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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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I watched AI last night. I thought all of them struggled, pretty much, with Latin night. Sanjaya was impressive singing in Spanish? He and Melissa were the best ones, I thought.

Can I just Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a wee bit over one of my favorite pair of performers? Did anyone watch DWTS last night and see Big & Rich? I looooove Big & Rich. They sang one of their big hits, "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy." and then their latest hit. They are mad talented writers as well. I just love them. I bet hanging with these guys would be a party to end all parties. LOL

pkmiller.........Thanks! It looks official to me and I plan to be there. Heck I may go up Thursday and stay till Sunday afternoon.


Idy take care. I hope the cold doesn't get you down and make your ears hurt like hell flying. You need to add Tulsa to your tour plans. Yes, you do......

Ansamcw, I'm glad to know that you are feeling better.

Bottlecap, thanks for the photos. I never tire of looking at the world's biggest wonder........

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Tired of gala pictures? NEVER!!!!!!! ;)

The only AI I watch now is the last 5 minutes, as I wait for House to start. :)

Do you ever feel like you want to kick some fans in the shins? What, is that bad? Apparently it's all right to post (not here!) that you want to kick Clay........:rolleyes: Some days, this fandom makes me shake my head. When that happens, I usually put on ATDW, close my eyes, and let it all wash away. I can't wait for the first stop on the tour! What will he open with? Wouldn't it be fantastic to hear the guitar from RHW as the lights come up? Is it July yet? :TourExcite: :Tour3:

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ldyjocelyn, Southwest has a $79 fare from Houston to Tulsa. A lot of the Oklahomans are going to Houston and then flying back. Not me though...my two were Dallas and Tulsa. Still hoping for something in Kansas, Arkansas, or Missouri. They are also looking into chartering a bus from Dallas to Tulsa for those who had nonrefundable tickets. Right now it looks like it would be $40 a person. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good morning. Guess I spend most of my time off Clay threads now - I have a feeling the go to the next post is not working everywhere, so I miss some stuff tthat is posted - so far that seems all good, hee. WHo says they want to kick Clay and can we kick them - sorry, you can only talk crap about Clay onmost boards - heaven help it if you tell people what you think of them. By the way, that reminds me, have I ever told you guys what I think of you? heh, heh, heh.

Oh, well. I am waiting for something before heading off to a lab for some tests - the docotr thinks I have may a bacterial infection. Maybe I did not wash my hands good enough after walking dogs - mine is clean, but they rarely wash the shelter dogs in the winter and they need so much petting, they usually go outside and roll around in the dirt other dogs crap on. Or it could have come from an improperly cleaned seasoned cast iron pan. I was trying to use it, but have been struggling how to clean it without removing the seasoning. Nothing like low level barely annoying illnesses - takes a long time to go to the doctor and a long time to get diagnosed because it comes and goes.I could say more, but it is morning for many people yet and I am a nice person.... maybe..

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Good morning. Guess I spend most of my time off Clay threads now - I have a feeling the go to the next post is not working everywhere, so I miss some stuff tthat is posted - so far that seems all good, hee. WHo says they want to kick Clay and can we kick them - sorry, you can only talk crap about Clay onmost boards - heaven help it if you tell people what you think of them. By the way, that reminds me, have I ever told you guys what I think of you? heh, heh, heh.

BWAH...nothing like cryptic play in the morning...I think I get half of the referrences...or maybe just reading things when there aren't any???but that is part of the fun for me.

Oh, well. I am waiting for something before heading off to a lab for some tests - the docotr thinks I have may a bacterial infection. Maybe I did not wash my hands good enough after walking dogs - mine is clean, but they rarely wash the shelter dogs in the winter and they need so much petting, they usually go outside and roll around in the dirt other dogs crap on. Or it could have come from an improperly cleaned seasoned cast iron pan. I was trying to use it, but have been struggling how to clean it without removing the seasoning. Nothing like low level barely annoying illnesses - takes a long time to go to the doctor and a long time to get diagnosed because it comes and goes.I could say more, but it is morning for many people yet and I am a nice person.... maybe..

Aww sorry about your infection. yup it really is a wonder we don;t get sick more often...there just seem to be all sources of infection... and diagnosis just isnt that easy...I know, I watch House...HEE

ldyjocelyn...happy vacation...keep in touch!!!

pkmiller thanks for all the info and updates on Tulsa...now if only OFC would make it official.

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Since I am still waiting, let's see - I spend a lot of my time on Clay boards, but on different threads - like the idol threads or the media threads, since I am still working on AI2 episodes. SOme people demand non-megauploads, I also have the idol extra episodes for this season and an interesting bunch of stuff it is.

The did I ever tell you what I think of you was a joke - a joke I tell you!!!!!!! Why does not one understand me pitiful sobbing. I stand by what I said about Clayboards allowing people to insult Clay but not each other though. I don't think Clay is perfect (that stuff kind of scares me as well, but I do think he is human with feelings and reads his own board) Segue - to.........

About Clay and his own board - so many fans feel that Clay was treated cruelly by various memebers of his family and that he should recognize this, then they turn around and say all sorts of cruel things about him. And, once again, the logic in this escapes me - we can judge and condemn the people he has grown with and trusts, but then people can say the Clay has this or that wrong with him. And all this on his own board that they know he reads?!?!?!? Were people not taught to respect people in their own houses? I admit to disagreeing with people when I visit them in thier house - if someone gets to express an opinion, I feel free to express mine, but I don't go around telling them I hate the color of their couch or that they should never use wallpaper or that they come from a lousy family. I know people paid to use the board, but when I pay to walk though something, like, say Biltmore house, I don't feel it is my right to lecture other paying customers on how the family made it's money and who slept with whom. Maybe I just don't have the concept of what message boards should be, I spent too many years on boards that edit language with software (sometime with hilarious results and some pretty funny work arounds). Now I realize not all Clayboards are fan boards and they are privately supported boards and most not PG, so that is one thing, but the OFC is so critical and unwelcoming, I wish they would close the message board most days.

Edited by playbiller
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Good luck with your tests Play.

So I think Muski tried to kill me yesterday. We walked and walked and walked. Geesh. And I didn't even get my beer afterward. I better add who should get my clack to the will.

No beer?? No beer?? Well, don't leave the clack to muski! I mean, no beer AND she's the one who kills you?

You guys are going to be so svelte by concert time! Maybe I ought to try exercising....

One question. Did Shadow go and if so, how did he do? He's not so young anymore you know!

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Hey, play, I'm embarrassed by what goes on at the OFC and I think the same things you do, so I'm never on the boards there. I hope and pray that Clay doesn't think that that is the sole representation of the fandom.

eta: I do know there are some mighty wonderful folks over there too, but the overwhelming negative tone is just too much for me.

Edited by Divayenta
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Oh, I think Clay realizes that that the OFC is a completely warped hot-house atmosphere - the mutants have taken over - and probably has a fair grasp that the any of the online fandom frankly doesn't represent a true picture of anything.

As for cruelty to Clay from his family and a bunch of people who don't actually know him - again, I know I project a lot of myself on Clay but he's has always struck me as someone who deals with who he wants to, and cuts off those he doesn't (mainly, because that's what I do). And frankly he keeps a fair amount of control of who and how much he deals with the fandom. Which seems to piss off some in the fandom, but I gotta say if you keep flinging yourself in his path (even with negative behavior) and he keeps stepping right over you, without any acknowledgement whatsoever, that should tell you something.

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Yup I know lots of people feel that board is better off closed...

Like YSRN, I do respect people's right to express their opinion, even if its critical...as long as its not meant to bash or hurt. I guess the problem is when the negatvity becomes the norm of some people's posts. I feel that some fans feel it is their duty to be critical of Clay. Maybe they think he needs it to stay grounded???? or maybe they really think they know better...and their taste is the ultimate and that they need to tell him to save him from himself. I also feel that for some fans...putting Clay down...and others down, from his family, friends and other fans...is a way to feel superior themselves. Finally..I think what the OFC lack is the attitude of letting people agree to disagree. I think this is essential for any board, the attitude of respect for other people's opinion and the recognition that people don't always have to have the same opinion about everything to get along.

The interesting thing is...most of these posters are members of other boards that would never let thme post the way they do on OFC. I do wonder if they act like this ...all superior and critical...because they want to attract Clay's attention...or because they feel like the OFC is a battleground and they want to dominate it so that Clay would listen to them. Its too bad that new Clay fans would come in and have to see this kind of atmosphere...

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OKay - I guess I can let people be critical to a degree - it seems to go over the line for my standards all the time there. I wouild rather be able to use the same phrases to discribe the poster - like if they don't like his hair, I would like to be able to comment on their hair. As a fan board, I don't expect deep discussion which will only confuse/repulse newbies, but just mild comments, not the deeply critical and insulting comments that are there - it is not a private board, it is a fan board - that is what I am saying. I was married to someone who liked to use curse words in stores and felt it was his right to say them in front of children, including my nephews and nieces when they were toddlers. Once he became a father - well, the rules changed. If this was thier board and everyone told them how wonderful they were, I doubt these people would appreciate it if I came there and bashed them. I believe that a fan board should be less critical than private boards and pretty much fluff and news. If you want younger fans, don't right tese think pieces, they don't appeal to me and I sincerely doubt that they would appeal to a casual fan. Especially when they have sweet titles.

I also hate lengthy threads there - I go to post on a thread and see that it is 181 pages, well, I don't want to read all that, so I just don't post. They are really just disguised linear threads and in these threads, most people will ignore you, they are just talking to the usual crew, iggnoring people who drop in, unless they feel a need to attack you because you disagree.

Fluff and news - that is all I think should be at the fan board. The fan board discussions have drained the other boards of their main posters as well, might be good because all the negative is gone, but so are the normal posters. Except me, since I rarely go there, and when I do, I usually disagree and it puts me in a bad mood. I am sticking to small boards and odd threads here and there to post.

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I think that on most fan boards, the decision to allow negativity about Clay but not other posters might be justified by the fact that Clay was not an active, posting member of that board. However, since Clay IS a member of the OFC, he should have the same right to "non-bashing" that any other member of that board has. Supposedly, members are not to bash other members. Of course, that rule is a joke, as last time I checked over there, people were being absolutely vile to one another. All I can say is that you couldn't PAY me to be an admin over there.

The interesting thing is...most of these posters are members of other boards that would never let thme post the way they do on OFC. I do wonder if they act like this ...all superior and critical...because they want to attract Clay's attention...or because they feel like the OFC is a battleground and they want to dominate it so that Clay would listen to them. Its too bad that new Clay fans would come in and have to see this kind of atmosphere...

ITA, ansa. I think there are some huge battles that are at the center of the fandom right now, and some folks think of the OFC as the place where they can battle for "justice". I also agree that some people go over there to misbehave in ways they cannot get away with at their own "home" boards.

eta: I do know there are some mighty wonderful folks over there too, but the overwhelming negative tone is just too much for me.

WORD, divayenta. I feel like I'm living inside a Jerry Springer episode when I visit the OFC.

I tend to believe that board owners have the right to set the tone and rules to their own boards. If someone wants to set up a Clay FAN board that allows any criticism of Clay, no matter how vile, then folks have the choice to not sign up, and they also have the choice to call the board out in disgust. I think over the past year or so, I've finally been able to not let mean-spiritedness in other people ruin my mood. There are some posters who seem as if Clay can do absolutely no right in their minds, and yet they still obsessively attend as many concerts as possible, usually in the FRONT ROW, pay for Stub Hubs and such, and then complain bitterly about everything. So, my revenge is that I no longer become angry with them. I just pity them. It must suck to be someone with an obsession and an addiction that doesn't even please them 99% of the time. I'm just happy I'm me and not them.

I will say this. Anyone who complains frequently about Clay's hair might want to make sure they are elegantly coiffed whenever they attend Clay-related events. Though I don't care if people post negative comments about Clay's hair or clothing style, I do tend to assume that when I meet some of the biggest hair and style critics in real life, they'll be elegantly turned out and stylishly coiffed. I know that I have bad hair days and bad clothing days, and therefore, I tend to not be particularly critical of Clay's style or hair.

As for cruelty to Clay from his family and a bunch of people who don't actually know him - again, I know I project a lot of myself on Clay but he's has always struck me as someone who deals with who he wants to, and cuts off those he doesn't (mainly, because that's what I do). And frankly he keeps a fair amount of control of who and how much he deals with the fandom. Which seems to piss off some in the fandom, but I gotta say if you keep flinging yourself in his path (even with negative behavior) and he keeps stepping right over you, without any acknowledgement whatsoever, that should tell you something.

So.much.WORD., Kandre I think some people just can't take a hint. I would only have to be blown off one time by Clay to get the message.

Have a great vacation, ldyjocelyn!!!

Edited by FullyFunctional
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Though I don't love reading constant criticsm of Clay, I do think that people should be allowed to express negative views. I just wish that 1) non-critical views were not so often dismissed as naïve, angelwingy, or simple (as if negativity were some measure of intelligence), and 2) that negative comments could be edited for tone. There's a difference between expressing criticism in a diplomatic, respectful way, and tearing into Clay with words so vicious and inflammatory you'd think they came from a hater. Sadly, the latter will rarely get so much as a mild eyebrow lift from the moderators of most boards.

eta: hee I don't think Jenna meant to have two identical paragraphs...ansa

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Final news about the six degrees Badge from CH:

TBAF sixdegrees badge

I was notified by Network For Good that The Bubel/Aiken Foundation (TBAF) charity badge that awAikening.org created for TBAF has officially won second place, and Kevin Bacon is going to match $10,000 of the $43,731 from the 2,185 donations made. They are already in contact with TBAF and the other Top 6 badges about publicity.

Congratulations to TBAF and Thank You to all of the corporations and individuals, many of whom were anonymous givers, who helped The Bubel/Aiken Foundation receive an excess of $53,000 from this campaign, which started on January 31st and ended on March 31st, 2007. We have passed this charity badge over to the control of TBAF and it remains on SixDegrees.org as a means to donate to Clay Aiken's foundation.

now off to read posts...

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Oh, JennaZ - but how much criticism should be allowed against Clay, his family and his co-workers and boss. on the OFC. I understand venting about finding who is responsible for goof ups but do not understand why Clay is blamed. I was on a board where someone said it is official, they are not going to be a clay fan anymore becaus she was planning to go to Dallas and it was too lateto gt close seats at Houston - so she was going to be a Daughtry fan because it was easy to get tickets to see him and he would be near her in Dallas. SHe decided the cancelling of Dallas meant that Clay was not her fan. I still think about how Kelly cancelled tha concert in Israel at the last minute, yet had a countdown on her myspace web page that indicated she would be on vacation at the time of that concert for weeks ahead of time - People did not declare leaving her fandom because she cancelled a concert they had tickets for, bought airfare for overseas and could have cancelled it earlier, but did not inform her fans, just her friends (someone had signed up as a friend when the site ent up before it went private, so they still got to read it).

So, once again, why is Clay held to a higher standard than others?

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I was on a board where someone said it is official, they are not going to be a clay fan anymore becaus she was planning to go to Dallas and it was too lateto gt close seats at Houston - so she was going to be a Daughtry fan because it was easy to get tickets to see him and he would be near her in Dallas. SHe decided the cancelling of Dallas meant that Clay was not her fan.

That sentiment is really the in the extreme, I would say that this particular fan has a LOOOOOT of issues and if this really pushed her out of the fandom then good riddance to her. IF there were more than one of this kind of sentiment...then I think its a case of like people attracting each other and they end up having some kind of hive mind...if someone declares they hate something...others follow...I do think that is the danger of having a free for all in the critical posts...cos I notice that there are a lot of copycat posts or fans that are lemmings. Some people just love to hate and get all dramatic.

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I was on a board where someone said it is official, they are not going to be a clay fan anymore becaus she was planning to go to Dallas and it was too lateto gt close seats at Houston - so she was going to be a Daughtry fan because it was easy to get tickets to see him and he would be near her in Dallas. SHe decided the cancelling of Dallas meant that Clay was not her fan.

Sorry, but this just cracks me up. Can you imagine? I wake up one day and decide I've had enough of Clay, so I pick someone out of the air to be a fan of. Except..........you can't make yourself like someone enough to be an avid fan, just like that. I remember, when I was kid in elementary school, I wanted to fit in. Lots of the popular kids liked hockey, so I decided I liked hockey too! Until the first time I tried to sit down and watch an entire game and cheer my team on. Um, guess what? I didn't like it enough to do that. But hey, more power to people who can turn on a dime!

It's just so juvenile when people take things like tour scheduling or the genre of an album personally. Right, Clay isn't coming to Dallas because he hates you (nameless person we are talking about)! :cryingwlaughter: So what am I still doing here? He obviously hates Canada too. :rolleyes: Oh, wait, I know.....because I am addicted to the VOX. And the man. I don't wake up each morning and say to myself "self, I think I will still be a Clay fan today". I wake up and say "I better get to the boards and see if he's blogged overnight!" Heh. I guess you could call that an addiction. I seriously can't go a day without the VOX. I found that out recently. Thank God for iPods.

Negativity on the boards.........I have no problem with people who state any opinion in a polite and respectful manner, whether or not it is the same as my opinion. What I have a problem with is people who openly disrespect Clay or his friends, family or business acquaintances, on his own fan boards. To me, that's just the antithesis of what being a "fan" is all about.

Edited by luckiest1
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I so agree with all of you. I posted on the OFC once and was viciously attacked...won't make that mistake again. lol! I personally believe there has been no update or response to the venue situation because Clay is in Africa or somewhere for UNICEF. And since Clay is not around, here is another Tulsa update for you. :medium-smiley-070: I emailed the Brady Theater and asked if it really was confirmed and this was his response:

Yes, Tulsa has been quadruple confirmed.

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I so agree with all of you. I posted on the OFC once and was viciously attacked...won't make that mistake again. lol! I personally believe there has been no update or response to the venue situation because Clay is in Africa or somewhere for UNICEF. And since Clay is not around, here is another Tulsa update for you. :medium-smiley-070: I emailed the Brady Theater and asked if it really was confirmed and this was his response:

Yes, Tulsa has been quadruple confirmed.

BWAH...this is funny...quadruple???I guess you are not the only fan to inquire...hee

at least they seem to have a sense of humor about it.

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WOW I just found this on the CH:


Afghanistan: Press conference - Clay Aiken, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador; Catherine Mbengue, UNICEF Representative for Afghanistan; Aleem Siddique, UNAMA Spokesperson’s Office


Clay Aiken, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador:

It is a pleasure to be here, we have had an amazing time observing the programmes and the people of Afghanistan over the past week. I’ve traveled with Catherine, UNICEF’s country representative here in Afghanistan, and my high school teacher, Mary Props, two people who individually who have in different ways had a major impact in the way that I look at world affairs and the needs of children all around the world but especially here in Afghanistan.

There’s a very distinct impression that those of us in America have been given about Afghanistan, the people and the children and the situation here in Afghanistan. Because of major media in the US unfortunately only had the opportunity to see the more negative aspects, the more painful images of what’s going on here in Afghanistan. For that reason I didn’t really know exactly what to expect when I found out I was traveling here and was not really anticipating such an amazing and positive welcome from the people both in the city of Kabul and in Bamiyan where we have just returned from. The people of Afghanistan are without question it’s greatest natural resource because we have been greeted by nothing but wonderful hospitality since we’ve been here and it’s been really amazing to see not only the generosity but also the strength of the people. Some of the most impressive people without question, I would think are the national staff in the office at UNICEF. Not to negate or take away from the international staff, like Catherine [uNICEF representative] and those who have come from other countries. But there’s an amazing number of [national] staff from right here in Afghanistan who are working with UNICEF to make sure the children of this country are given every opportunity to survive be that through education, through health and nutrition, through sanitation and water access. There’s a lot of work going on here by UNICEF through not just the people who have come from outside Afghanistan but also lots of Afghans too.

Thanks to Catherine and her colleagues we had an opportunity to visit a high school here in Kabul [Macfee High School] where we met a number of young women who have an amazing positive outlook on their future now in post conflict Afghanistan and it really provides a backdrop of hope, there’s an amazing sense of hope and promise not only in the country but in the young people here too.

In Bamiyan, which is some the most beautiful country that I have ever seen in my life. We had an opportunity to visit other schools and one very interesting school where boys and girls are learning together in the same classroom which is extremely promising and very exciting for me to see. We visited clinics I actually got an opportunity to give polio vaccine to a new born [baby] that was exciting for me and risky for the mother and the new born! But it’s indicative of the type of work UNICEF is doing in every area of the country but in Bamiyan they are having a lot of success with polio vaccines, with healthcare in general, prenatal and postnatal healthcare in Bamiyan.

I could speak on and on about the different activities and programmes that we saw taking place, we did see a literacy centre for both young and old women who are learning to read now in post Taliban Bamiyan. Instead of pin pointing each and every experience that we had I think it’s more important to give you a sense of the overall feeling that we got. I have never in my life, and I’ve traveled with UNICEF to a number of countries and of course have seen all parts of my own [country], I have never in my life seen such a thirst and an excitement for learning, seeing children, women, men, boys and girls to be so excited about learning, to be so excited about being in school it’s actually something I know makes my former teacher [Mary Props] quite jealous! That kid’s are so excited about being in school and really being on the forefront of making sure that they have the best education possible and that’s exactly how and why I know that Afghanistan is such a powerful force to be reckoned with because the natural resource in its humans and the people who are thirsty for knowledge is just so evident.

That idea that education is so important is why I asked my high school teacher to join me. A lot of the children in the US don’t really have access to or the desire to learn about issues that are facing our world outside of our own country which I find to be a horrible situation, that kids don’t have that desire so I asked my teacher to come along and she’ll be able to provide some different perspective on education here in Afghanistan from an educator in the United States perspective and Catherine will be able to provide more insight into exactly what UNICEF is doing.

I really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to be here and talk with you.

Thank you.

WOW ...I guess he has been there for a week...I hope this is ok to put out on the web...

EEEEEEEEEEE I am so proud of him...I wish I can see him speak...sigh.

eta: oh check out the link cos there is a question and answer section....I had a feeling he wasn;t leaving for UNICEF in the summer...UNLESS...he goes to another trip...which is very possible...IWUV HIM!!!!

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The OFC MB sucks. Because of the people there who simply MUST have the last word or MUST make sure other posters know just what they think of them. Ridiculous! There is no sharing of ideas, thoughts, anything...it's one big fat jockey for attention and rightness.

At best, it's boring and predictable.

And on a complete flip of the coin of life...


Don't forget to read the Q&A at the end of the article. He overwhelms me sometimes. :wub:

eta...*could I be any slower?* Hee.

Edited by YSRN
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Greetings from Albuquerque! IN my hotel room now...and for the first time my room at an event I'm managing is NOT special. Just a standard room. The only "upgrade" is what they're calling a 'mountain view'--uh, sure. ok.

But I have internet access so am a happy camper!

FullyFunctional said:

I feel like I'm living inside a Jerry Springer episode when I visit the OFC.

I tend to believe that board owners have the right to set the tone and rules to their own boards. If someone wants to set up a Clay FAN board that allows any criticism of Clay, no matter how vile, then folks have the choice to not sign up, and they also have the choice to call the board out in disgust. I think over the past year or so, I've finally been able to not let mean-spiritedness in other people ruin my mood. There are some posters who seem as if Clay can do absolutely no right in their minds, and yet they still obsessively attend as many concerts as possible, usually in the FRONT ROW, pay for Stub Hubs and such, and then complain bitterly about everything. So, my revenge is that I no longer become angry with them. I just pity them. It must suck to be someone with an obsession and an addiction that doesn't even please them 99% of the time. I'm just happy I'm me and not them.

Word. And can I just lay a big fat AMEN! on the bolded parts! CMSU! :lol:

Couchie---you saw my life yesterday before and after our walk. Did you REALLY want to hang around there for a beer? <_< I'd much rather have a brewski with you when I'm not ready to commit some horrid crime against children.

Has anyone seen this?


or this?


or perhaps this?


or this?


Where's Waldo indeed!

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Here I am getting all schmoopie about Clay in Afghanistan and Muski distracts me with the pretty.... :hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

ITs PRIDE I feel Nothing more!!! :medium-smiley-070: :medium-smiley-070:

Wow he must;ve left for his trip right after the gala...and I wonder if Diane and him met up in Afghanistan...hope we get an interview...

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Waldo is at home probably napping or watching the birds outside! Hee!

WOW I just found this on the CH:


Afghanistan: Press conference - Clay Aiken, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador; Catherine Mbengue, UNICEF Representative for Afghanistan; Aleem Siddique, UNAMA Spokesperson’s Office


Clay Aiken, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador:

It is a pleasure to be here, we have had an amazing time observing the programmes and the people of Afghanistan over the past week. I’ve traveled with Catherine, UNICEF’s country representative here in Afghanistan, and my high school teacher, Mary Props, two people who individually who have in different ways had a major impact in the way that I look at world affairs and the needs of children all around the world but especially here in Afghanistan.

There’s a very distinct impression that those of us in America have been given about Afghanistan, the people and the children and the situation here in Afghanistan. Because of major media in the US unfortunately only had the opportunity to see the more negative aspects, the more painful images of what’s going on here in Afghanistan. For that reason I didn’t really know exactly what to expect when I found out I was traveling here and was not really anticipating such an amazing and positive welcome from the people both in the city of Kabul and in Bamiyan where we have just returned from. The people of Afghanistan are without question it’s greatest natural resource because we have been greeted by nothing but wonderful hospitality since we’ve been here and it’s been really amazing to see not only the generosity but also the strength of the people. Some of the most impressive people without question, I would think are the national staff in the office at UNICEF. Not to negate or take away from the international staff, like Catherine [uNICEF representative] and those who have come from other countries. But there’s an amazing number of [national] staff from right here in Afghanistan who are working with UNICEF to make sure the children of this country are given every opportunity to survive be that through education, through health and nutrition, through sanitation and water access. There’s a lot of work going on here by UNICEF through not just the people who have come from outside Afghanistan but also lots of Afghans too.

Thanks to Catherine and her colleagues we had an opportunity to visit a high school here in Kabul [Macfee High School] where we met a number of young women who have an amazing positive outlook on their future now in post conflict Afghanistan and it really provides a backdrop of hope, there’s an amazing sense of hope and promise not only in the country but in the young people here too.

In Bamiyan, which is some the most beautiful country that I have ever seen in my life. We had an opportunity to visit other schools and one very interesting school where boys and girls are learning together in the same classroom which is extremely promising and very exciting for me to see. We visited clinics I actually got an opportunity to give polio vaccine to a new born [baby] that was exciting for me and risky for the mother and the new born! But it’s indicative of the type of work UNICEF is doing in every area of the country but in Bamiyan they are having a lot of success with polio vaccines, with healthcare in general, prenatal and postnatal healthcare in Bamiyan.

I could speak on and on about the different activities and programmes that we saw taking place, we did see a literacy centre for both young and old women who are learning to read now in post Taliban Bamiyan. Instead of pin pointing each and every experience that we had I think it’s more important to give you a sense of the overall feeling that we got. I have never in my life, and I’ve traveled with UNICEF to a number of countries and of course have seen all parts of my own [country], I have never in my life seen such a thirst and an excitement for learning, seeing children, women, men, boys and girls to be so excited about learning, to be so excited about being in school it’s actually something I know makes my former teacher [Mary Props] quite jealous! That kid’s are so excited about being in school and really being on the forefront of making sure that they have the best education possible and that’s exactly how and why I know that Afghanistan is such a powerful force to be reckoned with because the natural resource in its humans and the people who are thirsty for knowledge is just so evident.

That idea that education is so important is why I asked my high school teacher to join me. A lot of the children in the US don’t really have access to or the desire to learn about issues that are facing our world outside of our own country which I find to be a horrible situation, that kids don’t have that desire so I asked my teacher to come along and she’ll be able to provide some different perspective on education here in Afghanistan from an educator in the United States perspective and Catherine will be able to provide more insight into exactly what UNICEF is doing.

I really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to be here and talk with you.

Thank you.

WOW ...I guess he has been there for a week...I hope this is ok to put out on the web...

EEEEEEEEEEE I am so proud of him...I wish I can see him speak...sigh.

eta: oh check out the link cos there is a question and answer section....I had a feeling he wasn;t leaving for UNICEF in the summer...UNLESS...he goes to another trip...which is very possible...IWUV HIM!!!!

OMG! This works to perfection with my theory!! Diane Sawyer was in Afghanistan. Clay told Mama to watch because he was there too. Diane SAwyer was filming stuff involving Clay for a special feature when he's home safe and sound!! I KNEW he had to be there when he told Mama to watch and I knew if he knew Diane Sawyer was there it had to be more than a coincidence!

Ooooo! I hope I'm right! I have been wanted Diane Sawyer to profile Clay's UNICEF work.

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