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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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IMO it's deliberate distraction. If people are lulled into thinking that sensational crimes or celebrity gossip are the most important things going on, will they care that the 4th Amendment is being systematically dismantled, and that the FISA vote today is a big part of that process? Or that we were lied into a war with devastating consequences? If the "news" can keep the "news" confined to distractions, then all manner of things will occur under the radar, and only those who read the foreign press, or look for "truthiness" in the nooks and crannies have a sense of what's happening. Freedom of the press has always been a battle, but we have been gizmoed, gadgeted and gossiped into submission. People want to sing God Bless America, but have no interest in demanding that the Constitution be preserved. Too many people have no idea these things are on the line because they are voluntarily bombarded with who's pregnant, who's getting a divorce, and who OD'd. I keep thinking people are going to wake up in time, but it's close.

Haven't finished catching up yet but kf, I want to kiss you right now. This is exactly how I feel about the way things are today and for the past 7+ years. What is discouraging is that the media has been going right along with that plan instead of fighting against it. Where are the people of Watergate and all the actual investigative reporting? Instead the only investigating is of entertainers private lives or which congressman has been picking up hookers, not that I'm opposed to that since they are usually the ones who are the biggest hypocrits, but they are hardly the most important news stories out there. Lord, let it all be over soon.

Hey, KF is with me – she says I dropped her but apparently wasn’t paying attention when I picked her back up again. <g> If you want to see at least one Watergate person, John Dean is on Countdown all the time talking to Keith Olbermann about the comparisons between now and then. I was listening to the audio of his book (Dean’s) Conservatives without Conscience and I had no idea how badly he had been harassed after that. It’s funny, I saw GMA as well this morning and I was pissed after watching it. Not just because of the amount of time spent on Christie Brinkley (which definitely started me down the road to pissed off) but of the new trend to interview presidential candidates (and many others) before they air, giving them time to EDIT the content. Pisses me off every time. They are supposed to be the actual news reporting - not the pundits and not the comedians. Then they ask stupid ass questions that they would know the answer to if they would just RESEARCH. Hell, John Stewart and Colbert beat Diane's ass when it comes to research AND they have people on LIVE. As does Olbermann. I know Diane is a sacred cow to some in the fandom – but I am getting to despise her and her cronies – except Robin Roberts who I like for some reason. Maybe because she didn't bust a gut laughing when McCain lied to her face last week. Or forgot what he said a few months ago, which is much scarier.

rohdy, thanks for the latest report on the books. It warms my librarian heart! And I like that B&N helped them stretch their dollars further with the discounts.

Word. The whole post made me rather weepy.

Heee...I was thinking how much I hate the original "Iris" - never heard it before Clay sang it and when I finally heard it, the first thought that crossed my mind was "Wow. That dude CANNOT sing!"

I had the same reaction to the original after hearing Clay (even though I had heard it before). I loved it when Clay was on top of it though. When he first started singing it I was afraid for him – that he would strain himself. I think he mastered it after a while. Most of the time. <g>

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Heee...I was thinking how much I hate the original "Iris" - never heard it before Clay sang it and when I finally heard it, the first thought that crossed my mind was "Wow. That dude CANNOT sing!"

I love the Goo Goo Dolls. And OK if I'm not mistaken (I know about to say something totally wrong lol) this was used in one of those girlie movies you don't watch...City of Angels..and I fell in love with it instantly. It's so powerful in that movie and that song just stuck with me after that. So no, not the voice of clay, but a good voice and with passion and so many other things that music is all about.

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I loved it when Clay was on top ... When he first started ... I was afraid for him – that he would strain himself. I think he mastered it after a while.

And you didn't call me, Girlfriend????

ETA: And, Scarlett, if it's any consolation, I voted for ATD on Kimmel. I just saw it on TV and it blew me away.

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Kimmel ATD definitely. When he sings in profile "I would do anything. Just believe it." it still takes my breath away even after all the times I have watched that video.

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Just checkin in -- I've been working on projects all day and am about 30 pages behind.

I love the new banner(S) - yeah - BOTH of them! Kudos to Cindilu!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Love Clay's new ovary-bustin' pictures. I think mine just exploded.

Can't do the questionaire right now. I have too many things buzzing around in my head to think straight.

Such as - a wedding on Saturday followed by a trip to the beach with about a dozen of my in-laws. We'll see how that goes!!

I think I'd better go to bed............ crap! the emotie I wanted is on Photobucket and it's down for maintenance - that's just the way this day has been going.



Forgot to say - I loved the John Mayer blog story about goonies. Thanks jmh :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Also loved Perma's photo and avi, and wish I had time to watch and decide which vid to choose for the Broads challenge.

And I'm sorry Danielle, but I didn't get to read your car story, but I'm sure it was fantastic. :D

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Good Morning!

I've been meaning to comment on FIEKY. I didn't get it till later and was late listening to it.

I want to put the last - breath - on constant repeat!

That last. . . can't quite put it into words . . . but it's a bit like: "you - - - uh". :hubbahubba: Holy Crap!

That man is sexy!

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That Broads challenge is just cruel. Three of my favourite things. I can't decide.

Yeah, that was a toughie, but since I was there for "Listen" (with you, in fact) and it blew me away how he and Quiana pulled that off without rehearsal, I had to go with that one. It is, without doubt, one of my favourite Clay moments.

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That Broads challenge is just cruel. Three of my favourite things. I can't decide.

Yeah, that was a toughie, but since I was there for "Listen" (with you, in fact) and it blew me away how he and Quiana pulled that off without rehearsal, I had to go with that one. It is, without doubt, one of my favourite Clay moments.

Oh, me too! Even though I wasn't there....talk about schmoopie, it made me all schmoopie when Jesse was so obviously proud of them for what they had done that night.

Anyone watch Canadian Idol last night? I was bummed that Omar in particular went home; I think he's wonderful....and Adam Castelli and Mark Day got in but Oliver Piggott didn't? Good Lord....

LOVED SYTYCD last night!!

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I know, Listen holds a v.v. special place in my heart for those reasons, too. I think it may come down to quality of video, for me. I haven't gone and watched them yet. I know there are quite a few versions of Listen out there (hee, I just watched them all for our Sterling Heights montages!) but I don't know which one they've chosen yet. ATD Kimmel is pretty special, too. And the IWCY on skates is one of those "biggest regrets" moments for me - I so would have loved to have been there in person!

I watched the CI results last night, and was pretty shocked at some of the people who were let go. I mean, come on....Adam Castelli in the top 10? Sorry, but just no. Marie-Pierre deserved to go through, and Omar too. I would have chosen Oliver Piggott over Sebastian Piggott as well. And Mark Day was probably the biggest shock for me - as much as I do think he has a decent voice and good range, he's obnoxious. Don't think he'll last long.

ETA: Not sure whether this link will work for those outside of Canada, but here is the web page for anyone who is interested in checking it out! If you go to "Video" you can watch some of the performances.

Hee, next week is the music of David Bowie. That should be interesting. ;)

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Good morning.

Cotton I hadn't listened to FIEKY alot because that particular OMWH was in the car. But lately I've been listening to it alot and I really do flove that song. I'm sorry it wasn't on every CD that was sold. I love the nuances and how he uses his voice - and the lyrics and the melody and....and...and...well, I just love it.

Off to the Flower Farm in about an hour to fry my brain! It's still hot and very smoky here and continues to get worse. I think the temp is supposed to come down again starting this Saturday and I can hardly wait.

I have 3 versions of Listen and like CM says - it's one of my favorite Clay moments. I wish I could have seen it in person. I've actually shown it to non-Clay fans as an example of just how very talented he is. It blows them away. Quiana kicked butt on that song as well. I think it's still on Jesse's MySpace but I haven't been there in awhile.

So - have a good day everyone. I'll be back much later tonite.

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very..uh...uh...determined women who had a real problem with me saying that I thought he looked like he was enjoying himself very well and that the picture to me seemed to prove that those huge, hot hands of his knew his way around some mammaries (if you know what I mean, and I think YOU do! :sleezy:)

They went on about how Faye must be so very humiliated and how ashamed Clay must be to have these fake pictures, etc.....I was thinking how pissed off Clay must be that he got caught, but that the twinkle in his eyes in that shot was PURE mischief and smug self-satisfaction.

That picture made me :hubbahubba: and :Thud: even more for him, actually; in fact, I'm sure my writing became quite prolific soon afterwards.... :whistling-1:

I know the thread has gone on to other things...... like UNICEF and those wonderful new pics, but really want to comment on "boobgate".

I think I have said this before on here, but old age kicks in now and then, so if so, please excuse.

That picture did nothing for me ..... except make me wonder what Clay was thinking to let a picture be taken of him doing that. On the other hand, looking back, maybe he wanted to let some of his fans know he was not an angel.


I felt that Clay and M.. were looking into a mirror at themselves. I think they were just goofing around and she was saying "look at Mr. Goody Twoshoes" Now, as to whether or not he knew the picture was being taken..... ??

I do think Faye was upset over the boobgate picture and as i recall, Clay made some kind of statement about making his mother proud soon after. It was on one of the morning shows. Maybe I have my timing off, correct me if I am wrong.

I never felt Clay was an innocent little boy....... somewhat naive, not innocent..... But he was a boy then even though his age said differently....... no more tho....... he is all man now.

I also think there has been a shift in the friendship (if one wants to call it that) between Ryan and Clay. I can't pinpoint when it started, but I see it and feel it.

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Kimmel ATD definitely. When he sings in profile "I would do anything. Just believe it." it still takes my breath away even after all the times I have watched that video.


Is this the one you are referring to? I don't think I've seen this video before, so thanks!

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

I think his voice has matured and is more colorful now,
but he also has lost that clear, beautiful, pure tone that we heard so often on AI
. Maybe that was a boys voice and now he has a man's voice. Often I can still hear traces of that purity, but it's not present as often as it used to be. But his man's voice does have more layers, more emotion and more color now.

I totally agree (see my bold/underlined). Although I absolutely love his rich tones now, I am so grateful for the Idol recordings that we can play over and over. They are still my favorite versions of many of his covers, my only "complaint" is that they represent just a fraction of the actual song.

SYTYCD: Your 2008 season will premiere here in Oz next week. Looks like I will have to watch it so I can finally understand what y'all have been talking about!!!! (The only turn-off is Nigel - I just don't like him <_< )

Hey hey Happy Birfday Claygasm!!!! :nature-smiley-014:


I also think there has been a shift in the friendship (if one wants to call it that) between Ryan and Clay. I can't pinpoint when it started, but I see it and feel it.

More importantly, what about his friendship with Ruben? I guess he couldn't make it to the wedding... surely he was invited!

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SYTYCD: Your 2008 season will premiere here in Oz next week. Looks like I will have to watch it so I can finally understand what y'all have been talking about!!!! (The only turn-off is Nigel - I just don't like him <_< )

It's well worth watching for the talent alone, plus you get the bonus of seeing some really cute boys with really great abs when the performances start. Just put Nigel on mute, and keep the sound down for when Mary screams. I'm no dance expert, but I've been pretty impressed with the skills and the diversity this group has shown.


I'm going to have to give my little spiel about the Sterling Hieghts experience again, aren't I? :imgtongue: I was there, and honestly, what I remember most about the "Listen" duet was wondering, based on my vantage point, whether Clay's jeans were going to slither completely down off his hips or not before the song ended. They were low, y'all.

For me, the supreme Sterling Heights performance of the night was Measure of a Man. Clay was inspired, the excellent orchestra turned it up to 11, and the well-deserved standing O went on and on even though Clay kept gesturing to the audience to sit down. Even Quiana was impressed. It's my favorite Live Clay moment ever.

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For me, the supreme Sterling Heights performance of the night was Measure of a Man. Clay was inspired, the excellent orchestra turned it up to 11, and the well-deserved standing O went on and on even though Clay kept gesturing to the audience to sit down. Even Quiana was impressed. It's my favorite Live Clay moment ever.

Well, I've been searching and I can't find this performance on YouTube. If anyone else can find it, please post it!!!


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ETA: I've been meaning to ask if anyone saw Ringo when he was interviewed on his 68th birthday Monday night. New Rule: I only watch Larry King for Clay Aiken, or a Beatle. Anyway, Ringo said you can't get played on the radio these days if you're over 21. Then he said that 21 was an arbitrary age, but his point was you can't get played on Top 40 if your music is meaningful or adult. The radio just ain't what it used to be. RIP Radio.

Damn, I missed it! I meant to watch it, just totally forgot.

He might have a personal appeal down the road, or he might not. Today the last line of his blog was enough for me...

'At least we know something can be done. Help UNICEF save and improve the lives of children in Somalia. Donate online, right now.'

Me too. :wub:

DD#1 has been sick for a couple of weeks, and we got her on an antibiotic about a week ago for what we thought was a sinus infection. She hasn't gotten any better, has had high fevers every night, and her coughing is out of control. So I took her to the Dr. today, and found out she has pneumonia! I wonder how my otherwise healthy 16 year old dtr. got pneumonia?? Poor thing is spending her summer moping around because she feels so bad. I'm hoping that the new antibiotic and OTC meds will help her feel better soon.

Yikes, good thing you took her in. My ds (20 yo) has been suffering with different symptoms for about a week. Headache, stiff neck, sore throat....he is reluctant to go back to the clinic, as he spent most of last weekend in emerg at the hospital to get a piece of metal removed from his eye. That'll teach him to wear his safety glasses at work....luckily no permanent damage was done.

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

I think his voice has matured and is more colorful now, but he also has lost that clear, beautiful, pure tone that we heard so often on AI. Maybe that was a boys voice and now he has a man's voice. Often I can still hear traces of that purity, but it's not present as often as it used to be. But his man's voice does have more layers, more emotion and more color now.

I totally agree (see my bold/underlined). Although I absolutely love his rich tones now, I am so grateful for the Idol recordings that we can play over and over. They are still my favorite versions of many of his covers, my only "complaint" is that they represent just a fraction of the actual song.

Really? Not sure what pure tone you guys don't hear anymore, because I only think the voice has improved. :huh:

I also think there has been a shift in the friendship (if one wants to call it that) between Ryan and Clay. I can't pinpoint when it started, but I see it and feel it.

More importantly, what about his friendship with Ruben? I guess he couldn't make it to the wedding... surely he was invited!

I never really got a "friendship" vibe from Clay & Ryan to begin with. More like professional acquaintances. And I think Clay was a bit busy with Somalia to attend Ruben's wedding....since he still refers to Ruben as a good friend in interviews, I'll take him at his word there.

For me, the supreme Sterling Heights performance of the night was Measure of a Man. Clay was inspired, the excellent orchestra turned it up to 11, and the well-deserved standing O went on and on even though Clay kept gesturing to the audience to sit down. Even Quiana was impressed. It's my favorite Live Clay moment ever.

MOAM in Sterling Heights was something else! crimsonice, cindilu2, goldarngirl & I were just discussing it over dinner last night. Even Quiana remarked that she thought she heard parts of the song she'd never heard before! Clay was really, really into it that night.....I will be forever grateful to whoever left their centre section seats empty so that cindilu2 and I could move into them for the second half of that show! :)

ETA: Have a good one, Claygasm!

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Lost his clear, pure tone? To that I say - All Is Well (CD version). Everything I Have (CD Version). Get Here (GFI clack). Welcome To Our World (CITH). Clear and pure as can be, IMO. Maybe he doesn't use it (appropriately, IMO) in every song he sings, but lost? I don't think so. He hasn't lost any clarity or tone, but gained the control and nuance and experience to know when to use it.

By all accounts he was on his Unicef trip (or travelling to/from it) when Ruben got married. Surely people aren't going to start questioning that relationship too.

ETA: Sterling Heights, MOAM = cindilu2 puddle on the flloor. Favorite performance of the DCAT. We were SO lucky with our tours last year. Canandaigua LAA in the rain, Sterling Heights Listen (and MOAM of GAH), Cary 'thank you', Asheville bats and bugs, Kalamazoo AIW ending (the first time, I believe, with the light show and dramatic spotlight on the mic) and Merrillville MGCL. Sighhhhhhhh. I miss him!

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Lost his clear, pure tone? To that I say - All Is Well (CD version). Everything I Have (CD Version). Get Here (GFI clack). Welcome To Our World (CITH). Clear and pure as can be, IMO. Maybe he doesn't use it (appropriately, IMO) in every song he sings, but lost? I don't think so.

Ok, not really 'lost' his pure tone... his voice is different, or at least he sings differently. He's gained a more mature tone, at least according to my ears. But I don't love his voice any less, that is for SURE! (I just happen to be totally besotted with his Idol voice, especially songs like Solitaire, Unchained Melody, Bridge Over Troubled Water.... oh heck, all of them!)

By all accounts he was on his Unicef trip (or travelling to/from it) when Ruben got married. Surely people aren't going to start questioning
relationship too.

I guess I am still stuck on his Idol relationships; I loved the friendship between him and Ruben, loved their duets. I was kinda hoping he'd sing at Ruben's wedding but coordinating schedules when several busy people are involved is not a breeze. (I really only watched the whole of Series 2 in recent months so I haven't really moved on as much as the rest of you)

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My ds (20 yo) has been suffering with different symptoms for about a week. Headache, stiff neck, sore throat....he is reluctant to go back to the clinic, as he spent most of last weekend in emerg at the hospital to get a piece of metal removed from his eye. That'll teach him to wear his safety glasses at work....luckily no permanent damage was done.

Luckiest, in case no one at the ER told you, now that he has had metal in his eye, anytime he has to have an MRI, he will need to have XRays of his "orbits" (eyes). DH is an MRI and XRay Technologist and patients frequently show up for MRI and have it delayed because they have to have "orbits" done first. (It's just a precaution anytime you've had an issue with metal in the eyes.) To save aggravation, I'd always ask first, if I were you. :)

And - btw, Yikes!

Hope he'll go to the doc and get checked out re the headache, etc.

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Ok, not really 'lost' his pure tone... his voice is different, or at least he sings differently. He's gained a more mature tone, at least according to my ears. But I don't love his voice any less, that is for SURE!

That's the way I'd describe it too, and I can hear the difference as well. To me, earlier on, he used his "pure tones" much more frequently, and IMO he does still use them (cindi's list is a good example...) But I also do think that he seemingly changed his technique a bit, to include a bit more roughness in his voice. The example I can think of off the top of my head is the word "rain" in WIDTL. I personally think that two years ago, we would have never heard that kind of sound from him on record. Anyway, I do agree with claytonic that his voice and technique has changed over the years. I wouldn't say "better," I'd just say "different."

Of course, I'm just talking out of my butt, and I'm really not supposed to be here anyway...

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