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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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iTunes/iPod question - - - can you have more than one iPod synch on one computer? Does that make sense? :huh:

Oooooooo! Verra verra niiiiice, 00lsee.

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iTunes/iPod question - - - can you have more than one iPod synch on one computer? Does that make sense? :huh:

Oooooooo! Verra verra niiiiice, 00lsee.

Yeah...I kinda use 3 ipods...and they all open up their own pages. But the three I used with my computer were three different types..a 20GB, a shuffle and a 8 GB.

I also choose manual sync and have only one library. but tons of different playlist.

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Thanks, Ansa! :F_05BL17blowkiss: My mom is wanting to get one, but she can't upgrade iTunes on her computer, so I'd have to do it on mine. She would definitely have a different one, as she doesn't care about video at all.

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Guys don't go out...it is a jungle out there!

HDD projects 85K and the "his career is over" posts have started!

Sorry if the "guesstimate" numbers bum anybody out, but please... If you've been following CD sales numbers, they're spiraling down, down, down for everybody.

Clay's got more national promotion before the sales week is up. No worries here. :lilredani:

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Hee I'm happy I got my Walmart order today. I had one without the bonus that I paid $10.00 for and 2 that I paid $14.88 for online. Since they are now on sale for $9.72 I just went to WM and exchanged the one without the bonus for one with and got an $11.00 refund on the other 2! Add that to the $2 refund from Amazon I think I''m doing pretty good today!

And no I didn't spend the refund on another CD........though I did think about it*g*

I love this CD!!!!!!

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GAH is right!!! :hubbahubba:

Guys don't go out...it is a jungle out there!

HDD projects 85K and the "his career is over" posts have started!

Oh gosh! Oh gee! I'm so skeered!!! (tm the French Taunter - sort of..)

CD sales are VERY down. I had a feeling he might not break 100K. I do think in Clay's case this will make for doom and gloom press - whcih won't help future CD sales - because he has always sold a high percentage of his total CD sales the first week. His career isn't over (and I would bet RCA is expecting lower than usual numbers due to so many factors) but these kind of numbers will just bring out the haters and the naysayers in record numbers.

And that kind of publicity he doesn't need.

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Guys don't go out...it is a jungle out there!

HDD projects 85K and the "his career is over" posts have started!

thanks for the heads up...this is one day projection and they never get Clay right. I will be happy with 100K and this is not far from that.

I don;t really care about naysayers and negative publicity...the ones that are really annoying are easy to ignore cos they are just insignificant blogs. I think it will be tough for the general media to scoff at Clay when the slump in CD sales is industry wide.

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Guys don't go out...it is a jungle out there!

HDD projects 85K and the "his career is over" posts have started!

Sorry if the "guesstimate" numbers bum anybody out, but please... If you've been following CD sales numbers, they're spiraling down, down, down for everybody.

Clay's got more national promotion before the sales week is up. No worries here. :lilredani:

I'm with you babe. It's a good album, and it will sell lots more. At the risk of repeating myself, no one sells millions album after album, especially in today's market. Kylie Minogue had huge promo, radio, and way more TV than Clay and sold 6,000 copies her first week.

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but these kind of numbers will just bring out the haters and the naysayers in record numbers.

And that is just on the boards!


So true!

But let's put this in persepctive. I took a peek out there. Here are ALL their projections:\\Neil Diamond - 125-130K

Madonna - 85-90K (second week sales)

Clay - 80-85K

Gavin DeGraw - 75-80K

Toby Keith - 60-70K

Josh Groban - 50-55K

Dierks Bentley - 30-35K

And Dierks Bentley was singing several songs on the Today Show this morning!

So let's see, Clay is projected to come in third - higher than the likes of Gavin DeGraw, Josh Groban, Toby Keith and Dierks Bentley. When you look at it that way, its not bad!

Sign of the times, folks. Sign of the times. Some people may be having to choose between gas and CDs!


GAH!!!!!! ***SLURP*** GAH!!! :hubbahubba:


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but these kind of numbers will just bring out the haters and the naysayers in record numbers.

And that is just on the boards!



Honestly, I just don't get the doom and gloom. I AM shocked at the low projection, but then I see that such numbers are not just for Clay. Gas is over $4 a gallon folks and all the staples of food--bread, milk, eggs, etc.--continue to make me do some jaw dropping every time I go to the store. So I can see why sales of a hard copy of a CD priced over the $.99 per song download price is indeed a hard sell (heh)....

The slump is for everyone...not just our guy. Clay seems peaceful and happy---both with life in general and with this latest product of his talent and creativity and passion---and I just don't see how I can be anything less FOR him. It's HIS career, after all---his life. So you can count on an empty seat in the worry car with my name on it. I won't be taking that trip, thanks.

Gawd. LAA is playing now...let's hear the asshat 'critics' claim THESE lyrics are trite. :finger:

ETA: holyshit...that last picture has me mesmerized...dangerously possessed.

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Yes well now we have it's all about bad promo too!!

The more things change the more they stay the same!!!

I'm happy!!!!! (TM NDF)

HEEEE...I am finding this amusing...cos I don;t have to wallow in it anymore I got my safe haven here.

I mean I don;t mind if people post their worries but I think most of us here are have great perspective on this.

CG...thanks for that list. I was just wondering about what the highest one was projected to sell...he is third and behind two icons, Madonna and Neil...that ain't bad at all. I do think they will still be able to say that all his 4 cds opened at top 4...if these numbers hold that is.

WOW that last picture.....ummmm...banner? For next week???


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But let's put this in perspective. I took a peek out there. Here are ALL their projections:\\Neil Diamond - 125-130K

Madonna - 85-90K (second week sales)

Clay - 80-85K

Gavin DeGraw - 75-80K

Toby Keith - 60-70K

Josh Groban - 50-55K

Dierks Bentley - 30-35K

And Dierks Bentley was singing several songs on the Today Show this morning!

So let's see, Clay is projected to come in third - higher than the likes of Gavin DeGraw, Josh Groban, Toby Keith and Dierks Bentley. When you look at it that way, its not bad!

Sign of the times, folks. Sign of the times. Some people may be having to choose between gas and CDs!

Not to mention that Clay just really started promoting the album yesterday, due to Spamalot obligations. He had his first TV appearance this morning, but those projections are based on sales that happened on Tuesday.

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I guess it is just as well I don't have a job, no need to buy gas to commute.

Oh wait, there is always this site to help us get the best deal on gas.

Not to mention that not only has clay not been #1 on amazon a lot, but that people are canceling their orders.

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But let's put this in persepctive. I took a peek out there. Here are ALL their projections:\\Neil Diamond - 125-130K

Madonna - 85-90K (second week sales)

Clay - 80-85K

Gavin DeGraw - 75-80K

Toby Keith - 60-70K

Josh Groban - 50-55K

Dierks Bentley - 30-35K

And Dierks Bentley was singing several songs on the Today Show this morning!

So let's see, Clay is projected to come in third - higher than the likes of Gavin DeGraw, Josh Groban, Toby Keith and Dierks Bentley. When you look at it that way, its not bad!

Sign of the times, folks. Sign of the times. Some people may be having to choose between gas and CDs!

KAndre looks over CG's list...

And why am I supposed to be stressed again?

Let's see....Clay's just behind Madonna - I would say Madonna has 50 million times the promo that she does because she's fucking Madonna (besides the fact this is her last CD for what's-their-name because she's getting out of the CD business because she can see the bottom dropping out) - and Neil Diamond who just got off AI and has been in the business for as long as I've been alive (and he's ALWAYS had a bunch of middle-aged women as his core fanbase)


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I guess it is just as well I don't have a job, no need to buy gas to commute.

Oh wait, there is always this site to help us get the best deal on gas.

Not to mention that not only has clay not been #1 on amazon a lot, but that people are canceling their orders.

I actually considered doing this...cos mine will be shipped later...but hey its clay and its not like I was depending on it to enjoy the CD.

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And these are one day projections - when his promotion has been going for ....one day. He's got a bunch more stuff between now and Monday.

And as long as he keeps his record of CD's debuting the top -- five was it? or three? it's all good.

I was so wishing that we could not get caught up in numbers this time around. He's so much more than that. I simply can't take another run of gloom and doom on the boards. I can't. This is a fantastic CD, and it will get it's due in time. WHY can't fans let things play out and just enjoy what we have? Why???

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He will never make another album.

Its all RCA's fault.

Lousy promotion.

Bye Clay.

It won't continue to sell well.

The label will drop him with numbers like these.

Its all RCA's fault.

He will never even go gold.

No other label will touch him.

Its all RCA's fault.

No radio play - no album sales (is Neil Diamond getting radio play from his current album?).

He will never tour off those numbers.

Its all ATDW's fault.

Its all RCA's fault.

These and other doom and gloom predictions are brought to you by Clay's dedicated fans.

And then I read that Clay knew this would be the case, that sales would be bad, and that's why he chose to dedicate the album to the fans? Does that even make sense??

Can't people look at those overall numbers and see its a trend for everyone? And, as has been pointed out, due to his Spamalot commitments, he has just really begun his TV rounds. It seemed from day 1 that it was Clay's choice to release the album so close to his finishing Spamalot. He had to know that would limit his ability to do pre-drop promotion, which could conceivably impact first week sales.

I don't know. No one sells well these days - compared to even 2 years ago. These are tough economic times. CD sales are down for so many reasons. I think RCA knows that. I don't think they are going to drop him any time soon.

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Haven't been logged on for 2 days. I had to laugh at CG's summation although unfortunately I'm guessing that's what's happening at the other boards. I always wonder when people say he isn't getting enough promo - what do they want? Seems like he's got a pretty significantly full schedule this week and next.

But I've decided worrying about numbers, etc. is a waste of time. Clay made the CD he wanted to make. Handpicked the songs. To all outward appearances he LOVES his CD. So - like he said - you can't blame RCA this time!! He'll either continue making the CDs he wants to make, singing the songs he wants to sing, or he'll get a lesson learned possibly and figure out where to go next.

I live in a forest. The nearest town has 3000 residents. There is a KMart and a WalMart and they're across the road from each other. On any given day there are possibly 25 cars parked at KMart and probably about 300 parked at WalMart. (the KMart is wretched!) But I stopped at KMart on the way to the Bay Area yesterday morning and had to wait while the guy unpacked the CDs. I counted 20 OMWH's. I bought 2. He couldn't find the posters so I went back today to find what was left of the CD prominently posted and get my posters.....there was ONE CD left. So there are 17 fans of that CD somewhere in this little bitty town.

I was disappointed in the amount of Clay time on GMA this morning but there was alot of other stuff going on and they are basically a news show. I hope he gets more air time in the coming days.

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And these are one day projections - when his promotion has been going for ....one day. He's got a bunch more stuff between now and Monday.

And as long as he keeps his record of CD's debuting the top -- five was it? or three? it's all good.

I was so wishing that we could not get caught up in numbers this time around. He's so much more than that. I simply can't take another run of gloom and doom on the boards. I can't. This is a fantastic CD, and it will get it's due in time. WHY can't fans let things play out and just enjoy what we have? Why???

I agree! I refuse to let anyone rain on my parade, even though it really is raining and there is no real parade! :cryingwlaughter:

And then I read that Clay knew this would be the case, that sales would be bad, and that's why he chose to dedicate the album to the fans? Does that even make sense??

So his dedication & thank you on the album is now his goodbye?! :wacko:

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