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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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There are advanatges to living relatively close to NY. MY lurker friend and I have been contemplating going this weekend, but we wanted to go Saturday night and stay over - for fun. However, that meant finding a cheap hotel and then getting decent tickets.

Well, we just finalized our plans! Woo hoo, I'm going to Spamalot this weekend! That will help me survive until I see it again March 30th! :04:

I can sooooo not afford this.............

And muski, I do agree about Clay during the JNT05. I don't think I have ever seen him look so skinny!

Ah....the Clay Aiken School of Financial Management strikes again! :cryingwlaughter:

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Totally unrelated to anything here....

Hmmmm, I basically like Oprah, but I am not crazy about her new show making giving a game and I see I am not alone. I prefer quiet works of charity to "Look at me!" stuff.


Hi Annabear! Thanks for the welcome home!

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Totally unrelated to anything here....

Hmmmm, I basically like Oprah, but I am not crazy about her new show making giving a game and I see I am not alone. I prefer quiet works of charity to "Look at me!" stuff.


Hi Annabear! Thanks for the welcome home!

Oprah is ALWAYS about "Look at me!" She never is quietly charitable. That is one reason I don't like her. Now she is even getting even richer and making money for the network with her giving. There is never any giving that doesn't in some way benefit her. (JMO and all that)

Just yuck.

Ah....the Clay Aiken School of Financial Management strikes again! :cryingwlaughter:

I resemble that remark. heee.

Go for it Claygasm!!

Hee! I think I graduated at the top of my class from that there school! I am sooooooooooooooo bad! I was debt free before Clay. Let's just say I am definitely not debt free today.

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Hee! I think I graduated at the top of my class from that there school! I am sooooooooooooooo bad! I was debt free before Clay. Let's just say I am definitely not debt free today.

We may have quite a few valedictorians here hee.

ETA: Atinal..no fair...

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Hmmmm, that new Oprah show is about the one and only reality show that I can stomach, even though y'all make some valid points. But in the end, people in need are being helped, which gives it one thumb up on any other reality show out there, IMO.

Hee, I graduated from the Clay Aiken School of Finance with honours!!!! ;)

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I not only graduated from the Clay Aiken School of Financial Management with honors, but I also recruited my very financially prudent bookkeeper mom! Or more like I dragged her on a roadtrip and then she subscribed of her own free will. :lol: My aunt (her sister) does not approve. We fart in her general direction and head off on another adventure!

I am trying very hard not to put any of the upcoming Spam trip on credit cards. We'll see what happens. I could wind up having to print out my favorite new emoticon: :blinkies_14:

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[interesting. Do I really remember Simon saying if Rueben had sung Bridge Over Trouble Waters, that would be the version we all loved...or some such nonsense. Am I remembering right?

What I remember is that after Clay's single broke records and Ruben's, well, didn't, that Simon said people were buying the song more than the artist, and that if Ruben had released Bridge Over Troubled Water and Clay sang Superstar, that Ruben would have been the big seller. Either Simon has no clue whatsoever, or that was a lame attempt at face-saving propapanda in a failed rescue attempt for Simon's humongous ego.

Hmmmm, I basically like Oprah, but I am not crazy about her new show making giving a game and I see I am not alone. I prefer quiet works of charity to "Look at me!" stuff.

Although I'm not a Bible-thumper, I do recall that charity is to be given secretly if there's any spiritual reward involved. In cases of publicly acknowledged giving, the accolades of our fellow man are all the reward we'll get. So said Jesus Christ at the Sermon on the Mount.

Okay, that's my preaching for the year.

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I would say my grade would be a "C" from the Clay Aiken School of Financial Management. I am doing one Spamalot trip -- when I hadn't planned on ANY trips. And I'll probably splurge for a few more tickets to the show while I'm there. But....having said that...when there's a husband involved (one who is wanting us to put new windows and gutters on our house, not to mention remodeling the bathroom), it kind of knocks the grade down a bit. *g*

3 pieces of Clack? Oh God no. Only 3?!?!?! That's insanity.

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Either Simon has no clue whatsoever, or that was a lame attempt at face-saving propapanda in a failed rescue attempt for Simon's humongous ego.

keepingfaith, I don't think you'd be wrong if you went with either of those possibilities! :cryingwlaughter:

There's just something about the VOX, ain't there? :00000462: :7: :hubbahubba::flirtysmile3: :thsign27:

Sigh. I really, really don't feel like working today. I want to sleep and watch clack, sleep and watch clack, sleep and watch clack.


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Wow I just got kissed by Clay Aiken........Ok so it was his chapstick but a girl can dream!!

Yes I got my Clique package! Tote bag, chapstick and four button pack.

Oh Wow!

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I am trying very hard not to put any of the upcoming Spam trip on credit cards. We'll see what happens. I could wind up having to print out my favorite new emoticon: :blinkies_14:

heee I'm so trying to do this as well. I figure the biggest expense is lodging and I'm staying with friends for 3/4 of my trip. That makes the possibility of the above happening very possible and I can actually use my money for actually doing things.

The only time i was truly responsible was not going to JNT 06. It killed me and really the schedule was the main reason I didn't go..but by the time I said..oh what the heck forget the family party and the office party...I'm going..plane tickets were like 800 and I had to suck down some major disappointment on that one though. I've got a whole hell of a lot of clack to watch from that tour..I don't think I've seen much at all... I did listen to the cellcerts most nights though.

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While I have more admiration for those who help without expecting public recognition, I tend to believe that anything that results in a net positive outcome is worthwhile.

I'm not interested in watching Oprah's reality show. However, if it does mean that some deserving people get needed assistance, it's OK by me. I don't really care if she gets richer if also means others have a better life. Besides, IMHO, it's not a bad idea to publicize the idea of helping other people. If all the show does is remind viewers that with a little money, regular people can make a difference, perhaps some will be inspired to do it on their own.

For me, the bottom line is, what good is coming out of it? If a celebrity participates in a fundraiser purely for the publicity, but helps the cause get thousands more than without her participation? Still worth it to me. If a fan spends thousands of dollars on a charity auction item, more to own the item than to help the charity itself? I'm totally fine with that. If a corporation gives millions to a charity primarily for the good PR or because it's a good tax write-off, to me, the motive is less important than the fact that the charity gets money they probably would not otherwise have.

Don't get me wrong. I still have far more respect for those who help others quietly. However, if the needy in the world only got support from those acting with the purest of motives, IMHO, far fewer people could be helped.

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Good points Jenna ..actually how I felt about Idol Gives back last year especially after hearing a rep from one of the organizations that received funds. It was going to do a lot of good..and being a part of it led to more publicity for this group which led to even more money.

bwah Play..well I can relate to your first emoticon...

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Annabear, do you want a bigger copy of that emoticon sign. I used the wrong size when I saved it originally.

Geesh, Play! Don't make me not believe my own thinking quite so soon! :cryingwlaughter:

Is it bad that several people came immediately to my mind when seeing that sign on the far right? :27:

Keepingfaith, I remember what you remember regarding Simon's idiotic 'explanation' for Clay's success with TITN/BOTW. Talk about needing to buy a clue!

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*pumps fist in air*

HA! I changed the banner! Now I just need to show couchie how to do it!

Pretty eyes banner, courtesy of cindilu2. And no, I don't think he's looking down 00lsee's shirt exclusively....we can all dream that he's looking at each one of his FCA women!

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My Texan's Thought for the Day:

Money can buy you a mighty fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.

which is a corollary to that famous song that says ....

There's only two things that money cain't buy and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes.

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Annabear just home from work and not feeling much better, aches and chills to go along with the sore throat and stuffy nose. I think a sick today tomorrow might be in order.

I don't watch reality shows at all and keep hoping the genre will wear itself out, but I don't see that happening. Oprah not a fan at all...I think she has gotten much too egotistical and power-hungry, so needless to say, I am not watching her show. Apologies to all those Oprah fans out there (but you know if Clay were to be on her show, I am so there!)


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Oops - reality show junkie here - yes, I am seriously watching celebrity Rehab now and the end of Project Runway and anticipating the start up of top Chef and how they have a lovable grouch like the first year winner.


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Hell, I have tenure at the Clay Aiken School of Financial Management!

Oprah? In general, don't care. I tend to think she ends up doing net good, so I'm cool with that. Being power hungry seems perfectly reasonably to me, and if it wasn't for my professorship at the CASFM, I'm sure I'd be Oprah rich...

I so totally love two of play's emoticons....but y'all can't guess which two!

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Hey do you want me to go to Clique and kick their ass? They're just down the road for me. They do seem to have their issues..must be the low pay they offer. LOL..Yes I saw a job on Craigslist for them not long after Clay hooked up with them. And it was for my general line of work but the pay was about half of the going rate.

OMG, YES!!! PLEASE!! If I'd only known last year as I was sic'ing the BBB on them....I coulda sent you the GREATEST pair of army boots! :lmaosmiley-1:

ldyj thanks for getting that beautiful banner up! I knew someone could do it! I F'LOVE passionately that eyes picture. LOVE it. And BTW, he's looking down MY (generous) chest.


Gives a new meaning to being on top, doesn't it?

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