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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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52 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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But the others who feel so entitled to know every time he goes to the bathroom - - give me a break!

I loved the whole post, but that encapsulated it all.

I don't need to know every time he goes to the bathroom. I just want to know what the hell he does in there, how long it takes and if he feels better afterwards.

Okay....I just read that and I think I might've even grossed MYSELF out...

It didn't come out right..

Oh..I just made a pun.

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OMG, I thought this day would never end. Could someone post links to the posts with couchie & others! Please!!!

OMG, there are pages and pages. I DO know that you can click on a person's name and get ALL of their posts. Not sure how to search originally for a person's posts if you don't find her name.

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Scarlett, I'm still catching up after work, too. The fastest way to find it all is to search for clayandr's posts at the OFC. Otherwise you'll have 100's of pages to scroll through to find her posts, and where she quoted our most esteemed members!
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Scarlett, check your email. *g*

MUAH to annabear!

Hee - she already checked her pm's. :lilredani:

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It's getting uglier over at the OFC. No wonder I usually don't read over there! But Jaymes' posts have sure been entertaining and insightful!

Yeah - can only read there for so long. And unfortunately Jaymes' candor has only caused some of them to dig in their heels. And then there are the trolls - had to close out before I said something I'd happily get banned for regret. He might not want anything edited, but it would prolly be a good idea to have a cooling off period every now and then.

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There are a few troublemakers (of long standing) at OFC that are just spewing their usual bullcrap to cause problems. Same old same old.

It's nice to be home at FCA.

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Here's the link to Jaymes' first post today: #2986 in the People Magazine Interview thread in the Man forum. And her MOST AWESOME MUST READ long post: #3781


Is the People mag on the stands yet? I'm definitely going to buy it.

It's out here (Philadelphia area). I picked up a copy in Walgreen's today.

Damn - and I was going to stop on my way home!!

You know it is really annoying to work when things are happening. I am downloading GMA now, I have to read at the OFC (shudders) - anything else I shouldn't miss?

Damn! This is like homework!

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At times it gets verra verra difficult to distinguish the trolls from a few dependable posters...

You're assuming that they aren't both?

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Wanda, I ROTFLOL at your OFC post about whether people are usually honest when they're asked 'How are you?" Any chance you'd bring it over here so I can howl with laughter again?? Pretty please??

lol..WHAT? Wandacleo is cheating on us with the OFC? That can't be. Yeah ..I'm fine is usually out of my mouth even before I even think.

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Wanda, I ROTFLOL at your OFC post about whether people are usually honest when they're asked 'How are you?" Any chance you'd bring it over here so I can howl with laughter again?? Pretty please??

Yes please bring it over here, wandcleo! It was :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: !!!

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Ok, so I finally got the chance to watch the whole GMA clip.......a few hundred times over. heh. I die when he sings to Parker, every time. I need to rip that wav file for my Windows sounds. I love the way he scoops Diane by referring to himself as a gay man, and the innocent way he says "did I?" when she says he stole the lead. I love his laughter when he talks about his poor mother on that weekend when Brett was sent to Iraq. I love the look on his face when he says "nothing". I love all the clips of the sweet little baby. I think maybe I love Diane Sawyer a little bit too. He is so comfortable talking to her. I had a thought about the 2006 interview that SO MANY people have insinuated was poorly edited and Diane was blamed....maybe it was Clay's idea to edit it that way? Who knows now?

I've closed the OFC. It was fun while it lasted. I applaud Jaymes for giving as good as she gets. I hope she walks away from the nasty bitches and trolls who only post to get their jollies. They aren't worth her time.

Thanks a million to cindilu2 for bringing me home a copy of People from NYC, and not making me wait until next Tuesday when it finally arrives on Canadian shelves. Not that I won't buy a few more copies then. I feel the need to wallpaper my cubicle at work with those gorgeous pictures.

I kind of hope things calm down on the boards a bit tomorrow, because seriously, I haven't done any work in two days. It's kind of hard to fudge your timesheets day after day after day. Today I admitted to my boss that I was staying a half hour late to make up for some time I spent doing things "on the internet" that I shouldn't have been doing. She laughed. I love my boss. If she only knew how long that half an hour really was.....

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Here you go--feel free to quote anything I say at OFC. I have no secrets.

I don't understand the concept that simply because a reporter asks a rude and intrusive question that the person--Clay or anyone else--is supposed to bare his soul in stark honesty regardless of the cost. Who made this rule?? Are we all so truthful that any deviation from exact truth becomes a lie. If someone asks, "How are you" do you really answer, "My hemorrhoids are killing me!"

"How are the kids?" ..."Oh, great! Little Johnny is using meth again and his teeth are rotting out of his head. Little Sarah has been sleeping with half the football team and has an STD."

No--we say "oh, I'm fine. They're fine."


So some people will leave the fandom. So? Some other people with join

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Jaymes' post was fantastic. Of course, the people who most need to heed it are the ones who just don't get it.

People are so hung up on that Rolling Stone statement he made FIVE YEARS ago. And as I said at the OFC, these assertions that he deliberately misled fans through his words and actions are ridiculous. I don't think he ever tried to deceive people. I think he merely let people believe what they wanted to believe. Fans are the ones who interpreted his behavior as evidence that he was straight. I think his sexuality was always a very big deal to some people, more than they care to admit.

I believe Jaymes when she says that Clay is very concerned about his fans, perhaps even more than he should be. It irks me that some insist that they should have been informed before the broader media, or that he somehow owes fans some level of contrition or remorse. The entitlement! People have a right to their shock, grief, or confusion. I do feel for those who are struggling with all of this. But this is his life, with bigger implications for him than for any of us. He should get to set the timetable. Not us.

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Here you go--feel free to quote anything I say at OFC. I have no secrets.

I don't understand the concept that simply because a reporter asks a rude and intrusive question that the person--Clay or anyone else--is supposed to bare his soul in stark honesty regardless of the cost. Who made this rule?? Are we all that so truthful that any deviation from exact truth becomes a lie. If someone asks, "How are you" do you really answer, "My hemorrhoids are killing me!"

"How are the kids?" ..."Oh, great! Little Johnny is using meth again and his teeth are rotting out of his head. Little Sarah has been sleeping with half the football team and has an STD."

No--we say "oh, I'm fine. They're fine."


So some people will leave the fandom. So? Some other people with join

Thank you, thank you!!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

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I got People at the Port Authority, and another at the airport.

It's beautimously photographed. He looks positively wonderful. I know it's probably airbrushed somewhat, but still - his skin.... GAHHHHH.

On a totally side/OT note... I finally got to go to Ground Zero this trip. I thought I had a handle on the scope of it all - and on how it affected me. I was wrong. It was an incredibly powerful experience to see that huge gap in the skyline. We walked through the Tribute Center and I really wasn't prepared for just how much it affected me. I wish that everybody who feels the need to sweat the small stuff could take a walk through it. I saw a piece of fractured glass - no bigger than the palm of my hand - and the little card beneath it said it was one of the largest pieces recovered from the site. I think I'm going to be seeing that for a long time.

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