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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Match 13 of the Broad's Tournament

This is going to be tough....DLTSGDOM (Wildcard) vs. Worcerster WDC (IT Tour). I haven't seen the WDC in years, but man, that was hot. I think it's got my vote....

That Wildcard performance was the first time I ever saw & heard Mr. Aiken, so my sentimental heart went with that one for this round. :flirtysmile3:

Thanks for the gorgeous pics as always, annabear! :big hug:

I picked DLTSGDOM too!

Scarlett - ask and you shall receive. Is this the one you were looking for? quilting.gif

Yes, that's it! Thanks a bunch!!! :thankyou:

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And speaking of guardian angels ... ah the synergy .... here's a clip from Michael that includes Travolta dancing to Chain of Fools. This was all filmed at Gruene Hall in Historic Gruene in New Braunfels, Texas. If certain members of the eHP weren't so skeered of riding the rapids, we could have done a River Rat Tour of the Hill Country this summer. In KAndre's case, she's not skeered a'nothin' -- but the temperature of that cold, spring-fed Guadalupe is a deal breaker. A near-ice cold whitewater river doesn't bother me when it's 105 outside. Sitting in the tube, your rear end is numb in 3-5 minutes anyway, so WTH!

Actually, here's Gruene Hall, the oldest dancehall in Texas, in all it's ... ahem ... glory (again, Christmas in July):

Hey KF, I've gone tubin' on the Guadelupe River and I've been to Gruene Hall, I think I had my first shooters there. Thanks for the memory. Funny thing is, it was a work trip I was on about 18 years ago.

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Well, that was a really tough one but I got all sentimental, too and voted for Clay’s butt….er……WDC. I wonder whatever happened to those white pants of Angela’s. She could probably put her son through college on what she could get for them.

**peers into Stub Hub Meet & Greet Savings Plan Cookie Jar……4 quarters, 2 dimes and a nickel. But I have lots of time.**

Heidi, my field camp was up in Nova Scotia. I eventually ended up doing groundwater studies for the Department of the Environment.

shirljan, are you in town this week? Send me one of those email things. I am up to the eyeballs in homework but want to hang out before you disappear.

So, as some of you well know by now I didn’t make it to Houston on Thursday like I had been planning for quite some time. I sure had a lot of things to do down there, pick up my car and new laptop for the kid, get the mail, go to a wedding, pick up my textbooks for the fall, refill some prescriptions and last but not least….party with my girls, the eHP. Since I feel real comfortable with you all, I’ll let you in on what a dumbass I am…..there are people who will read this and shudder when they think about how many times I have made their arrangements for Clay trips. I care not to think about what might have happened if this were a Clay trip….I know what I would have done and it scares me.

Carolyn and I left Baku on Monday the 7th, stayed overnight in London caught a glimpse of the palace, bought some socks at Harrod’s, and saw Les Miz. We got into Halifax on Tuesday afternoon. That gave us almost 48 hours to get ready for a week long trip down and back to Houston to take care of all those aforementioned things. Our flight is to leave Halifax at 3:15 on Thursday the 10th. That afternoon we are pulling up to the departure drop off when Carolyn puts her hands to her face and exclaims, “OMG! I forgot my passport!. Well…shit. We turn around and head back to the city and if our flight is on time it’s going to be a close one. Luck was on our side and we did the turn around back to the airport with passport in hand in less than 35 minutes. Funny thing, though, it was MY passport Carolyn had in her possession and left behind. The Canada Customs guy must have mixed them up when we came in on Tuesday, I guess.

We booted it upstairs to US departures and much to our relief we are not too late to get on the flight. The agent starts to print our boarding passes and then stops. She asks me if I had ever made any changes to the reservation and I said, “No.” “Well,” she says…..”You were booked for yesterday the 9th, not today. I say, “HUH?” And after much conferring and help desk calling I’m told that I’m SOL my flight left without me on Wednesday and my tickets were canceled…..too bad, so sad, sucks to be you.

There were, however, available seats on the plane if I wished to purchase new tickets….one ways for $786 a piece. So…..I really don’t believe that she means it when she says we can’t go. It all seemed too bizarre and I have no idea how I ended up with seats on the 9th. (I admit I booked them myself online but I never INTENDED to go on the 9th and this was obviously some kind of accident….my story and I’m sticking to it.) I need to look back at the time of day I made the booking. I have been known to do things in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping. I really don’t know what happened. I just know my tickets were for a day earlier and that was that. I didn’t get very far with the Continental agents at all and told Carolyn we were going home. She commented that “If Dad were here we would be getting on.” HA! If Dad were there we would have been going to jail instead of Houston. So that is my sad tale of woe and why I didn’t get to Houston. If it had of been a Clay trip, I would have forked over the money for the tickets and a nice amount to buy the silence of my daughter.

We were a pretty dejected pair of travelers sitting at the airport Tim Horton’s canceling hotel reservations and tracking down a decent price for a rental car for the next month. I think this was the one time I didn’t open my confirmation email when it came. Dumbass!

Thanks for all the lovelies up there. I am the bitch of the AMA hair. I take a daily dose of it every day.

For some good news our things arrived in Baku on Saturday. The bad news is they want another $450 for customs certificates before they will deliver it to us. The math for this one is 6 certificates at $75 a piece. I can only assume that 6 is the number of guys who work in the customs office, and I bet each and every one of them has a stamp….that they bought themselves…..and that $450 will have to be in cash. But I can't honestly complain.

See, the thing is……if that had of been an airline agent in Baku…..fifty bucks would have gotten us both on that plane….a hundred, maybe even first class.

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Oh Kareneh, bummer to the max. I've done things almost like that (day early, not a day late) but never had an airline just tell me tough luck. Sheesh! I also had to pay as much to get my things out of hock at the harbor as I did to ship them to Japan. Surprise!

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I've been gone playing in the mountains since yesterday. I just got home, and I'm not caught up here. But I gotta post to wish jmh a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


ETA: Starting to get caught up and noticed this handsome doctor - hey, I volunteer for a COMPLETE checkup!!


Of course, I'll be nice and let ldyj go first.

Best of luck to you, ldyj! I hope you're up and around again in no time! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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That is one fine looking doctor. I think I feel a chronic illness coming on! I might need intensive treatment.

Hey LdyJ... we all know you just didn't want to go to work for a week :hysterical: Take care hon! I hope you are feeling better after the surgery.

So I'm watching No Way Out with kevin costner... love this movie ... and I just had to laugh because it had one of those "once in every show there comes a song like this." moments.

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It's a friend's landmark birthday today (annabear, thanks for the Clay pic with balloons!) and I googled her DOB to see who else shared her birthday and was flabbergasted to find that Linda Ronstadt turns 62 today. SIXTY-TWO!! Clay wasn't even born when she was older he is now :hysterical: She had a great hit with one of my favourite Smokey Robinson songs - Tracks of my Tears. Fabulous voice. Time sure flies. I miss Karen Carpenter too - she and Doris Day had such perfect diction, you could understand every word they sang. Am I rambling? Ok, I'll stop! LOL

ETA: dyjocelyn sending you lots of white healing light for your surgery.

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Good Morning All,

Our nice weather is coming to an end; have a heat wave for the next few days so its back to the AC...I hate having my house closed up. Wish I could bottle the weather we have had for the last two days and let it out on icky days.

Day 2 without my car; the light for the battery is on and hubby won't let me drive it until he figures out what is wrong...bummer, I don't like having to depend on others to drive me places...in this case my daughters get to take turns driving me to work.

Off to straighten up the kitchen before work.

Everyone have a great day!


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It's a friend's landmark birthday today (annabear, thanks for the Clay pic with balloons!) and I googled her DOB to see who else shared her birthday and was flabbergasted to find that Linda Ronstadt turns 62 today. SIXTY-TWO!! Clay wasn't even born when she was older he is now :hysterical: She had a great hit with one of my favourite Smokey Robinson songs - Tracks of my Tears. Fabulous voice. Time sure flies. I miss Karen Carpenter too - she and Doris Day had such perfect diction, you could understand every word they sang. Am I rambling? Ok, I'll stop! LOL

Please don't! I don't like too many female singers, but Linda and Karen are two of my favorites. I actually have an album...yes an actual vinyl album of Linda's that I bought off the TV many years ago. It is a greatest hits collection...two album set and I played that thing to death. Really ought to dig it out; we actually have a turntable to play it on now and I should probably transfer the songs to a CD.


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LdyJ....Good luck on the surgery!!!!

I know you love bangs Clay...so luckily cindilu was in a nostalgic mood lately and created this lovely new banner from ATDW days...enjoy!!!

Thanks cindilu!!!!

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Been off line since last Wednesday and came back to alot of pages to read. Love the pictures of him. He just has become so handsome. I love how all the children are always smiling around him.

Had a great 5 day bike trip. We did a total of 240 miles, and only got sprinkled on one day. They were calling for a major storm and it missed us, the lower part of Mi. had alot of rain, but we did not. The only problem with the thumb area of Mi. is it is always windy. The last day we had 30 miles per hour wind in our face. Hard to keep the tandem straight on the rode. The wind is unpredicable because at the top the thumb you have winds from Lak e Huron and winds from the Saginaw Bay swirling around.

Voting between WDC or DLTSGD was hard but had to go with DLTSGD because it was the first time I heard him and was so suprised. I missed the Atlanta auditon and the Open Arms song because of teaching a class. I did not go to the IT because no one I knew at the time would go with me. I really enjoyed WDC more at the JBT.

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That is one fine looking doctor. I think I feel a chronic illness coming on! I might need intensive treatment.

Hey LdyJ... we all know you just didn't want to go to work for a week :hysterical: Take care hon! I hope you are feeling better after the surgery.

So I'm watching No Way Out with kevin costner... love this movie ... and I just had to laugh because it had one of those "once in every show there comes a song like this." moments.

Mmmmmm, Kevin! He was my 'Clay' before Clay came along, and will always be my favourite movie star. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Belated birthday greetings to all!

ldyj, good luck with the surgery. :thbighug-1:

KarenEh, thank you again x infinity for those GMA photos. They remain among my all-time favorites of the man. Gah!!! Thanks for indulging my nostaligia, Ansa.

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Best of luck with the surgery, ldyj!

cindiu, you're most welcome x infinity. Thanks you for the lovely banner today!

I spent a little time last night re-watching the videos for Match 13. I think this is the shape of things to come in the tournament.....getting progressively harder. Anyway, after several runs through I am still with my first choice of the Worcester WDC. Like I said in the forum over there, I can imagine a lot of things I would like to do against it, but voting isn't one of them. :D


I'm going to run off and do some homework. I really think I am going to skip the next semester (famous last words) but before I go, I'll find a pretty picture....


And I seem to be having somewhat of a thigh day. These really were a nice pair of pants.


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That banner picture from GMA looks verra verra familiar .... ummmm, oh that's right, the laminated, blown-up poster of that pic is right up there on my wall! Hello, Darlin'!

Thanks again to merrieeee for fixing us up ... and of course to Kareneh for capturing that smile, that face, those eyes -- the whole picture is perfection. The bigger and shinier the better -- I can take an oath on that. I was just recalling with Scarlett the night we first "slept together" -- my first Clay-related sleepover experience, after choosing our fave posters, which turned out to be GMA and AMA. That picture brightens my days, and enriches my nights. Are you getting the idea that I kind of like it?

I so love my Clay posters, including a huge B&W of a certain sexy singer with the cutest bangs and the hottest stubble ever, who's knitting something that he must certainly be donating to TBAF! GAH to infinity on that one.

LDYJ: I'm crazy about you, you know. Get well at warp speed, Sweetie! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good morning

Best wishes to ldyj for a quick, quick recovery! (must be able to stand at Clay concerts free of pain!)

I had to vote on the Worcester WDC because I.was.there! And because who knew that cute little butt could move so enticingly! I didn't quite have that view from where I was sitting but let's just say it allowed one's imagination to soar!

Kareneh......OMG. I can't even imagine your airline experience.

Cindilu - great banner! He has the most beautiful smile!...and grin!

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Ahhh, those banner pics. To me, they just epitomize Clay. It's too early in the morning to be schmoopie (or worse, philosophical) but I have always had a feeling when I look at him, that he somehow emits light. It isn't always glaring, but it's always there. I know that photo (on the right) is studio lighting, etc - but I still feel that aura from him. Always have. Hope I always will. And when he really smiles, he smiles with his whole face, no matter how big or small his actual grin is. Gah, I love him!

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Good News! Clay got his bullet back this morning at Mediabase. It's a +1, but it stems the spin declines of the past week and puts OMWH in the right direction -- and he's still at #28.

I think it can.

ETA: I think news people and tabloid people, et al, can miss the forest for the trees so often. Was just hearing a discussion about why oh why did Angelina and Brad name their new son "Knox" and whether that could be a family name on Brad's side, or whadda whadda what. The first time I read the story on the web the other day and it listed the childrens' names I saw that the boys were Maddox and Pax. Obviously they wanted another boy whose name ended in "x" so how mysterious is that? :cryingwlaughter:

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Morning! :hello:

Yummy banner! I can definitely join in the GMA pics love. :flirtysmile3: I agree about his aura, cindilu.

Good luck with the boss, luckiest. :thbighug-1:

:whoo: For OMWH getting its bullet back! I think it can! I think it can! I think it can! :cheerleader:

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Just sneaking in here from the beach - free wi-fi!! But a borrowed computer. :)

:hugs-1: to ldyj!

and :bday: to jmh!!

Just wanted to say hello.......... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Nice banner!!! I doubt if I'll be able to catch up! Back home at the end of the week!

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