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How the Heck are We All Gonna Get Along? With Clay, Naturally!

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The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette gives a preview of the event starting tonight.


Full text in the news thread.

Pictures with Clay.  Gotta love the pants.

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Also, I guess you can buy cheap seats through TicketMaster and then get a link to watch the show virtually.  (Cheap seats are $15 a ticket, but by the time TM adds all their fees, it's almost double the price).  Still, that might be something to consider.  I'm unfortunately too busy the rest of the week.

Did I post here that the Saturday show is cancelled?

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Hey Ldyj, you feeling a bit lonely in here ??

So busy and I’m missing it . Whoa the pants.. are those zubaz? Remember  when those were the rage? 😂.  Oops look, a coat to match!

Can I just say he looks extremely handsome tonite!? 

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It's a little lonely, but I consider it my job here, you know?

The first suit is from one of Clay's favorites, Mr. Turk.  I was able to find the slacks -- on sale for $140!

As much as I've debated about it in my mind, I'm not going to spring for a streaming ticket for this.  Many at CV are at this point, but I'd have to try to get for tomorrow night at this point (if I had bought tickets for tonight, it would have had to have been yesterday in order to get the streaming link today).  Plus, I'm reading that the cheapest "seats" are now $35, which means almost $60 for a ticket.  15 years ago, I probably would have gone for it in a heartbeat.  But now....heck, with a husband who has only a part-time job and trying to pay off a new roof for our house....every little bit of savings helps.  I do feel like a bad fan though.

More pictures from last night.










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Wow for all of the pictures!  It’s been an exciting week for Clay fans for sure. 

The event in the Hamptons looked so intimate—almost like a private concert. If I still lived in RI, I could have taken the ferry to that one.

Last night also looked like a real treat. Love that people were able to stream it. I’m guessing Clay has picked up more than a few new fans during this past week. 

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2 hours ago, Mik4clay said:

 wha..? Nice toast. Well if they get hungry...

hee, he is so cute.

Ldy, if you’re a bad fan- that makes me the worst. Sometimes all you can do is love him❤️

No video for us non streamers, right?

Not yet, but I'm thinking there will be after tonight's show.  I wanna see Copacabana!

That profile is verra verra nice.


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A review of the show (full text in the news section):  https://www.post-gazette.com/ae/theater-dance/2021/07/22/Review-Pittsburgh-CLO-Broadway-Musical-Celebration-Heinz-Field-2021/stories/202107220146

Gotta love this description of the suit:


Clay Aiken of “American Idol” fame came onto the stage in a suit resembling the thin, horizontal tiles of a kitchen backsplash, and carried the show with self-deprecating humor and breezy ad libs.

They also liked the opening number he did.

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That suit looks totally like a backsplash! 😂

I love how merrieeee proclaims every year how he has insurance coverage ..every dang year- so funny 

BAD FANS UNITE !?!   Probably not the best new thread title 😝

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I love the “backsplash” jacket—not so much the pants. They looked too much like PJ bottoms. But, as far as I’m concerned, Clay can pretty much carry off anything he wears. He had so many “costume” changes—made it fun to see him with so many different looks. I’m sure he did “carry the show”—such a natural and still has “IT”!!

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