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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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One quick thing and then I really must try and be productive....

Why on some boards when someone posts a perfectly rational opinion that just happens to disagree with those who imagine themselves to know all do they respond to said posts in such a way as to sound either angry or as if they are talking down to the ignorant?

Just reading such posts makes me angry!

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I'm getting my feet wet sloshing through all the mushy FCA love goin' on around here! Geez! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ok..first registration morning done---everyone else now off to various school visits for the day; I'm left to take care of crap getting moved to the next registration place...and the hotel has wireless all over so while I'm organizing this and that and packing this and that, I thought I'd drop in and say "HEY!"

I've often told my friends that I'm the perfect person to tell a secret to, 'coss I'll most likely forget everything anyway! So if I ever knew any insider stuff about Clay before the world did, it's because someone trusted me with that superseekrit Clay secret and I then kept my word and forgot it.

I still feel vurry, vurry special, though anyway.

I'm nobody's minion but Clay's; still I do so lurve it when K'Andre and Couchie get all pissy and shit.

FullyFunctional--can't wait to see what avatar you pick; does that mean you'll be hanging your hat here? :rainbowsmile:

Oh, and YSRN?

They don't expose themselves.
I would if I could just lose those last 50 pounds. Edited by muskifest
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I have to say, what's wrong with you people? You are not "true fans"? I am, and as such I vow to go to every Pizza Hut drive thru in a 50 mile radious to get the skinny on this Frisco concert.

I bow to this superior display of "True Fan" zeal. And BWAH! And Brrr! to the Chicago temperatures.

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About Clay and his own board

Well Play, thanks for starting an interesting discussion. If I had the power I would just shut it down. Why a fan club needs a message board I'll never know. The thing about Clay Nation that it had too many factions by the time it came along and since then it's morphed into something really really ugly. The thought that somebody would pay to be a fan of Clay only to discover that wait, according to his fans, he ain't all that special anyway is a crying shame.


One question. Did Shadow go and if so, how did he do? He's not so young anymore you know!

Shadow didn't go on Tuesday but did go last Friday and let's just say Shadow has a lot more pep in the step than I have in mine.

Though I don't love reading constant criticsm of Clay, I do think that people should be allowed to express negative views. I just wish that 1) non-critical views were not so often dismissed as naïve, angelwingy, or simple (as if negativity were some measure of intelligence), and 2) that negative comments could be edited for tone. There's a difference between expressing criticism in a diplomatic, respectful way, and tearing into Clay with words so vicious and inflammatory you'd think they came from a hater. Sadly, the latter will rarely get so much as a mild eyebrow lift from the moderators of most boards.

She said it twice but it was worth saying. Number one has been my pet peeve for the last few years. Finally I just said fine, I'm an angelwinger what of it. But yes, negativity and finding fault and nit picking is seen as a sign of intelligence. And opposition is just seen as angelwingy. Even now, I kid you not, I'm in the category of people who thinks everything was perfectly fine with Clay's marketing of ATDW, and that Clive has rainbows coming out of his butt. IT doesn't matter that I was critcizing the marketing before I was told it was OK to criticize the marketing and that I think Clive is a fucking ghoul. I'm just not silly enough to believe Clive spent millions of dollars to ruin Clay and stays up nights thinking of ways to do it and has infected every person on his team. Nor was I going to allow it to make me throw away an album that I LOVE.

Final news about the six degrees Badge from CH:

TBAF sixdegrees badge

Yay for TBAF. Yay to the woman who started the badge. Yay to everyone who helped raise awareness of the badge. Yay to everyone who made a donation. We like to say that everything Clay does turns to news. Well the TBAF has had some good press but certainly not enough over the years for what's it trying to accomplish. Hopefully this is the beginning of a greater awareness of the foundation.

Sorry, but this just cracks me up. Can you imagine? I wake up one day and decide I've had enough of Clay, so I pick someone out of the air to be a fan of. Except..........you can't make yourself like someone enough to be an avid fan, just like that. I

I seriously can't go a day without the VOX. I found that out recently. Thank God for iPods.


Word and Word!!

Yes, Tulsa has been quadruple confirmed.



Muski, thanks for the pretties

Clay on his UNICEF MISSION - I'm very proud of this eloquent man who has just a tremendous heart. There are no words.

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People who already knew, said nothing, and continue to say nothing NOW are the only ones who get any points in my book.

:lol: Stop calling me reasonable... you're freaking me out! Trust me, I can be the bitchiest bitch that ever bitched. And for no good reason, either. :lol:

Word to your first sentence and LOL at the second. Good luck trying keep up that bitch rep around here. You're much too wise.

You mean Spring has finally sprung? Hee

thread titile? LOL

A secret is a secret only if you keep it to yourself - I hate to think of fans compromising Clay's safety just to share information and I hope the last person who was told read the riot act to those passing around information. We are all friends here - but I will not give you the password to my financial accounts - and another person's safety should be given the same consideration.


Yep on that secret thing. The funny part is .like DJS said, what's the big deal - it's not like Clay called them up and said I'm on my way. No one fan told another until everybody in the fandom knew..one of those I'll tell you this but don't say anything type of things. Somebody pulled that on me recently about the new rocking album and I changed the subject. I don't give a shit. I'll wiat and be surprised by Clay.

As for passwords to financial accounts -- let's just say, if she were so inclined - Ansa could rob me blind. heee

I love you guys.

And since I'm never Clay-nation correct anyhoo, can I say that all charities efforts - even those on American Idol - do not and should not have Clay as their primary focus? Honestly, besides Clay and Angelina Jolie, I could not name another UNICEF ambassador. And if UNICEF and Africa are getting some free advertising about their needs through the behemoth that is AI, insincere as some may think is is (and they don't know the heart of anyone at AI any more than any other strangers), more power to them. I really dislike the "your reasons for charitable activities are good enough" mentality. It's not like it's Mafia money or something.

I'm not quite sure what this is about since I don't watch Idol - but it has always given money to charity -- remember the Season 2 single. So do we want CLay as part of the Idol family or only when it's convenient and could be a marketing bonanza. I think Clay would just care that a light - a HUGE light - will be shined on Africa. Isn't that what's important here.

Atinal - bring us back super sekrit info on your Pizza Hut runs!!

Cha Cha T - LOL

And now that I've caught up with yesterday's posts I can go to work -- and only an hour late heee.

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Ha! I was doing my work when my CVB contact came by--she'd squired me around Albuquerque in Jan. when I was selecting the hotel. She had also---just in passing when his name came up innocently, of course--mentioned that she really likes Clay and his voice. So after some hihowareyous and all, I told her I had some Clay news for her!

Told her about the BAF gala and Afghanistan and mentioned that he had been sporting a (nope, didn't say that) full beard, she said, "OOH! I bet he looks great!"


"Well, I just happen to have a million couple of pictures...care to take a peek?" I showed her a few of the HAWT Gala bearded Clay pics and she swooned and oohed and aaahed admirably. She said, "He should keep it! He's really good looking, isn't he?"

She's taking me to lunch later. Another one bites the dust.

I dared cruise on a couple other boards and find myself in a strange AI defensive mode. Now THERE'S a shocker! I just don't get it. Yeah, it would make sense in my opinion for AI to mention Clay's work with UNICEF in passing as they talk about AI's drive to raise money and awareness---if only because he's an AI alum, though, not because he and his mighty works keep UNICEF afloat. I'd love to see and hear Clay in the planned event that's showcasing a number of other singers for their fundraiser...he's not there? Hmmm....maybe he's busy? Tired? Hell, I don't know. Maybe he's entertaining Tyra at his own house that night and they've planned to try out a few new pages of the Kama Sutra---whatever.

In my opinion, Clay is NOT a person who cares if he's given credit for things he does for others. For any trip to AFghanistan or Uganda that makes the news, I bet there are many other charitable gestures and assistance he gives---either of his time or money---that we don't know about. Should we be pissed because he's not given a standing O every time? (Of course, I've found that remaining standing for o's where Clay is concerned is NOT a simple feat! heh)

Whatevah. The man's hawt, smart as shit, witty as shit, funny as shit, sweet as shit and even with his BLINDINGLY white teeth, has the most luscious mouth I've ever wanted to debacle.

Oh, and he sings purdy, too. So I'm gonna keep this boyfriend for a little while longer...

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Apparently, Clay is appealing (yeah, well, what else is new.... :hubbahubba: ) to raise $100,000 for Afghanistan in 10 Days over at the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

Any bets that appeal ends up in a blog???

Anyway, while there I read the press release for the Idol Gives Back. Why do people have to assume Simon and Ryan et.al. aren't sincere about their desire to give back, to help? We only know a stage persona of any of them. MANY celebrities are very involved in charitable endevours outside the public eye - even if its just opening up their checkbooks to contribute. Why do they have to be insincere? Is Clay the only sincere celebrity out there?

Clay very well could end up involved in IGB in some way. He may not. We have no clue what is happening behind the scenes, but whether he is or not, IT IS A GREAT CAUSE! It will raise TONS of money. Will it also help promote the show? Sure, but they hardly need help in that department! Maybe, just maybe, they care and want to help others.

Is that really so hard to believe???

ETA: Oh, I have also read that the ONLY reason Kelly Clarkson is appearing is because she has a new album coming out. Guess she's insincere too! AAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear if I read one more post saying AI insincere I will SCREAM!!!!

Edited by Claygasm
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Hee. I may actually wait a bit to see if Clay blogs about the need for UNICEF funds and if he puts up a special link again like he did for the Lebanon appeal. I'm assuming the guy just got back in the country, so I'm willing to give he a little time to get reoriented and debriefed (that's for you, muski) by the UNICEF peeps and whatnot. Anybody close enough to go and stake out visit the UNICEF offices in NYC? We need to cultivate our own set of sooper sekrit undercover sources. B)

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Hee. I may actually wait a bit to see if Clay blogs about the need for UNICEF funds and if he puts up a special link again like he did for the Lebanon appeal. I'm assuming the guy just got back in the country, so I'm willing to give he a little time to get reoriented and debriefed (that's for you, muski) by the UNICEF peeps and whatnot. Anybody close enough to go and stake out visit the UNICEF offices in NYC? We need to cultivate our own set of sooper sekrit undercover sources. B)

BWAH...but I took a look at that link and it looks like a special form just for this. It has Clay;s picture and a little thermometer like thing that would probably show how far we are from the goal. BUT yeah I bet he will blog.

I really want to help with this...not just for CLay but I think this coutnry needs so much help and with so much promise cos there is a genuine thirst for knowledge...

GO CLAY!!!! hope he gets his 100K in 10 days. I hope he gets more than that...its truly a worthy cause and one that hasn't had much focus on it.

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if he puts up...give he a little time to get debriefed... Anybody close enough to undercover?

God, bottle...and I thought I was a smutter!


And now for something completely different. I just got back from a walk between the hotel and a high school nearby, carting materials. We're downtown and I don't know if the schools are out but...man. The kids I saw walking around had me glad I'd left my purse in my hotel room. Skeery looking groups of teenagers. I swear if I were still teaching high school English these days, I'd probably end up in jail or the hospital because the attitude of so many of the teens I see would wear on me to the point where I'd probably do or say something that would have me arrested or wounded. (shivers and then gives thanks for my current job situation)

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I understand that Clay fans have done a lot for him in the name of charity but I believe he is now established as a Unicef Ambassador and he'll have to reach people outside of this fandom to people who also believe in this cause. Clay "should" have the support of his fans without a blog. His appeal is enough for me. In reading which organizations and media are picking up the press release - it would seem this will reach people so inclined to give to this cause. Clay wants to make a difference and not just with the same 2000 people over and over. And for this kind of effort he'll have to. And I believe Clay and all of UNICEF will do everything they can to push this effort. I'm so proud of him. Now, where is my credit card.

ETA edited many times cuz I don't mean to sound like a blowhard. heee.

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Dayum...now couchie's a smutter, too! I made my modest donation toward the $100,000, and I agree with you couchie that this appeal should be spread via major media outlets to a much larger pool of donors than the crazy enthusiastic fanbase! Love seeing the press release about his trip being picked up by this news agency and that one all over the world! :allgood:

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Dayum...now couchie's a smutter, too! I made my modest donation toward the $100,000, and I agree with you couchie that this appeal should be spread via major media outlets to a much larger pool of donors than the crazy enthusiastic fanbase! Love seeing the press release about his trip being picked up by this news agency and that one all over the world! :allgood:

This campaign will have to reach beyond the crazy enthusiastic fanbase. The fanbase is in the middle of ticket buying and even if it weren't they alone could never raise $100,000 in 10 days! I think this campaign should not only be online, but in the print media - such as the weekly news magazines - and on TV. That is the only way I think they will ever reach their goal. And it has to be more than just a link to the UNICEF site. It will take an all out marketing campaign.

Hey. I've got an idea! :lightblub: I bet there is one of Clay's bestest fans who would be willing to help! ;) :medium-smiley-070:

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Wonderful day! So proud of our Clay! And all those Afghani kids. Empower the girls and world will be a better place.

And in other news, this from DeepSouthGurrl at the CH:

"I have several friends who are Harry Connick, Jr. fans. They are pretty much like we are...travel all over to see multiple concerts, etc. One of them sent me this...thought I would like it for obvious reasons.


Harry was going on this long rant about AI, specifically the Tony Bennett episode and he talked about how Seacrest made some comment like "when one legend met another" referring to Sanjaya meeting Tony. And Harry was all "the hell? how is Sanjaya legendary? he's been singing for like 5 weeks... i've been busting my butt for 18 years" something like that... he's going on and on... and then he says , "if you're going to throw around the 'legend' label... at least go with Clay Aiken"

I think I'm liking Harry a little more today."

Love it!

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Dayum...now couchie's a smutter, too! I made my modest donation toward the $100,000, and I agree with you couchie that this appeal should be spread via major media outlets to a much larger pool of donors than the crazy enthusiastic fanbase! Love seeing the press release about his trip being picked up by this news agency and that one all over the world! :allgood:

This campaign will have to reach beyond the crazy enthusiastic fanbase. The fanbase is in the middle of ticket buying and even if it weren't they alone could never raise $100,000 in 10 days! I think this campaign should not only be online, but in the print media - such as the weekly news magazines - and on TV. That is the only way I think they will ever reach their goal. And it has to be more than just a link to the UNICEF site. It will take an all out marketing campaign.

Hey. I've got an idea! :lightblub: I bet there is one of Clay's bestest fans who would be willing to help! ;) :medium-smiley-070:

OH good lord...don;t give someone anymore ideas.

I actually think this is doable...because it is a UNICEF campaign and for a good cause and I can see this attracting some celebrity contributors and even corporate money.

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I'm going to go with the "UNICEF isn't stupid and neither is Clay" assumption, and expect a lot of PR about this campaign in the next week. I think they know they're going to have to go beyond the fan base on this, especially since a lot of fans have just recently given to the BAF via the gala and/or Six Degrees.

The story's been on PR newswire already, which is the Big Time in the world of press releases, and the fan bloggers are getting started already:

PR Newswire: UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken Draws Attention to the Critical Needs of Children in Afghanistan

Technorati: Blogs Discussing This News Release

Maybe we can get Clay back on the Technorati Top 10, which will call attention to the campaign via the internet world, but I agree that they'll need media attention, and I hope they'll get lots!!

Edited by jmh123
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Just been catching up here. I have to agree that Clay and UNICEF will be on top of ways to reach 'the others' & pull in the dough. I'll give what I can; just wish it were more.

I do admire the women of Afganistan. From articles I have been reading lately they are jumping on any and all chances they are given to better their lives and those of their children. As we all know it's the women, especially mothers, who are fierce at grabbing every chance for their children.

For such a young man, our Clay has a huge heart and is very appealing in his 'appeals' to help the children. Don't tell anyone, but I do adore him!

Can't wait for the summer tour! :TourExcite:

I have only seen him "live" one time, JNT'05. What bliss!! I don't care what he sings; I have yet to hear him sing anything that I didn't like. :allgood:

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I was looking at the summaries of Clay's blogs at the CH about the UNICEF challenge last year. He initially blogged about the needs in Middle East on Thursday, July 27th. By Wednesday, August 2nd, the Clay Nation had contributed over $70,000. I think even if it's "Just Us", $100,000 in 10 days may be doable.

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I was looking at the summaries of Clay's blogs at the CH about the UNICEF challenge last year. He initially blogged about the needs in Middle East on Thursday, July 27th. By Wednesday, August 2nd, the Clay Nation had contributed over $70,000. I think even if it's "Just Us", $100,000 in 10 days may be doable.

Thats pretty cool...I also think the fan could also take part in spreading the word...some people are already on it with their blogs...to simple grassroots campaign.

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I have to say this. Right now I am ashamed of some of the people in this fandom who are so consumed by hatred for AI that they are dissing IGB with so much venom you would think they were raising the money by selling children into prostitution!

Some are saying they don't think UNICEF or anyone else will get a dime. They don't put AI above keeping 90% or more of the money! They are basically convinced AI and all involved with IGB are criminals out to embezzle the naive public into handing over their money without any assurance where that money will go! AND they seem to think that UNICEF is also naive. They seem to think they would enter into something like this without any assurances they will ever see a dime!

Excuse me? I consider that an insult to one of the world's most respected charitable organizations! I somehow suspect before lending their name to this effort they would KNOW that the money raised would not be used to buy new t-shirts for Simon Cowell or new hair gel for Ryan Seacrist.

Oh, and another reason not to trust IGB is because they are a brand new foundation without any track record. Well, wasn't the BAF a brand new foundation without any track record? In fact, weren't people giving money to it during the AI2 tour and there wasn't even yet a real foundation? The BAF was nothing more than a school project and people gave money to it. It was under no scrutiny. It would have been very easy for someone to just take that money and run if they had been so inclined.

I suspect IGB will be watched by a lot of people. There is a lot of attention on this event and I suspect the organizations involved would be rather pissed off if the show raises, let's say 10 million dollars, and they only get $1.50!

Oh, the ONLY reason they are even doing this is for the publicity. Right. Because AI gets absolutely no press on its own. The press never says a word about that show and no one watches it.

What the hell did AI ever do to these people? If it weren't for AI we would not have Clay! He would be a teacher in NC and we would probably have more money, more time and not nearly so much fun! Yes, it was Clay's talent and our votes, but if not for AI, if not for Simon and Randy giving that dorky kid a chance to go to Hollywood, if not for the judges putting him through to the top 32, if not for the judges bringing him back for the Wildcard round, we would not have Clay. There would be no BAF. There would be no trips for UNICEF. So the judges didn't slober over him each and every round. So Simon was cynical about his "I want to give back" speech during AI (and frankly so was I!). So they haven't honored him as the best Idol ever each and every show since he was on. So they haven't mentioned that he is a UNICEF ambassador when talking about IGB.


Why does that justify such hatred toward people they don't know and a damn TV show? How does that justify bad-mouthing an event that is poised to do such a tremendous amount of good??


These "fans" to me are just as vile as the Clay haters. They are accusing people of essentially criminal activities without a shred of proof. All the proof they offer is a 4-year old sneer from Simon and talk of man-boobs!

Do they only care about someone or something if Clay does? Do those suffering in Africa only matter if Clay endorses them? Are their hearts only charitable if Clay oks it?

Apparently, because right now they are not sounding like they have one, tiny charitable bone in their bodies.

Somehow I suspect Clay would read some of the things they have to say and be very sad about it. Since these people seem to use Clay's approval as their only moral compass, why don't they think for one second what Clay would think of them?

What am I saying? They would just assume Clay would agree with them. After all, he is separating himself from AI and obviously wants nothing to do with this corrupt endevour!


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Caught up on the reading. I love this place. I love Clay Aiken. I'm so proud of him and I have no doubt that he can get the $100,000.00 in 10 days. He is getting great press mentions, on this, and there will be more to come I'm sure. TV exposure will probably be next. Maybe mentioned on ET or the Insider, etc. I'm so tired today and have such a headache, I can't think clearly enough to respond to anything. I'm heading for my pajamas and bed.................

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WORD to your WHOLE rant Claygasm...I have been observing the reactions and I really find it very very sad. Also rather petty. An observer would rightly conclude that some people are still not over the anomaly.

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Claygasm, I think there is a small faction of the fandom that just plain likes to bitch, and they are always going to find something to do it about. They invent reasons to bitch. I no longer watch AI and there are things Simon and others have said over the years that ticked me off, but I can't leap from that to all out hatred and distrust of everyone associated with the show, I will always be grateful for the show that gave us Clay. The other thing that doesn't make sense. Simon, Randy, Paula, Ryan, Lythgoe, Fuller and most of the other producers and executives of this show are very wealthy people, they don't need to steal charity money. That's another thing I notice about some posts, they don't feel they need to be logical or contain any real thought. Some folks just post to make themselves feel important (I think). Then there are the ones who egg them on. Anyway, I usually like to consider the source, because they probably have a history of posts that make no sense at all.

Gotta go catch my train.

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