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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Whoo Hooo Cindilu heee

Can somebody pm me and tell me what the real me is about. I doubt I'll hve time to listen to this interview until the weekend.

No need for a PM ;) ...cindilu already said

He feels it's about God
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YSRN - Thank you! I could NOT remember the name of that restaurant for anything. We stood in line for about 30 minutes and were about 2 people from being seated when they sent some poor waitress out to tell us the restaurant was not seating anyone for 2 hours because of a large party. HELLLOOOO - didn't they know they had a large party coming? A few people in line were pretty rabid about their disappointment. We ended up at some Italian restaurant who's name I also can't remember. I plead Aiken Fog on the loss of my memory whilst in NY.

Playbiller - I agree with alot of what you say but not all of it......What is "comples?" Complacent? If so, definitely. I can remember when people wouldn't miss the news on the radio (yes, I'm that old) and then television. Isn't that also Clay's issue that Britney makes the news every night and all kinds of horrors are going on in the world including the presidential campaigns!!!! Waxing philosophical here but I think life has become very complicated with the economy, joblessness, medical insurance, the social problems of the inner cities, etc. So - it's an escape not to worry about it or hear about it or realize how good some of us have it compared to others with less.

Since I have moved to the mountains I don't read a newspaper (it would be 2 days late) and only occasionally watch the news. I read the news on the internet.....but.... I have 7 years of college and an advanced degree so I'm not ignorant............I guess I just don't want to be brought down by all the nastiness out there right now. So I'm not complacent. Just self-insulating! It doesn't mean it doesn't bother me to see injustice or meanness. But the media has become something to mistrust - the bottom line is more important than reporting facts! Used to be if you read it in the paper it was true. Now everything is about selling the paper. Same with TV. WHAT will attract someone to that channel over another channel. Entertainment Tonite versus The Insider.....

Yes there are many people that get their jollies out of the plight of others - particularly celebrities. Some of it is basic jealousy (they have SO much money and I have none - kind of thought process) and gossip has always struck me as a way of life for those who don't have much in their life.

So what's my point? Hmmm. I think I'm trying to say that people are complacent for different reasons, people have become lazy in how they deal with other people, there is an extreme lack of respect bred in our young'uns today, and I think most late night hosts suck!!!!

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From WinkAtMe at CV:

No...I am not standing....I am typing this from the floor....I have a wireless keyboard so it works out well! YES...this is a result of coming home from an amazing night to find out Amazon had snippets...I couldn't get up after hearing them....SPECTACULAR!!!!

I typed my brief report from my iPhone as DH was talking to me about the traffic and the cabs that were cutting us off and the crazy weaving drivers. Had to concentrate with that. But he is a dear! I have had these stupid migraine's from allergies for 5 days now. Today looked like I wasn't going to make it to the show. I had an extra ticket, and DH had seen the show twice, already enough for him, but he offered to take me down and stay for the show....he is a keeper...I love him to bits!!! It did mean that I missed having dinner as planned with Angelty and her group and I hated to cancel. I knew she was giong to be in the peasant seat and couldn't have been happier to see her being brought up on stage. She beamed!!! And her reaction to the blowing was so cute....sort of a little startled wake-up reaction. Her picture with the cast came out GREAT as I mentioned before. As soon as they announced the Broadway Cares picture taking, there she was for another picture with just Clay. My DH asked if I wanted to do it again but I think he would have stuck his foot out and tripped me if I said yes! So I stood there and watched everyone getting their pictures taken....must have been at least 30 or so. The line to pay was backed up from the front of the stage all of the way back to the back curtain.

And then, Clay walks off the stage. I soon realize why...they brought about 40 schoolchildren, mostly teens, up and were setting them up for a group picture. When they were settled, Clay walks out and begins shaking the hands of those on the left side, working his way into the middle. I think his intention was to shake each one's hand. There were a few of the younger girls standing in the middle. The littlest one was crying from the excitement of seeing Clay. She backed up as he approached and the girl next to her was holding her shoulder in support. The next thing I see is Clay, his back to the little bit of straggling audience and where we were all watching this, and steps over duffle bags and makes his way into the middle of the group to talk to this girl. He bent over for a good five minutes with his back to us and talking quietly with the little girl. I wish I could hear him but I am sure he was speaking sweetly to her and getting her to feel comfortable. Then, I see her little arms sticking out under his arms hugging Clay around his waist as he is bending over. OMG! I began to get all teary and my mouth was gaping open. The most precious thing. Then he turns around, crouching down between this little girl and her supportive friend...he with the biggest smile and her with red eyes but clearly relieved. Oh my...what a moment. Can you imagine this man? Here he is ...a regular guy...who has become a superstar...touching the hearts of these teens (and some of us no longer in our teens) in such a way and then spending the time to make them feel better? He was beaming for their picture. The flash didn't go off!!! He said Use the digital! He took his time to make sure the picture came out right for them. I was a mess!!!

I love this man!!!


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Oops, sorry, comples was meant to be complex. Life is too complex today. I still don't have a DVR, so maybe I am the one behind.

I also gave up on TV and the newspaper, but get my news for international sources on the internet. Most people probably don't have time. I know my brother and his wife are always running taking their kids to different sports 7 days a week. The kids have friends and do well in school, so I guess it is good for them, but they don't have much unstructured time. It also means the parents do not have much spare time, excdept to listen talk radio and watch TV news occaisionally. Their main talk is of the Britney kind. Needless to say, they have no itnerest in talking to me about anuything that is not gossipy, even about the candidates. I hafve nothing to say about kids hockey or soccer, so we don't have that much in common now. It might all change when the kids become rebellous teens. I have other friends that believe what they read in the NYtimes, after all, it is the NYTimes! I think they had found someone making up articles a while back, but what ever.

Clay Aiken: My Priority is to be an Entertainer

Singer Clay Aiken has his priorities correct, despite what the media wishes to ask of him.

When asked about his personal life on a broadcast of the U.S. television show Access Hollywood, the 29 year old singer said this week, “People don’t want to have that type of stuff pushed, people who are living in Omaha or in Charlotte or wherever.

“They don’t want stuff like that pushed in their face. I don’t think that’s necessary and that’s also not what I’m here for. I mean, I went on Idol to be a singer, I went on Idol to be an entertainer and that’s what my priority is.”

“I think when you get into anything and you’re not used to people scrutinizing this, that or the other… it bothers you,” Aiken continues. “After awhile you kind of just say, ‘Forget this … This is not who I am, this is not about me, what I want to do is be a singer, want to be an entertainer, and forget all that stuff,’” he adds.

Says Aiken about his new album “Some of the songs on the album are personal, some of them are not personal, some of them are very universal and I like to keep that - allow people to interpret it that way”. Source

Aiken currently is profiled in this week’s LALATE broadcast of the LALATE MINUTE.

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And Billy's main objective for the interview - IMO and all that - has been accomplished. Billy is slavering to know, Clay replied with class and dignity, the answer will be sliced and diced all over the net -

scroll down to the list of blurbs, there are two for Clay:

US Weekly

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And here's my feeling about it being "sliced and diced all over the net:"

So. What.

Do I like Clay being questioned about these things? Oh hell no. I think it's stupid and an invasion of privacy. But as I said earlier, I DO think there is many people are just simply CURIOUS about this kind of thing, and it's not just about Clay either. Some people are just curious about things they don't understand. Again, I don't have to like that he's being asked the question, but if you actually read the blurb (and yes there will be some that won't...but there will be some that WILL), I think Clay will impress those people with his concise answers. And for those people who don't read the answers...unfortunately, it's just their loss. Oh, and for those people who really just don't care, well, IMO, they probably just don't care. *g*

JMO as well.

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Oh, I see your point, it is just that it is so old and boring and takes away from the music. I don't think I'll be clicking on any more promo stuff for a while is all. I'm not horrified or anything like that, sadly, this is what I thought would happen from a BillyB interview.

And Billy Bush is a piece of crap, no matter how nice he acts.

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As I said earlier - I'm really tired of hearing the question asked - and so, it seems, is pretty much everyone else. But - realistically - Clay will be married and have 5 children and they'll still be asking it!!! Sadly, people ARE curious and even more sad is the fact that someone gets stereotyped because of the way they look, wear their hair (sweetie, I DO think it's time for a little trim and some layering.....just saying!) their Southern accent, their mannerisms, etc. I worked in SF for 14 years and managed quite a few gay men in the course of my job. Honestly, there were some that were clearly swishy and they worked hard at that image. But most of them looked like the guy next door!!! They didn't flaunt it and they didn't advertise it. And generally speaking the only way I knew they were gay is when I got introduced to their significant others...... So how someone looks or acts is not the definitive answer. More than him being asked the question, I hate that people assume Clay is gay because of the above-mentioned reasons. That just smacks of narrow-mindedness and ignorance - like saying all Black people are criminals or all women with curly hair get permanents. But just like gossip, such is the way of the world sometimes.

The best thing is - Clay always seems to rise to the occasion and address the question on his own terms. I've listened to the Billy Bush interview a couple of times now (mostly because I love to hear the Cliggle) and Bill was polite enough - the topic should just never have come up in the conversation. It has NOTHING to do with the CD, Clay's voice, or his run in Spamalot. That's what is the most irritating. And naturally it will be splashed all over the internet and the news magazines. No matter how he answers the question it gets attention.

:cry4: I just found out my travelmates are going to all the matinee and evening shows on the final weekend and staying over for the CD Release party at Virgin Records. Can someone die of envy do you think??? :hangin:

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And here's my feeling about it being "sliced and diced all over the net:"

So. What.

Do I like Clay being questioned about these things? Oh hell no. I think it's stupid and an invasion of privacy. But as I said earlier, I DO think there is many people are just simply CURIOUS about this kind of thing, and it's not just about Clay either. Some people are just curious about things they don't understand. Again, I don't have to like that he's being asked the question, but if you actually read the blurb (and yes there will be some that won't...but there will be some that WILL), I think Clay will impress those people with his concise answers. And for those people who don't read the answers...unfortunately, it's just their loss. Oh, and for those people who really just don't care, well, IMO, they probably just don't care. *g*

JMO as well.

I bolded that 'So. What.' because it is how I feel as well...most of the time, anyhow. Sometimes I let some of the crap get to me, but mostly, thankfully, not. This Billy B. thing is a 'not' for me. I thought it was a good interview, on many different levels, most especially helping Clay clarify what TRM means to him. I want to hear every word he has to say on his music and what it means to him. I want to know how these songs relate to him as much as he's willing to share.

Clay Aiken will always be perceived by some as a closeted gay man....always....no matter what Clay says, or what we say or the fact that five years from now he could be pushing a stroller full of red-headed twins, with a red-headed toddler riding his shoulders....or not. It won't matter. I think you are being kind, ldyj, in referring to some people as 'curious.' Perhaps those people are out there, but, there are some who are, sadly, just titillated by the word 'gay.' Also, some, I think, are horrified by stories about 'gays'...horrified and attracted to it at the same time in much the same way a person cranes their neck to look at a bad accident. To some, 'gay' is a fighting word...They can't even speak it or write it. I have a feeling, if you can get past all of that in our society, then this gay question will no longer be a source of either entertainment or anguish.

editing because I see Iseeme said much the same about Clay and future family....yep.

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Oh good god, that US article title makes me want to sue somebody.

I swear, they're pulling a 'Rosie'...Clay did not say "People don't care if I'm gay." My understanding was that in the context of the discussion he said he didn't think most people would care whether he is straight or gay. As in...it doesn't matter.

I'm with you, djs..

Oh, I see your point, it is just that it is so old and boring and takes away from the music. I don't think I'll be clicking on any more promo stuff for a while is all. I'm not horrified or anything like that, sadly, this is what I thought would happen from a BillyB interview.

And Billy Bush is a piece of crap, no matter how nice he acts.

It's all just so fuckin' predictable...yes, Clay 'rises' to the occasion (heh) and always conducts himself with dignity and worthy of respect---whether or not people give him that respect is beyond any of our control.

Still pisses me off, though. <_<

ETA: a bit of irony. Yesterday my older daughter said, "I won't be talking to you on the way to school in the morning, Mom."

All righty, then.


"Because it's 'Silence' Day."

I asked some more questions until I'd surmised that her school is having a Silence Day as a show of support to homosexuals. She explained that the idea came from the fact that many young homosexuals have to remain 'silent' about their orientation and pretend to be something they're not in order to be accepted or not to be bullied, ostracized or worse. So as a show of empathy, students who want to will be silent all day.

Interesting. Closeted gays...tough enough for a mature adult to manage such a 'secret'; how incredibly monumental it must be for a teenager.

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Until the day he dies, and probably beyond they will be asking is he or isn't he. Hopefully it won't become this huge distraction this time around. But I just know the question will always be asked.

ETA maybe I should just catch up first before I start wasting time typing up stuff people have already said. heh.

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Just to clarify - IMO the entire point of Billy's interview was to ask the question. I don't think BB gives a flying crap about the music, he just wanted to get the mention in. Mission accomplished. Like Clay said, I knew exactly where BB was going, too.

And I will prolly get a call from some in my family asking me if I know that Clay came out.

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Clay Aiken will always be perceived by some as a closeted gay man....always....no matter what Clay says, or what we say or the fact that five years from now he could be pushing a stroller full of red-headed twins, with a red-headed toddler riding his shoulders....or not. It won't matter. I think you are being kind, ldyj, in referring to some people as 'curious.' Perhaps those people are out there, but, there are some who are, sadly, just titillated by the word 'gay.'

The day `gay` loses loses it`s negative connotation, I will be out dancing in the street. I think Clay handles the questions with a lot of class. People have no business asking him personal questions, but at this point, I`m sure it doesn`t surprise him anymore.

Off to dinner with kids!

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Hah - the US Weekly title just made our point - LOUD and clear!!!! If you read the article he's quoted accurately. It's just the damn title that is so wrong - but I'll bet it gets the clicks!!!!

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Hah - the US Weekly title just made our point - LOUD and clear!!!! If you read the article he's quoted accurately. It's just the damn title that is so wrong - but I'll bet it gets the clicks!!!!

Yeppers, that's what I SAID...doesn't ANYBODY read my posts? :cryingwlaughter:

I've made peace with myself re: not listening anymore to the snippets, long or short. I'm gonna wait for May 6 when my boyfriend can give it ALL to me. :hubbahubba:

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Tres cool, muski...

ETA: a bit of irony. Yesterday my older daughter said, "I won't be talking to you on the way to school in the morning, Mom."

All righty, then.


"Because it's 'Silence' Day."

I asked some more questions until I'd surmised that her school is having a Silence Day as a show of support to homosexuals. She explained that the idea came from the fact that many young homosexuals have to remain 'silent' about their orientation and pretend to be something they're not in order to be accepted or not to be bullied, ostracized or worse. So as a show of empathy, students who want to will be silent all day.

Interesting. Closeted gays...tough enough for a mature adult to manage such a 'secret'; how incredibly monumental it must be for a teenager.

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Just to clarify - IMO the entire point of Billy's interview was to ask the question. I don't think BB gives a flying crap about the music, he just wanted to get the mention in. Mission accomplished. Like Clay said, I knew exactly where BB was going, too.

And I will prolly get a call from some in my family asking me if I know that Clay came out.

djs... bolding above mine... Agrrrr... I have some people in my life who are going to do the same thing. Two of them are in my immediate family, which hurts, cause they just can't stand it that I believe Clay on this issue. They bring up every little tidbit that, to their minds, proves I am wrong to believe him. They are not doing it to save me from hurt, but to prove they are smarter than I am. Hurts! I'm learning not to let it bother me so much... slowly.

I haven't listened to the snippets yet today... think I'll do that to perk me up, cause I LOVE them!

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Just to clarify - IMO the entire point of Billy's interview was to ask the question. I don't think BB gives a flying crap about the music, he just wanted to get the mention in. Mission accomplished. Like Clay said, I knew exactly where BB was going, too.

And I will prolly get a call from some in my family asking me if I know that Clay came out.

Maybe it WAS his MO -- but it also gave us a lot of gushing about the music from Billy too. Maybe I shouldn't overlook the fact that he might have been fishing, but I can do it easily because of almost everything else in that interview. I think it's all in how we choose to look at it. I feel the same way about the LKL interview in 2006 -- there was a LOT of focus on the "question," by fans and non-fans alike. However, I'm willing to look past it, because the rest of the interview was thoroughly charming by Clay.

Clay Aiken will always be perceived by some as a closeted gay man....always....no matter what Clay says, or what we say or the fact that five years from now he could be pushing a stroller full of red-headed twins, with a red-headed toddler riding his shoulders....or not. It won't matter. I think you are being kind, ldyj, in referring to some people as 'curious.' Perhaps those people are out there, but, there are some who are, sadly, just titillated by the word 'gay.' Also, some, I think, are horrified by stories about 'gays'...horrified and attracted to it at the same time in much the same way a person cranes their neck to look at a bad accident. To some, 'gay' is a fighting word...They can't even speak it or write it. I have a feeling, if you can get past all of that in our society, then this gay question will no longer be a source of either entertainment or anguish.

editing because I see Iseeme said much the same about Clay and future family....yep.

Yes, laughn, you're right in that I was being "kind." I just couldn't think of a good way to put the rest of it -- but you did it for me. Horrified. Titillated. Yep, those were words I should have used as well. It's sad, but I think it's true.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to annabear. She was a sweetheart and got me an autographed Playbill last week,and it came in the mail today! Hope you feel better!

muski's daughter rocks. Her mom ain't bad either.

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The thing about Clay that makes it great is that he does not let any of this affect how he interacts with "Gay" people and causes, as the public percieves it. He has no problem working hard tro raise money for Broadway Cares (and I do believe he is the hardest working guy thiere is with that fund raising can't believe he does all that signing and all that standing for pictures in addition to the show and CD promo).

He does not turn his back on friends like many macho guys have in the past. his friends are his friends, no matter what. i.e. I don't believe he is a hero for this, just a consistant and good guy who has accepted his crosses to bear in life. We all have issues the pervade our lives and follow us around.

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I'm just not sure how Clay can produce a CD with the theme of 'my journey over the last five years', include many love songs (both gained and lost) and then we imagine that his 'personal' life won't come up in interviews. Doesn't it have to, by definition? It's part of the journey. The whole CD is personal. I hope very much that the 'respectable' (is there even such a thing any more?) media can stick to his interpretation, and not bring his sexual orientation into it. That the songs are about his growth, about the things that have shaped his life. And when they don't, Clay will handle them with his usual aplomb, wit and when necessary, razor sharp tongue. I don't see it becoming a trend - all the press so far has been on message. I really think that whomever is helping guide things this time around is doing a great job.

I simply can't continue to get bent every time this stuff comes up. I am trying very hard to follow his example. Absorb and enjoy the good (and there is plenty of good in that interview) and ignore the rest. There's just too much good, and it just feels different all around this time. I believe!

ETA: on reading my post, I feel like I should clarify that in no way, shape or form do I think it's OKAY to ask him these things - I surely don't. Or to use titillating 'headlines' to attract hits, regardless of the content of the article. They are pondscum. I think that goes without saying, right? So forget I said it. *g*

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Cindiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - HI!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Very good points from Playbiller and Cindilu2. I imagine Clay has anticipated the questions and is ready for them. There's just so much to be happeeeeee about now - not going to let it bother me.

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Cindilu Great to see you back!

Do you honestly think that Clay could have a song on his CD titled "The Real Me" and not have questions asked? I think it was very brave of him to not only include the song, but to put together a whole CD revolving around the last 5 years in his life. No matter how much he says he wants people to interpret the songs with regards to their own lives, he knows that people are going to speculate on his life and what the songs mean to him. Like I said, very brave of him to open himself up to speculation again and to allow himself to be so vulnerable.

I admire him so much!


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The thing about Clay that makes it great is that he does not let any of this affect how he interacts with "Gay" people and causes, as the public percieves it. He has no problem working hard tro raise money for Broadway Cares (and I do believe he is the hardest working guy thiere is with that fund raising can't believe he does all that signing and all that standing for pictures in addition to the show and CD promo).

He does not turn his back on friends like many macho guys have in the past. his friends are his friends, no matter what. i.e. I don't believe he is a hero for this, just a consistant and good guy who has accepted his crosses to bear in life. We all have issues the pervade our lives and follow us around.

My honest opinion and I know some may disagree, but I think there are many in the fandom who subscribe to the "guilt by association" theory...If Clay has friends that are gay or associates with people that are gay, than therefore he must be gay...I definately get a sense of veiled homophobia in the fandom and I think those who are so vocal about Clay once and for all defining his sexuality is more about their own need for validation and less about convincing the press, etc.


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