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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

Thread Title Poll  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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rohdy, thanks for the latest report on the books. It warms my librarian heart! And I like that B&N helped them stretch their dollars further with the discounts.

The pictures of Clay in Somalia are giving me whiplash. He looks so handsome...surrounded by hope...and yet reading about what is going on, it makes me sad too. I've got to keep hope about this world though...it's about the only thing to hang my heart.

*this post brought to you by elipses...*

ETA: is it wrong that I'm waiting until he issues a challenge, hopefully to get some PDF swag from Clay, before donating?

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Back from meeting & still trying to catch up....

He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.

Thread title? :wub:

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ldyj, if you are wrong then I'm right there with you. I keep hoping to hear a little more from Clay and for it to be more like the last few times. I'm really hoping he doesn't feel reluctant to appeal to his fans because of how some of the people acted and for fear that they will start crap up again and make the boards battlegrounds another time.

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Rohdy - that is just plain OUTSTANDING!!! Thank you for the update. Wow. And kudos to Barnes & Noble!

I donated this morning and then sent UNICEF a note saying that until Clay Aiken was an ambassador I was clueless as to what their activities were in some of these countries. I complimented them on their choice of Clay as he is truly a celebrity that "walks the talk!" Also said I hoped there was more publicity coming as more people needed to know what UNICEF was doing for children in these blighted countries.

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rohdy I have tears in my eyes from your post. You had the most amazing idea, and one that was so appropriate for Clay to recognize his birthday in a way that would really make a difference. I was so happy to add my books to that stack at that concert. The people connected with the orgaization were absolutely overwhelmed with the response. It's an honor to have taken part.

Those tears came on top of the tears from Clay's Field Notes. It's wonderful to see that he got to share some joy and laughter with the children there. I'm can understand why he feels that all the tabloid nonsense is "just not worth mah taahm!!)

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Love you Clay.

He's in a tent. Not good lighting. I tried correcting one of the pictures, but don't have time for the other. Maybe later if no one else beats me to it.


At that moment, he was really happy, wasn't he? It becomes him.

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:sad52: <- - Me at my desk right now... between the UNICEF field notes & pics and rohdy's book update... 25.gif
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Back from meeting & still trying to catch up....

He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.

Thread title? :wub:

annabear...I had that quote copied while I continued to read, planning to suggest the same thing you did!

Terrific pictures. TERRIFIC! Oh, how wonderful if THESE Clay Aiken pics showed up everywhere other pics do whenever there's a new "scandal" of the day...I absolutely LOVE the way he's growing into himself, you know? He looks so very comfortable in his skin, so....

What a man. :Thud::wub:

rohdy--I'm just going giddy over your news! In fact, I think I'm going to share that news with my co-workers. I work at a non-profit organization that supports the movement away from large, institutionalized schools toward smaller, more student-centric schools. We especially work with typically 'underserved' populations of students---inner city, non-native English speaking, socio-economically disenfranchised, etc. I'm PROUD of Clay and his fans, and I'm proud to be one of them! You should be proud of your initiative and what it effected! :clap:

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I amusing fast reply because otherwise I won't get in here. Don't want to write a novel again.

On the music business I used shirts in stead of suits, thanks to Scarlett for picking it up - must have been the heat and humidity fogging my mind. There is always some favors and friendships in business that overridethe bottom line butr not only do we not kowthe bottom line, we don't know what favors or negotiations have gone on - i.e. we don't know nuttin'.

Annabear, I wanted the slippers as well and could not justify something that would be difficult to wear (bad arches) and bought the clip. It spent easter sitting next to my dept. 46 easter house, kind of towering near it like a gian t monster. Should have taken a picture. Truly frightning, in a horror film way.

Clay being sad, it is a shame, considering how much more horrifying I would have thought the night travelers were, but here there is no escape from brutalities. I wonder if the trip was shortened due to all the aid worker kidnappings and murders lately or the lack of safe areas to visit? I say "safe areas" realizing that it is nothing like the safe areas that so many other celebrities (IGB for example) visit for a day or two. I remember taht Paris Hilton was going to Africa until she found out it was dangerous. Ignorant much? At least she found she could get her kudos from donating money, better than nothing. I guess I will donate what I spent on clothes yesterday, seems only fair.

ETA - good work Rhody

After a short ride with KF, knew she was a smart cookie. She tried to convince me that I could live happily in Houston and my neighbors would not want to shoot me for my liberal thinking. This was contrary to what my cousin who lives in Houston said. But then I would be so far from Broadway!!

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Brightstar (from CH) wrote:

No wonder he ignores the tabloid-mentality individuals. He has seen with his own eyes and experienced first hand what is truly important and worthy of his attention and time. How can he waste his life worrying about what low-lives think of him when there is real suffering in the world that needs to be addressed? I admire him more than I can say. He's by no means perfect, but so often he's a model for having one's priorities straight. He essentially says "Don't look at me, look at all those in need. Worry about them, give for them." And then he lives it. He puts his life and his heart on the line on regular basis. He impresses me so much.

I had to bring this over because it's what I was thinking and she said it so clearly and well. Priorities, perspective, truth.


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You know what they say about great minds, muski and play! :D

And BRAVO to that post from Brightstar! :clap:

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Brightstar (from CH) wrote: so often he's a model for having one's priorities straight. .

Ooooh, can we use statements from other boards for thread titles?

I nominate this one!

And I'm glad you all enjoyed the last update, I was tickled.

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I think we had this come up one other time regarding thread titles, and I think "we" decided that "we" would stick with comments either from Clay himself, media things about him, or FCA member posts....

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Great job rohdy. Think of all those kids learning just a little bit more than they might otherwise have.

Ambassador Clay is just awe inspiring. I'll probably wait until tomorrow to donate just in case there is a challange specifically for Clay and Somalia. In the first picture it looks like they might be singing and clapping. How many young men look so comfortable with children? Especially those that they cannot communicate with. For Clay-- :clap:

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justclay12 This is exactly how I feel about the way things are today and for the past 7+ years. What is discouraging is that the media has been going right along with that plan instead of fighting against it. Where are the people of Watergate and all the actual investigative reporting? Instead the only investigating is of entertainers private lives or which congressman has been picking up hookers, not that I'm opposed to that since they are usually the ones who are the biggest hypocrits, but they are hardly the most important news stories out there. Lord, let it all be over soon.

I think that one of the big differences between now and 40 years ago is that the media is controlled by just a few corporations. There just aren't the independent major newspapers that there used to be.

It is still possible to get the real news but you have to look for it and most people aren't interested in looking any further than their television sets. NPR has some good coverage but it is my impression that a lot of Americans have been led to believe that NPR is elitist or, God forbid, liberal.

For those of you who live in the States, if you live close to the Canadian border things are a bit better on CBC radio and television but even our media has been negatively affected by these massive corporate takeovers.

I do hope that Clay will appear on some television shows talking about his trip to Somalia, tho' I imagine that most shows would just want to talk about the baby daddy stuff.

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I think we had this come up one other time regarding thread titles, and I think "we" decided that "we" would stick with comments either from Clay himself, media things about him, or FCA member posts....

Just chatted with LdyJ...and we agreed it's ok. Honestly, don't think it ever came up before in discussion but I know we've used suggestions from other boards in the poll before. Some of the time those that don't go to other boards might not "Get it" but hell this is definitely a sentiment that is universal in Clay land.

Just proof of our anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores system of government in action - weekly meeting adjourned. And why on earth does this poll suggestion keep coming in SECOND. BWAH.

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anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores

Couchie - do you have that memorized or look it up somewhere? Everytime I read it :cryingwlaughter: but I can never remember it.

Clay is definitely a special man. And he definitely looks quite handsome and comfie holding a baby. And UNICEF definitely knew what they were doing when they chose him as an advocate for children. But that isn't his only priority. I love getting all schmoopie about this stuff but then I have to keep reminding myself there's more to his life than this right now. Here's hoping he came home to peace and quiet.

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anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores

Couchie - do you have that memorized or look it up somewhere? Everytime I read it :cryingwlaughter: but I can never remember it.

No I just know a good librarian - all I had to say was ..what's that anarco thingie? I then just copy and paste. :hysterical:

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justclay12 This is exactly how I feel about the way things are today and for the past 7+ years. What is discouraging is that the media has been going right along with that plan instead of fighting against it. Where are the people of Watergate and all the actual investigative reporting? Instead the only investigating is of entertainers private lives or which congressman has been picking up hookers, not that I'm opposed to that since they are usually the ones who are the biggest hypocrits, but they are hardly the most important news stories out there. Lord, let it all be over soon.

I think that one of the big differences between now and 40 years ago is that the media is controlled by just a few corporations. There just aren't the independent major newspapers that there used to be.

It is still possible to get the real news but you have to look for it and most people aren't interested in looking any further than their television sets. NPR has some good coverage but it is my impression that a lot of Americans have been led to believe that NPR is elitist or, God forbid, liberal.

For those of you who live in the States, if you live close to the Canadian border things are a bit better on CBC radio and television but even our media has been negatively affected by these massive corporate takeovers.

I do hope that Clay will appear on some television shows talking about his trip to Somalia, tho' I imagine that most shows would just want to talk about the baby daddy stuff.

Heh, Don't forget that the suits took over the media nad cut down the investigative reporting and the number of out of country offices, so that most news is from one feed.

It was funny a few years ago there was a new guy appointed to lead public radio and he called everyone into a meeting and told them their reporting was biased and they should report the news more evenly for example, like Fox news. He wanted tgo bring Fox people in to teach them how to be unbiased. There wasa bit of an outcry from public radio supporters. The guy is gone now, I think.

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rohdy, thanks so much for posting the Kalamazoo update. For those who don't know, I posted on the Canadian thread at the CB that I met the Kalamazoo Director of Business and Volunteer Development when she and her husband dropped into my wine kiosk awhile back. Talk about an incredibly small world.... when I asked where she was from, because we get a lot of Americans in our town, she said Kalamazoo, MI and I mentioned that I'd been there for a Clay Aiken concert in November. She looked at her husband and then told me that she was co-ordinating the distribution of the books that were donated by the fans. She asked if I was one of the busload of Canadians who came for the concert and I, of course, said yes and that we had also contributed to the book collection. She was a delightful lady and I was so pleased to meet her. I thought she said there was going to be a section of the library for them, but I found out that that was just where they were being stored for the moment at that time.

Anyway, long story...sorry... but as I said, it's a small world and something else that makes me so proud to be part of the Claynation.

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I finished up with my meeting, finished up with the monitor du jour and will break for lunch in a minute or two.

I fiddled with the baby pic a little bit. I see that a dear friend at CV already did a color correction, but mine is a bit different. I was trying to get Clay and the baby to stand out a bit more.

Can you ever have too many pictures of Clay Aiken??


I'm wondering if there will be a special Clay Aiken appeal this time. I hope they aren't too nervous to try it. I think I can find the means to donate twice. These kids need help now, but I'm sure they can use some later if the opportunity for a photo album/field notes opportunity comes up.

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I always watch GMA.

This morning, they were going on and on about Christie Brinkley's divorce.

Since when has this stuff been News??

I mean a mention - but a whole news segment?

I was thinking about Clay and Somalia and this News story before the Field Notes were posted. About how much time is spent on celebrities personal stuff instead of - actual News! I switched to Today.

Then they started with the "heartwarming" cover of 17 yr old Spears like that's News!

I swear. I worry about our country.

Gotta get ready for work!


IMO it's deliberate distraction. If people are lulled into thinking that sensational crimes or celebrity gossip are the most important things going on, will they care that the 4th Amendment is being systematically dismantled, and that the FISA vote today is a big part of that process? Or that we were lied into a war with devastating consequences? If the "news" can keep the "news" confined to distractions, then all manner of things will occur under the radar, and only those who read the foreign press, or look for "truthiness" in the nooks and crannies have a sense of what's happening. Freedom of the press has always been a battle, but we have been gizmoed, gadgeted and gossiped into submission. People want to sing God Bless America, but have no interest in demanding that the Constitution be preserved. Too many people have no idea these things are on the line because they are voluntarily bombarded with who's pregnant, who's getting a divorce, and who OD'd. I keep thinking people are going to wake up in time, but it's close.

Keeping... WORD!!! I have a friend who gets her news from the Christian Science Monitor. It gives balanced news from around the world and she loves it. It is not a religious paper, by the way.

Those pictures are great and his blog is wonderful. You can indeed catch his very serious thoughts about that poor country. I know Unganda hit him hard. He said he cried for 2 hours after he got on the plane. I feel Somalia probably hit him even harder since there is just not much hope with no central government. He looks so serious looking at that baby... not his usual "Clay melting at baby" look. More like him wondering how long this precious child will live. He just totally loves children! What a verra verra goood man he is!

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