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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Me thinks Spamalot will be be crusing right past that $100,000 raised mark this year! :clap:

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This may not excite others but I just noticed I've been promoted from dogwalker to bodyguard! Heh! :imgtongue:

It would be nice to know what the other Broadway shows are amassing and if Spam has a chance of "winning!" Mike Nichols and Eric Idle are probably thanking whatever God brought them to hire Clay Aiken to that show - for a number of reasons!!! Kind of wonder if the ticket sales will plummet when Clay leaves! All in all - it's been a great 15 weeks!

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Me thinks Spamalot will be be crusing right past that $100,000 raised mark this year! :clap:

I would think they've already surpassed $100,000 and they still have the rest of this week left to go. I'd love to see them hit $200,000. I'd love to see them win!

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Me thinks Spamalot will be be crusing right past that $100,000 raised mark this year! :clap:

I would think they've already surpassed $100,000 and they still have the rest of this week left to go. I'd love to see them hit $200,000. I'd love to see them win!

To quote our dear Sir Robin, Oh YESSS!

There were at least 20 people lined up for the pics after each of our 3 shows last weekend. There was a rather large group of students, probably 30-40, that came up on stage after I had my pic taken on Sat. afternoon. Jerome had come over & talked with Clay and they went backstage for a minute. When he came back out, he looked at the group, put his hands on his hips and said, "This is gonna be more than $250 people! You do realize that don't you? How about $10 each? Remember - it's for charity!"

Then he asked a loaded question, "Where do you want me?"

To quote the LOTL, "Let me think about that......" :sleezy:

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If he is selling pictures for $250 a night and he sells 50 a night that is $10,000 a night!

Take the lowest case. If he sells an average of 25 per night for $200 for 10 nights = $50,000 and we know it is a lot more than that.

The chickens went for $7.000

I think it is minimally $120,000 now

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If he is selling pictures for $250 a night and he sells 50 a night that is $10,000 a night!

Take the lowest case. If he sells an average of 25 per night for $200 for 10 nights = $50,000 and we know it is a lot more than that.

The chickens went for $7.000

I think it is minimally $120,000 now

Yep. Plus the money people are putting into the buckets that cast members have at the door, and the collections taken up on different boards that are being mailed in. Plus the online donations. It's all adding up I would think! :)

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Don't forget the signed Playbills and the posters. I actually think the Playbills might be getting them even more money -- they are more affordable than most of the other collectibles for this drive out there.

This makes me so excited to be going to the rap up of this competition.

Sorry, I read that and it made me think of Clay with the hat on backwards doing the fake rapper thing from the NAT. BWAH!

P.S. For those who've not seen it before (or haven't in a while) --

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Don't forget the signed Playbills and the posters. I actually think the Playbills might be getting them even more money -- they are more affordable than most of the other collectibles for this drive out there.

This makes me so excited to be going to the rap up of this competition.

Sorry, I read that and it made me think of Clay with the hat on backwards doing the fake rapper thing from the NAT. BWAH!

P.S. For those who've not seen it before (or haven't in a while) --

awwwww....I was there that night when 'rapper' Clay made his appearance. What a nice memory :)

Couchie, I imagine it will be one fantastic evening at the Broadway Cares wrap. I know if I were anywhere near the city that night, I would want to be there too.

editing because Iseeme answered my question. zoopy posts at CV, but not often. I don't know if they post anywhere else.

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From Canuck2010 at Clayversity:

I was so pleased that it was confirmed that it was "zoopy" that won the dinner. I was a tad twitchy about that one. I so didn't want the winner to be someone who would ruin the dinner for Clay & Co

So, I don't know who "zoopy" is but ....

HAH - sorry, incorrect information. Canuck was thinking of Spooky and she did not win the dinner. In fact, no one knows who won the dinner. I'm sincerely hoping it ain't FBM and her crew!!!

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Ha Ha!

I'm all checked in!

Good morning ... I've started packing!! KAndre is really in her happy happy joy joy place and I love it!

I'm checked in too! Eee Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

Y'all check in with us frequently, ya hear? Please feed the need of those of us who can't be there with you and really wish we were!

Does anybody else think that Clay wouldn't just completely shirk his duties on that presidential committee and that perhaps arrangements were made? Or maybe there just isn't anything for him to do! The Washington Post kind of irks me have they nothing really interesting to write about?

Someone from the swamp started all that--actually contacted the Washington Post and asked them to investigate. But then so did a Clay fan who was expecting to be right that he had attended. The Post didn't care, until they found out that others did. They're only writing about it because it gets attention. Their first response in an e-mail someone copied to me was "these positions are largely ceremonial anyway."

Spooky is going to have to add a room on to her house to showcase all of Clay's clothes she's won!!!! And on a teacher's salary I believe!

I've been to Spooky's Raleigh house for a Raleigh Nomads event. She has lots of room for Clay's stuff, as she has almost nothing else in the house at this point. I haven't seen the "museum"--don't know if it was there or not that day. It's a big house, and I didn't see into but 4 or 5 rooms downstairs. She's a nice lady, not "fancy" or hoity-toity at all. She may be/have been a teacher, but there's money coming from somewhere else. Right now I think she commutes back and forth every few months from CA to NC.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: to FCA...I love doing the countdown and I love all of you!

The auction is amazing! I think Broadway is going to miss Clay very much; funny we haven't heard about who will be replacing him.


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we haven't heard about who will be replacing him.

and if he's not somebody special with a big fanbase, I kinda feel sorry for him... :unsure: I mean, it's virtually impossible to fill Clay's huge pants shoes. I guess the wardrobe person will have to take in the crotch of Sir Robin's costume.... :whistling-1:

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Summer is coming, I am sure Spamalot will do well and they will do something clever come the fall or just close as many shows do eventually. It is a nice run as it is. I think the winter is the hard time for all shows. I am trying to remember how long a show hast o be open to be profitable. I would just hate to see it all become Disney shows at some point, there are 3 Disney shows now and soon there will be 4. The lion king was innovative and he littlest mermaid is supposed to be all technology, I don't really know about the rest.

The show that won BCA last year did over 200K and it was a touring show. We will see how this goes. I think the autograph playbills are probably doing a lot better than the day I bought some and there was only one other person buying them. Seems like there is a lot of bulk buying now from the reports on the boards.

I see someone named Frank something won the sitting with Sean, I wonder if it is a Python fan? it would be great if Pythin fans were in on the bidding. If I were endlessly rich and not claustrophobic, that is the one I would have bid on.

The meeting in Washington, I thought Clay said something about having to read 500 page reports now and again and not having to be there as well, so his withdrawal could have been not immediate. A lot of committees are there for show and not to get anything down, happened 50 years ago, still happens today, it is called politics.

Off to see what Clay news there is...

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I'm so excited about all the MATH that's going on here this morning!! I usually avoid anything having to do with math like the plague (with a 50% chance of pestilence coming in from the NE [tm Historian]-hee) but today it's exhilarating to see those numbers go up up up! (take it away muski!) :cryingwlaughter:

Clay has raised HUGE TRACTS OF MONEY for Broadway Cares - and I hope we get a BLOG outta this!!! :cryingwlaughter:

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Yaaay for all who gave their blood sweat tears generous donations to help Clay's cause.

Broadway is going to miss Clay, and Clay is going to miss Broadway!

But according to THIS - he's going to be extremely busy!

Good Morning Everyone:

Takes deep breath, flexes fingers, here we go!

4 Days until Clay is on QVC!

6 Days until Clay is on Tyra!

7 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown!

10 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

12 Days until On My Way Here is Here!

13 Days until Clay is on GMA!

14 Days until Clay is on The View!

18 Days until Clay is on Leno!

21 Days until The Climmel!

25 Days until Clay is on Craig Ferguson!

Everyone have a great day!


THANK YOU KIM!! for keeping us apprised of all the upcoming activities - you do a great job!!

:drinking34: to the eHP converging on NYC! They know not what has been loosed on the unsuspecting North!! Have FUN!!

muski - let me know if you need a different format (i.e. not widescreen) for your laptop! :thankyou:

And I got a few "Page Not Responding" on those ebay links........ OMG!! WE broke ebay!!

Just bought my train ticket for next weekend.... we are coming back on Monday and Tuesday going to a CD Release party!! I hope I won't be too tired to enjoy it!!! :D

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Well Playbiller brings up a good point - there are several touring versions of Spamalot (Vegas I know for sure!) Do they also accept donations that are added in to the Broadway show's totals?

Well Playbiller brings up a good point - there are several touring versions of Spamalot (Vegas I know for sure!) Do they also accept donations that are added in to the Broadway show's totals?

All I remember about Spooky is that she was displaying one of Clay's outfits in her classroom and posted pictures of it on either the Clayboard or CV.


muski - let me know if you need a different format (i.e. not widescreen) for your laptop

Ummmm.....I could use a widescreen format if you have time. I'm using the other one now and it doesn't fill the screen but it's still beeoooooteeeeeful and I thank you for it!!!

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Well Playbiller brings up a good point - there are several touring versions of Spamalot (Vegas I know for sure!) Do they also accept donations that are added in to the Broadway show's totals?

NO - the touring companies are counted separate and are in competition with the Broadway show. The touring company that won worked like dogs

A total of $3,345,997 was raised and, for the first time, a National Tour (Jersey Boys) was the top overall earner among the over 60 participating Broadway, Off-Broadway, and National Touring companies. Their tour’s historic efforts brought in $236,844. To read more about the Jersey Boys tour’s landmark fundraising success, click here.

This year’s result marks the second-highest total ever raised at Easter Bonnet, Broadway Cares’ oldest fundraising event.The record ($3,435,997) was set in 2004. Other fundraising winners were:

1st Runner-up Wicked $227,768

2nd Runner-up The Color Purple $168,620

3rd Runner-up Mary Poppins $164,373

4th Runner-up The Lion King $163,174

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