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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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52 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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And we have an update:


Originally Posted by RedBay

Jaymes/Clay: Please accept my sincerest apologies for my earlier remarks. Those remarks were totally out of line. Again, I do most sincerely apologize for any distress I may have caused you.

Thank you. Accepted. Done.

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What I'm trying to figure out is why people thought that was Clay. Because she's snarky? When have we really gotten the chance to know her - the real her. Clay likes strong opinionated people. And I think at this point he wouldn't be hiding behind her skirt. I love her too..but too scared of KAndre to fight for her.

I will say that there can be no bad timing. It had to be clay's timing. If the baby is what prompted him to come forward, then there's no way he could have done it before ATDW.

ETA: Did Jaymes write that naked line? OMG I'm willing to fight for her now if so.

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Yeah, I've gain a whole new world of respect for Jaymes. I can totally see why she and Clay have become such close friends.

The drama at the OFC is kind of getting addicting... How am I going to get any work done?

Work? Oh, that stuff my boss expects me to do...I actually had to get off the OFC to do a boring letter. ;)

I also couldn't agree with you more about Jaymes and Clay. I just loved seeing her Mama Bear reaction to crap directed at their sweet baby!

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Jaymes is TOTALLY HAWT! Couchie, you have better brought your spork! We are gonna have to fight off luckiest for her!

Hell, it's just zaraone, and a couple of others who want her to go away...and if Jaymes is half the bitch I hope she is, she's NEVER leaving! Ha! Hell, I'm leaving a window up for the OFC just for her posts

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I love Jaymes!!! I've been following that thread at the OFC all afternoon! I think she needs to join our board here - she's quoted & agreed with several of our members - Couchie, JennaZ, wanda!

I've been saving all of her posts to a Word doc - I haven't been this productive at work in I don't know how long! :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: I love Jaymes even more... her latest post...

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I know the OFC isn't private and it will probably get out what she wrote but I kinda feel that it's like Clay coming out to his mother..might as well do it today if you're going to do it at all. I do think it is only a tiny fragment and she's sympathetic towards the people that just need time. But to insinuate, for instance, that Team Clay are using Parker in some nefarious way and not expect to get a retort just goes to show how common and used to just saying whatever we want to and about Clay has been tolerated. Enought is enough.

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I am seriously thankful I still have a job...I was so bad today...I am loving Jaymes...it was nuts trying to keep up on the board and I saw a lot of familiar faces over there that I haven't there before...

waves to K'andre and Couchie and Luckiests1!.

And a big :thbighug-1: to luckiests1!

I can see now why Clay loves Jaymes so much and why he loves her...they really are soulmates and they make beautiful babies...hope they have more!


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I know the OFC isn't private and it will probably get out what she wrote but I kinda feel that it's like Clay coming out to his mother..might as well do it today if you're going to do it at all. I do think it is only a tiny fragment and she's sympathetic towards the people that just need time. But to insinuate, for instance, that Team Clay are using Parker in some nefarious way and not expect to get a retort just goes to show how common and used to just saying whatever we want to and about Clay has been tolerated. Enought is enough.

OMG, yes, enough is enough is ENOUGH. That b.s. made me see red.

I can see now why Clay loves Jaymes so much and why he loves her...they really are soulmates and they make beautiful babies...hope they have more!

I agree. I so totally agree.

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Holy sweet mother of god!! I just got home and read all the clayandr posts (thank you x a bjillion to my lucky friend) and holy mother of god. The heck with Clay. *I* want to have Jaymes' baby! I saw names that made be grin - couchie and wanda and a few others (I am still sitting here gobsmacked so I can't recall who else. OMFG. You ladies ROCK, as does Jaymes. FLOVE!!!!!!!!!!

Hee - and now I see that I'm gonna be in for sloppy seconds (eighths? twelfths??) to get me some Jaymes. Wheeeeeee!!

You know - I don't mean to be flippant - but this might just be the best day I've ever had in this fandom.

P.S... that is not a lie, either. :-)

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Yeah, I've gain a whole new world of respect for Jaymes. I can totally see why she and Clay have become such close friends.

The drama at the OFC is kind of getting addicting... How am I going to get any work done?

What am I missing???? I won't be home for at least another hour and I am missing something great! Damn it! Why do I have to work????

Can someone post where I can find the beginning of the fun with Jaymes so when I get home I can sit down with a drink and enjoy????


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