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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Is Clay sending super sekrit messages to people saying which CDs to trash and which to praise?

He's texting them, dontcha know? :cryingwlaughter:

snicker or text messaging once removed :cryingwlaughter:

anyway, had to come on to say hi to Jamar cuz I just spent ten minutes trying to find locate a regular vendor in my system and he wouldn't come up. Maybe cuz his name is JOMAR not JAMAR. Waves .... this is the equivalent of ears burning I think.

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Ashes was great, but I'm sorry, as much as I like Q&A, and I do, they kinda ruined it for me with the screeching in the background. I hope that changes a bit for the future.

Yep...that's what I meant earlier when I said I wonder how they'll work backgrounds into these songs since I hardly even notice any on the cd...just let the man sing...or Q&A need to make sure they don't detract from the VOX, ya know?

Gawd. Now THAT was hot. And so very cool. And I was snickering at the studio musicians--looks like Clay grabbed a handful out of the Emo pool.... :cryingwlaughter:

I LOVE that drum intro after a pause in the singing...this is SUCH a "roll down your windows, open the sunroof, turn up the volume and SING to the world" song! :me0:

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Damn it, all I'm getting is buffering. I finally made it through Ashes without it stuttering (and then, of course, I was stuttering...*g*), but I can't get the follow-up interview to play worth a darn.

I want to go home. I had so much fun yesterday just being a slob and listening to the album on loop.

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Someone made a suggestion that we spread the word to all go to Amazon and download "Ashes" for 99¢ and get it up on the charts so that it could maybe be released as a single sometime "soon." I don't know about you, but I am willing to spend 99¢ for that cause - how about you???

Here's the link


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So I was just thinking, which can be dangerous, and I am no marketing expert by ANY means however, even I can sit down in front of my computer and write the most perfect roll out for Clay's album that would guarantee it twenty gazillion sales. It's really easy to do. What's HARD is actually being able to implement that. Not only do you need contacts which I don't have, you have to convince those contacts that your guy is better than everyone else clammoring for time. You also have no control over how the performer does or any reaction by the public. Sometimes one performance, like AI5 for Keeping Faith is all it takes - other times, someone seeing him on their local Atlanta station yesterday and then good morning america will be all it takes. Clay will be doing appearances all week so I'll just to hope that he is seen by enough folks to give him a good start. I care about sales in that I want him to rule the world heh but moreso as I don't think I'll be able to take another round of 2006 if this album doesn't do well enough. Now, off to work. Thankfully, cross training every spare part in the office paid off for me and I came back to if not clean, a very organized office.



I guess people do read my post and I got a Virgin Store Banner...YAY!!!

thanks to 00lsee....I love triple Clay...hee

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I'm all for supporting Ashes as a great song. But I am not prepared to write OMWH off as the single. They decided on it for a reason - and what kind of message does that send? Once again the fans know better?

COOL banner! Love it!!!

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There seems to be a discrepancy between fan preferences and preferences of the general public, so perhaps we as fans shouldn't be trying to artificially influence things???

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Whee, he absolutely NAILED that performance of Ashes. He is incredible. The girls (whom I adore) hit a couple yikes sounds there - hopefully they'll listen back and make some adjustments. They were much better by the end. MAN that made me feel good. The 'band' looks young and fresh, Clay looks HOT and SEXY and his voice is right on the money. FLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it all has to do with the balance that GMA has going - the sound engineers and whatnot.

I always cringe on the GMA recording of Suspicious Minds too when the girls come in (you can't even hear them in the first part of the song) and then some technician boosts their mics too high or some such, and they kill the buzz of the whole song in that particular particular particular......... IDIOM. :D

Anyhow, bottom line, I think their backing vocals are better balanced on the recording than they were on that live performance. And I hope they will be better the next on a different show.


eta: I honestly don't see any difference in buying a song to boost its popularity and rushing to vote on polls, or buying multiple copies of the CD. We are his fans and I don't view it as making something artificially popular if we really like it and want it to be popular.

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cha cha, I appreciate the spirit of supporting what we love when it comes to Clay. I wasn't trying to throw buckets of water - I promise.

I just feel like this fandom needs to let things happen organically sometimes. Buying Ashes as a single because you love it? Good!!! Doing it to send a message to 'them'? Not so much. All just my opinion of course.

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Someone made a suggestion that we spread the word to all go to Amazon and download "Ashes" for 99¢ and get it up on the charts so that it could maybe be released as a single sometime "soon." I don't know about you, but I am willing to spend 99¢ for that cause - how about you???

Nah - 'cause I personally like "Falling" better than I like "Ashes" - and at this very minute, like "Long" better than both - and frankly think many of the overly invested fan driven "marketing ideas" are sort of stupid.

But that's just me.

Oh, and what cindilu and jhm said.

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IIEOOU -- It's In Every One Of Us (iTunes bonus track, now forever known as "the Muppet one")


I can't listen to this song without laughing, because I think of Sir Clay Robin asking, "Somebody swallowed it?"

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IIEOOU -- It's In Every One Of Us (iTunes bonus track, now forever known as "the Muppet one")


I can't listen to this song without laughing, because I think of Sir Clay Robin asking, "Somebody swallowed it?"

And gesturing down the front of his tunic. heh God, he was so cute.

Well, I dare you to keep listening to it...because it will become an earworm, I can almost guarantee. But...if you happen to find yourself making shadow puppets on the wall, don't blame me. :)

Really, I don't care where the song originated...Clay sings it very well...and I like the harmonies later in the song. Woot! This album is awesome, y'all!

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IIEOOU -- It's In Every One Of Us (iTunes bonus track, now forever known as "the Muppet one")


I can't listen to this song without laughing, because I think of Sir Clay Robin asking, "Somebody swallowed it?"


Good intentions are good, ya'll. Having said that, I didn't even buy the Amazon version of the single OMWH -- just figured why bother when I was going to be picking up several copies of the album later. And I buy my multiple copies not to "send a signal" but to share with friends, or to get the extras. Matter of fact, I need to assess and see how many I'll be buying next week. I will be giving out this album to four people I know -- but I figure at least one will be the copy that came with the bonus DVD from QVC.

CU has a rough cut of the professional video shot at the Virgin signing. "To those of you who camped out over night...I think ya'll are a little bit crazy, but I love you." Hee. Anyway, link is here.

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I'm all for supporting Ashes as a great song. But I am not prepared to write OMWH off as the single. They decided on it for a reason - and what kind of message does that send? Once again the fans know better?

COOL banner! Love it!!!

WOW great banner 00Lsee.

Sometimes interference and plotting to get things a certain way backfire. For instance, Solitaire. That didn't do exactly what the label or fans thought it woudl do by releasing it, probably helping to set back MoaM. How do we know Ashes is what would appeal most to the masses out of everything on the album? Because it's fast?

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cha cha, I appreciate the spirit of supporting what we love when it comes to Clay. I wasn't trying to throw buckets of water - I promise.

I just feel like this fandom needs to let things happen organically sometimes. Buying Ashes as a single because you love it? Good!!! Doing it to send a message to 'them'? Not so much. All just my opinion of course.

WORD...I don't blame you cha cha for putting the message up. Its possible some people here agree with this strategy. But personally I disagree with fan campaigns that are designed to dictate what the fandom wants over what the MARKET possibly wants.

so if people love it...go ahead...and purchase it...but I hope people don't buy lots of copies to artificially inflate the results. I think its important for TC to get a feel of what the potential fans like not just what we like.

although I did love his performance of Ashes...

The girls did have a shrieky quality to their voice. I hope they reconsider the arrangement cos the volume was not the only problem but it didn't seem to blend with him.

However...I love his voice on this...he sound just as good live as on the CD and that is rare with artists nowadays.

I loved seeing Sean...a familiar face on drums!!!

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I haven’t watched “Ashes” yet (have I mentioned how interfering work can be with my fun??), but from my one very tired listen to the CD late Monday night, I barely remember it and in fact I remember saying I wasn’t getting all the “Ashes” love. OMWH on the other hand seems to always stay in my brain when I hear it. It’s a real earworm. It’s pretty, but not too slow and has a catchy melody and an easy to remember chorus (at least that’s what always sticks in my brain). IF it actually got radio play, I think it would do well. It has to me a sort of “Breakaway” sound to it – and we all know how well that did! I remember everyone loving on OMWH – until they heard the rest of the album. Maybe it isn’t the best song on the CD, but most NJUs won’t have heard the entire CD IF they hear OMWH on the radio. If they like it they will seek out the rest of the album and be more than pleasantly surprised at the whole thing – rather than being disappointed. I have heard some say it’s not representative of the sound of the CD as a whole. Well, I think the sound of the CD as a whole is pleasantly eclectic, so I think it fits. But even if that is true, again I bring out the “Breakaway” example. That song was even less representative of the overall sound of that album, but people liked the song “Breakaway” and sought out the album when it was released. Sold rather well, if I remember correctly.

IF the song OMWH actually gets radio play – obviously on AC radio, but I again don’t know why that’s a bad thing – I think people will like it. I think it will become an earworm and lead people to seek out the CD. It is a very Clay Aiken song – but is that a bad thing? Is he so bad he has to be changed? And every time the name of the song is given, it’s a reminder of the name of the CD. I think it’s a song that people will like IF they get to hear it. Then once people are used to that song they can get to hear another side of Clay Aiken with the second single with something like “Ashes”. Ballads get radio play all the time – look at the dreary song “Beautiful” by James Blount. OMWH is a much better and livelier song than that and that song got tons of radio play!

I honestly do not think OMWH is a bad song for the first single – in fact I think it’s a pretty good choice. However, it all becomes a moot point f it doesn’t get radio play. I believe there is a resistance to playing Clay on the radio and that resistance would be there no matter what song was chosen to be the first single. I think there is a prejudice against Clay when it comes to radio and I don’t know what it will take to break down those barriers. I’m not sure Clay does either – which is probably one reason he didn’t choose songs with radio in mind.

And it’s a shame because I think a lot of people are missing out on a really great thing by not getting to hear Clay sing on the radio. IMO, it is still a very important cog when it comes to selling albums.

I am much more Zen about Clay’s GMA appearance. I just think I was disappointed because I was expecting much more of my boyfriend on my TV this morning! He generally looked good (no visible eyeliner!) and he generally sounded great. I do think they tried to cram too much into their 2 hours which cut down on what Clay could do and I do agree that perhaps this was an appearance confirmed late – that they sort of squeezed him in because they love him. Makes me wonder if the few extra sales he may get because of Mother’s Day are worth it. They could have easily delayed the release by even a week or two and have more time to book appearances. But what are you going to do? It is what it is. I just hope this CD has long enough legs to warrant a second round of promotion after Clay gets to rest up this summer.

And I LOVE IIEOOU! Total Bic lighter song!!

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I LOVE this CD! One of my favorites is Grace of God. His southern accent pops out occasionally and you get his lower register. It just sounds easier for him to sing IMO...not in his higher register. I was just listening to it and picturing the Dancing with the Stars contestants dancing the Viennese Waltz to it. **sigh**

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Someone made a suggestion that we spread the word to all go to Amazon and download "Ashes" for 99¢ and get it up on the charts so that it could maybe be released as a single sometime "soon." I don't know about you, but I am willing to spend 99¢ for that cause - how about you???

Here's the link


Anyone who knows anything about marketing an album would know that if your first single is not a hit, there will not necessarily be a second. So if we download anything, it should be On My Way Home. Screw what the fans think. As I recall, the fans thought The Way would be a better single than I will carry you and that pretty much ended any forward motion for Clay's single. It is like the idiot fans who would be happy if Clay was "dropped" from RCA, because that would be so good for him, more likely it would be good for the haters. See how well it worked out for Bo. Has he sold 50K yet?

I would say, ignore any fan suggestions that go against the existing marketing plan, Fans know diddly, they hafve not got tghe facts and figures. Didn't JMH just post about selling the single here, or was that another board? Fan experts are just a different kind of blowhard if they think what they are saying is not just a single persons opinioon. I havew nothing against any one who expresses themselves as having an opinion, just as long as they do not say they have THE OPINION.

Sorry, it is people interfering 2 years ago that severely damaged the fandom with their angst two years ago and it will still take time to recover, well, at least for me to recover.

Sorry, I ranted again. It is just that I cannot go through the same crap again that we went through 2 years ago when the mods were telling us how to think on some boards and editing people for being happy. I say that Clay has people to make things happen, we should just support what he does - i.e. for example the people who did not buy ATDW to teach RCA a lesson led the stores to order less OMWH this time, not to mention the people driven from the fandom in droves. If we want to support a song by buying it on amazon, it should be the current single because that way we would be adding ourselves to the NJUs that buy it, rather than buying something else and diluting the pool.

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Here's what's selling "organically" at iTunes right now:

On My Way Here

Where I Draw the Line

Lover All Alone

The Real Me

Grace of God

Something About Us

As Long as We're Here


Sacrificial Love


Weight of the World

Everything I Don't Need

On My Way Here is way ahead of the pack, way ahead, but Where I Draw the Line has been a favorite since the album came out. Ashes has never been very high up. Poor EIDN isn't getting any love at all. :cry4:

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I totally love the single OMWH.

Last I looked, I was a fan.

ETA: I'm giving EIDN love big time.

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Here's what's selling "organically" at iTunes right now:

On My Way Here

Where I Draw the Line

Lover All Alone

The Real Me

Grace of God

Something About Us

As Long as We're Here


Sacrificial Love


Weight of the World

Everything I Don't Need

On My Way Here is way ahead of the pack, way ahead, but Where I Draw the Line has been a favorite since the album came out. Ashes has never been very high up. Poor EIDN isn't getting any love at all. :cry4:

Gee, maybe people likethe song!

Who knew! (tm King Arthur)

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WIDtL is # 2? Gosh. :) I like OMWH, too. I like all the songs. Yes, I'm easy.

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Remind me how this works - every download of a song counts as 10 spins to get it up on the billboard charts which should get it more spins and further up the charts? So shouldn't we be buying OMWH right now?

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