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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Not to interrupt any scintillating conversation but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :cheerleader: :nature-smiley-014: Once again I'm emoticon challenged so I picked ones I thought were cute. One of these days I will get those things right or not....


Packing for Spam with FromClaygary. Just wanted to celebrate.

Here, I'll post a few for you :bounce: :ura: :00000442:

...and a few EEEEEEs as well!

(have funnnnn!!!)

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liney, I'm so glad you made it to see PermaSwooned safely and soundly, and back home as well. Sounds like you had quite an adventure! But I'm sure it was worth it to meet up with a new Clay friend!

NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

:woohoo: :medium-smiley-070: :nature-smiley-014: :bananaflip::yess:


Yes, muski -- NEXT WEEK! And I'll be meeting you there! EEEEEEEEEEE! I can't believe it's almost here.

Have a nice trip. Will you be falling into the Spam-trap and needing to return for another show?

Thank you, everyone. Nope this is it for me, we are seeing 5 shows though SO I will have my fill. Just no time to be able to return, even if I wanted to. I am just pleased to be able to do this trek.

That's me too. I had a certain enabler *coughcouchiecough* trying to convince me last night that I could do the May 4 weekend too, but I've already got something scheduled at church, plus I think my husband would divorce me.

EEEEEEEEEEEEE for goldarngirl and FromClaygary! Make sure to report in, either via phone or on the board!

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Is the day finally over??? Oh wait, it's my son's birthday. I guess I'm not quite done yet.

I didn't want to let the day go by without echoing liney23. We had the BESTEST time last night. We had some great seafood, but I'm sure our waitress was ready to kill us for not turning over the table. We lingered over our Pelligrino's for HOURS, as she pointed out.

We performed the ritual exchanging of clack. We traded stories about what we loved about Clay, Clay's voice, Clay's...um...person, Clay's looks, Clay's wit, Clay's mind, Clay's heart and Clay's performances. Oh yeah, we also shared pics of our families and a few small factoids about ourselves. It was awesome. We plan on doing it again verra, verra soon. We're probably banned from King's Fish House, but fortunately there are lots of of great restaurants in Long Beach.

Liney23, I feel so badly that you ended up taking the scenic route home. I hope that isn't the direction that requires a toll on the bridge. Hint: 3rd Street leads you directly onto the freeway. Just sayin'. Maybe we should coordinate parking lots next time so we don't have to wander the streets alone.

In other news:

YAY for the (maybe) album title. I'm really excited about a CD reflecting Clay's perception of his journey.

YAY for all the cute pics and stories about the 3D anniversary last night

YAY for all the random mentions of Clay.

Pffffft for Kim Locke (she always struck me as the TRUE KimberMe). All the Bible-reading in the mansion must have been prompted by her fears that her sex tape would surface. **snerk**

liney23, this one's for you:


OK...time to go home and take the birthday boy to dinner.

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I know I'm alone in this one, and that's okay. But I have never felt comfortable discussing Clay's mother (or any of his family) on the boards. Yes, I know he wrote a book about it, but that was him. It's just something that's always made me squirm.

Definitely not alone! I'll even go one further and say that talking about his friends (monitoring their myspaces, etc) has always made me uncomfortable as well. I sometimes feel that it leads to attempts to try to get closer to Clay through superficial relationships with anyone around him. But then, I get squeamish even with "shipping", so that shows where I'm coming from! :8: :chair:

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Wheeee!!!! goldarngirl's and FromClaygary's time has come! Be prepared to have your world rocked!

Safe travels, ladies. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: laljeterfan, amen, Sistah! I'm a fan of Clay's, not his friends (those who actually have an entertainment career i.e, Quiana are excluded) and family. It always feels like con.nec.tion at any cost to me. If Clay chooses to mention them, that's his prerogative, but I still don't feel that makes them fair game on the boards. Anybody who knows me knows that I have strong opinions on certain...matters. But I would no more post them on the internet than I would post my feelings about my own family or friends.

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Wheeee!!!! goldarngirl's and FromClaygary's time has come! Be prepared to have your world rocked!

Safe travels, ladies. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thank you, everyone. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Back atcha.

Can I just say that the best way to get out of doing laundry to pack is to buy new clothes, works really well. It still doesn't mean I don't hate packing, I do. You always think of things you want to take or do before you leave and inevitably there is always work involved in getting that stuff ready.

*sigh* (not even looking for emoticons at this stage, I should be hemming a pair of pants.)

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I understand that there are things each one of us may feel uncomfortable discussing but that's totally life on a message board. We have our rules about Clay's family and friends and it's served us well so far. Rules you say? :cryingwlaughter: I couldn't name Clay's friends..all those Amandas and Annes and what not.. but discussion is not off limits here. Scavenger hunt. Where are the rules.

Why do I suddenly have a family of 4 coming over on a Wednesday night expecting a meal?

But some good news from my family...my cousin...in his late 50s has a brand spanking new 25 year old hockey player heart! We're so happy and grateful to the donor and his family. It's sad to lose someone so young... but this has really opened up my eyes to the importance of being a donor. It's definitely something I will look into more.

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But some good news from my family...my cousin...in his late 50s has a brand spanking new 25 year old hockey player heart! We're so happy and grateful to the donor and his family.

What wonderful news! :clap:

From the CH:

QUOTE("Ms Marmalade")

Some info from GAD about this week's episode of AI2 Rewind:


About Clay's performance of "I Could Not Ask For More" (Top 6, Diane Warren): He expresses surprise that he was called a Broadway singer when he had never sung any Broadway songs, he sang only pop songs. Even so, he took Simon's remark as a compliment since Broadway singers are terrific singers. Although he suggests that it took some convincing on his part that it was really a compliment from Simon.

I thought he would say something about not being a Broadway singer because he didn't get far in local theater back home. But he didn't. He's very complimentary about Carmen. She is a revelation in this series, as is Trenyce. I really enjoyed listening to their comments.

About Clay's performance of "Solitaire" (Top 5, Neil Sedaka): He says it was an easy choice for him. Loved the song; he went to Nigel Lythgoe with the idea for the staging of the song, with minimal lighting to accentuate the song's haunting quality. All was well, except for the light looking like it was coming from his crotch. "But that's a whole nuther story."BWAH!!!

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I understand that there are things each one of us may feel uncomfortable discussing but that's totally life on a message board. We have our rules about Clay's family and friends and it's served us well so far. Rules you say? :cryingwlaughter: I couldn't name Clay's friends..all those Amandas and Annes and what not.. but discussion is not off limits here. Scavenger hunt. Where are the rules.

Why do I suddenly have a family of 4 coming over on a Wednesday night expecting a meal?

But some good news from my family...my cousin...in his late 50s has a brand spanking new 25 year old hockey player heart! We're so happy and grateful to the donor and his family. It's sad to lose someone so young... but this has really opened up my eyes to the importance of being a donor. It's definitely something I will look into more.

That's great news for your family, Couchie!!

For the record, I didn't qualify my post(s) with 'just my opinion', because I'm sure that goes without saying, right? What squicks one out may just do the trick for another. Certainly not suggesting any rules were being broken.

ETA: Are they showing weeks 6 and 5 at the same time? Does this mysterious person have all the episodes then? And I know it's not really a spoiler since we know how it turns out *g*, but at least his little commentaries are. No?

Oh boy - I'm putting my foot in it everywhere tonight it seems. Wasn't asking for any posts to be removed - just asking a question.


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Have a great time in NYC, FromClaygary and goldarngirl!!!! Looking forward to your recaps later. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

couchie, how great for your cousin!

OT, I know, but YAY for our Canadians winning a bronze medal in pairs at the World Figure Skating Championships today! :clap:

And with that witty post I am done for the night. Hopefully I`ll feel better in the morning, this crud is kicking my butt.

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Have a great time in NYC, FromClaygary and goldarngirl!!!! Looking forward to your recaps later. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

couchie, how great for your cousin!

OT, I know, but YAY for our Canadians winning a bronze medal in pairs at the World Figure Skating Championships today! :clap:

And with that witty post I am done for the night. Hopefully I`ll feel better in the morning, this crud is kicking my butt.

Thank you luckiest1 Sorry you aren't feeling well. OD on Vitamin C and hopefully the crud will take off running. :hug: Just pretend you see an emoticon here.

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But some good news from my family...my cousin...in his late 50s has a brand spanking new 25 year old hockey player heart! We're so happy and grateful to the donor and his family. It's sad to lose someone so young... but this has really opened up my eyes to the importance of being a donor. It's definitely something I will look into more.

That's great news!

I had a cousin die at 18 - just after she graduated from HS. It was a difficult decision for my Aunt and Uncle (Mama's brother), but it was the only thing they could do - the only thing that made them feel something good came from something so bad. So - they donated her eyes (corneas) and heart. She and one of her friends had driven down to Atlanta from SC and the friend ran a stop sign (or light) and a car t-boned them on Lisa's side. The friend had a broken arm - and I'm sure a broken heart - but survived.

I hope your cousin does well with his new young heart! Yes, it's hard on the donor family - but it does give them something to hang on to.


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Hey Gibbster... if I were a competent admin and knew how to turn it off I would.. but lots of clays in the same box works for me too.

Heeee, Couchie, you're a fantastic admin. I love it here, so you're doing something right! And I'm so happy for your cousin. What a fantastic gift!

EEEEEEEEEEE for Goldarngirl and FromClaygary going to Spam!! Have a fantastic time!

BWAH! goldarngirl! That dancing daisy makes me think of Brooke last night singing "Here Comes the Sun" on AI 7! :cryingwlaughter: Have a blast in NYC and don't manhandle the man too much...I want to see him, too, next week!


NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

:woohoo: :medium-smiley-070: :nature-smiley-014: :bananaflip::yess:


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for Muski and I going to Spamalot next week!!! I'm getting really excited!!!!!!!!!!

I finished one concert tonight, and have another one tomorrow. The two high schools I play for are about 15 minutes away from one another, but they seem totally different. The school I played at tonight is very informal and relaxed, and it seems more like a middle school. The choirs are just okay - not terrible, but okay. But the other school, the one that my daughter attends, has a director that is very effective in getting the best out of the kids. Whoa, the choirs are amazing! It's a lot more fun to play for them; their concert is tomorrow. But I do get paid by both schools, and that's my Clay mad money, so it's all good!

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Sorry if I made you feel like you stepped in it Cindilu...didn't mean to. I was kinda distracted and perhaps wrote too quickly. Just wanted to say that there is something about board talk that bothers each and everyone one of us. LaJeterfan mentioned shipping..I know that is not Play's cup of tea either. Smut, personal talk (I try to contain myself on this one), strategery heh when it comes to Clay's career, the hair- or many other topics will not set well with someone but hopefully there's enough going on for each and person to enjoy while enduring those things that bug.

Company is gone and now I get to go clean..yippee.

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Have you guys been voting at the AI site?

Who would make the best red carpet correspondent?

* Danny Noriega 42% 132816

* Clay Aiken 45% 142145

* William Hung 1% 2828

* Kellie Pickler 6% 18213

* Elliott Yamin 5% 14871

* Sanjaya 2%

If this determines who they will have on the red carpet for the finale, then I'm voting daily....

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liney23, this one's for you:


OK...time to go home and take the birthday boy to dinner.

Perma... ooooohhhh! Thank you, I definitely like that one! She was there, everyone, at my favoritest concert I wasn't at! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Is 3rd street the one north of Broadway? I think I know that one. We'll park together next time!

Happy Birthday, Permason!

well according to you I'm the newest smut queen so obviously I wasn't referring to myself when it comes to smut. hmmm I just used smut twice in a sentence. I may need an intervention. :cryingwlaughter:

couchie... BWAH, but I think you have to do more than just say the word... jest sayin' :cryingwlaughter:

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I highly doubt that they hire based on the results of an internet poll. :cryingwlaughter: Sorry, I just don't take polls that seriously anymore. Which is why I rarely bother to vote. Hee, does that make me a bad fan? ;)*slaps self, just in case*

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Good Morning Everyone,

2 Days until Spring!

45 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

47 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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I can't remember when it is, but there's a point in the show where Clay does this head move that is so fluid. It's not the head snap. He leads with his head left following with his shoulder and body sort of like a left to right wave as opposed to the body wave. He goes left then right - with maybe a clap at center when he changes direction. Does anyone know what I'm talking about from this description?

I really want to know what this move is called. He's the only one doing it. I'm wondering if Angie or Quiana taught him or if the choreographer/dance captain showed him. He looks so comfortable doing it and he's the only one on stage doing it. I think it may be my favorite move of his onstage.

Anybody have any grandchildren who might know?

I loved watching him because he looks like he's having so much fun!

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I know which one you mean, Cotton! I can't remember which song it's during either, but it took me by surprise! Hee, I think it's something I remember them doing from one of his tours....not him, hee, but the back ups. But he's got it down pat now!

I booked off sick today with the crud. Problem is I can't sleep because I can't breathe when I lie down. I tossed all last night, too. But at least I'm in my warm jammies with a cup of tea, rather than in a cold boardroom feeling like shit! So it's all good.

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