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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

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56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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is it bad that I would totally crush on that John dude?

Then I would find out he is gay. Next I would be devastate. Then he would be my best friend.

story of my life.

If I knew I was going to be attracted to gay men all the time I would have said yes to Sister Sophia when she asked me to become a nun. The fact that my mom is terrified of nuns would have at least made family reunions interesting.

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Ya' know, I'm not a big fan of scruff... a little scruff, but not a lot of scruff, but that is a great picture of him with Diana... a great smile.

To me, in that purple sweater, glasses and beard, he looks like Gilligan's first cousin... :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Couchie... when did you add the designation, "baby sitter"??? :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I LOVE it!!! and hope to get there one day! I just noticed... I'm a little slow that way. :cryingwlaughter:

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I read ages ago that the AIDS cause was close to Elizabeth Taylor's heart because all of her best girlfriends were... gay guys. Because she was so stunningly beautiful, women were insecure around her and hetero men all wanted to sleep with her. Bonding with the gay men in her life meant she had genuine, life-long friends who adored her (as gay men seem to adore beautiful women) yet she never had to worry about their relationship changing or becoming complicated in any way.

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You know, Claytonic, I never really focused on the number of gay men who were extremely close to Elizabeth Taylor, but just off the top of my head I can think of Rock Hudson, Montgomery Clift, Roddy MacDowell and James Dean -- all actors she worked with.

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keepingfaith, those four are the high profile ones and I can't come up with anyone else either. It would be fair to assume that she (arguably THE most glamourous actress of her day) was also close friends with the makeup artist, the hairdresser, the couturier .... professions many gay men are drawn to and excel in. Her relationship with Michael Jackson .. hm I think they understood each other. There is no way to know the depth of Michael's issues but I can see, at least superficially, why they supported each other against the world; that's another relationship that ET felt safe in because it was a male person who didn't appear to chase after women.


Heidiho and Fear, here's what I'm given to believe....testosterone powers sexual drive in both men and women, but females have a much lesser dose of this potent male hormone. Testosterone can be prescribed for women to counter certain serious female conditions (such as endometriosis) and when considering testosterone therapy, women are warned in advance that they may develop masculine "symptoms" such as a deeper voice, facial hair and/or acne, and an increase in sexual drive. So given a situation where two healthy, young adults have raging testosterone, I'd say they are likely to be prone to more frequent sexual activity and fewer headache excuses! One gay guy told me he popped out briefly to pick up some bread and milk, returned with a new male "friend" and that was their first and last encounter. I've heard other similar stories told, but never regarding a hetero couple, although no doubt, that happens too - I've just not been told about it! Anyway, I think it's why there's a perception that gay men are typically more sexually active and some may be considered promiscuous. Whatever the case and while I love a good laugh at a naughty joke, the thing that least interests me about a person is their sex life, and I am often just flabbergasted by people's need to KNOW about the sex life of a celebrity. I see it as absolutely none of my business and totally support Clay in his desire for his personal life to be private. (p.s. I have a condition that, according to my doctor, would benefit from testosterone replacement therapy but I said no way jose, I don't want to have to start shaving my face!).

Because it's personal life and I have always considered myself a private person.

Clay Aiken - 3rd October 2008

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Well claytonic, I haven't seen any studies on testosterone and gay people, I would assume that the frequency of sexual relationships are also based on the mind and the constraints of one's upbringing. Basing it strictly on testosterone levels,iwould leave lesbians, a big part of the gay population, out of the equation. Since most of the gay couples I have met are in long term relationships and maybe because I am older, I don't see much difference in promiscuous gay and straight people. They looked for stability and family as much as any other friends. In fact there might be twice as many straight people who are promiscuous since there is always one man involved in every straight relationship. :8:

And speaking of James Dean, one of the great actors of all time IMO, I watched a Larry King show a while ago where friends of James Dean were interviewed. They all said he was straight and one of the woman, she played Sienfield's mother, said she lived with him and had been in a long term relationship with him.

If I thought Clay was hooking up with every gay person he met or straight person either, I don't think I would be on a Clay board. I'd be talking to the swamp creatures instead. I'm just not interested. This is absolutely not commenting on anyone's post here.

This is the part of Clay's life that I'm most interested in.

Blog re Clay's Charitable efforts

Thanks keepingfaith, that is the picture I thought of. And I was wrong, Clay isnt clean shaven at all. But he does look great.

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Good Morning Everyone,

16 Days until Daylight Savings Time!


28 Days until The First Day of Spring!


47 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Fear, well, I must concede my James Dean impressions are drawn from common perception and not from any reliable source. I just had a look at his page at Wikipedia, and while it talks about his romance with Pier Angeli, it seems he was largely involved in gay relationships, although there is also strong implication that it was to get ahead in the "trade". I know Wikipedia isn't to be considered the most reliable source, but then it is usually written up (I understand) by dedicated person/s. Some things we may never know.

I agree with you about his immense talent. Such a terrible tragedy to lose him so young. I saw a documentary about Alec Guinness, who predicted James Dean would die if he got into that new sports car. This is the way Alec G. tells it:

Dean had just bought a 1955 silver Porsche, when he encountered Sir Alec Guinness, Grace Kelly, and Louis Jourdan outside a restaurant. He showed them his new Porsche, and bragged that it could do "a hundred and fifty." Guinness, thinking that the sports car looked dangerous, warned Dean never to get in it, and predicted that if he did, he would be dead within a week.


Thanks for that link, his voice and his humanitarian activities are what interests me. I have a strong sense of Clay being involved in something huge that is not in the entertainment field, and I mean really huge, bigger than TBAF and UNICEF because he wants a better world for his kids. I hope I live long enough to witness it.

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You know I really think that the poor gerbil needs a vacation....from the RCA stuff, to shall I renew, to he's not blogging, he has to be pretty tuckered out by now!

Scroll down to see Reed's art work. According to CV:

Reed's seems like he is not only a talented performer, but also an artist. biggrin.gif

Someone just posted four "colorings" that Reed did for an organization called "The Elephant Coloring Project" on his Facebook. It is to raise money for Alzheimer's Awareness and research. It seems that Broadway casts had participated in coloring Elephants and then they auction them to make money (nothing from Clay however). Reed went above and beyond! He used fabric from his own costume to make a Flying Monkey Elephant.

Then he said his friends were jealous, so he did theirs for them too. Using fabric and scraps from other cast member's costumes for their Elephants respectively.

I don't know how to post pictures, but I was able to find them someplace else online at

under "Wicked Cast", except they are really small on that page. They are bigger on his FB.[

Artistic Reed
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This is the part of Clay's life that I'm most interested in.

Blog re Clay's Charitable efforts

Awesome!! Thanks for bringing that over! I love that the Foundation is receiving kudos for its work from people who really know.

Thanks for that link, his voice and his humanitarian activities are what interests me. I have a strong sense of Clay being involved in something huge that is not in the entertainment field, and I mean really huge, bigger than TBAF and UNICEF because he wants a better world for his kids. I hope I live long enough to witness it.

I absolutely agree (my bolding).

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O/T (or at least it is today, wasn't yesterday LOL):

How dare my company restrict my facebook access at work?!?!?!? I need to change my status! I remembered my Splenda today! :imgtongue:

Hee, for those uninitiated on Facebook, just smile and nod. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Just because I am a pain in the ass and things are v.v. slow right now, I thought I'd post another plea for those who still need to do their CITH recommendations. Seriously, what's your excuse? We are in a drought, man! :P

O Come O Come Emmanuel - atinal

Mary Did You Know - Ansa

Christmas Waltz - liney23

Who Would Imagine a King (Angela) - ialreadyam

Welcome To Our World - jmh123

Don't Save It All For Christmas Day - couchie

All Is Well - KAndre

clayzycoffin has already done one song and has offered to do more, and I don't mind doing another one as well, so if anyone wants to give theirs up, please PM me. I would really like to get this finished.

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I forgot all about it.... bad me! I will put it back on the top of my list. I have a new class starting March 6 for 3 weeks, so I'll push to get it finished before then, luckiest. Thanks for the whip.

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O/T (or at least it is today, wasn't yesterday LOL):

How dare my company restrict my facebook access at work?!?!?!? I need to change my status! I remembered my Splenda today! :imgtongue:

Hee, for those uninitiated on Facebook, just smile and nod. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Just because I am a pain in the ass and things are v.v. slow right now, I thought I'd post another plea for those who still need to do their CITH recommendations. Seriously, what's your excuse? We are in a drought, man! :P

O Come O Come Emmanuel - atinal

Mary Did You Know - Ansa

Christmas Waltz - liney23

Who Would Imagine a King (Angela) - ialreadyam

Welcome To Our World - jmh123

Don't Save It All For Christmas Day - couchie

All Is Well - KAndre

clayzycoffin has already done one song and has offered to do more, and I don't mind doing another one as well, so if anyone wants to give theirs up, please PM me. I would really like to get this finished.

Oooh, I OCOCE and DSIAFCD and AIW are all still needing to be done? Christmas carols in Feb don't bother me... especially DSIAFCD since it says right in the title that you should listen to it other than just in the holiday season... :D

And, AUGH, STUBBLE!CLAY!!! *staggers around wildly before regaining control of self* and those shots of him and Quiana and Angela were hott!

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Oooh, I
and DSIAFCD and AIW are all still needing to be done? Christmas carols in Feb don't bother me... especially DSIAFCD since it says right in the title that you should listen to it other than just in the holiday season...

*staggers around wildly before regaining control of self*
and those shots of him and Quiana and Angela were hott!

What does OCOCE stand for? (I am truly hopeless with acronyms !)

Even if you have seen this before, it is worth a second look.


The Odd Couple - BFF

ETA: Thanks Gibby ! Adding to the Glossary now....

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Clazy, you are tooooo cute when you're staggering around wildly. I'm naughty - I want to see you stumble around some more. Plus, I rilly, rilly like stubbly Clay, too. So, here he is, in all of his stubbly glory:







ETA: claytonic - OCOCE is O Come O Come Emmanuel.

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Let me get this straight.....fans noticed changes with the RCA site etc. ...fans talk about it on message boards ....fans emailed blogger about it...blogger prints it...others pick it up...and the fans believe it!

God my poor gerbil just keeled over!

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Does anyone know if atinal or ialreadyam are still around these parts? I haven't seen them posting lately.

luckiest, I'm here everyday, but I mostly just lurk now. I have started to rate OCOCE, several times. I think the problem I have had with it, is the applause at the beginning, since it was the first song of the show, and the way it ends since it is part of a medley, but I'll try to get back to it.

And besides, Couchie and KAndre don't like the song that much, :cryingwlaughter: , well, you wanted excuses didn't you.

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:nana: :7: To luckiest for remembering CITH songs. I could try another.

Do you mind doing MDYK..I don't think Ansa will have the time.

Ok I have no excuses whatsoevr. I will work on mine and have it done before Liney finishes hers :hysterical: what? I need some inspiration.

waves to Atinal. Yeah that's right blame it on me :lilredani:

Merrieeee :thbighug-1: I feel ya. But what aikim said yesterday. It's totally how I feel about the whole RCA drama.

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