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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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For those who are struggling and have posted here:

Chicks, I'm am not the world's most empathetic person (all those now wheezing in laughter can stop now), but the way you have expressed yourselves makes me feel you. You are such a big part of what makes the FCA the perfectly lovely and real place it is...

And in reading Jaymes' article - oh yeah, Jaymes is the biggest Clay fangirl of all! "Perfect person"? Heeeeee! So far the only other response I've gotten is that they are struggling to believe in Clay's gayness simply because of his lack of taste if someone else isn't dressing him (and some of the things he's worn just because someone told him too).

The born-again Christian thing is sort of like the Claymate thing - two people aren't really a definitive sample. Sort like judging all Jewish people on the basis of Sammy Davis Jr. ... As for the stereotypical thingie, hell, a broken clock is right twice a day. There's nothing that would convince them they could possible be wrong anyway.

Shoot, I think I'm unique in the Clay Nation - I'm currently listening to When You Say You Love Me and enjoying the shit out of it!

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I just watched this on the GMA website. I know some think he was being glib or whatever but I think we have to remember that this isn't a new revelation to Clay, his family or close friends. He's used to it. He's used to describing himself as a gay man to those that are important to him in his private life. I didn't expect him to cry or be upset or anything else. Like all things Clay, I imagine this was a well thought-out interview - what he would say and how he would say it. I thought he came across very, very well. He's articulate and caring as always. His concerns for his mother and grandmother and his repeated statements about not telling anyone they are wrong in their feelings and thoughts were quintessential Clay Aiken! At the same time he doesn't want anyone telling him he's wrong for feeling how he does.

I've struggled with all of this - still am somewhat - but I honestly can't put words to my feelings. Just need to get used to it and move on. Seeing Clay with baby Parker and reading Jaymes' interview this morning at People.com - I think for the first time in his entire life....Clay is at peace with himself. To me that makes all the rest of it just noise!

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Anybody seen any reports from the Shubert from last night's show yet? Where oh where is cindilu2? ;)

luckiest...I saw two on CH---one was brought over from CV, I think. They told rather different stories (what's new, huh? :rolleyes:), so the truth is probably something in between. One person was sad and said there weren't many people at the SD and that the theater was maybe half full of people who mostly didn't really clap or laugh at Clay parts (as opposed to drooling over Clay's PARTS :hubbahubba: )---the other was more upbeat and talked more about it being a good crowd for a Wednesday night, etc. Clay didn't do the stage door--left from another exit and papparazi ran after him...

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Anybody seen any reports from the Shubert from last night's show yet? Where oh where is cindilu2? ;)

I saw something on the OFC last night ... that Clay seemed very happy during the curtain call last night, even more so than the previous night. At SD, Jerome came out, spotted the Rotsies (Razis?) who were hanging back trying to be obscure, gave an indication that Clay would come out, went back in and they soon left by another exit. I don't think Clay wants to give TMZ a single look. I have a feeling that SD is more likely to happen when there's a weekend crowd there and a horde of Clay fans can take care of those guys.

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That was fantastic. I just watching in on the GMA website.

I thought he was wonderful. And right now, and with reading the article from Jaymes I just am quite schmoopie. He has a lot of love in his life. This man will be fine.

I love him. And Jaymes. And Faye. And Klo. And Brett. This man has some serious support. I will go watch again, for the third time. hee

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Surviving the money crisis? I heard Colbert say that we should diversify: Bury your money in the backyard AND stuff some in the mattress.


Just saw Clay on GMA. The part that caught me was when he mentioned how stubborn he is and that he's always believed he can handle anything. And I think he probably can! But WTF is up with E? I saw a promo yesterday with Ryan and his cohort on their gossip show and they said they will have an interview with Clay Aiken's former lover today. Again, WTF is that? That swamp thing?

Yeah, that was a WTF moment for me as well. Would it kill some people to keep their damn mouths shut for 15 minutes rather than trying to cash in?

I love Jaymes. :wub:

So how much Parker footage did I miss? I came in when Clay was talking about his mother and his grandmother. Can't wait to watch the clack when I get home!

Not a whole lot of Parker footage. I think we'll see more of the CUTE little man tomorrow morning.

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Clay is so right about the generational divide. I think it's only older people with wrongheaded ideas about "choice" that are the problem. To younger people, and most women, it's a non-issue.

I'm struggling too. Struggling with how to remain non-violent in the face of raw, naked ignorance.

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Ansa - good luck on your driving test. You go, girl!!

Ldyj - I love this part of your post, and as a Christian, I agree soooooo much!!

CG, we've talked about this before...I am a Christian, and yet, I just can't feel it's my job to be judge (and JURY) toward anyone. I think that's the main problem, really -- I believe that everyone of us makes judgment calls about people we know, it's human nature IMO. But becoming judge and jury is NOT MY JOB. In my mind, that's God job, and since I don't know what God has up His sleeve (just like I've never know what Clay has up his sleeve *g*), I try my best to no make those kinds of decisions. I know people do things like that though, and I don't like it that it happens in the name of Christianity. The only "job" I have in this regard is to love ALL people.

Thanks for posting that Clay was on early in GMA - I was able to watch it before work!! YAY!!

I love Clay Aiken, I love his giggle, I love how he talks soooo fast, I love his concern for others, and I love his honesty. It's good to hear him talk about his orientation, rather than just reading words on a page. And I'm looking forward to more tomorrow about the baby!

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Clay is so right about the generational divide. I think it's only older people with wrongheaded ideas about "choice" that are the problem. To younger people it's a non-issue.

I'm struggling too. Struggling with how to remain non-violent in the face of raw, naked ignorance.

Word-- I'm so protective about Clay and his family, that sometimes, I have to step back because it hurts too much to see stuff.

I've seen some things that break my heart, but, I've seen some things that have restored my faith in mankind.

It's like Clay says, patience. Time and distance. I hope we have that time. I just wish there was some way I could go to Spamalot, this weekend.

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Just saw Clay on GMA. The part that caught me was when he mentioned how stubborn he is and that he's always believed he can handle anything. And I think he probably can! But WTF is up with E? I saw a promo yesterday with Ryan and his cohort on their gossip show and they said they will have an interview with Clay Aiken's former lover today. Again, WTF is that? That swamp thing?

Lord...somewhere else I saw something about the swamp thing having been interviewed and that it would be on tv Friday.

I imagine we'll be getting "news" from 'former lovers', 'special friends'--whatever...or at least, since Clay's now squashed the asshats' angle of the 'is he or isn't he' jab, they'll start trying to dig up "exclusive" reports of any and all of his sexual or gay relationships. Sad, but true. Hopefully, anyone with whom he's chosen to have private time with will continue to be respectful of their privacy.

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I didn't see glib, I saw nervous laughter. I do that sometimes. By the way, the interview is now on ABC.com

Thank you so much! This means I don't have to set the alarm for 3.30am my time.....

Wow he looks so good. Fatherhood truly suits him. And how wonderful that he has someone like Jaymes. I am already dreaming about Parker Aiken, with his genes, I can't imagine music not being a massive part of his life.

ETA: KAndre

So far the only other response I've gotten is that they are struggling to believe in Clay's gayness simply because of his lack of taste if someone else isn't dressing him

This is hysterical because honestly it crossed my mind quite a while ago.... I figured, no way this guy's gay because he has no dress sense!!!

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For those who are struggling and have posted here:

Chicks, I'm am not the world's most empathetic person (all those now wheezing in laughter can stop now), but the way you have expressed yourselves makes me feel you. You are such a big part of what makes the FCA the perfectly lovely and real place it is...

And in reading Jaymes' article - oh yeah, Jaymes is the biggest Clay fangirl of all! "Perfect person"? Heeeeee! So far the only other response I've gotten is that they are struggling to believe in Clay's gayness simply because of his lack of taste if someone else isn't dressing him (and some of the things he's worn just because someone told him too).

WORD to the first part and BWAH to the second!

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I wonder if Clay has turned the corner on love songs. MOAM was love songs, ATDW was love songs, and much of OMWH is about failed relationships and broken hearts. Now I listen to songs on ATDW and OMWH and realize that being in the closet was probably very costly for him in the love department -- lots of lamenting and aching and loss in those songs. Now that he's out, I'm wondering if he'll move away from the emphasis on pure love songs, and more into a People Who Need People genre, not that song specifically, but you know what I mean. Actually I'd like to see Clay do an album of "old" Broadway songs that may be unknown to most younger people, with a modern twist on them. Speaking of Sammy Davis, Jr., songs like What Kind of Fool Am I? Huge songs, glory songs, Clay songs. Also, maybe he'll feel freer to loosen up and have more fun in the recording studio and do something funky.

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I said had no problem with the news and I really didn't but to see him and hear him talk just makes it all alright. I just needed to see that he had not grown 3 heads for myself, despite what some may think!

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A Spam report from last night from MLK973 of the CH:

Just back from Spamalot. He was great tonight. A few slight nuances to keep it interesting and he looked and sounded great. He seemed in good spirits at the curain call. There were lots of NJU (primarily) and a small handfull of fans from what I could tell. Lots of laughter for him at the right parts. In the "I'm not dead scene" when they all chime in from the cart and he jumped back and he said "SHIT". We also got a lot of tongue action tonight. He did the crossed eyes and tongue out for the bottle dance and his timing and pants soiling were surperb. Rick is still on the Palin baby kick - he seems to like that one. Also for the drunken guard scene Clay pulls his one ear out of the headgear. He looked adorable. Great facial expressions throughout.

At the stage door, I counted and thought there were less than 30. Jerome came out and looked around and said how are ya doing. He went back in and never came out again. Those papparzzi didn't fool him. Last night they lined up at the barricades and Clay didn't come out. Tonight there were at least 3 guys we big cameras but they hung back. When Jerome went back inside they immediately got to the barricade. After a little while they started to charge down the alley to road on Juniors side. I think Clay got out that way and they ran to try to catch him (ha, ha, no luck). I think Jerome didn't tell us he wasn't coming out because as long as we waited there it kinda of held the papparzzi until they could get out another exit. I was glad to help.

I talk to a few other fans and like many of us they are still supportive. I was relieved to meet some other folks and see what they were thinking. The place was pretty full for a Wed night. Most people I talked to were there for the first time and were not specifically Clay fans. It was a great night.

eta: I know people have different ways of looking at things. I was in the second row and had a different vantage point. I also have been to many weekday shows so even in the last run the applause at the window and for the idol of my age was never the same as on weekends. I did not find that odd at all. I can tell you the people around me were laughing at the whole show but he got interaction I expected on his funny lines. It seemed absolutely typical to me for a Wed night. I agree that there were very few fans and I saw many couples. I was not in the least bit alarmed.

The peasant was a small child in D101. He didn't want to go up so his mom went up with him. THe entire cast was so cute with him. Clay got down even lower when he went down on one need to be more his height. It was very sweet.

There is also one from clayngel of the CB but it seems quite slanted by her fears that the fans are going to abandon Clay because of his orientation. I have attended Spam mid-week and there were nights when it was apparent that the crowd was made up of mainly NJU and there was no "fan" reaction to Clay's lines in particular. I don't think that this week is any different. From what I am reading across the boards, the fans are mostly supportive so I'm not going to go down the path of worry.

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Clay is so right about the generational divide. I think it's only older people with wrongheaded ideas about "choice" that are the problem. To younger people, and most women, it's a non-issue.

I'm struggling too. Struggling with how to remain non-violent in the face of raw, naked ignorance.

That's it in a nutshell.

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I wonder if Clay has turned the corner on love songs. MOAM was love songs, ATDW was love songs, and much of OMWH is about failed relationships and broken hearts. Now I listen to songs on ATDW and OMWH and realize that being in the closet was probably very costly for him in the love department -- lots of lamenting and aching and loss in those songs. Now that he's out, I'm wondering if he'll move away from the emphasis on pure love songs, and more into a People Who Need People genre, not that song specifically, but you know what I mean. Actually I'd like to see Clay do an album of "old" Broadway songs that may be unknown to most younger people, with a modern twist on them. Speaking of Sammy Davis, Jr., songs like What Kind of Fool Am I? Huge songs, glory songs, Clay songs. Also, maybe he'll feel freer to loosen up and have more fun in the recording studio and do something funky.

I'd love to see Clay do songs that tell a story. Some of the greatest love songs ever aren't about romantic love, which isn't always lasting. One of my favourite songs is Because You Loved Me, written by Diane Warren for her father. I think there was so much focus on love songs for Clay because it was perceived that it was what would work because of his fan base.

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I wonder if Clay has turned the corner on love songs. MOAM was love songs, ATDW was love songs, and much of OMWH is about failed relationships and broken hearts. Now I listen to songs on ATDW and OMWH and realize that being in the closet was probably very costly for him in the love department -- lots of lamenting and aching and loss in those songs. Now that he's out, I'm wondering if he'll move away from the emphasis on pure love songs, and more into a People Who Need People genre, not that song specifically, but you know what I mean. Actually I'd like to see Clay do an album of "old" Broadway songs that may be unknown to most younger people, with a modern twist on them. Speaking of Sammy Davis, Jr., songs like What Kind of Fool Am I? Huge songs, glory songs, Clay songs. Also, maybe he'll feel freer to loosen up and have more fun in the recording studio and do something funky.

Yes, yes, I love those ideas! It will be VERY interesting to see what happens with Clay's next album. Not that I'm expecting it soon, but I do think this revelation will open the doors to different kinds of songs. And I'd LOVE to hear Clay sing old Broadway songs with a modern twist. Clay would do a fantastic job of that!

I just watched the interview again - and it slays me that Clay is so concerned about how this effects his mother and grandmother. This is one of the many reasons I'm a fan of Clay Aiken - he can be quite selfless. There is no brooding about himself here, but rather concern for those he loves. Awwww.

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I have asked myself so many times over the years, "Why Clay, why has he captured my attention like no other singer in generations?" At first, I think it was mainly his voice. It delivered so much more than the purity and clarity and power. Then I think it was the message board fandom. Once I found it, I got caught up in and was swept away by the sheer excitement of it.

For some reason, I think, I always knew that there was something special about Clay Aiken. As I look back over the past 5 years, I realize he is forever the teacher. This man is half my age, and is so much wiser than I could ever hope to be. I have learned more about compassion from him, than probably any other person I have ever really known. Through his example, I have become more comfortable in my interactions with people with disabilities. I'm more aware of the plight of children around the world. I became painfully aware, that not only were people ridiculed and persecuted for being gay, but even for being perceived to be gay.

I think I could go on to list many things I have learned as a result of being a fan of this man. I think I'm a better person because of him, but I'm not through yet. I think he still has a lot he can teach me.

I loved his GMA interview and believe his statement about being careful not to dream too specifically for someone was also wise beyond his years, (and maybe that's what some of us did)

Yep, I still love him.

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I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "it's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

Official end to rant.

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