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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Heh, I have not only been called an RCA lover, but a Clive lover and a Ruben lover by various posters in PM, mostly Fake Clay friends

Lets see = some people were proven to have changed and gone to the dark side (pod people) - check

Clay posts and statements do not require a decoder ring - check

Why else are we here?

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As far as I'm concerned, this is a watershed moment in this fandom.

Those who will disregard his posts/blog as some kind of spin - well I'll say it. Shame on you. Clay is telling us how it is - where he stands, what he wants and expects for himself and from us. To belittle by calling it 'spin' is just wrong. Those of you who do - I'm stating right here and now, I have no respect for you.

This man is completely and utterly awesome. He is my hero.

Still wanna do him.

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!

I don't know why but I just got a tear in my eye :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Playbiller - well, let's just say that I'm quite sure one of the mods at CV has an alarm on her PC that tells her every time I post!!! I can have 20 posts after mine agreeing with me, high-fiving me, etc. and she STILL mod-slaps me and comes up with the most creative of TOUs. I've maintained the same position forever on this subject......I've been called an RCA-lover, an ostrich with my head in the sand, and worse.....for maintaining that Clay knows what he's doing! But - on point - I'll cede to you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wow, I could have written your whole post...welcome to the club!


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As far as I'm concerned, this is a watershed moment in this fandom.

Those who will disregard his posts/blog as some kind of spin - well I'll say it. Shame on you. Clay is telling us how it is - where he stands, what he wants and expects for himself and from us. To belittle by calling it 'spin' is just wrong. Those of you who do - I'm stating right here and now, I have no respect for you.

This man is completely and utterly awesome. He is my hero.

Still wanna do him.

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!

:clap: as do I. I just don't get these obtuse people that refuse to believe the words that are printed right in front of them. What's it going to take?

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Well, I am psyched for the listening party, I need to do my home work now.

I also understand Clay's stand about being bored with AI now. Hee. It is funny, but the minute I saw that , I thought, well, guess he won't be on this year or maybe again.

he is right though, it has been boring, I just can't seem to enjoy anyone's performance there anymore. I wonder if the live band throws them off?

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And KAndre your link takes it a step further. What made me happy about that article is Clay has the ability to draw people to see him. So what if it's 2000 rather than 20,000. The music industry as we knew it is OVER.

Yep..and that article should be required reading. I printed it out and read it on the bus on the way home. So many parts had me grinning like a fool because what they were describing as being the 'new' way of guaranteeing a long career really sounded mucho, mucho like Clay's career path.

I wrote in my blog comment..

."Your heart and your voice will take you wherever you want to go" I wrote that years ago and I'm a smart cookie.
Heh. But it's true. I find it simply absurd that the people who seem so very, very invested in the 'business' of Clay seem to be the very ones who are blind to just how smart and savvy the man is. He's TRYING to tell us how much he's learned. He keeps TELLING us how old he is now (heh) and that his experiences have helped me become who he is...


I LOVE who he is---then and now and whenever---because he is true to that person. For that reason, I trust him. He's real. And hot. And many other laudatory adjectives.

Besides, I've always KNOWN Clay would be somebody who can last a vurra, vurra long time indeed. :whistling-1:

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Besides, I've always KNOWN Clay would be somebody who can last a vurra, vurra long time indeed. :whistling-1:

Count on muski to prove the adage, Smut follows angst. :cryingwlaughter:

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Ah, everyone already said it way better than I would anyway.... I just LOVE that man!!! And pass me ANOTHER margarita on the rocks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And, cindilu2? I get the impression you might just maybe wanna do him? I could be wrong but I think that's what you're sayin'? :cryingwlaughter:

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!



Must be the wine.

*hic* :704:

(can I do him now? please????)

How did you know I was drinking wine???? :trink3:


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Ah, everyone already said it way better than I would anyway.... I just LOVE that man!!! And pass me ANOTHER margarita on the rocks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And, cindilu2? I get the impression you might just maybe wanna do him? I could be wrong but I think that's what you're sayin'? :cryingwlaughter:

This IS a momentous day because I totally agree with you!



Must be the wine.

*hic* :704:

(can I do him now? please????)

How did you know I was drinking wine???? :trink3:


Cuz it's just that kinda day! And demmit, my glass is empty again. :cry4:

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Y'all are too weak ...

I want to fuck that man.

Right now.

On top on his blog.

Spank them, daddy!

He can spank me too, while he's at it.

Let us all DANCE!

Dance, dance, dance!

I totally LOVE feeling totally JUSTIFIED in my thinking!

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I leave my computer for 2 1/2 hours. Two and a half hours. And, in the meantime, the second smartest and cutest man on the planet (hubby is first, hee!) lays it all on the line, in both a post and blog. I read it all -- and then rolled around on the floor like a content cat. Forget kitty cat dancing...I need a belly scratch. Preferably from Clay.

That was simply amazing. I cannot stop smiling.

And unfortunately, it's all tempered by the fact that the people who need to hear his message are writing it all off. Fuck.

God, is he good or what? I think I picked a winner.

Hey playbiller! Thanks for the plug for the listening party! Information is here! Please attend on Friday and Saturday nights, if you can!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Playbiller - well, let's just say that I'm quite sure one of the mods at CV has an alarm on her PC that tells her every time I post!!! I can have 20 posts after mine agreeing with me, high-fiving me, etc. and she STILL mod-slaps me and comes up with the most creative of TOUs.

Yep you and me both. Ducky and I actually tested a theory one day. Posted exactly the same thing (same frickin' words mind you) within 15 or so minutes of each other and someone got modded and someone didn't.

Hmmm. :cryingwlaughter:


*waves to couchie* :clay:

JOMAR is my evil twin.


I'd like to think that Clay's words will resonate with those that need to hear them.

Really ... I would.

I don't.

But I'd still really really like to.


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And unfortunately, it's all tempered by the fact that the people who need to hear his message are writing it all off. Fuck.

Yep, but fortunately, more and more people are writing them off. Fuck yes!!! (please? Clay???? [sv]call me[/sv])

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Only just got home. haven't eaten, haven't changed out of my clothes but KAndre called and insisted I read a blog.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Do we have an "OMG he's so hot when he does that!" emoticon?!!

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I'd like to think that Clay's words will resonate with those that need to hear them

Dreamer..there are none so blind as those who will not see!

But it sure is fun to watch people trip over themselves going, "but... but... I didn't really say that"

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Do we have an "OMG he's so hot when he does that!" emoticon?!!


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