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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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I'm a lyrics person. I am not a huge fan of songs that just repeat the same thing over and over "Let's get it on! Let's get it on!!:....etc., etc., ad nauseum. (Although I'd make an exception for Clay singing that! LOL) I love these lyrics. He had me at "I took my first steps."

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Got any friends that works for QVC Claygasm? heee Is this done live? You can go watch the car come and go heh.

Actually..... A friend of mine's nephew's girlfriend is one of the show hosts!! I already emailed her!

My former neighbor used to know people there, but that won't do me any good.

Damn. He will be so close. I better not be so far......

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Now, is Clay a Gadget or is he a Gizmo - PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW!!!

Boy, if he really wanted to start the gossipers again, now we have another controversy to rip apart the fandom.

I think Clay is a Gizmo because it sounds so much like Gonzo, surely it is just a misspelling!

No, No, he is a gadget because he loves shows like Mr Rogers, he probably loves Inspector Gadget and wanted to emulate him.

No Clay is a gadget because he is soooo smart he probably invented something, maybe to replace the internet - you know to reward all his loyal fans with faster downloads!

Well, I think he is a Gizmo because Gizmo5 allows free internet calls and encourages cellcerts!

The debate will rage for years tearing the fandom apart.

sob When we there finally be peace?

sob The Humanity! As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!


Play... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter: Bravissima!

I also vote for a gizmo with extendable gadget... :hubbahubba::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

CG... good luck!!!

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Breaking in to let you know that I have programmed that show on Rose Radio using the (psuedo) Clay Amazon song picks. To fill out the hour, with the help of you guys, I have also chosen some other songs that Clay might of chosen... heck we can guess as good as anybody! *g* Anyways, it is programmed for everyday this week at 4:00 pm PDT. You can check the schedule here for when it will play your time.

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CG, good luck on getting in. I'd forgotten that you live so close to the QVC studios.

BTW, I read on getclayaiken that Barry Manilow sold 40,000 of his CD when he was on last. Not to emphasize the Barry connection or anything....but that's a buttload of CD's if Clay sells that many....

Gibby, I too am loving your posts on the musical analysis. I could definitely hear the ISY connection...and yes, muski, I can hear a bit of "That's What Friends Are For" too.

How long do people give them selves to like or dislike something on its own merit without worrying about other people. I really don't care about the NJU people. I have no idea what they'll like or not like. If I can like it so can the NJU people. There's how many millions in this country... he doesn't have to reach them all - just enough to make another album.


*pets new signature addition lovingly*

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So I listened to it again right before turning out the lights for bed...and of course, the melody kept playing in my head (and yes, I wrote that specifically for the rhyming effect!)...and I kept ALMOST figuring out what other song the tune had me ALMOST singing...not ISY at all but....

Woke up and immediately found myself singing that sing-song refrain "On my way here, where I am now, da dah da dah da dah da DAH da dah da dah..." and STILL just losing the next line that would take me into another song....what the HELL is it?

Then on the bus as the same part of the song played and replayed in my mind, it hit me!

That's What Friends Are For!

Keep smilin', keep shinin'

Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure

That's what friends are for

For good times and bad times

I'll be on your side forever more

That's what friends are for


On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

Faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

Not exactly, of course, but close enough that as I'm humming OMWH, I find myself sliding into TWFAF! :lol:

It's one song of 12, I know, so I'm not saying I'll have the same reaction to the rest of the CD; I'm just saying that I will NOT be surprised to read reviews of this first sound of Clay Aiken's 'first original songs since 2003' saying that there's 'nothing new here'---that it's that same Clay Aiken "bland" kind of stuff, etc. I don't agree, but then I hear every little bit of difference in his voice and know so much about the man behind the words that I can appreciate the growth.

Okay, Muski, you DON'T have a tin ear. I just listened to TWFAF on youtube, and the words "Keep smilin', keep shinin' " are sung to the same exact notes as "On my way here, Where I am now, I’ve learned to fly", but in a little different order.

TWFAFL (Keep smilin', keep shinin'):

D - E flat - B flat

OMWH (On my way here, Where I am now, I've learned to fly):

B flat - E flat - D - E flat

They are actually both in the same key, so your ear picked out the comparison quite accurately! :clap:

As far as the bolded part above - I agree that some people will say that it's the same old bland Clay Aiken. Actually, I read a bunch of comments on the popeater site, and they were overwhelmingly positive, but there were a few that said exactly what you predicted. Ah, well. Hopefully enough people will be drawn to the music and lyrics that Clay will gain a few new fans.

Eeeeep, Couchie, posting about the musical aspects of the whole album?? Yikes! I'll have to take it song by song. But there are other musicians on this site who will have a lot of interesting thoughts, too!

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:7: Now that's what I'm talking about!!! :worthy::Thud:

Thanks Kipper, for taking this dreadful version:


To this beautifully produced and sung version:


:big hug: Good job Clay................. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :bravo::clap:

No shit! I do understand that some don't care about whether a person sings well or not, but if one does care, the contrast between Tedder's and Aiken's voices is extreme.

Ok, QVC? I still think selling a CD on QVC is tacky, and more Barry Manilow comparisons will be inevitable, but....

A couple of things snagged from CH about QVC and music sales:

Not much of a QVC person here - in any way whatsoever. So is OMWH a gizmo or a gadget? What other artists have done the QVC thing - besides Rod Stewart, Andrea Bocelli, Barry Manilow...

Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, the Goo Goo Dolls, LeAnn Rimes, among others.

Here are some articles with sales numbers for music acts on QVC.

LA Times - Shopping Channels Tune in to Musical Acts

Manilow is preparing for his second QVC gig this fall to promote his new CD, "The Greatest Songs of the Seventies." His first appearance, to promote "The Greatest Songs of the Sixties," resulted in 43,000 CDs being sold in one hour, according to QVC.

Wall Street Journal - The Music Industry's New Taste Maker

During Mr. Sedaka's live performance April 19 at the channel's West Chester, Pa., headquarters, QVC sold nearly 19,000 copies of his new CD, according to his label, about 78% of his first-week sales.


Each of the four acts QVC has featured this year has either jumped onto the album chart or seen spikes in record sales after its appearance. In March, the country-rock group Alabama sold more than 21,000 copies of "Songs of Inspiration II" on QVC, the channel says -- or as much as 81% of the figure that landed the album at No. 33 on the chart. After a February performance to promote a special edition of their 2006 album "Let Love In," the Goo Goo Dolls returned to the chart with 15,000 copies sold that week, according to Billboard.

and from my gal Rockys mom:

Not much of a QVC person here - in any way whatsoever. So is OMWH a gizmo or a gadget? What other artists have done the QVC thing - besides Rod Stewart, Andrea Bocelli, Barry Manilow...

The Moody Blues,Pink Floyd,the Rolling Stones (I think),and Emerson,Lake,and Palmer have all been on QVC.I think Bon Jovi might have been on at some time as well.

Pink Floyd and the Stones were not in the studio,there was a lot of merchandise available besides the CD since these appearances were in support of tours.....ELP were in the studio and talked quite a bit but did not perform live,The Moody Blues did perform (at least Justin Hayward and John Lodge did-I have it on videotape somewhere) and also had an autographed poster and a calendar for sale,besides the CD.

Their shows on Pink Floyd made me decide to finally see them in concert,lucky decision since they haven't toured again since!

Gibby! Love your analyses!!

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"I'm not bein' whipped - at least yet.." Does Clay sound slightly disappointed when he says that? :naughtywag:


edited to add some actual content: Clay talks about the consistency of working with a single producer. Instead of having the tracks done by different musicians and in some cases completed before he even gets there, the instruments on this album are all being played by the same musicians (I didn't recognize any of the facies), and Clay is there when the tracks are laid down. That's a very loose paraphrase from watching the webisode one time. It's less than two minutes, so there's not a ton of content. Still the fugly green sweater....

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Hmmm...the "sing-song-y-ness" of it is one the things that make it stick in my head. I admit, I tend to prefer musically dense to stripped down (if I never hear another average singer sittin' on a stool with nothin' but him and his gueeeetar warbling to me about not much of anything, it'll be too soon.) Complexity is what keeps me listening to the same music for years...

Since the only other song I know by Tedder is "Apologize" - the Timbaland version (which I like excessively) - it has those qualities that muski aren't all that fond of - starts out with the strings, quickly overlaid my drums, lots of piano. The original by One Republic is more stripped down - but didn't go anywhere until Timbaland added all the production. The "Tell me that you need, then you're gonna cut me down" has those same sing-songy elements. If anything, OMWH actually reminds me more of "Apologize" than anything else.

I FLOVE APOLOGIZE........I've had that song forever on one of my cds............

Tedder needs to stick to writing songs, though, instead of singing them. :cryingwlaughter:

His youtube song of OMWH made me skeered for Clay. I was praying that Clay would not just sit and sing that song with only a piano.............I could just hear him over singing and glory noting this to death. Being too over dramatic with it. So.... I was thrilled beyond expectations that it was not. That's good enough for me. Now whether it will resonate with non fans and be a break out song for him remains to be seen. He sure has a good shot at it, though, on AC. I am hoping that this will be his breakout CD. After all, there are more than just this one song, and more uptempo stuff too. Surely one will resonate with regular listeners and non Clay fans. That is if his fans don't spam and pester the daylights out of the DJs. Oh shoot, who am I kidding here. We're talking about Clay fans. :cryingwlaughter: I, for one, stopped listening to radio when they refused to play Clay and I am not going to start listening to it again. So, I certainly don't plan to call in and request him. I have XM satellite now and I loooove it. No more regular radio for me. He'll get played there for sure. I just know it. I think Clay is right that his demographics in the 60-100 year old age group don't really listen to radio. They listen to talk radio and watch QVC............ :cryingwlaughter: Sorry...I couldn't help myself. :cryingwlaughter:

As for QVC? Well, I think it's a good place for Clay to sell CDs, and be heard by some of demographic he seems to attract. I bet he can win over a lot of new fans by one appearance on there.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks jmh....Viva la difference, huh?

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From the CH:

new webisode up at mp3

which won't frickin' upload for me at work!

THANK YOU, KAndre! Here's a mini recap - Clay's in the green sweater, and is talking about the studio family, consisting of Kipper, Jaymes, and the musicians. We get to see Clay working a bit with the musicians, and he talks about how they were all there together to record the music. He got to know the musicians by name. He also talks about how he, Jaymes and Kipper meticulously scrutinized all of the aspects of the music to make sure it was exactly the way they wanted it. Oh, yes, and then there's the whipping part. Heeee - he talks about how he, Kipper, Jaymes and some of the others have a 'vibe' going and it was easy to work together, so that he didn't need to be whipped to get his part done. At least not yet!

BWAH, Bottle!

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Also from the CH:

EW Popwatch

Snap judgment: Clay Aiken's 'On My Way Here'Apr 7, 2008, 12:17 PM | by Michael Slezak

Categories: American Idol, Music, To Care or Not to Care

It's no secret that pop radio has never been particularly welcoming to American Idol's season 2 runner-up Clay Aiken, and so it makes sense that "On My Way Here," the lead single from his upcoming CD (due May 6), is aimed directly at an adult contemporary audience. Yet while Clay's vocal is more restrained than usual on "On My Way Here" (huzzah!), the melody is surprisingly bland for an artist who's already facing an uphill battle for airplay. (It would be like the new restaurant on the block choosing "toast with butter" as the house specialty.) As for the lyrics, while things start somewhat promisingly — with flashbacks to Clay taking his first steps on a "black-and-white kitchen floor" and the dissolution of his parents' marriage — it doesn't take long for "On My Way Here" to devolve into a litany of clichés. I challenge your mind not to drift to other subjects (will Old Christine get a fourth season? Which is the stronger acting dynasty: The Baldwins or the Arquettes? Also: What's for lunch?) as Clay touches the sky and hits the wall and learns to fly and does what he has to do (and so on and so forth).

No, I've never been a Claymate, but even so, this one's disappointing. Listen for yourselves (after the jump) and then tell me what you think, PopWatchers!

Hell, he sounds just like a lot of Claymates! Heh. I also just sigh over the "Clay's vocal is more restrained than usual" which simply isn't true. Feh.

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"I'm not bein' whipped - at least yet.." Does Clay sound slightly disappointed when he says that? :naughtywag:


can someone give a synopsis please


I hate being at work when things are happening!!! :cry4:


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I saw that EW thing earlier. Frankly, pigs will fly, hell will freeze over, and Whitney will actually finish her album before Slezak says anything good about Clay. It's exactly what I would expect from that particular blogger.

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Talks about having one producer for the album, and so the vibe recording this album has been very laid back. "No one has whipped me yet to get something out!" (I think that's the gist, but it could be that I've been hanging with muski too long....) The last albums, the different producers had their own favorite studio musicians, and also frequently the tracks were done except for his vocals. This time, he's been there to hear the recording of the backing music, and it's been another new "family" for him, getting to know these musicians. He's now got his family at the theater, the family in the studio, and the family he takes on the road.

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How long do people give them selves to like or dislike something on its own merit without worrying about other people. I really don't care about the NJU people. I have no idea what they'll like or not like. If I can like it so can the NJU people. There's how many millions in this country... he doesn't have to reach them all - just enough to make another album.


*pets new signature addition lovingly*

I just wanted to WORD what couchie wrote !!! Rock on !!!!

EW's point of view ?...... honestly, I don't care. :cryingwlaughter:

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Thanks for the webisode recaps!

He's now got his family at the theater, the family in the studio, and the family he takes on the road.

And us - the family that visits him while he's on the road! (FBM's not included)

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Hee! That MIchael Slezak's critique of the lyrics needs to be forwarded to Ryan Tedder! BWAH! No way! Not to one of radio's loved ones! Nevah! BWAH! Uh...didn't Tedder also write the melody that he calls 'bland'? BWAH, again! :cryingwlaughter:

I think, for the most part, we'll keep reading things like this and will just have to file them in that ole' "Clay can't win" file, you know? :imgtongue:

Thanks for the analysis, Gibby, babe! Whew! I'm glad to know I wasn't reaching TOO far to make that connection... :cryingwlaughter:

CG! Hie thee thither to CVC! You haven't had a chance to do the studio audience thing. What a blast! Hopefully, there'll be a largely local group of people in the audience...It would really be nice to see that Clay's efforts to expand his fan base get the chance to actually, you know....reach NEW fans in the audience! :rolleyes::lol:

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Waits to see how long it takes the usual fans to go over to that blog and flog the guy for having no taste. For not knowing that Clay has the voice of an angel and is a great humanitarian.

How sad but true....and sad that it's true. :cry4:

Oh, and ldyjocelyn? He hasn't been whipped yet ONLY because I haven't been able to fit that particular tasty appointment into my hectic schedule. Fear not, brave Sir Robin. It ain't over 'til the fat lady.....er....

_ _ _ _ s.


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Waits to see how long it takes the usual fans to go over to that blog and flog the guy for having no taste. For not knowing that Clay has the voice of an angel and is a great humanitarian.

Oh I hope not. When I read of over over protective mommy fans reacting this way I just cringe and I have to work hard to prevent it from upsetting me and taking away some of the joy of being a Clay Aiken fan.

Last night I happened across a blog written for gays and the blogger said something fairly innocuous about Clay and there were a number of comments by supposed fans who jumped all over him for these comments. It was so OTT. Damn when will they learn that this response is just alienating?

I can't listen to ONMH on my computer...something to do with Active-X but I'll be with fans on Wednesday in New York (eeeeeee!!!) and someone is bound to be able to get it.

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Ta-da! And now for an opinion the whole world could live without. MINE

Song....very pretty..very touching. Love it.

(I'd love to go on and one about how Clay sounded, how it must have effected him.....how it effected me! But heck....I'm lucky I figured out how to play the dang thing.

Deep thoughts are for Jack Handy and serious thinkers. I don't remember ever having a deep thought, that's pretty serious.

Oh but hey.....my oldest took her first steps on the green and black kitchen/dining/living room floor...does it count that I can actually remember that event?)

Just a tad to long for me.

(down smutters...I'm talking about the song here!

But then most music I hear is 1 minute thirty seconds long.....thank you American Idol!

The 2nd time I listened to it....I almost nodded off! Shame on me!)

And yet I love the opening bit and I can not W.A.I.T. to hear this in concert.

Now....do I really have to wait until May 6th for the rest?

PS...Lotus...no one can take away any of your joy of being a Clay Aiken fan unless you let them. Hug yourself tight and let them go!

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