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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

Thread Title Poll  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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I first saw the Mezghan picture in 2007
Ah, yes...but I KNOW it first got posted sometime in 2004 because I was still on my first message board and many, MANY people there absolutely had apoplectic fits over the POSSIBILITY that the pic was REAL! I'm talking people submitting Exhibits A-Z to PROVE that the pic was photoshopped and in no way could be representative of what Clay Aiken would do.

Not Clay. No way. Not that sweet, virginal, Christian, Southern, mannered young man. He would never disrespect a woman that way. Etc. I can still remember some of the PMs I got from a couple of very..uh...uh...determined women who had a real problem with me saying that I thought he looked like he was enjoying himself very well and that the picture to me seemed to prove that those huge, hot hands of his knew his way around some mammaries (if you know what I mean, and I think YOU do! :sleezy:)

They went on about how Faye must be so very humiliated and how ashamed Clay must be to have these fake pictures, etc.....I was thinking how pissed off Clay must be that he got caught, but that the twinkle in his eyes in that shot was PURE mischief and smug self-satisfaction.

That picture made me :hubbahubba: and :Thud: even more for him, actually; in fact, I'm sure my writing became quite prolific soon afterwards.... :whistling-1:

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Love the killer rabbit!!! I admit to buying the puppet at Spamalot... told my sister that I can too be 12 if I want to!! He's sitting over a water bottle on my computer table at work... heh. A nice little reminder of my trip to NYC! Makes me smile every time I look at it.

Well, I'll try to play although I'm not very good at this kind of stuff...

1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

I do find that I probably spend too much time on the computer although it's calming down somewhat. It is more of an addiction as I do try to catch the board daily - but at least if I don't, I don't have any serious withdrawal symptoms... It's kind of nice that "nothing" is going on right now... I've read several books, crocheted some market bags, started watching the seasons of Sex and the City, so I'm making more time for other things I like again.

2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?

I can't think of anything because the things that would immediately turn me off are so outside the realm of who I "think" Clay is that I can't even imagine that any one of them would happen... I'm pretty easy with everything else.

3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

I don't have a big problem with shipping as long as it's done in fun. When folks start getting overly invested, defensive, etc., then it's OTT to me. I wish him only love and happiness so I don't have a problem with a little harmless shipping.

4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media?

Just like he's been doing - with the big ole IGNORE button. Giving it any attention gives it too much power I think.

5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

I don't see the need to choose, but that's me. But if I did, I pick entertainer as I see more flexibility in that one.

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

I don't know enough about this kind of stuff to give a qualified answer... everything I think I want to say doesn't seem to come out right so I'll wait for someone else to say something smart and just WORD them! (yeah, I'm lazy...). :cryingwlaughter:

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I'm glad that Couchie and I are tight. Yep, we're buds. :lilredani: Hands off, everyone else!!!

Gibby, hee! Get a room: 得到一个房间

What makes you think we don't already have one, baby eagle? :P

I'm getting a kick out of the Chinese characters. They mean nothing to me, but they're fun to look at!

But, but, what's this I hear? You have someone waiting in the wings? Shades of 'Sacrificial Love'!

*growls like a bear at CG* Just keep on dreamin'! Nothing's going to come between me and my sweet babbooo! Not even the fact that I'll be with Solo next week in a state that just recently changed the law.... The moment I laid eyes on my sb's ... huge... photobucket tracts of land, I knew we were meant to be. :arrowed:

Growl all you want, sweet Scarlett! I ain't afraid of you! I mean, its not like you're a beast so foul, so cruel with great big pointy teeth who will nibble my bum! (We really need a killer rabbit emotion!)

I can be patient. I can wait. I have it on good authority (from many on this board :twinklewhore: ) that you tend to sleep around! :naughtywag:

And then, when you are, um, otherwise engaged, I can swoop in and stake my claim!

Oh, CG, you've got her number, alright! Yup, our Scarlett acts as though she's all innocent and sweet, but she's really just adding each of us to her tally sheet. Wonder how many Clayfans she's slept with so far? :naughtywag:

But, then again, she provides FANTASTIC clack, so that's quite a hefty mitigating factor.


Just got home from my 4 hour "Intro to C.I.S. class (driest thing evah) after working all day and WOW this place flies! Anyway, not sure if you've had a chance to vote over at lbfca or not. I swear, this was the hardest one yet!... (but I was grateful for the moisture).

I picked Kyrie. That was such a fantastic entrance! And the song is so energetic, and he sings it so well. I love that clip!

Love the killer rabbit!!! I admit to buying the puppet at Spamalot... told my sister that I can too be 12 if I want to!! He's sitting over a water bottle on my computer table at work... heh. A nice little reminder of my trip to NYC! Makes me smile every time I look at it.

I contemplated the puppet, but decided on the killer rabbit slippers instead. They make me laugh, too! They're comfy, and just plain silly. It's fun to have something completely silly around!

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Yeah, I'll bet those apoplectic ladies were getting the vapors and having to fan themselves, and uttering lots of "Oh My's" while looking at that picture over and over and over.

You hit the nail on the head there Kf

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Yep...this one person had gone back to find "real" pictures of Clay's hands in various shots and then explained how they could have been photoshopped onto Clay's arms in the Mezghan pic. She went on to point to the angles of Clay's arms and how they just had to have been actually hanging down or held behind Mezghan---that someone had obviously photoshopped forearms and hands on the pic in order to sully Clay's good name and make him lose fans with such horrible behavior!

I mean...how long must she have studied that pic in order to present various 'other Clay hands and arms' that would fit into the actual picture? Holy shit. Yet she not only vilified the dastardly photoshoppers, but also had some choice words for me and others who dared suggest that he would do something like that---"Why would you SAY such a thing about him? You say you love him, yet you think he would treat a woman like that?"


My response? "You're right. He'd never do that to Mezghan. He saves those paws for me. My boobs are the only ones he may maul...but only as a preparatory technique. I always insist that that mouth and that illegal tongue---those luscious lips---take over from there."

Shit. No, I doubt I said that then, but it would've been a great answer! :cryingwlaughter::whistling-1:

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one hawt hunk of packin' perfection

Thread title???

Oh my - I haven't been fought over since high school..... :cryingwlaughter: But now I'm starting to wonder if my sweet babbooo is really just playing me.....ya know? Just wants to get in to my photobucket....... :hangin:

And Muski - I felt almost exactly the same way when I saw the Boobgate picture!!! He looked perfectly at ease and that snarky little smile on his face told me he knew exactly what he was doing. I have never bought into the innocent, virginal, Southern gentleman profile that so many people did early on. He was just too witty and quick with the double entendres.... I do think Clay is respectful of women - very much so and I do think he's basically a gentleman. Too many people from all walks of his life have spoken about how sweet and kind he is. The person that comes to mind who was the most outraged (and probably did have the picture blown up on her office wall) had a screen name that started with three numbers....... :cocktail:

Oh boy - questions to answer:

1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

Before I was retired I was in conference calls about 60% of my workday. Most of them are incredibly boring and I learned to listen for key words. In the meantime, I spent alot of time of a message board. Since I've been retired the amount of time I spend on the board depends on what I'm doing. I think some days I spend wayyyy too much time. I wouldn't say Clay is a hobby or an addiction.....but if I had to choose, probably an addiction.

2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?

I seriously cannot imagine what he could do that would make me stop being a fan. There are times when I'm a little WTF about something he has said or done, and I seriously still do not understand this baby stuff, but none of that would ever make me not care about him or want to hear every single solitary note he records. Like someone said, I just can't even think of anything he would/could do that would turn me away.

3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

I almost hate to answer this because I got creamed the last time I chit-chatted about it. I think "shipping Clay" is fun - but mostly because I've always wanted to see him married and having little red-headed babies!! I've always been curious as to who he would settle down with and had predicted for years it would be someone he's known forever from Raleigh or Charlotte. Someone he either grew up with or went to school with that knew him as Clayton. Never thought it would be anybody in the business.

4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media?

Well, we all know the answer to that! But I have to say I do wish he'd take a stand every now and then. I think he's given carte blanche to every asshat in the media to just say whatever they want because they know he won't fight back. Again - a polarized opinion, but mine, nonetheless.

5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

I don't think he has to choose. But if I had to choose I would say ENTERTAINER. He's so multi-talented and I think he proved to himself with Spamalot that he's capable of stretching himself and being successful. I really don't think of him as a popstar though. Guess that depends on your definition of popstar.....but he even doesn't think of himself as a popstar. And quite frankly, that word is too limiting for Clay Aiken.

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

I don't have the right words to use here either but.....I think Clay has more control over his voice than he did on his demos or in the vids we've seen. He has ALL that power and I'm not quite sure he ever knew how to modulate it or throttle it (hee - those aren't musical terms, are they!) until AI and after. I think his voice has become richer and fuller - if that makes sense. I also think his delivery is fantastic. Even if he's thinking about what to have for dinner while he's singing -he makes me feel like HE is feeling every single word in that song!!! I think his delivery is one of his finest characteristics.

MIL is in San Jose with her oldest son. She's very weepy and keeps going through the stuff she got out and thinking of things she should have taken instead. Then she goes back to saying the important things in her life are not "things" but her family. I think it's just been a huge shock for her today. But she's a very strong woman even for her age and she's safe. My son is taking my g-daughter to see her tomorrow night and the other grandchildren will be there. Hopefully that will help.

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I mean...how long must she have studied that pic in order to present various 'other Clay hands and arms' that would fit into the actual picture? Holy shit. Yet she not only vilified the dastardly photoshoppers, but also had some choice words for me and others who dared suggest that he would do something like that---"Why would you SAY such a thing about him? You say you love him, yet you think he would treat a woman like that?"
Back in the day when porn was kinda illegal and hard to come by, one of the local cinemas in Kentucky decided to run "The Devil in Miss Jones" on a cold and snowy January midnight. The line went around the block. So far, in fact, that they had to open up the theater next door and run the reels over as each was completed.

Hubby suggested that my education as a psychologist wouldn't be complete until I'd seen the flick, so off we went. About a third of the way through the movie, during a particularly squirmy bit, I swear I overheard the following conversion in the row behind us:

Man 1: I can't believe they're showing this on the screen!

Man 2: I agree. This is outrageous.

Man 1: Look at what she's doing!

Man 2: Is that even possible

Man 1: I'm disgusted. Let's leave.

Man 2: Not yet!!!

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Oh my - I haven't been fought over since high school..... :cryingwlaughter: But now I'm starting to wonder if my sweet babbooo is really just playing me.....ya know? Just wants to get in to my photobucket....... :hangin:

Glad to hear the update on your MIL & hope she keeps her spirits up!

Who me? Playing?!! Now, you don't really believe that, do you? (don't answer) Though I must say that your pb is among the best I've ever seen.


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I wonder when this interview in the Sun-Sentinel took place. The date is July 6, 2008

Celebrity travel with Clay Aiken

Information about his time in Afghanistan I haven't read before.

Ooops. I seen now that was already posted. I managed to miss out a whole page of posts when trying to catch up earlier.

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1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

I'd love to say hobby but that'd be lying. Addiction is more like it. It has it's peak times and it's off times, though. Tour is a peak time, because I go over and above what I can afford and the time I should spend away from home. I save my holidays up for it. As for the boards, they are an addiction that I battle more at work than at home, something to pass the time instead of that dastardly work they keep trying to make me do. ;)

2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?


3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

Usually don't have any problems with it, as long as it's done lightly and in fun. When it starts to have an agenda I don't like it.

4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media?

Either ignore them or use them to his advantage in some way.

5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

I wish he didn't have to choose, but so many people keep trying to force him to. I think he thinks of himself as an entertainer, above all.

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

I think it's improved. I think he's gained more control. I think it's matured.

Off to play with the Broads!

ETA: ldyj, I think the Kyrie file is mislabled, too. My files show that he didn't wear the fedora that early in the tour. Does anyone remember which at venue he wore it for the first time?

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How has my fandom evolved?

It's always been a fun hobby for me; as someone who was never, ever starstruck it really took me off guard in the beginning especially when I found the boards and discovered there were many, many women out there enamored of Clay like I was.

I was on Bolt for a very short time, don't think I ever posted there, but just read and then moved onto RHT...it was all very new to me, because this was when we had just gotten a computer and I was new to the whole computer world as well as the message board world. I have always found the message boards fascinating because of all the different personalities and opinions and one of the fun things for me is to just read the different boards to see the reactions to events in Clay world.

I have always considered myself sort of on the outside of the fandom; I don't have this huge emotional investment in Clay and maybe that is why I can let things roll off...I tend to look at things logically and I have a really hard time with the constant over-reaction to things...I thought the whole gnats situation was totally overblown and would have died a natural death in about a month or so, if the fans had just let it go. So it is pretty easy for me to walk away at times when the drama gets to be too much. Although I admit I love a good debate and have probably gotten involved in things when I shouldn't have and my bluntness has not served me very well at times.

Right now I am in a good place; I think FCA has contributed to that because before I found you all, I was seriously considering leaving the boards altogether because I just felt so out of place, but here, I can feel like I can be myself.

So actually, my fandom really hasn't evolved, it has gotten more comfortable...it is just a part of my life but not my life.


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Link for UNICEF Field Notes:



Wow....looks like this one was a toughie for him. I wonder (IIT and all that) how his becoming a father himself affected his thoughts about the children in Somalia?

Looks like they couldn't get the pictures happening for whatever reason

WTH is up with the tags??....they're all screwed up....gonna have to TYPE all the tags??

OK, I give up....never mind!! Not working at all for some reason....

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Thanks, aikim, for bringing that over. Nice to hear his thoughts. He sounds disheartened. Not a lot of hope in that blog. I hope he can shed some light on the situation in the media. Selfishly, I hope they can get the pictures working soon, too.

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I always watch GMA.

This morning, they were going on and on about Christie Brinkley's divorce.

Since when has this stuff been News??

I mean a mention - but a whole news segment?

I was thinking about Clay and Somalia and this News story before the Field Notes were posted. About how much time is spent on celebrities personal stuff instead of - actual News! I switched to Today.

Then they started with the "heartwarming" cover of 17 yr old Spears like that's News!

I swear. I worry about our country.

Gotta get ready for work!


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There sure are a lot of women pairing off around here. Looks like Scarlett can't decide between Iseeme and Solo. Somehow CG is involved, too. And then, there's this pairing between Iseeme and Claymatron. Hmmm, looks like either there's some two-timing going on or maybe an orgy!!

Claymatron better not be two-timing me, because I'm the one she usually sleeps with! :(

cindilu - Gorgeous banner!

Just caught up and read the Fieldnotes and yes, it does sound like Clay had a difficult time with this visit.

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Not to get hopes up, but I read this on CH and went hmmmmmmm....

Sooo...anyone else looked at the NC State fair website lately? The Dorton Arena show for Oct 19th is listed as 'mystery entertainter to be announced no later than Sep 1'.


The Gala is the 18th. Just saying. Just wondering!

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I just want to get one thing clarified here. Iseeme is a dear friend, a business associate (my assistant bow-tier) and though I love her dearly, I only sleep with Bella19. Call me a one woman, woman, but that's the way it is. So Scarlett, your love affair with Iseeme's large tracts of PB is safe from me. Besides I have a pretty good collection myself...one that would have Muski positively drooling.

Now for the questionaire:

1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

I think it's a hobby, but my family thinks it's an addition. Whatever, it keeps me out of trouble and makes me happy.

2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?

I don't think Clay is capable of doing anything that would turn me against him or stop me from being a fan.

3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

I don't really speculate on Clay's love life (except with a much younger me). Maybe that's why I have no objection to Jaymes, IIT.

4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media?

If I knew the answer to this, I'd give up the bow-tying and become his publicist!

5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

I'm not sure he's settled into his niche yet, so I'd say "entertainer" pretty much covers it. I want him to do what he wants to do, not what I want him to do.

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

Smoother, richer, more controlled. From "Wow, that kid's got a great voice!" to "Wow, that man can sing anything!"

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Man 1: I can't believe they're showing this on the screen!

Man 2: I agree. This is outrageous.

Man 1: Look at what she's doing!

Man 2: Is that even possible

Man 1: I'm disgusted. Let's leave.

Man 2: Not yet!!!

Bwah... that's a perfect illustration.

^^^ Nice wedding ring... :cryingwlaughter:


Well I hope it's not Clay with a 6 week window, at worse. I think it just means they haven't signed anyone for that spot yet.

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