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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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So, you think Angela is in town for some singing appearances with Clay! I totally cannot wait until he starts doing the talk show circuit.


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You know, it occurred to me that maybe Angela had to work or something.

Clay can't be her only source of income!

Or could he...... :whistling-1:

ETA: You know, with both Angela and Tyra there, I hope there aren't any cat fights!

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Angela and Quiana are in the theater tonight.

So maybe Clay's "Tour Family" is getting together again? Maybe for Tyra? EEEEEEEEE!

I'm 3/4's packed, my alarm clock is set for 4:30am, and I'm getting really, really excited about leaving tomorrow for New York City, bay-bee! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

On my way there!!


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Even more Interesting! Yay! for the Clyra!

More news from ClayIzzaQT.... She said she saw flashes from the cameras going off and the flim crews rushing to the stage door . Tyra Banks was at the stage door being interviewed and photographed by the flim crews. She said it was pretty choatic at Juniors where she is having dinner. People were rushing up to the windows to see what was going on, but she thinks she saw Tyra and Jerome both going back into the building via the stagedoor. No Clay sighting.

Where the hell is my Clyra part 2.

Ahem. Sorry, don't know what came over me.

breathe...so can we get some photos this time iwth all the paparazzi there.

YAY Bottle!!

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How exciting is this, y'all? The burgeoning publicity is just killing me with excitement. I can't be wise about my feelings where Clay is concerned, no matter how disappointing things have been in the past. I don't care if I get hurt. Running full out, arms spread wide, eyes to the sky. Bring it, baybee.

Today when I saw the new pics I felt like crying I was so happy! I am happy for me and us, but I am so happy for him! It seems he is finally getting the respect and promotion he so deserves. I never thought I would ever be this invested in a guy who can sing! I too am running headlong into this and I am loving every minute of it. No-one can bring me down. If others don't like the CD then they know where they can go. I will be over the moon because he will be singing with the most beautiful voice to me.

I will listen in the dark late at night and let his voice just wash over me. I will listen in my car and enjoy my commute. I will listen in my home and make the housework easier to bear. I will listen at work and let the annoying phone calls just fade away. He has the power to make my world a better place.

I still think that ATDW was a throwaway album to deal with the crap. Get that stuff dealt with and over and now it is all about the music and his career.

Oh my I just figured that it is just over 2 weeks to Spamagain for me! eeeeeeeeee

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How exciting is this, y'all? The burgeoning publicity is just killing me with excitement. I can't be wise about my feelings where Clay is concerned, no matter how disappointing things have been in the past. I don't care if I get hurt. Running full out, arms spread wide, eyes to the sky. Bring it, baybee.

You are me, 00lsee! :04:

Angela and Quiana are in the theater tonight.
I'm 3/4's packed, my alarm clock is set for 4:30am, and I'm getting really, really excited about leaving tomorrow for New York City, bay-bee! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I'll EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! along with ya, bottle! Have a BLAST!!! :14:

One week to go for me....... :soon:

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Finally, I'm home from work and can properly enjoy those two wonderful pics! I checked in from work just as the pics were released, and quickly posted them here, but didn't dare click on the hi-res versions. Just my luck, some doctor or hospital administrator would walk in my office and see the screen filled with Clay and wonder why I was spending my time on my boyfriend rather than my patients!


Anyway, now that I'm home I can enjoy those wonderful pics without worry. I don't particularly care for the vest, but zooming up on the face and eyes in the hi-res version is a fantastic experience. And the blue shirt pic? GAH!! That eyefuck is fantastic!!

Hey, Gibby, where did you see the video where that lovely gif came from?

It's from the most recent webisode. :-)

Oooo! Gibby! How cool!

And thanks for my new avatar! :D

You're welcome!

I'm on vacation until the 16th....and oh yeah....there will be a trip to NY between now and then. :)

Ooooh - exciting! Have a fantastic time!

I'm 3/4's packed, my alarm clock is set for 4:30am, and I'm getting really, really excited about leaving tomorrow for New York City, bay-bee! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Yay, bottle's going, too! I hope you have a wonderful time, too!

I'm thrilled with the promotion so far, too! This is the way it should be! I'm hoping that we'll see even more promotion as the drop date gets closer. And I CAN'T WAIT to find out what the bonus i-tunes track will be.

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I' going to one of my few original tickets to Spamalot tomorrow, I will just miss a bunch of people by one day.sniff I just hope Tyra does not tire Clay out to much.

Happy travels and spam spam spam makes a good plane snack.

Don't be caught in these cancelled flights - ick, what is with that, the only news today is about cancelled flights. What, they made someone at the FAA inspection finally wake up and this is their answer?

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I still think that ATDW was a throwaway album to deal with the crap. Get that stuff dealt with and over and now it is all about the music and his career.

Me too. I always thought that and I always thought the label said next time you get to pretty much do what you want and next time we'll support the album with the right PR.

I am so happy for Clay. And for us!

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Wallpapers from fountaindawg at CH:

Oh my...... talk about double the pleasure, double the fun..... :dead-1:

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Angela and Quiana are in the theater tonight.

So maybe Clay's "Tour Family" is getting together again? Maybe for Tyra? EEEEEEEEE!

I'm 3/4's packed, my alarm clock is set for 4:30am, and I'm getting really, really excited about leaving tomorrow for New York City, bay-bee! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I'm just excited that he seems to be surrounded by close friends and family....sort of like a holiday. Wait! It is a holiday. I'm heading to NYC with bottle!!!

(when someone with blurry eyes, wearing bunny slippers knocks on your door at 5:30, don't be afraid, k?)

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laughn, how exciting that you get to go, too! Hey, if you like bunny slippers, be sure and check out the killer rabbit slippers at the Spamalot merchandise stand. I got some, just for pure silliness and fun! They are very comfortable, and hilarious, too. They actually have a mouth that opens, with teeth inside.

BTW, one of the funniest things the killer rabbit does durng the show is to sing, "get your hand off my knee, you dirty old bastard" along with the knights as Brother Maynard is leaving the stage. I don't know why that cracks me up so much! It made me laugh really hard each time I saw it.

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(when someone with blurry eyes, wearing bunny slippers knocks on your door at 5:30, don't be afraid, k?)
Wellll, I don't know, laughn, that depends....will the bunnies have blood dripping from their front teeth? :cryingwlaughter:

All you FCA'rs going to NYC, ding dang it I wanna go, too! But woo hoo! Do us proud, women!

I've given these two new pix serious consideration (of course, having also taken an embarrassing number of *moments* throughout my study)...and I have to go with Eyefuck Clay over Vest Clay. The vest look here just doesn't do it for me..it, plus the angle I guess, make his shoulders look less broad and with the clean shaven face, he just seems a bit too young for me to have proper improper thoughts about....

But Eyefuck Clay? Heh. I can think of all KINDS of captions for that picture. (Well, I can think of them for Vest Clay, too...but the ones for Eyefuck Clay are more...uh...)...You know, he's trademarked or patented or whatever so many things---"cellcert", etc.. He really should do the same for his eyefuck.

Nobody does it like he does.

That last sentence is basically a universal truth, isn't it?

ETA: Heh, Gibby---looks like we both thought about the Killer Rabbit slippers! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Courtesy of Belly Aiken at CV:


Is that a "come to mama look?" I think so.

*renames self "mama"*

laughn, YSRN, and bottlecap, I hope you both have a wonderfully safe trip, and that you enjoy seeing boyfriend in his starring role in Spamalot!

Angela and Quiana are in the theater tonight.

So maybe Clay's "Tour Family" is getting together again? Maybe for Tyra? EEEEEEEEE!

I think it's cool that his "tour family" is meeting his "Broadway family" and that his Mom is there as well. A bit of harmonic convergence, I would say.

(when someone with blurry eyes, wearing bunny slippers knocks on your door at 5:30, don't be afraid, k?)

Heh. I think you need new slippers. Killer bunny slippers. Heh. *damn it, beaten to the joke several times*

I too think that ATDW was put out there partially to deal with the "crap" -- but I still love it dearly. I've also been thinking about a comparison of the publicity between ATDW and this....and I honestly don't think that the publicity was THAT different. In many ways, the timing is the same -- the release of the single; the press release; heck, even about 3 weeks before ATDW we discovered ringtones from the album. IMO, it's just a different feeling about this release that is FAN driven. More excitement because it's an album of originals. Don't get me wrong, I love the promo for OMWH dearly, and I'm sure there will be differences. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not a marketing expert, but the promo seems somewhat similar to me at this point.

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laughn, YSRN, and bottlecap, I hope you both have a wonderfully safe trip, and that you enjoy seeing boyfriend in his starring role in Spamalot!

YSRN, laughn and bottlecap - have the time of your lives from me too!!! I sure wish I could come play with you!

And Clay......

Tyra was just on IGB! (taped I'm sure since we know where she is tonight....)

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I think it was very different as far as the pre release stuff is concerned. It remains to be seen what comes after. For ATDW there was practically no build up..the album almost fell from the sky. Not saying it had none, just not enough. I bitched and moaned right up until the point that I had that baby in my hand. Then I got over it. I always had faith that Clay would be alright and look.. he's more than that.

Of course my memory isn't what it's used to be which is why I'm keeping more of an eye on stuff this time. Looking forward to seeing what sort of TV he gets in that ultra competitive period.

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Okay, I decided the the tan vest eyes need some love, too. I mean, the blue shirt eyes are killers, but the tan vest eyes are rilly nice, too!

Here's a crop of the tan vest eyes, with the sideburn for masculine yumminess:


And here's a close up of the tan vest eyes:


And yet another crop of the blue shirt eyes:


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Gibby, I really like "academic" Clay too -- and think that if he had his glasses on in that picture, it would kill me. (Or else, CG would kill me...*g*)

couchie, I think the main difference this time with the promo is really Spamalot. That's provided Clay with a LOT more opportunities for publicity that he didn't have with ATDW. I still don't believe that ATDW fell from the sky though -- I think there was more out there than people wanted to admit, it just didn't have the -- apologies to those who don't like the word -- "narrative." As I said, though, in many ways, the timing is the same with the promos for both albums; it's just that this time with have a hot Broadway star to deal with as well. *g*

ETA: Cool new website! Who is Gupta media?

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