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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Hmmm.. I'm as shallow as anybody when it comes to admiring 'classic' good looks. But a tall, lanky, stubbly guy singing like he does? Witty like he is? I know I'd be swooning all over the place. Honestly. :hubbahubba:

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luckiest- How cool for your son! See, you don't always need the big power-hitters when you can manufacture a run with some grit and hustle! Way to go!

ETA: laljeterfan....saw your man on The Insider last night - looking hunky! They were talking about A-Rod and his problems and how he's lost himself in baseball to get away from the media. Then they commented on the Yankee captain and asked him a few questions like "are you dating A-Rod! The look he gave the reporter before he laughed and said "no" was priceless!

Aww, wish I'd seen it! He's a very cool guy- he also has a foundation for children (the Turn2Foundation), and he plays the game the right way. Whether you're a Yankee fan or not, (and I know that many are not!), I think you have to respect him as a player. And yet, when Clay came along, my infatuation with Derek (not used to calling him Derek- or Jeter, for that matter- my cousin and I have always called him Deej) flew right out the window. I guess I'm really a one-man woman! :013085001176249046:

Thus concludes the baseball segment of my post! :cryingwlaughter:

Busy day today. Took the day off from work. Have an 11:00 am appt with my son to have his pictures taken. His birthday is Friday, (he'll be 15! Yikes!) and we have much to do to prepare for his party. Then, I have a Dr's appt at 2:00, which is always unpleasant. I can feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about it. Have a great day, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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OK, non-baseball people, start scrolling now. Last night I attended my 20 yo son's hardball game. It was one of those games that makes me glad I didn't decide to say "I'm too tired/busy" and stay home. They were facing the first place team, and had been beaten by them badly in the last match up. Now, in past years, ds has never been known as a heavy hitter. So this year, it's pretty comical (to me) to see him batting 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the line up consistently. But what he really, really loves to do, is steal. If he can get his butt on base by walking or even by being hit with a pitch, it's no matter to him, he just wants to get there. So last night, first time up, he strikes out. Boo. Next time up, he gets a really nice hit out to the gap between left & centre field, runs to first safely. Two pitches later, he does his patented steal to second, complete with head first, what I call his "superman" dive. I don't think there's a pitcher in this league who's been able to pick him off yet. Gets up, dusts himself off, and they promptly try to pick him off at second with the next pitch. Never deterred, he takes a healthy lead off towards third again. They again try to pick him off, but instead of diving back to second, he bolts for third. Gets caught in between (of course) and for most guys, they would probably be panicking. Heh, not him, he's enjoying this! Crowd is going nuts. He fakes towards second, third baseman takes the bait and throws, he bolts and dives into third, safe again. Maybe two pitches later, the catcher lets a pitch get by him, and that just gives ds the opportunity to steal home. Hee, run scored in probably 5 pitches, on a single. Yeah, I enjoyed it an awful lot. Wish I'd been filming it though! It was one of those moments he'll be talking about for years. :lilredani:

Way to go, luckiestson!!! :nana: :nana: :nana:

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Sending good vibes your way today, ldyj! Just think of the CUTE doctor as your drift off to sleep..... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I don't watch TV very much but one show I try to catch (usually online) is Big Bang Theory. This guy above (sigh!) would fit right in. KAndre and I were talking this weekend (before you and kf arrived) about how we watch that show and get what the guys are saying. :wub:

Oh YES! Love that show, although I always forget when it's on. Yep, I can see that wedding singer guy fitting right in. :D

And, no, I don't really consider "Clayton the wedding singer" traditionally handsome, but I believe the word adorable, while grinning like a loon, was what I kept saying last night! :flirtysmile3: Of course, I don't really consider Clay today to be traditionally handsome, but I believe the word gorgeous, while grinning like a loon, has been uttered a time or two. Often times shortened to GAH! when the gorgeous is just too much. :flirtysmile3:

Sorry about your car troubles yesterday, aikim, but glad 'Clay' was able to save the day! ;) Oh - and I have a VUE, too - love it! Hope they can fix it quickly & without it costing you and arm & leg.

:woohoo: for luckiest son!

My gripe for the day? People who send emails in the midddle of the freaking night to notify you of revised meeting times for the next day! HELLO?! Just because they were up checking work emails at 12:43 AM doesn't mean I was! And since my normal time to come in is 9:00 AM, I missed the meeting I was supposed to attend at 1:00 PM that was rescheduled for 8:00 AM.... :grrrr:

EAT: :Iluvclaysbutt: Just because!

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Hmmm.. I'm as shallow as anybody when it comes to admiring 'classic' good looks. But a tall, lanky, stubbly guy singing like he does? Witty like he is? I know I'd be swooning all over the place. Honestly. :hubbahubba:

hee you know what gets to me is a guy that can make me laugh. I'll be honest and say I seriously wonder if I'd notice him walking down the street back in the day. But seriously, that personality and the funny, you can't make that up all of suddedn cuz you're famous. I do think confidence has done wonders for Clay..to me he blossomed right there on that stage week after week, not cuz they were slathering him with makeup and putting on the tanner but because of his confidence. Sometimes I see kids that remind me of young Clay and I think to myself..just wait 10 years, you'll be ok. heee.

Lucky what a great story.

Hey CG... those glasses in the UNICEF photos...are gorgeous. You can barely see them at all. Wonder how much those cost..I already have to pay an arm and leg for my lenses.

Wonder how Muski's conference is going?

Chatted with LdyJ briefly before she took off this morning for her surgery. She wrote HE BLOGGED and I almost had whiplash and my heart started beating fast :cryingwlaughter: But she was talking about yesterday's blog. Heee.. Pavlov indeed

I guess I should get up and go get ready for work. ..oh and make my lunch. Trying not to spend a dime for lunch any more... $8-10 a day adds up. Need that for the damn gas tank.

Happy Tuesday everybody.

I still can't get over how good Clay looks. Well you know what I mean. It's not like I'm shocked but just happy to see him and see how gorgeous he is looking. And I absolutely adore the picture of him holiding the kid and all the others kids laughing such genuine laughs.

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Happy Tuesday everybody.

Well Happy Tuesday to you too, Couchie, but today is Wednesday! :hysterical: Lordy! Please don't be adding to the work week!!

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Just wanted to remind y'all that I DID qualify my comments with this:

But I bet the voice was wonderful. But honestly? Truthfully? Candidly? I can see where just on looks alone at that stage of his life where the girls weren't falling all over him. However, add in the mega-personality and the ability to make one swoon with that voice

In addition to gaining more confidence, it's certainly helped that he's had some guidance along the way on how to wear his hair, make those gorgeous eyes show up better, dress well, etc. Come on ladies - he HAS had a makeover!!! But the basic good looks were always there - just needed a little help (as Clay himself has admitted more than numerous times!) The personality was always there and definitely the voice was always there.....

I was reading some old stuff in my Clay stash and came across this quote in Billboard Magazine (10/25/2003): "Sometimes I feel I have to be perfect all the time, and I'm not!" I think when there are fans that think every little thing, ever little look, ever little nuance, every word, every note, every hair, is absolutely PERFECT.....it's not really being fair to Clay! But if it makes them feel better - that's fine. But - that's just my opinion.

I would also recommend going back and reading the Rolling Stone interview. IMO that was the last time Clay was so open and willing to answer just about anything they threw at him. It's very enlightening! I miss the candid Clay, the less-guarded Clay, but I can certainly understand how it all evolved.

Kind of makes you wonder how many other guys are out there that, with the same opportunities, would end up looking so FINE!!!!!

ETA: Couchie.....damn! You had me believing there for a nanosecond that it WAS Tuesday!!! Eep.

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I still can't get over how good Clay looks. Well you know what I mean. It's not like I'm shocked but just happy to see him and see how gorgeous he is looking. And I absolutely adore the picture of him holiding the kid and all the others kids laughing such genuine laughs.

Couchie, there really is something striking about his look in these photos. Maybe it's that 'light' we were talking about yesterday, or maybe it's just that he actually has a little colour on his face (I just bet those freckles are a poppin' !!!) or maybe it's that beautiful soul of his shining right through his smile. Whatever it is, he just looks... fulfilled. I hope he replenished his soul enough to sustain him through another round of being Clay Aiken, Entertainer.

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Happy Tuesday everybody.

Well Happy Tuesday to you too, Couchie, but today is Wednesday! :hysterical: Lordy! Please don't be adding to the work week!!


Oh l'm not saying the makeover didn't help but more weeks than not he looked liked a chemistry experiement (until he found his groove) and the one thing I remember most about idol is his growing in confidence. But he definitely learned to enhance what was already there. That dye job did him no favors when he started out LOL. See and I get this cuz you know that show where they take away your clothes and make you over and give you lots of money to spend on it..I'd be perfect for that show LOL. But I also think Clay of today was due to just plain old late blooming, not his clothes or style. I had a friend who told me back at the beggining that Clay will really grow into himself by age 30. Yep she was right.

And while I was in the shower I wanted to add that I don't mean to say he was lacking confidence when he got there...because I think by high school - from what little I know of him - he seemed like he had it all together in a lot of ways. But this was a whole different stage.

I think Clay can still be quite candid. His blog was very candid and vulnerable and that's something he really doesn't do. I think he i s just more circumspect about WHEN he chooses to speak. His People article was very candid - also vulnerable - I think that article was ignored by a lot of people. But to me he's been more vulnerable and open in those two things than he ever was with his milk stories. I think he also opened up more on stage. I know it's just a matter of perception but I had gotten used to him being closed off so was suprrised that he opened himself up in a personal way in LTS. Maybe he did learn after seeing the ramifications of that to close back up again but really ..his whole Brittany answer to the are you a virgin question is a classic example of what I mean by he wasn't all that open to begin with. Clay really knows how to say none of yours in a thousand different ways. In a lot of ways I also think we as his audience has changed. Things we don't want to believe we chalk up to writer agenda... back in the day did we worry so much about that?

These are just general meanderings and MY perceptions about Clay and us. Could be way off base.

And now Happy Wedneday..see don't you feel better...one day closer to the weekend.

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Hey CG... those glasses in the UNICEF photos...are gorgeous. You can barely see them at all. Wonder how much those cost..I already have to pay an arm and leg for my lenses.

Eeep, tell me about it. I finally could afford to pick up my new prescription glasses yesterday. They are those gradual, invisible bifocal kind. I've never had bifocals before, and I just about tripped coming down the stairs last night. Heh. I have to learn not to look down when I walk!

I guess I should get up and go get ready for work. ..oh and make my lunch. Trying not to spend a dime for lunch any more... $8-10 a day adds up. Need that for the damn gas tank.

Yep again. I bring my lunch pretty much every day. Yesterday in our meeting, we were told about a plan to remove the fridge/microwave area in our department, and to instead put a cafeteria up on the 3rd floor. WTF? Who made such a stupid decision as that? Gotta be a man. ;)

I was reading some old stuff in my Clay stash and came across this quote in Billboard Magazine (10/25/2003): "Sometimes I feel I have to be perfect all the time, and I'm not!" I think when there are fans that think every little thing, ever little look, ever little nuance, every word, every note, every hair, is absolutely PERFECT.....it's not really being fair to Clay! But if it makes them feel better - that's fine. But - that's just my opinion.

And this is one of my pet peeves.....even though I'm sure you weren't talking about me, I've been accused of thinking everything Clay is perfect in the past and it irritates the shit out of me! Some of us just choose to concentrate on the positive, and don't choose to comment on things we don't like. I guess maybe there are fans out there like you describe, but I've never come across any.

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Hee - I'm gonna shock Iseeme and agree that the young, pre-AI Clay is simply not cute to me at all...but then shallow is my middle name. The personality would have been enough for us to be GREAT friends...but unless he had some serious smooth moves...in the friend box he would stay. But hell, back in the day, I definitely keep friends much, much longer than I kept boyfriends anyway...and I agree with Couchie..he's just one of those lucky SOBs who simply hits his stride in his looks at about 30.

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Luckiest - I personally don't think I ever criticize Clay on this board or say negative things about him. But sometimes if you aren't completely over-the-moon, falling down in a dead thud, waxing poetic about him.....then your opinion is not acceptable!!! And I wasn't speaking to you or anyone in particular....

I didn't think he looked the least bit cute, handsome, hunky or anything else in those wedding pictures. The LOOK! Nothing about the person he was then or has become since, the voice, the personality, etc. etc. but that wasn't okay for me to say apparently.

The one thing about this board that I'm grateful for is that there isn't "group think!" I stated my opinion, others stated theirs. But none of it should have been taken personally, okay?

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Hey, opinions are just opinions. They don't have to be accepted or not. They don't have to be agreed with either.

I literally gasped when I saw those pre-AI pictures this morning. I just have a thing for pre-AI Clay. I love any little tidbit we get of him, whether it be audio, video, or still shots. Just one of my quirks. LOL

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Well, so much for getting my son's pictures taken! He's always tended toward the overly dramatic, and he put up a real stink about going- how he doesn't know how to smile, how he doesn't want to go there and make a fool out of himself, how I just don't understand him... :21: . Anyway, he was crying, I was crying, and we'd barely gotten a mile down the road when I decided it wasn't worth it, turned around, and came back home. Now I need to try to mellow out before my Dr's appt later today.

ETA: those photos of preAI Clay. Wowza!! I think they're the best I've seen. Just knowing what sounds were coming out of that mouth when the first one was taken - how did these women not just jump him right there and then?????

hee you know what gets to me is a guy that can make me laugh. I'll be honest and say I seriously wonder if I'd notice him walking down the street back in the day. But seriously, that personality and the funny, you can't make that up all of suddedn cuz you're famous. I do think confidence has done wonders for Clay..to me he blossomed right there on that stage week after week, not cuz they were slathering him with makeup and putting on the tanner but because of his confidence. Sometimes I see kids that remind me of young Clay and I think to myself..just wait 10 years, you'll be ok. heee.

Yea, I agree that while he may not have been the kind of guy who would make you stop dead in your tracks if you saw him walking down the street, once you got to know him, how could you not fall for him? :wub: Back when I was in my first year of college, I worked at a restaurant back home during Christmas and summer breaks. There were two guys there that I worked with- one was a good looking Italian guy, the other was a tall, skinny, bespectacled Polish guy. I had a huge crush on the tall, skinny one- he was funny, and he had such an air of confidence about him that was so appealing. Sadly, I was the queen of unrequited love, and although we were great friends, that was the extent of it. Even sadder still, I ended up later dating the good-looking Italian guy (he was my first kiss- at age 20! Definitely a late bloomer!) and he ended up being a real schmuck! So, I can surely see myself falling for Clay back then!

I was reading some old stuff in my Clay stash and came across this quote in Billboard Magazine (10/25/2003): "Sometimes I feel I have to be perfect all the time, and I'm not!" I think when there are fans that think every little thing, ever little look, ever little nuance, every word, every note, every hair, is absolutely PERFECT.....it's not really being fair to Clay! But if it makes them feel better - that's fine. But - that's just my opinion.

There are probably a few who idealize him in that way, and I agree that it may cause him to feel undue pressure, but for me at least, it's not that I think that everything he does, says and is, is perfect- just that I don't feel the need to point it out EVERY TIME something about him doesn't meet my highest of expectations. And sadly, I think there are a lot of people in the fandom who do feel they have to point out the flaws EVERY TIME. It's kind of why I have a pet peeve - whenever someone who is writing something nice about Clay has to qualify it with "He's not perfect, but....". It just seems so unnecessary to me. I mean, how would you feel if someone (your boss, for example) started every critique of your work with, "Well, you're not perfect, but.....".

(man, I seem to have a lot of pet peeves. I think I'm much more of a "peevish" person than I even realized! :andthetruth:)

Well, my son just came in and apologized to me for his behavior earlier, and asked if I wanted him to make me some chicken for lunch. Guess I'll have to keep him. :affection:

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And this is one of my pet peeves.....even though I'm sure you weren't talking about me, I've been accused of thinking everything Clay is perfect in the past and it irritates the shit out of me! Some of us just choose to concentrate on the positive, and don't choose to comment on things we don't like. I guess maybe there are fans out there like you describe, but I've never come across any.

Well, you said it much (not mush!) better- and more concisely- than I did! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Awww, {{{laljeterfan}}}. Aren't kids fun sometimes?

I have been surfing the net, looking for things to do in Quebec City this coming weekend. I have decided to drive out there on Saturday with my 16 yo, and stay until Tuesday. Most people I tell about this ask me if I am nuts???? 10 hours in a car with Stu is not exactly very appealing, LOL. He can't sit still for 10 minutes (and cindilu2 can attest to this, she was stuck at JFK airport with us in March for 7 hours when our flight was cancelled!) However, I am determined to make this work. We'll have iPods and DVD players and PSP in the car. I've found some neat things we can do once we get there, especially with their 400th birthday celebrations this year. We'll have free wireless in the hotel (YAY! for my new laptop.) And of course we are actually going to see the free Macca concert on Sunday night. That should be interesting...200,000 people on the Plains of Abraham. I wonder how he'll handle that? But I bet it'll be a birthday present he never forgets! :cryingwlaughter:

BTW thanks for all the comments on the other son's baseball adventure last night. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ok, maybe I should do some work now. Ya think?

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I didn't think he looked the least bit cute, handsome, hunky or anything else in those wedding pictures. The LOOK! Nothing about the person he was then or has become since, the voice, the personality, etc. etc. but that wasn't okay for me to say apparently.

Well you say there's no group think but then you said the bolded part. I actually said in my post that I doubt I would have looked twice at Clay back in the day. Kandre totally agreed with you. So I totally don't get the bolded part. I'm puzzled.

ETA: I guess I asked because I truely want to understand. Because when I read I see just discussion, differing opinions while others see it totally different. I've heard the same from someone else and you know..it's still a foreign concept because I'm reading along and having fun and then I see something like this and I feel well that person isn't having fun and doesn't feel free. I guess my position was always..well I don't feel that way and I don't get any complaints from people who feel that way so you know..I just want to know. PM me if you feel you can't say what you want and tell me what if anything needs to change this board, keeping in mind that you can't legislate opinions. I'm honestly just curious. So even if you just want to send me a word about whatever.. thanks.

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luckiest, I'm kind of like you. I can't really say that Clay has done too much that I didn't like but I don't feel the need to tear into him, especially on a public fanboard. I can't say that I would never say anything negative, although I try to be tactful. For instance, I really did not enjoy the look at the Jenna Bush thing and more frequent blogs would be nice. Oh, and I really hated the blond perm from pre-AI. However, what bothers me is when someone says he better not do this or that, or he should never wear glasses/go blond/go dark brown, etc ever again. Even if someone is kidding, it just seems so bossy and sometimes almost threatening. And it also offends me because just because they don't like a certain look does not mean others don't. And in spite of what some people seem to think, a bad hairstyle or look is not going to affect sales. If someone says that they won't buy a cd because of the cover, then they weren't going to buy it anyway. I saw someone who said their daughter wouldn't buy because of the look on the cover and thought that was one of the stupidest excuses ever.
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Well actually I don't feel tomatoed.....surprise! (hee- you like that word, don't you Couchie!)

I just thought some of the reactions by some implied that it wasn't okay to think Clay looked dorky in those pictures.

Generally speaking, I don't think there is "group think" here.......just the occasional bandwagon. But then I hop on the occasional bandwagon as well.....

But......I'm verklempt. KAndre agreed with me.

There are so many different opinions about Clay in every aspect of his life and his career and his looks, etc. And there are people who think everything is just hunky dory at all times and there are people that have to pick apart everything. I'm not in either one of those groups. Clay has a way of polarizing people - no matter what the subject is. I'm not being wishy-washy when I say I don't understand either extreme. He's a man. A very, very good man in very many ways. He has a voice blessed by the angels and a heart as big as Rhode Island.

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I'm skipping lunch on the occassion of KAndre and Iseeme agreeing (threesome, anyone?)

I don't watch TV very much but one show I try to catch (usually online) is Big Bang Theory. This guy above (sigh!) would fit right in. KAndre and I were talking this weekend (before you and kf arrived) about how we watch that show and get what the guys are saying. :wub:

That show is hysterical. I don't catch it often, and didn't think to look online. Where do you find it? I never watch TV episodes online, but this one would be worth it. I wish I remembered the characters' names. I love the really skinny caucasian guy. His quirks crack me up. :lol:

*high-fives duckyvee* Here's the link!

Sending good vibes your way today, ldyj! Just think of the CUTE doctor as your drift off to sleep..... :F_05BL17blowkiss:


Oh YES! Love that show, although I always forget when it's on. Yep, I can see that wedding singer guy fitting right in. :D

And, no, I don't really consider "Clayton the wedding singer" traditionally handsome, but I believe the word adorable, while grinning like a loon, was what I kept saying last night! :flirtysmile3: Of course, I don't really consider Clay today to be traditionally handsome, but I believe the word gorgeous, while grinning like a loon, has been uttered a time or two. Often times shortened to GAH! when the gorgeous is just too much. :flirtysmile3:

Yes, adorable is the key word!!! (and thanks for the cute doctor pic as well!) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Did anyone else here watch "Pretty in Pink" back in the day and love that number that Duckie did in the record store more anything that Blaine guy ("His name is Blaine?!! That's not a name, it's a major appliance!") ever did?!! *crickets*

No comment on these, just wanted to capture for posterity:

Hee - I'm gonna shock Iseeme and agree that the young, pre-AI Clay is simply not cute to me at all...but then shallow is my middle name. The personality would have been enough for us to be GREAT friends...but unless he had some serious smooth moves...in the friend box he would stay. But hell, back in the day, I definitely keep friends much, much longer than I kept boyfriends anyway...and I agree with Couchie..he's just one of those lucky SOBs who simply hits his stride in his looks at about 30.

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Add me to the list of those who won't mention it when I don't like something about Clay...or maybe "don't like" is the wrong expression, maybe "would prefer something else" is better. I don't think for one moment he's perfect and probably wouldn't like him that much if he were. BUT, even if he's not perfect all the time, he IS very special and unique. I just prefer to concentrate on what he is rather than what he isn't, the same as I do with everyone else I love.

I think Clay is the kind of man whose looks grow on you. In the pre-Idol pics I noticed the big ears, and the sideburns that emphasize them, but what a difference a haircut that camouflages the ears made to his looks, and yes, I prefer him without glasses, but as cindilu mentioned, can imagine whipping those suckers off just before we tumble onto the bed....


OK, I think I might need a moment. My grandchildren are in the other room and here I am writing smut!

My mother would be so proud of me! :hysterical:

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I prefer him without glasses, but as cindilu mentioned, can imagine whipping those suckers off just before we tumble onto the bed....


OK, I think I might need a moment. My grandchildren are in the other room and here I am writing smut!


You go, girl!!!


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