was wondering if there was one available yet.....

try this: http://www.sendspace.com/file/w4wtmm

I think this is the right one.

ETA: 00lsee- I'm pretty sure this is the 7 minute one- the longer version than the one that was on tv.

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Looks like I'm going to have to rebuild my laptop. :cry4: It's being extremely funky, and I can barely make it work. It has no viruses, but the icons just won't show up.

Before you do, try Tweak UI. I had that problem, and it worked for me. It was a long time ago so I don't remember a lot of details, but it does other things, so I selected something from a menu and ran it. Worked instantly. I won't put a link because there are different versions for different OS, but it's free and made by Microsoft. You can find it by googling.

ETA: doing some searching, I think maybe I clicked "repair" ???

Check out the info on this link: Your Desktop is a Mess. Scroll down to "corrupt icons."

Thank you so much for posting that link! I actually found it through google right before you posted it earlier today. Unfortunately, it didn't fix my laptop. So, I've spent the day rebuilding my laptop, and it went pretty well! I was able to figure out a way to save all of my media to my external drive before I wiped the entire laptop clean. Now it's just like new, and everything's working well! I would have been really upset about having to take the time to do this, but I stayed home sick from work today, so had time to work on it between naps. I still have to restore all of my pictures and music, but I'm sure it won't be difficult.

merrieee, how cool about your grail! What a fun thing to have on your desk at work.

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Intermission Report from Sally and Son on the Mezzanine

OMG, it's incredible. Watching it from up here, I see so many things I didn't see on the front row!!!

Clay obviously feels a whole lot better. His color and energy are back. He looks like a pro in every scene.

Sally took her opera glasses to catch Clay's expressions and can't believe all he does with his face.

He's got that hula down pat ... he wiggles, he smiles, and he knows he's beautiful. He chases those girls around and stays in the role the whole time.

Meanwhile, her son is using the opera glasses to watch Hannah! :lol:

She will call back after the show. :)

Caro listen.gif

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Looks like I'm going to have to rebuild my laptop. :cry4: It's being extremely funky, and I can barely make it work. It has no viruses, but the icons just won't show up.

Before you do, try Tweak UI. I had that problem, and it worked for me. It was a long time ago so I don't remember a lot of details, but it does other things, so I selected something from a menu and ran it. Worked instantly. I won't put a link because there are different versions for different OS, but it's free and made by Microsoft. You can find it by googling.

ETA: doing some searching, I think maybe I clicked "repair" ???

Check out the info on this link: Your Desktop is a Mess. Scroll down to "corrupt icons."

Thank you so much for posting that link! I actually found it through google right before you posted it earlier today. Unfortunately, it didn't fix my laptop. So, I've spent the day rebuilding my laptop, and it went pretty well! I was able to figure out a way to save all of my media to my external drive before I wiped the entire laptop clean. Now it's just like new, and everything's working well! I would have been really upset about having to take the time to do this, but I stayed home sick from work today, so had time to work on it between naps. I still have to restore all of my pictures and music, but I'm sure it won't be difficult.

Bummer that Tweak UI didn't work, but yay that the rebuilding went so well. What always annoys me is having to restore all the passwords and settings and all the little details, but having a clean system is a lovely thing, and I think the thought of it is probably worse than the actual doing.

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A few thoughts from last night's show......

Should we go? Will Clay be there? We won't know for sure until 2 hours into our drive.... is it worth the risk?

Yep, it was SO worth it. Even after a full day of work before a 3 hour drive each way, and knowing that my Spam buddy and I would only get a few hours sleep before we had to be at work again the next day. Definitely worth it.

So, I'm not much on well thought out recaps, but since I know we all like to get every detail and impression from each other that we can get, I'll share some thoughts.

Overall Impression

Sir Robin is growing up. :cry4:

Clay's portrayal of Sir Robin has really grown, in a very good way. When I saw him on January 26, he seemed so sweetly naive. Last night he seemed more knightly than naive to me, but still endearingly sweet. He just seems less innocent. And I miss that. But I suppose it was inevitable, and the result is good.

My favorite part

I have come to love the scene in which, in Sir Robin's world, he has just ran from the Black Knight, his minstrels are singing about how he shat himself and ran away, he is very frustrated with them, and his movements are just perfect ! I love when he says, "It's not true." and says "Sing another song." (or something like that). But the best part is when King Arthur asks if he's running away, and Sir Robin backpeddles a bit, saying ,"I was not running away. I was running to" :cryingwlaughter: . Again, his movements are just perfect. He moves in a backward direction as he says 'to.' Very effective. And then of course.... the Knights that say Ni come and send his bowels into a tizzy again. Sir Robin is my favorite knight!

There are non-Clay parts? Who knew?

I didn't realize how much I underprocessed the show the first time I saw it until I saw it for the second time. I think I was so focused on Clay that I missed the play, itself. I barely remembered the Knighting of Sir Galahad scene, and the Lakers Girls bit -very funny! And there were so many little details that I didn't attend to at all the first time - like the fact that when God talks about the grail at one point, a picture of it pops from cloud to cloud with pinball machine sounds. Very clever. And how when King Arthur counts something in the Dark and Very Expensive Forest, he counts "1,2,5," setting up the Brother Maynard bit about counting to precisely 3 before throwing the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Again - very clever. And the references to other musicals - far from subtle, but I missed all of them except West Side Story the first time around.

And who knew that Sir Belvedere was so funny? He gets my 1st Runner Up Knight award. :clap:

The biggest laugh of the night for me

I'm still laughing :cryingwlaughter: . During Find Your Grail, each knight climbs the mountain and stops at the top to do something, maybe just look out, but Sir Robin falters, gets scared and is hysterically funny in his movements. Last night, either Clay had really excellent body control or he was really about to fall because I was on the edge of my seat scared for him. I thought he was going to go flat on his face. Priceless.

Before this ride is over, I think I'll end up with a pair of coconuts. Killer Rabbit slippers? Waaaaay too big and scary.

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Glad to hear Clay seems to be feeling better tonight. Thanks for the report, Caro!

Great recap, ducky!

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I enjoyed your recap, too ducky. I wish there was nightly Splack so we could all watch him grow. In his role I mean. :) Do you think his switch from innocent, naieve Sir Robin into endearing, knightly Sir Robin was just a natural evolution on Clay's part, or do you think it was at the direction of Mike Nichols?

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Who knows? If I had to take a guess, I'd say that it came from direction.

Oh, remember the discussion last week about whether the part Clay plays in the tower is Guard 1 or Robin? I think he's Robin, who is a night watchman and collector of the dead.... until he enlists for all that dressin' up and dancin', which was another change I noticed last night. Clay's delivery of that line was less.... what's the word? Bookwhore, do I dare use the word 'fey?' I missed the little lilt in his step he had before when he delivered that line. And his 'Good' was very deep voiced. A subtle, but noticable change, and it works.

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I'm personally quite glad that there isn't Clack of Clay's Spamalot. I think the general ongoing love affair with his Spamalot run has everything to do with the fact that there isn't a constant supply of Clack to be dissected and analyzed by 'experts'. Each performance is unique and cherished. It can only be truly commented on by those few lucky people who were actually there, and without the benefit of instant replay, he can't be constantly (if lovingly :whistling-1: ) critiqued. Yep, I'm quite glad.

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I need some prayers.

Don't post 'em. Just say 'em!

Cousin asked Sis and me to sing at Aunt Hilda's service.


We haven't been in choir since - well since Michael Jackson Jordan had hair! (duh!)

So - we rehearse with a friend on piano tomorrow afternoon.

And we rehearse for real with the organist Sat. at 10. Service is at 11.

And - the program will be typed up tomorrow - after which there's no backing out!

[sv] help! [/sv]

We are planning to do Amazing Grace.

Oh - and we just found out that the trumpet player is planning to do . . .

Amazing Grace!


He'd better have a bigger repertoire than we do!!!

One good thing - I may have mentioned - Mama's family has a history of needing hearing aids! Maybe I can find some kind of tech to jam their frequency! :cryingwlaughter:

Lord, help us!


So glad Clay seems to be feeling better and has his sparkle back!

13 days till I see Sir Robin and his long tunic-ripping legs!!! :clap:

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This really turned into a room report because we talked again before I could post. Sally says to tell everyone hello.

Clay was great! Just one moment near the end he looked tired, but he recovered.

He really is one of the best of the non-dancers. He's very light on his feet. Clay soiled his pants like a pro. He's got those moves down perfectly.

In the Vegas scene, he shakes his shoulders, takes the dice and rubs it all over the girl's posterior, while lecherously grinning the whole time.

He's very comfortable in the part, and there's no hesitation. Clay looks like he's been doing the show for a long time, and he really seems to be enjoying himself.

Sally's DS thoroughly enjoyed the show and laughed even harder tonight.

One more thing: Clay's eyes twinkled, and he hit the two notes!

Caro listen.gif

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Happy leap day!!!!


Thanks for the sulfa/sulfite/sulfatesite, but the medical sites I went to said that if you are allergic to sulfa avoid sulfates and sulfites because odds are you will have some sort of sensitivity. I have a different reaction to them then to medicines (convulsions), but I still have a reaction. I passed out for a few hours 3 hours after being exposed. Same thing that used to happen at salad bars and when I ate too much garlic or drank any wine or preservatives added to vitamins. If I don't sleep, I get a migraine. I was hoping it was not going to happen, but, eh, no biggie, it is over.

Now I can go to WRAl while others are sleeping and watch me some video!! again.

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Need I remind you of a certain jeans picture from this summer that left nothing to the imagination; I can't imagine him going out on stage in those 5 years ago...course, it could also mean that he was just being stubborn and didn't want to go out and spend money on new jeans.


Well, this was the first picture that came to my mind :hubbahubba:

Thanks for all the Spam recaps, ladies!

And Cotton, may I say that your aunt's service sounds like it will be "amazing". ;)

Saying prayers for you!!

Oops. Does that count as posting them?

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Aw, Cotton, don't panic. Nobody is going to criticize your performance and I bet if you imagine you are singing just to her, your stage fright will vanish. There's also no reason for you to be placed in front of everyone, if that worries you, but off to the side. Or even pre-recorded. If the trumpet player won't budge on his song, then I still think it's fine to sing the same song...especially if she particularly liked it. Or, there are many other uncomplicated hymns. A simple melody and the love in your heart will make it a beautiful tribute, I'm sure. ((HUGS))

Thank you for the recap news. I didn't realize how anxious I was for him until I heard that he's doing okay and felt that relief wash over me. Gah, I love that guy.

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Need I remind you of a certain jeans picture from this summer that left nothing to the imagination; I can't imagine him going out on stage in those 5 years ago...course, it could also mean that he was just being stubborn and didn't want to go out and spend money on new jeans.


Well, this was the first picture that came to my mind :hubbahubba:

Talking about crotch pictures, I recall seeing one on this board of Clay sitting on a stool, I believe in brown or gray slacks, which left very little to one's imagination. hubba hubba. Does anyone remember this one and can someone post it again if they know which one I am talking about? Do you have this one Muskie? :hubbahubba:

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