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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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It was just posted that Clay will not be doing the afternoon matinee...no reason given.

I was actually thinking that this might happen this morning....pure speculation on my part, but I was wondering how he was going to pull off 2 shows yesterday, singing at a wedding reception last night, and then two more shows again today. I mean, he has to have time to sleep! LOL

Sorry for anyone who has tickets to the show and is disappointed, but can't say as I'm surprised.

singing at a wedding reception... first I've heard of this...

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Heh, that just goes to prove that couchie doesn't read my posts! :cryingwlaughter:

There was reference to him singing in a wedding reception in a recap from last night, that I brought over this morning. And I believe he mentioned it in one of the OMWH interviews.......that he was planning to sing one of the new songs from the album at a friend's wedding reception.

ETA: Here it is again, from heartsaiken4ca at CB:

I've got the scoop. He had to leave to go sing at a wedding. I'm talking to a friend who got to go up on stage and meet him. More after I get off the phone.

My friend Ginny from California was in the bathroom line downstairs and started carrying on a conversation with the lady behind her. This woman couldn't believe a 70ish year old woman would come to New York. The woman asked where she was sitting and when she told her, she said, oh, she was sitting a couple of rows behind her. Before intermission was over, the woman tapped her on the should and asked if she would like to meet Clay. She couldn't believe her ears! Apparently this woman's husband is a cousin of the man who plays Sir Galahad's mother (they were the people who ended up outside and then were taken inside to meet Clay onstage). He said he only had a couple of minutes because he had to sing at someone's wedding and he was running late. He was very gracious and signed a couple of pictures she brought. I'm so happy for her. She thought last summer's tour might be her last time traveling.

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It was just posted that Clay will not be doing the afternoon matinee...no reason given.


Oh man, I am so bummed out about this! Our first Clay-friends we ever made- a husband and wife from PA that we met at the Wilkes Barre AI tour- were going to today's show. We had been trying for a while to convince them to go one of the times that we were going to be going, but they couldn't swing it. They were finally able to get good tickets to today's matinee- their only show! Man, I wonder what they'll do now?

I had actually been having the crazy thought about going one more time (after our upcoming 3-show stint) and bringing my husband and son with us, as I know that they would all enjoy the show. My son, who is totally NOT into Clay at all, asked if he could bring his best friend. I've been pricing the train tickets, one night hotel (two rooms) and all of the tickets, and wavering about the decision. Kind of makes me think twice about it.

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I will be virginal for the complete album, but not for the radio single. *g*

Actually, with the way Clay's talking about this album, I think my first listen for this album will be something I haven't done in a LONG time: I will sit down, in front of the good stereo. I will put the CD in the player and hit play. And then....I will take the lyric booklet and follow along. If Clay's making such a big deal about these lyrics, I want to make sure I hear them properly! And then, I'll put the CD into my car stereo after that first listen and get the music/melody side of the equation.

Do we know there will be one?

We haven't had lyrics in his previous Cd's, right? Which is something I RILLY RILLY want!

Good point! I hope he does provide lyrics this time, though.

Hugs to all those who have tickets for this afternoon....

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CG, I can't remember if I responded before to you about Johnny Adams -- but I love him. I first found out about him when I saw the movie Bowfinger and he sang There Is Always One More Time at the beginning of the movie. I went home and did research to find that song and it's still on my playlist. I love his voice. I wish I had discovered him before his death as I would have no doubt hopped over to NOLA to hear him.

Isn't he amazing? I first discovered him when I was watching that old sitcom with John Laroquette that took place in a bus deot or something and they played the song "The Real Me". I LOVED it, watched the credits and saw it was sung by Johnny Adams. I finally found it on his album called "Good Morning Heartache". Fabulous!

I will take the lyric booklet and follow along. If Clay's making such a big deal about these lyrics, I want to make sure I hear them properly!

You're assuming there will be a lyric booklet! I sure hope there is. Back in the dark ages when albums had all the lyrics on them, that is exactly how I would listen the first time through.

I told you I was a lyrics person!

It was just posted that Clay will not be doing the afternoon matinee...no reason given.


Hung over from the wedding reception???? Maybe he chugged one too many cosmos! :cryingwlaughter:

I have to say, if I schlepped all the way to NYC and he wasn't performing I would be pissed. Knowing Clay, I am SURE he has a good reason, but still. I would be pissed. I know i could get my money back for the ticket, but not for my train ticket.

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I had actually been having the crazy thought about going one more time (after our upcoming 3-show stint) and bringing my husband and son with us, as I know that they would all enjoy the show. My son, who is totally NOT into Clay at all, asked if he could bring his best friend. I've been pricing the train tickets, one night hotel (two rooms) and all of the tickets, and wavering about the decision. Kind of makes me think twice about it.

It's a chance we all take........I know I didn't completely relax and take a deep breath until I was inside the lobby for each of my two shows in March, and his name wasn't on the board. LOL. But hey, don't let it change your mind, I honestly think he's done extremely well to only miss 2 shows so far in his run. I am sure he would have made it if he could.

In good news, we have no one on the FCA representin' list for today. But I notice that Karen Eh's 3 shows have passed.......hope we get a recap when she is able to post one!

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First of all, I want to thank all you for your birthday wishes, and apologize for not responding sooner. I was offline for much of last week, and haven't had much time to catch up and post this week. However, I do appreciate the kind thoughts!

As for the topic du jour:

Honestly, much of what the M&G poster said feels credible to me, not only in that the radioplay info came from Clay, but in the rationale given. I do think that at some time, some radio stations were so annoyed by what they felt to be excessive spamming, that they decided not to play his songs.

At the same time, I suspect that if programmers really believed in the material and the artist, such enthusiasm would not have been counted against him. I do think that for some, Clay was never quite "cool" enough for them, and so instead of believing that the response was representative of widespread, mainstream popularity, they saw it as the result of a small but obsessive minority.

Personally, I can't completely blame fans for calling and e-mailing radio stations in the past. It was thought that listener feedback was something that was respected. Many stations had request lines and online mechanisms for engaging with their audience. Perhaps fan zeal was excessive, but we were a new fandom then, bursting with excitement and the desire to see Clay succeed. Except for those who made death threats (and I fully believe there were some), most did it innocently and earnestly, without intent to harass or annoy.

But FWIW, I really doubt that spamming fans bear the primary blame for Clay's lack of radioplay. I also disagree that it's all about payola. I think Clay has been a challenge for RCA's marketing team because he is different, his musical tastes are not always closely aligned with what's currently popular in radio, and because he is perceived as appealing primarily to a larger demographic. And while Clay certainly does have younger fans, it's hard to deny that the majority of those who are visible in concerts and television appearances are over forty. I can see how Clay might be harder sell to radio, particularly in the Top 40 format.

That said, I believe that the right song at the right time can overcome a lot of obstacles. Will his latest single be that song? I don't know. I think Lylekira had it right when she said, "The art of a hit record is something that can never full understood or everyone would be doing it." We will have to see. But who knows? Perhaps, by now, AC formats who have played his Christmas songs will be more open to his new material. Maybe some programmers will think that after five years, fans will no longer barrage them as intensely as they did before. And, hey, it's entirely possible that Clay may actually have a truly great song that does well in research and demonstrates genuine, popular appeal.

You never know.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh, finally someone who can express what I was trying to say! Thanks, JennaZ!

I didn't seem to have a problem playing any of the media on the AOL site this morning from Canada, but maybe First Listen is different? Oh well, hopefully some kind soul will rip us an mp3 if that is the case tomorrow. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Unfortunately, I think FirstListen IS different; if you try and play any of the "this week release" albums, you'll see what I mean. I think (unless you're the lucky one :lol:) you'll get an error message saying the file is not available.

If you ARE the lucky one :lol: let us know so you can get it for the rest of us!

chacha thanks for your offer! I may just take you up on that! I'd be more than happy to reimburse long distance charges.

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Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links.


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Hasn't Jerome been saying Clay ws not feeling well for a few shows this week?

I think it is amazing how he struggles through all kinds of illnesses and he has had quite a full plate.

Now, when do I need to request tickets to Tyra for?

you know, it is kind of sad how Daughtry has vbeen picking up votes here

You can vote once a day and it would be nice to at least reduce the margin. I try twice a day because for some reason, I never remember the last time I voted, so I only lose half a day at most.

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If Clay isn't listed as the performer or one of the writers doesn't say he wrote a song for Clay's new CD, how can you tell which version is Clay's? And why are some songs not listed at all? And since some songs aren't listed, even if a song is listed, how do we know the song Clay recorded is listed and isn't yet another song with that title that just isn't listed?

CG, I think generally the individual songwriters have been found through their myspaces, where they note they have written for Clay Aiken.

I haven't a clue about ASCAP. Other than it's not really the same thing as :asshat:, I don't think.

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I was thinking that maybe the wedding was today and he had to travel to the place and won;t be back for the matinee. Just another possibility unless we know for sure that the wedding was last night.

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I haven't a clue about ASCAP. Other than it's not really the same thing as :asshat:, I don't think.

BWAH! Of course, I'm sure there are some who are convinced that it IS the same if it has something less than laudatory to say about Clay Aiken! :cryingwlaughter:

Good to see you again, bottle :F_05BL17blowkiss: ...I trust you've been "right click and saving" all the various tongue pictures that have appeared here and there?

Speaking of tongues, anybody think that maybe Clay's tongue is worn out :hubbahubba: and THAT'S why he has to miss today's matinee? :whistling-1:


Okay...guess I'l go walk the dog. :rolleyes:

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Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links.


Why not? See, I don't get this. To me, this is no different than if it was a WRAL piece where you got to hear the song. It is not on some super secret website. Its out there for anyone to hear. Anyone with the capability to rip it can - friend or foe. It would NOT prevent anyone from buying the album just because it was vaulted. Its one thing not to vault Spamalot clack if there was any, but just how is this different than vaulting any other promotional spot for the album? IMO that is just ridiculous! How would it be hurting Clay to vault something like this?

If Clay isn't listed as the performer or one of the writers doesn't say he wrote a song for Clay's new CD, how can you tell which version is Clay's? And why are some songs not listed at all? And since some songs aren't listed, even if a song is listed, how do we know the song Clay recorded is listed and isn't yet another song with that title that just isn't listed?

CG, I think generally the individual songwriters have been found through their myspaces, where they note they have written for Clay Aiken.

I haven't a clue about ASCAP. Other than it's not really the same thing as :asshat:, I don't think.

BWAH! It does sort of look like :asshat: at first glance!

We've missed you bottle!

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Speaking of tongues, anybody think that maybe Clay's tongue is worn out :hubbahubba: and THAT'S why he has to miss today's matinee? :whistling-1:

:hubbahubba: It seems to have been in working order recently.




I'll do my best to observe it in person and report back later this week. Think Clay'll open and and say "AAAAHHHH!" if I ask him nicely? :imgtongue:


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QUOTE(aikim @ Apr 6 2008, 02:30 PM)

Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links.


Claygasm said:

Why not? See, I don't get this. To me, this is no different than if it was a WRAL piece where you got to hear the song. It is not on some super secret website. Its out there for anyone to hear. Anyone with the capability to rip it can - friend or foe. It would NOT prevent anyone from buying the album just because it was vaulted. Its one thing not to vault Spamalot clack if there was any, but just how is this different than vaulting any other promotional spot for the album? IMO that is just ridiculous! How would it be hurting Clay to vault something like this?

I believe is because it would be quite excellent for the actual website to get hits, thus indicating that there is an interest.

I agree, it should not be vaulted for a while.

If one person rips it, and then everyone else just downloads it from a vault, it would look like the song was not popular. This is how the business is run. If Clay only gets a few hits because fans are downloading ripped stuff, there is no reason to not just move on to the next artist, since the internet is all about the clicks. Plus I am sure RCA and radio PD's would notice, too.

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YOu know, CG...the only reason I could imagine we wouldn't want it vaulted is that it would take away hits from the AOL website? If that's true, I can deal with that...I hope it gets oodles of hits, given the shifting winds of TPTB determining who's hot and who's not...If the internet is IT, then I'm all for showing how hot Clay Aiken is with lots of hits.

Yeah....I'd hit that.

ETA: or what djs111 said...heh.

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So no one even wants to try anonymizers? I don't understand why it has to be downloaded at all. Go and listen,. you do not have to add it to an ipod and carry it aroung. I think that may lead to song exhaustion <-made it up, ha ha. You are over it buy the time it makes it to the radio.

This may very well be a way for people to get to AOL first listen even if they are out of the country. Since I am not out of the country, I can't test it.

ANd, this fandom has gottnen very lazy and/pr stuborn lately. look at how Clay keeps losing polls,, so no, I don't believe some people will give a site hits if they can download.

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QUOTE(aikim @ Apr 6 2008, 02:30 PM)

Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links.


Claygasm said:

Why not? See, I don't get this. To me, this is no different than if it was a WRAL piece where you got to hear the song. It is not on some super secret website. Its out there for anyone to hear. Anyone with the capability to rip it can - friend or foe. It would NOT prevent anyone from buying the album just because it was vaulted. Its one thing not to vault Spamalot clack if there was any, but just how is this different than vaulting any other promotional spot for the album? IMO that is just ridiculous! How would it be hurting Clay to vault something like this?

I believe is because it would be quite excellent for the actual website to get hits, thus indicating that there is an interest.

I agree, it should not be vaulted for a while.

If one person rips it, and then everyone else just downloads it from a vault, it would look like the song was not popular. This is how the business is run. If Clay only gets a few hits because fans are downloading ripped stuff, there is no reason to not just move on to the next artist, since the internet is all about the clicks. Plus I am sure RCA and radio PD's would notice, too.

Not sure I agree with this because in the past things have been vaulted and people were simply asked to still give the site hits and people did. IMO the success of this song or this album will not be determined by the number of hits on AOL First Listen - especially since they probably expect Clay's fans to spam the site anyway. They probably disregard the number of hits they get anyway!

But whatever. It still annoys me. If the success of this CD is so tenuous that it depends on the hits any site gets, he is in BIG trouble.

ETA: And people may want it vaulted because apparently not everyone can use AOL First Listen.

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QUOTE(aikim @ Apr 6 2008, 02:30 PM)

Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links.


Claygasm said:

Why not? See, I don't get this. To me, this is no different than if it was a WRAL piece where you got to hear the song. It is not on some super secret website. Its out there for anyone to hear. Anyone with the capability to rip it can - friend or foe. It would NOT prevent anyone from buying the album just because it was vaulted. Its one thing not to vault Spamalot clack if there was any, but just how is this different than vaulting any other promotional spot for the album? IMO that is just ridiculous! How would it be hurting Clay to vault something like this?

I believe is because it would be quite excellent for the actual website to get hits, thus indicating that there is an interest.

I agree, it should not be vaulted for a while.

If one person rips it, and then everyone else just downloads it from a vault, it would look like the song was not popular. This is how the business is run. If Clay only gets a few hits because fans are downloading ripped stuff, there is no reason to not just move on to the next artist, since the internet is all about the clicks. Plus I am sure RCA and radio PD's would notice, too.

Thanks for explaining this so I don't have to. But, would the amount of people that would be downloading it from Clay fan sites, really make that much of a difference. We really are not that big of a group. And I am sure there would be a lot who would download it and still go to the site to listen. I think this type of thing really is for the would be fans and hopefully more of them would be giving this hits, than us.


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QUOTE(aikim @ Apr 6 2008, 02:30 PM)

Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links.


Claygasm said:

Why not? See, I don't get this. To me, this is no different than if it was a WRAL piece where you got to hear the song. It is not on some super secret website. Its out there for anyone to hear. Anyone with the capability to rip it can - friend or foe. It would NOT prevent anyone from buying the album just because it was vaulted. Its one thing not to vault Spamalot clack if there was any, but just how is this different than vaulting any other promotional spot for the album? IMO that is just ridiculous! How would it be hurting Clay to vault something like this?

I believe is because it would be quite excellent for the actual website to get hits, thus indicating that there is an interest.

I agree, it should not be vaulted for a while.

If one person rips it, and then everyone else just downloads it from a vault, it would look like the song was not popular. This is how the business is run. If Clay only gets a few hits because fans are downloading ripped stuff, there is no reason to not just move on to the next artist, since the internet is all about the clicks. Plus I am sure RCA and radio PD's would notice, too.

You know, if this were any other fandom, I wouldn't even question that, but this is us. lol You know if we thought it would help the man we'd give AOL clicks till or fingers bled, even if we all had the DL already.

I feel badly for someone who's computer won't let them listen at AOL...some out of the country folks can't do the AOL thing. I have no fear that it will be passed around quietly to those who need it, but I guess I think it is just making it difficult on people who would do the clicking if they could.

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Another reason is that this song will be available for purchase; but even if we all download it on our computers, we will still be buying the CD.


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I feel badly for someone who's computer won't let them listen at AOL...some out of the country folks can't do the AOL thing. I have no fear that it will be passed around quietly to those who need it, but I guess I think it is just making it difficult on people who would do the clicking if they could.

Since no one answers my posts about it, has anyone out ofthe countryTRIED an anonymizer? Maybe they can listen.

I would say, that until someone has actually tried it, this may be a false arguement.

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No you don't have to be a member of AOL to listen to the music. I had a terrible time figuring out my setup in order to get AOL and Clear Channel to work but finally got it to work. I posted what I did at chexxxy's in the help forum. I'll check back later, if someone wants me to post the same information here, I'll go find it and bring it over. Or if someone wants to bring my post over that is fine too.

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I feel badly for someone who's computer won't let them listen at AOL...some out of the country folks can't do the AOL thing. I have no fear that it will be passed around quietly to those who need it, but I guess I think it is just making it difficult on people who would do the clicking if they could.

Since no one answers my posts about it, has anyone out ofthe countryTRIED an anonymizer? Maybe they can listen.

I would say, that until someone has actually tried it, this may be a false arguement.

I saw this mentioned in my speed reading but I have no clue what it is??? :cryingwlaughter:

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