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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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48 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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gg, I was wrong -- the first one is the TV Medley & that was beyond cute! So, don't wait on me for WISYS but there are good things coming. MUAH!

ETA: I needed that (Pala). :clap:

I was listening to Zootopia (sp) today. There was only audio. Yes I did download it!! Don't worry.

I love that voice then & now.

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Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

is burning it on to a CD okay?


But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon.

Indeed. As is burning a purchased Clay Aiken cd for giving away to a third party. However, there are instances where burned cds of former downloads have subsequently been posted to the internet, then downloaded and burned to cd and then sold on ebay and then uploaded to a shared folder for downloading that have subsequently been burned to cd and then given away. That, I think, is permissible, though perhaps frowned upon by some. Or possibly just pursing of lips, not actual frowning. Subtle, yet important, distinction.

*dusts fingers daintily*

00lsee... :hahaha: Ok, I read that 3 times and still can't follow it... I would purse my lips, but I'm not sure exactly why... :hahaha: You are funny, honey!!!

goldarngirl... N.E.V.E.R.???? you have never watched any Pala??? What universe were you living in woman???? O.M.G. The best show eveh! That I saw anyway... from the 20th row, even. Thank God for binoculars! :cryingwlaughter: Enjoy!!! I would really like to know, since you and luckiest do those awesomely wonderful "best of's," what is your favorite of all the ones you have done... top 3???

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No one, unless they were a part of that meeting with Clay and have a copy of the contract, would know ALL the facts. No one can possibly know exactly what will happen after 6 months.

IF there is an active 6 month non-compete ... who knows when the 6 months began running? Maybe it was in September. I can't see any advantage in either believing or not believing such information. Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know.

Here's a really neat montage; "If Johnny Met Clay" (for all you young'ns; Johnny is Johnny Carson; Tonight Show host before Jay Leno). Yeah, they would have been great together!

I think I'm going to have to disagree with that. I remember Johnny Carson being big on the "light in the loafers" jokes, and jokes at others' expense. He made so many cracks about Wayne Newton's sexuality that Wayne claims he threatened physical violence on Johnny. If Clay had been around back then, Johnny may not have been so popular with Clay fans. And it wasn't something that others did so much at the time, certainly not Dick Cavett. Confession: I was a Dick Cavett girl.

BTW, what would happen to an artist if they DID open their mouth and did start discussing plans outside of the "company" that they were "divorcing"?


My two cents worth? Real or no, it seems quite likely that it's standard operating procedure (no insider info necessary) that Clay wouldn't be able to say anything that would be seen as competition with material released under RCA's umbrella for a certain length of time.

If a party violated a non-compete agreement, they open themselves to a lawsuit.

As I understand it, a non-compete would prohibit an artist who left a company (with an offer on the table) from signing with another company, or releasing a competing product. I can't see how a tour would even enter into the picture. I didn't notice RCA sponsoring any tours for Clay. I don't for a minute believe that Clay was indentured to RCA -- that kind of artistic bondage has been over for decades. And there's not a one size fits all contract. The more economic clout, the more freedom.

And about the eHP Vietnamese lunch, please set it already. How about this Thursday? Out of the blue I realized I could take a vacation day so I'm off then but will drive downtown if you all are free.

Missed everyone, whether or not I've slept with them already. {{{Hugs}}}

Well it wasn't the same bed, but it was in the yellow room, and you were my first roomie, as we hugged our posters into the night.

Okay, I confess. I went to Huynh's yesterday. Had to make sure it was acceptable for the discriminating palates of the eHP... and I thought it was wonderful. Except most of the best stuff had shrimp in it! Dammit! The guy sitting next to me was having Vietnamese coffee and the aroma was to die for. He explained to me that Huynh's doesn't serve Saigon food, it is Hue cuisine. Whatever, it's very good.

I can go Monday or Tuesday. The rest of the week I'm partaking of spring break at school ... it's either that or mental break. My giant nightmare that began in October is almost over ... March 24.

I have no idea why I'm doing financial work, except that I came into it through a misunderstanding -- just because I worked for a now-Final Four accounting firm for ten years didn't mean I knew anything about financial management, but somebody at the college made that assumption. Back at the firm, I wrote press releases for products and events, and did a lot of ghost-writing of articles in magazines and trade journals with partners names on them, and organized conferences, and all manner of stuff like that. And for a couple of years I had two bosses, one in Beijing and the other in Moscow, with me in Houston. Prior to that I worked for a law firm that did litigation and entertainment rep, including ZZ Top's management. (So I'm vaguely familiar with 20-year-old entertainment law.) But now I'm playing finance, and it's topping off a long strange career that started at NASA in 1968. I was the only hippie chick that I knew of at JSC, or MSC at it was known then. I was there from '68 (with Raytheon), through '69 and the moon landing, to '70 and Apollo 13, the glory days. But I love where I am now. I'd just never have thought I'd be doing this. Yeah, I'm happier now that it's almost March 24.

I always wonder about singers... Do you suppose they have their own stuff on their iPods? :huh: I think it'd be funny! Of course, I imagine my our boy would probably think that silly. Why would he want to listen to himself sing, after all? He hears himself all the time! Hee! I'd love to take a peek at the contents of his library, though!

I have no idea what music Clay likes to listen to, but I'm sure he listens to a lot of demos. I hope he's looking for that spectacular song, even if his old label doesn't want him to!

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Yes therer was a report on twitter about that. Maybe we will hear Clay laugh in the audience :)

Here is something sort of Clay related


Jericho fans are some of the most dedicated in the world of television. In 2007, devotees to the show produced by CBS Paramount Network Television rallied together to bring back the fan-favorite which was initially cancelled after just one season. The show returned for a seven-episode second season, but was not renewed for a third season. While fans received a little more closure with the end of season two, there were still loose ends that could be addressed.

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OK you guys pick my busiest time to have an eHP get together! From now until April 12 my life is not my own!

Oh yeah you think working at a PGA TOUR tournament is all fun and games but no it's work I tell you, work. During the actual week I normally go into the office at 5:30am and stay till about 8:00pm but on the Wednesday I have to be there at 4:30!!! Who goes to work at 4:30 in the morning?? We have two guys coming to broadcast their radio show live. Now I have never heard of them but a lot of people have....they are called Mike & Mike and they are on ESPN.

Now if it was you know who I'd be there at 3!

I tell you if I wasn't earning money for my Clay fund..........

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00lsee... :hahaha: Ok, I read that 3 times and still can't follow it... I would purse my lips, but I'm not sure exactly why... :hahaha: You are funny, honey!!!

goldarngirl... N.E.V.E.R.???? you have never watched any Pala??? What universe were you living in woman???? O.M.G. The best show eveh! That I saw anyway... from the 20th row, even. Thank God for binoculars! :cryingwlaughter: Enjoy!!! I would really like to know, since you and luckiest do those awesomely wonderful "best of's," what is your favorite of all the ones you have done... top 3???

Never, there is a lot of clack that I have I've never watched. Don't have time. I am loving this so far. You are probably going to be sorry you asked me for my favourites. I can't possibly choose top 3 (well I can but then when I look at them I would have to add)

We started out doing these montages for ourselves and originally did only the concerts at least one of us attended. 2006 JNT changed that - with Charlotte.

Here is what I can say, we started with JBT Toronto (although we were so lucky thank you to canfly and spooky, who were our main clackgatherers and the show was so special cause it was here in Canada) I have to say my favourite was Clio, with Atlantic City a close second, of course the mic straddle in Darien Lake was great too (see where the problem lies with choosing) who could forget WAMLAW in Meadville. I don't even want to consider the others, I'm sure there are special moments there.

JNT05 Clearwater, hands down. William Joseph, WAYDNE. very special I was there. BUT we are considering Vancouver (can't see how that would beat out Clearwater, but ...)

JNT 06 Merrillville (I was there too and it was my only one) waiting with baited breath for that AIW to be finished and the Ethel banter was great. However, Williamsport and the Bridget banter was great too.

SRHP I think so far Canandaigua, there was just something so special about LAA with the rain. SH and Listen well, what can I say. Pala though looks like its going to be super (I'm having a grand old time right now) Asheville, and one or two of the Florida's to come, who knows.

JNT07 of course Kalamazoo, his birthday, I was there (special for me) BUT I loved the changing hairstyles at Merrillville.

There you go far MORE information than you ever wanted to know and nothing concise. He is such a wonderful performer on stage that I'm sure if we did every concert he ever did, there would be something special about all of them. You just can't choose.

Sorry you asked???? :blush:

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There you go far MORE information than you ever wanted to know and nothing concise. He is such a wonderful performer on stage that I'm sure if we did every concert he ever did, there would be something special about all of them. You just can't choose.

Sorry you asked???? :blush:

My heart's in a pickle,

It's constantly fickle

And not too partickle, I fear.

When I'm not near the clack I love,

I love the clack I'm near.

(*apologies to Finian's Rainbow*)

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Tonight I'm working on rendering things for goldarngirl -- if I owe you some clips, now's a good time to point it out. Thanks. (Solo, yes I know)

And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. :BlowKiss:


JNT2 Hardrock ... the stuff canfly took on the black bemoth that canfly's never seen?

I've only ever seen the 3 clips that you rendered that night. Actually...ya know what? I'm looking at the CV vault right now and did you actually render the rest? I'm comparing right now but CV has a canfly folder and a canfly/scarlett folder and I'd always assumed you'd never done the rest cuz there are only 3 mpegs but looks like there are several wmvs. Imteresssting.

Here is what I can say, we started with JBT Toronto (although we were so lucky thank you to canfly and spooky, who were our main clackgatherers and the show was so special cause it was here in Canada)

You KNOW I had no damned intention of filming that whole thing! (minus 2 back-up singer songs). I was just gonna do the 50s, BFM and the soon to be reveal new song but the damned camcorder had a freakin' mind of it's own!

Only JBT show I didn't tape or mostly tape was Meadville where I left the darned machine in the hotel room cuz otherwise it would insist on being used. Little did I know he'd be singing WAMLAW!!! :hissy:

I was just bringing that over. Page I was just looking at...he's picture #1 of 30!!! He's top news baby!

Obviously the press wasn't interested in pix of the other 3 famous "peeps" on the flight huh?

I wouldn't have minded seeing pix of Robert Redford but they might skeer me.

OK, so I looked at that last post and it didn't LOOK like that many emotes, so I tried posting again and it went through the second time.

What gives?


Thus concludes CF's quotarama/post-whoring...unless somebody's said something profound in the last 20 min or so, lol?

Good God CF, you off your meds again? Have to go and catch up now since yappy here took me half an hour to read.


BWAH! FromClaygary...I'd already copied this part of clazy's quote:
I'd love to take a peek at the contents of his library, though!
with the intention of saying, 'Oh, is that what we're calling it now?'

But you beat me to it! ;)

TGIF! fo sho! :clap:

Buncha horny ole wimmin...


Oh and I just checked out the 30Rock site. Try again fromclaygary. I'm not gonna watch right now but the vids from that site are working for me.

Bits of randomness...

Have you seen these?

I'm not going (Spam is over montage)

Year in review - 2008

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Good Morning Everyone,

6 Days until The First Day of Spring! :yahoo:

14 Days until Clay is Presenting Tyra with her GLAAD Award!


17 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available!


25 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM!


Everyone have a great day!


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From getclayaiken (sorry laughn, I just cut and pasted your posts from there...):

Speaking of old loveliness...another MySpace random search has turned up these (from shauna at OC):

th_MSsearch1.jpg th_MSsearch2.jpg th_MSsearch3.jpg

th_MSsearch4.jpg th_MSsearch5.jpg



Stars Come Out for the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in New York

**Just announced - A new $100 web-only ticket option!!** Click here to purchase your tickets for the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Award in New York City!

We’ve got a tremendous line-up of special guests and honorees to kick off the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards presented by IBM and New York presenting partner Prudential on Saturday, March 28 at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.

Making one of his first appearances at a LGBT event since coming out in People, Clay Aiken will present the Excellence in Media Award to Tyra Banks and T.R. Knight will present the Vito Russo Award to Suze Orman. Special Recognition awards will be presented to Phil Donahue and The Laramie Project, 10 Years Later - The Lasting Legacy of Matthew Shepard, a two-hour documentary broadcast on Sirius XM Radio.

20 years ago when the words “gay” and “lesbian” were taboo in the media, we held the first GLAAD Media Awards to honor media for outstanding representations of the LGBT community. We celebrated 34 nominees in seven categories and Phil Donahue received our first Special Honoree award for including real stories about the lives of gay people on Donahue.

This year the GLAAD Media Awards are celebrating their 20th anniversary with 186 nominees in 41 categories and ceremonies in New York on March 28, Los Angeles on April 18 and San Francisco on May 9. You can see all of the nominees by going to: www.glaad.org/mediaawards.

You can be part of this extraordinary night. Come celebrate the GLAAD Media Awards’ 20th anniversary with us by getting your tickets to the event.

I know seats are going for $400 and $500, so this is a bargain:

$100.00 Show Only

Ticket includes entrance to show only. General admission, theater-style seating in balcony. Balcony doors open at 8:00 pm and awards show begins at 8:30 pm. Cocktail reception and dinner are not included. Limited availability. ONLINE PURCHASE ONLY.


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Whenever someone uses "site" instead of "cite" I immediately discount the whole thing. Can't help it.

It jumped off the page at me too but I gave her the benefit of the doubt because it happens to me as well.

See, I KNOW the difference between site and cite, principle and principal, that "i" comes before "e except after "c" (NEARLY always), etc etc but I type 90 wpm, I don't look at the keyboard OR at what I am typing and sometimes my brain gets my fingers to type the WRONG word or they suffer from keyboard dyslexia.

I remember helping a friend (mature age student) by typing her thesis and she pointed out a couple of "spelling mistakes". I told her they weren't spelling mistakes, they were TYPING mistakes. (They were clearly typing mistakes, I mean, when you see "msitake", that's a definite typo!! ) LOL

That happens....it doesn't mean my spelling is perfect but in most instances, it is a technical error. I could have easily made that mistake Mrs BMG made, but if I had proof-read it, I would have picked it up. I have no idea who she is, I have no reason to defend her except that I would hate to be judged on that kind of error.

I think, for those who have not been around from the beginning (i.e. 2003), some of us will come off as overly sensitive or defensive or skeptical at times, and maybe it will seem unwarranted. I don't think there's really any way to properly explain it except to say "I guess you had to be there". That's how many of us ended up here, at FCA....it was (and is) a safe haven. We've been around the block, and we've become a bit jaded with the fandom itself. Not with Clay! Huge distinction there. So whenever someone expresses their opinion as if it were fact, it sends up a red flag for me (and others).

You’re right, I wasn’t there so I don’t understand the level of sensitivity or defensiveness, for me it’s just something to ponder and put aside and wait for the real news from Clay. I honestly have no emotional angst, the only time I DID was when I found out about the JP fiasco long after it had blown over. I wanted to find the scumbag and slap his face because while I know that life isn’t fair, that level of deliberately inflicted injustice was beyond me. And poor me, I didn’t have anyone in the fandom to share my anger. At least you guys have always had each other.

No one, unless they were a part of that meeting with Clay and have a copy of the contract, would know ALL the facts. No one can possibly know exactly what will happen after 6 months.

IF there is an active 6 month non-compete ... who knows when the 6 months began running? Maybe it was in September. I can't see any advantage in either believing or not believing such information. Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know.

Well, I agree, there is no tangible benefit in either believing Mrs BMG or not, but just for the heck of it, the way I would look at it is to take what's typical (6 months) and apply it from when we first heard about the parting of ways and then we have an approximation of when Clay would be free to do as he pleases... that might be enough for those who need to refer to some kind of time frame.

You know, too often.. those who know actually do tell, especially if they can do it anonymously like Mrs BMG... the entertainment business is a gossip haven, everyone wants to know what's happening because it is such an insecure profession. I am sure it wasn't a happy 'divorce' on the part of the label, it is common knowledge that business is hurting and those making decisions about spending money are ultimately accountable to investors/share holders.

I just have this feeling, where it comes from I dunno since I know less than anyone ... but there's a silver lining and Jayme's "the best is yet to come" is on its way. The fact that Clay is so much more than just a great singer makes him an extremely valuable commodity. I actually find the possibilities exciting, I've even been remembering how Neil Sedaka told Clay he would kill to write and produce for him.

What does "Pala" mean? Sorry if someone has explained it and I missed it.

ETA: AHHH thanks goldarngirl!

Oh, and the reason I mentioned Neil Sedaka is just that to me that would be such a dream... Sedaka's got the writing talent and a life-time of experience, Aiken's got the vocal talent and quite a bit of experience now too; they both like and respect each other. I have always been a huge NS fan... so.... just wishful thinking.....

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Well it wasn't the same bed, but it was in the yellow room, and you were my first roomie, as we hugged our posters into the night.

Okay, I confess. I went to Huynh's yesterday. Had to make sure it was acceptable for the discriminating palates of the eHP... and I thought it was wonderful. Except most of the best stuff had shrimp in it! Dammit! The guy sitting next to me was having Vietnamese coffee and the aroma was to die for. He explained to me that Huynh's doesn't serve Saigon food, it is Hue cuisine. Whatever, it's very good.

I can go Monday or Tuesday. The rest of the week I'm partaking of spring break at school ... it's either that or mental break. My giant nightmare that began in October is almost over ... March 24.

Awww, the yellow room! *memories* Ok, it's Monday at Huynh's then! (merrieeee, sorry but let's have dinner nearby instead) And yay for the good news on your "nightmare"! :thbighug-1:

OK you guys pick my busiest time to have an eHP get together! From now until April 12 my life is not my own!

Oh yeah you think working at a PGA TOUR tournament is all fun and games but no it's work I tell you, work. During the actual week I normally go into the office at 5:30am and stay till about 8:00pm but on the Wednesday I have to be there at 4:30!!! Who goes to work at 4:30 in the morning?? We have two guys coming to broadcast their radio show live. Now I have never heard of them but a lot of people have....they are called Mike & Mike and they are on ESPN.

I had my own equivalent "nightmare" at work over the last 2 days. This was supposed to be an easy non-techie job and I thought KAndre would love it as it is great practice for World Domination: handling transportation, accommodations and catering for people in various sites worldwide, imagine some massive army deployment. We do it through a vendor's commercial program so no problem, right? Well, a month ago we rolled out at a site and the person over there (she was new too) called me the other day to let me know me that the flight manifest was wrong, and had been wrong for 5 years. It's that piece of paper that pilots use to estimate fuel and plan flight paths, etc. This is critical because we have helicopters and small planes landing in various tiny spots all over the ocean, picking up and dropping people and cargo along the way and the frigging manifest didn't compute things right (you know, like adding the weight of the people who got on at a place and subtracting the cargo that got dropped, etc)! It's tough enough to stand up on a floating helipad in rough seas, but landing on it without an idea on how heavily loaded your aircraft is is ridiculous. These are tiny planes where the difference between 4 and 6 passengers is significant -- think of the planes in those old movies. People were having to do their own manual calculations. And the vendors of this product? Hah, they'll fix it in version 1.9 which they will release in beta about 6 months from now (in Microsoft/Dell/Hp-speak that's 1 year). So, in the most non-techie job I ever held, I just spent 2 days writing Oracle code to write a report that looks like the manifest except that the numbers are right. *grumbles to the world in general*


JNT2 Hardrock ... the stuff canfly took on the black bemoth that canfly's never seen?

I've only ever seen the 3 clips that you rendered that night. Actually...ya know what? I'm looking at the CV vault right now and did you actually render the rest? I'm comparing right now but CV has a canfly folder and a canfly/scarlett folder and I'd always assumed you'd never done the rest cuz there are only 3 mpegs but looks like there are several wmvs. Imteresssting.

I'd forgotten about that -- yes we have "canfly&Scarlett" clips. (No, I'm not reading anything into that -- besides it's justclay12 I'm following now )

I need to get you the rest of your clips -- you did the 2nd half of the show, right? (*sigh, sometimes I wish I had a twin with another camera like that just so we could render in tandem*). SecretlyLovesClay was my "sister" in the clackdom from way back in the IT but we never ended up doing a clip together. We named ourselves after the travelling videocams because she also lent hers to people -- I was her courier who gave her camera to Marilyn (laughingoutloud) in Valdosta.









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Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.

Amen! :)

some of us will come off as overly sensitive or defensive or skeptical at times

You know, for me, it isn't even about being "defensive" or "overly sensitive". It's about knowing the medium and always questioning. Heck, I don't just believe what I see on the nightly news or read in the paper either. I question it all. That is just who I am. If someone wants to believe this supposed BMG insider comment that's their business. But not everyone is going to jump on that bandwagon. And expect questions, especially if it starts being presented as some sort of factual information.


Yep. I'll cop to that one. :hahaha:

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I would wait for the luckiest1&goldarngirl montages to truly enjoy Pala but for those who'd like a quick peek back, these are a couple of clips I have up & will be sending to CU. I only started at the TV Medley because someone *clears throat* was out drinking with other FCA'ers and forgot to pick me up at the airport until it was LA rushhour.







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That's my favorite airport picture. What a profile!


I probably have an anti-Pavlovian response to "Ms. BMG." When I came into the fandom in mid-2006 some of the most widely believed hokum (at least at OFC) was from a supposed BMG source, blowing up expectations and making claims that were not reality based. What shocked me is the group of people who continued to believe the source even after the information was exposed as fraudulent, and obviously just made-up to further some ego-based agenda. After the veil was lifted, it didn't stop and the spin to try to excuse the wrong information rivaled Fox News. And yet people continued to be duped and some hung on every word as if it came from the mountaintop. Say "inside information from BMG" to me and bells ring -- only I don't head for the food bowl, I run the other way.

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Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.

Amen! :)

some of us will come off as overly sensitive or defensive or skeptical at times

You know, for me, it isn't even about being "defensive" or "overly sensitive". It's about knowing the medium and always questioning. Heck, I don't just believe what I see on the nightly news or read in the paper either. I question it all. That is just who I am. If someone wants to believe this supposed BMG insider comment that's their business. But not everyone is going to jump on that bandwagon. And expect questions, especially if it starts being presented as some sort of factual information.


Yep. I'll cop to that one. :hahaha:

I'm with you. I haven't gotten to middle age without learning something and that is that everything that I hear or read needs to be considered and analyzed. Can't remember if I posted my opinion about that BMG "insider" here so if I did, you'll just have to get it twice. I agree with most of you intelligent ladies here (that excludes CF) because even though I do believe all or most of that was actually the case, I don't believe that was an insider. Sounded too much like those Clay fans who make crap up based on speculation on the boards to make their case. Just like those those references we'd hear before Clay came out about him being spotted with some woman, who just happened to resemble the person that was being speculated about on the boards. They may have been valid sightings because I wouldn't be suprised if Clay hung out with his friends outside of work, but they sounded too much like the poster was trying to push their "he's straight" agenda.

I read ellenpoppy's posts over at the CB, and I usually agree with her. She was saying about how it was just so convenient that this BMG poster happened to not only "know" the inside dealings with RCA, but they also apparently were TC insiders because they knew what was going on from that angle too.

As far as cite and site, I could possibly understand that, but the whole tone of the post seemed so unprofessional. It just came off wrong to me. If someone like ellenpoppy or berkeley had written it, I might be fooled, cuz they write some great stuff, but that response seemed to come off as desperate to prove that Clay is not washed up. If they'd just have some faith in Clay, they'd realize that they had nothing to prove. He is nowhere near finished and we are in store for some amazing stuff. That man is so talented in so many ways, and is smart and hardworking and funny and a whole bunch of other good stuff. So the only way he will ever go away is if he chooses to, and I don't see that happening. Why bother with a top-notch PR person if you are just planning on heading back to NC to live off your previous earnings?

Hell, I'm going to start getting a yappy reputation like CF now. She's starting to rub off on me people. :(

And Scarlett, were you hitting on me? Cuz I'm looking forward to be adding to your list of bed partners.

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Personally I don't look at it as sensitivity or defensiveness. I just don't believe anything random people say on the internet especially when whether or not it's true has no effect on my life. What happens if I believe it? In six months from some date I have no clue about Clay will do something and of course I'd feel so great because Clay is in the driver's seat. What happens if I don't believe it. Clay will do his next thing anyway. What happens if I just read it and go - shrug. Clay will do his next thing anyway. That's how I look at it and when he does his next thing I'd STILL have no clue if any of that was true. It's not important one way or the other.

Lord I'm half asleep... the neighbors had their once every two weeks knock down drag out fight. The people on Jerry Springer have nothing on them. In fact they'd be perfect guests. I blame the new technology. heh. In the old days when you cheated, nobody was finding out so easily via text messages etc. But she'll take him back and go through it again in a couple o weeks.

ETA: One thing I'm sure of is that there will be Clay fans representing at those awards hee.

Yep -- JustClay so agree. Remember the articles about how clay and Jaymes were a family - which is fine if it weren't written to look like he and Jaymes were in a relationship that none of us had any clue about. It was like a damn campaign..see he's straight.

ETA: cuz didn't want to sound like I was coming off saying not believing it was the only way to be. Whatever floats peoples boats. We're all different.

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happy the BIG Five-OH!!!

I don't suppose anyone will be much interested in what I have to say this time and it may be the last novel I'll ever write [The Last Tycoon] but it must be done now because,
after fifty, one is different
. One can't remember emotionally, I think, except about childhood, but I have a few more things left to say.

SCOTT FITZGERALD, letter to his wife Zelda,

11 October 1940.

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Well it wasn't the same bed, but it was in the yellow room, and you were my first roomie, as we hugged our posters into the night.

Okay, I confess. I went to Huynh's yesterday. Had to make sure it was acceptable for the discriminating palates of the eHP... and I thought it was wonderful. Except most of the best stuff had shrimp in it! Dammit! The guy sitting next to me was having Vietnamese coffee and the aroma was to die for. He explained to me that Huynh's doesn't serve Saigon food, it is Hue cuisine. Whatever, it's very good.

I can go Monday or Tuesday. The rest of the week I'm partaking of spring break at school ... it's either that or mental break. My giant nightmare that began in October is almost over ... March 24.

Awww, the yellow room! *memories* Ok, it's Monday at Huynh's then! (merrieeee, sorry but let's have dinner nearby instead) And yay for the good news on your "nightmare"! :thbighug-1:

OK you guys pick my busiest time to have an eHP get together! From now until April 12 my life is not my own!

Oh yeah you think working at a PGA TOUR tournament is all fun and games but no it's work I tell you, work. During the actual week I normally go into the office at 5:30am and stay till about 8:00pm but on the Wednesday I have to be there at 4:30!!! Who goes to work at 4:30 in the morning?? We have two guys coming to broadcast their radio show live. Now I have never heard of them but a lot of people have....they are called Mike & Mike and they are on ESPN.

I had my own equivalent "nightmare" at work over the last 2 days. This was supposed to be an easy non-techie job and I thought KAndre would love it as it is great practice for World Domination: handling transportation, accommodations and catering for people in various sites worldwide, imagine some massive army deployment. We do it through a vendor's commercial program so no problem, right? Well, a month ago we rolled out at a site and the person over there (she was new too) called me the other day to let me know me that the flight manifest was wrong, and had been wrong for 5 years. It's that piece of paper that pilots use to estimate fuel and plan flight paths, etc. This is critical because we have helicopters and small planes landing in various tiny spots all over the ocean, picking up and dropping people and cargo along the way and the frigging manifest didn't compute things right (you know, like adding the weight of the people who got on at a place and subtracting the cargo that got dropped, etc)! It's tough enough to stand up on a floating helipad in rough seas, but landing on it without an idea on how heavily loaded your aircraft is is ridiculous. These are tiny planes where the difference between 4 and 6 passengers is significant -- think of the planes in those old movies. People were having to do their own manual calculations. And the vendors of this product? Hah, they'll fix it in version 1.9 which they will release in beta about 6 months from now (in Microsoft/Dell/Hp-speak that's 1 year). So, in the most non-techie job I ever held, I just spent 2 days writing Oracle code to write a report that looks like the manifest except that the numbers are right. *grumbles to the world in general*


JNT2 Hardrock ... the stuff canfly took on the black bemoth that canfly's never seen?

I've only ever seen the 3 clips that you rendered that night. Actually...ya know what? I'm looking at the CV vault right now and did you actually render the rest? I'm comparing right now but CV has a canfly folder and a canfly/scarlett folder and I'd always assumed you'd never done the rest cuz there are only 3 mpegs but looks like there are several wmvs. Imteresssting.

I'd forgotten about that -- yes we have "canfly&Scarlett" clips. (No, I'm not reading anything into that -- besides it's justclay12 I'm following now )

I need to get you the rest of your clips -- you did the 2nd half of the show, right? (*sigh, sometimes I wish I had a twin with another camera like that just so we could render in tandem*). SecretlyLovesClay was my "sister" in the clackdom from way back in the IT but we never ended up doing a clip together. We named ourselves after the travelling videocams because she also lent hers to people -- I was her courier who gave her camera to Marilyn (laughingoutloud) in Valdosta.

I checked. These are the only 3 songs off of your camcorder. I believe that between us we did most of the show? I did the whole second half on it. I know that much.

The other clips are what I shot on my camcorder while it was starting it's blackouts and the combined folder is what you shot on my camcorder with some blackouts.

These are the only 3 off of your bemoth:

051227_Hollywood_GN_CloseUp_canfly172&Scarlett.mpg 28-Dec-2005 04:11 153M

051227_Hollywood_Intros&DSIAFCD_Q&JBday_canfly172&Scarlett.mpg 29-Dec-2005 11:40 260M

051227_Hollywood_V9&MGUCL_canfly172&Scarlett.mpg 29-Dec-2005 11:41 163M

Gotta gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....


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Oh and I just checked out the 30Rock site. Try again fromclaygary. I'm not gonna watch right now but the vids from that site are working for me.

Well, I dunno! Maybe London isn't considered to be in Canada anymore? :lol: Or maybe you didn't try actually pressing Play? Here's what I get.....


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