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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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I think it's a fine line to walk - "yeah, you did good, but you could do better" - for both IGB and Clay.

I am big in a lot of things in it's not always what you say but how you say it...but there's a lot of problems in how people hear it as well...and that Clay (or any speaker) has only partial control over. I honestly didn't hear arrogance in Clay's statements nor that IGB did badly...I heard that they (and others) could do better.

I sort of expect that kind of chiding from charitable spokespersons - telling people and organizations that they can do better - it goes with the role for me.

And whoever that was bitchy about Kelly's comments is living in their own little reality...Carrie is doing well on a freakish level, and I say more power to her.

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Dang it, I come back between meetings to find all this discussion and I don't have time to read posts carefully and therefore put in my two cents in a way to make sense.

And...this is for Couchie...just because...heh


Hey, Totally! Good to see you here again! Can't say anything yet about what you're saying but I will when I get a chance to take it all in.

Gotta go. Couple more business things and then off to the airport..... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hey, ya'll! *waves* I met with Muski here in Colorado last night for drinks, dinner, and a Clay gabfest. It was great fun! Anyway, she said that this is a rockin' board, and that I should try it out. So here I am!

And I love the conversation so far. Yep, I prefer boyfriend to speak his mind, too. Ya know, titaniums and all. I happen to agree 100% about the need to look at the root causes of poverty, and the need for education of all sorts. Education about where the heck all of the money is going, how it's going to help eradiate causes of poverty, and education of children so they can better their lives. I wouldn't mind if Clay himself were to provide me with education one on one, but I guess that ain't likely to happen. Heh.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi! I don't post a lot, but I sure do enjoy a good conversation about Clay.

*Waves bye to Muski as she leaves Colorado*

Edited by Gibby
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Damn, I didn't want to have to fight for RHW. A wise man once said that anything worth having is worth not fighting over, but I could make an exception for RHW. Maybe we could work out a shared custody plan? I don't even understand why that song does to me what it does because it's not the kind of song I usually go for, but for some reason it hits me in all the right ways. I think I'm fortunate in never having heard of Richard Marx before. Also, not being a listener of AC radio, I'd never heard that song before Clay's version, which was a big plus I think. I know a couple of people who don't like RHW because they were tainted by Marx's version. Also, I never heard EID before -- yeah, I didn't see the Robin Hood movie either. The only time I recall ever seeing or hearing Bryan Adams is on the DVD of the Roger Waters' The Wall Live in Berlin.

Everytime I listen to WY I just melt. The song never did a damn thing for me when Nilsson did it, and I had never heard the Mariah version, blessedly, but Clay's voice on this one is, IMO, the best ever, ever, ever. It curls my toes, just for starters.

I was a late blooming fan of IWTKWLI -- a song I was familiar with and the duet didn't grab me ...... at first. Now, I turn that baby up and it gets the job done. My only criticism is that it's too short. I think it should go on for at least another 30 secs of intertwining vocal gymnastics and big drums. Yes, indeed, I hope to hear this one performed live. :TourExcite:

And ... for my sentimental favorite, my most treasured wish would be for Clay to sing every single word of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me in concert with the symphony orchestras. If he's ever going to do it, this would be the time. I could be persuaded to settle for an Elton medley with SSTBTHW, CYFTLT, and DLTSGDOM. Heavens, I'm starting to swoon just thinking about it. :Tour3:

Oh yeah, did I mention that I don't really care what he sings just as long as he sings? While I have fantasties, I make no demands whatsoever. But .... if he does sing DLTSGDOM .... or an Elton medley ..... I'll just die right there -- locked in samadhi.

Edited by keepingfaith
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Hey, CG and ldyjocelyn! Thanks for the welcome.

I want to go to a Clay concert this summer soooooo much, but my progency have decided to be extremely expensive. The nerve of the two little twits! My older daughter needs a series of dental surguries, and my younger daughter needs neuropsych testing. And Clay ain't coming close to Colorado this tour. Sigh. So, I'm not sure if I'm going yet. I may have to hook an IV line up to clack.

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EEEEEEEEEE another newbie!!!

welcome Gibby!!!

My muski is one great PR person ...both for FCA and TC...I think some cute red haired singing super star should hire you... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Gibby...I do hope you get to go to a concert...if not...clack is our friend. I know I have enjoyed all the other tours even when I never went to one show. Cellcerts and all the clack helped me feel like I was in every concert.

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WOW................So much content in this thread. Took me forever to read. I must say, this is much more intelligent reading than I find at other boards, if you know what I mean..............

Thank you for all the belated birthday wishes.I got lots of cards and phone calls and money and flowers. I needed some attention for myself, otherwise I wouldn't of even hinted about it. Hee. muskifest {{{hugs}}}} I am starting to love you more and more. You just crack my shit up, but the mods & admins weren't slacking off, or remiss. I do not have my birthday put in my personal profile. In fact I don't put much info into my personal profile, anywhere. I don't want everyone to know my age. Hee Also, as we all are aware, there are some Clay fans that like to "dig up personal information" on other fans. Some have spent their entire fandom the last 4 years collecting pictures and info on other fans, as well as the so called "haters." Hard to imagine that, but I know it to be true. "Hall Of Shame" anyone? LOL Google is their friend. They like to go and do battle with anyone who makes the slightest diss towards Clay. Heaven forbid if you are from a certain board or have ever stated that you would support Clay even if he was gay or that you think he might be. Doesn't matter if you are Perez Hilton, John Paulass, a fan, or just some Joe blow mainstream American, who makes a comment in your own personal blog. They will seek you out and dig up your entire history and you will be on a list. OTT doesn't even come close to describing this behavior. They don't limit themselves to just tabloid stuff.

Sorry. I got off topic, again. I didn't read anything offensive in what Clay said. I didn't take him as dissing AI's efforts for IGB, at all. I think when you state your opinion from experience and first hand knowledge, of what you speak, people will recognize that & read it into what you're saying, and respect it. I couldn't believe the over the top reaction to his "rotting insides" comments, either. It was as plain as the nose on my face, to me, that he was referring to the celebrity lifestyle and it's people, not the residents in general of LA. However, there have been times that I have thought he has said things that he shouldn't have said. Because of his youth and being naive. I have always wished that he had an image consultant or mentor to teach & guide him in the proper way to respond to different situations and in interviews. Being a celebrity sometimes calls for a different way to respond to something than just being an everyday person with an opinion. At the very least I hoped he would purchase a good book to help him on it. *g* He was very green and naive and had barely left NC before Idol. His innocence really showed. He is a quick learner though and I love him. I have long ago stopped fretting about him saying or doing the wrong thing, because he IS what he is and he IS going to say and do what ever he wants. Whether he is right or wrong or his fans like it or not. He is the one who has to deal with the repercussions of his actions, not me, and it is his career & life, not mine. I'm not going to sweat the small stuff anymore. Gee I hope I made sense. I've taken some medicine and my head is all fuzzy.

I'm a lover not a fighter. HaHaHa So I'm hoping that I can share the love for "Here There & Everywhere" . I will gladly let those who love RHW and EIH keep those songs. I also want to share the love for "Broken Wings" "If You Don't Know Me By Now" "Lover All Alone" "Every Time You Go Away" and "Everything I Do, I Do For You."

For AI2 I thought he just came alive and into his own from Dianne Warren night on. I loved "I could Not ask For More." I loved the Billy Vera & The Beaters song he did too. Of course "Solitaire." Sooo sooo many good songs Clay has sung. "Mack The Knife" was brilliant and so was "Bridge Over Troubled Water."

I loved the Bee Gees night too. I watched it last night and I have to tell you it was bad. I thought the songs they chose were not some of the Bee Gees best songs. Their interpretations were dreadful, IMO. I like Jordin but was not impressed as much with her last night.

Welcome to Gibby. Stick around. You'll like it here.

LOST is on tonight girls. I'm sitting on pins and needles. If it is as good as last weeks, I'll be in Heaven.

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Not caught up yet, but I wanted to drop off this link to a cute AI2 Clay montage. I thought it was fitting, after we were discussing our favourite AI2 songs earlier.

Hee ...is this the Clay safe montage...totally cute.

He was always so nervous...

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Ohhhh, it was YOUR birthday, clayzor!? Silly girl. Next time, don't be so subtle!

Here's a little sumpin' for this year...


...and next!



That's all I got right now...

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Damn, I didn't want to have to fight for RHW. A wise man once said that anything worth having is worth not fighting over, but I could make an exception for RHW. Maybe we could work out a shared custody plan?

Well, at least you're being reasonable, and not kidnapping it and putting it under the bed. :P I'm sure we can work something out. ;) I really disliked the Richard Marx version, so it was probably my least anticipated song on ATDW when we got the track listing. But from the first notes I was a goner. This song just has the ability to pick me up when I'm feeling down, and there aren't a lot of songs out there that I can say that about. Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles (well, George Harrison) does it as well.

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Damn, I didn't want to have to fight for RHW. A wise man once said that anything worth having is worth not fighting over, but I could make an exception for RHW. Maybe we could work out a shared custody plan?

Well, at least you're being reasonable, and not kidnapping it and putting it under the bed. :P I'm sure we can work something out. ;) I really disliked the Richard Marx version, so it was probably my least anticipated song on ATDW when we got the track listing. But from the first notes I was a goner. This song just has the ability to pick me up when I'm feeling down, and there aren't a lot of songs out there that I can say that about. Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles (well, George Harrison) does it as well.

Can't agree with you about RHW but I sure do agree with you about "Here Comes the Sun" by MY George Harrison!

I grew up loving George..... Still do.... :wub:

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What a rotten day topped off by the agony of defeat for my team when victory was so close. So nice to come here and catch up. It's helping my mood. Muski hurry back because I had cheap wine and an eclair today.

Hey couchie! Don't we need a "birthday" mod? I think muski just volunteered!

yep... she can be the emoticon mod too...every time she puts up that angry man we'll give her a new job. hee. :F_05BL17blowkiss: but she's such a good ambassador for FCA.... ooooh she has a con nec tion.

Is it so mean of me to push season 2 on the unsuspecting kids of IDF? They really believe no one can sing the Beegees.

Good job Play.

Top5 medley from season 2 is my all time favorite medley. I play that one all the time it's so good. If you want to add any of the season 2 idol music to your ipod you can find it at FCAM But yeah..I think KLo wrecked a song if I recall correctly but made up for it on the second song. I loved season 2 - my favorites were Clay, KLo, Trenyce and Ricky. I lost all of my KLo music when my computer crashed last year. I need to add that back in.

Waves to Roseviolet. Nice to see your posts today...you too Totally and keeping faith.

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And...this is for Couchie...just because...heh


I love you too Muski.

Hey, ya'll! *waves* I met with Muski here in Colorado last night for drinks, dinner, and a Clay gabfest. It was great fun! Anyway, she said that this is a rockin' board, and that I should try it out. So here I am!

Welcome Gibby... chime on in whenever you're in the mood!!

And ... for my sentimental favorite, my most treasured wish would be for Clay to sing every single word of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me in concert with the symphony orchestras. If he's ever going to do it, this would be the time. I could be persuaded to settle for an Elton medley with SSTBTHW, CYFTLT, and DLTSGDOM. Heavens, I'm starting to swoon just thinking about it. :Tour3:

Heee remember CYFTLT from AI tour...that was so fun...he realized his power over us during that song.

Yeah, it's kinda sad that I don't feel as free sharing anymore Clayzor. I have great pictures of me, Muski, diva, and YSRN from our day together. In the old days I would have posted no problem to share with everyone. Those days are now gone unfortunately.

Not caught up yet, but I wanted to drop off this link to a cute AI2 Clay montage. I thought it was fitting, after we were discussing our favourite AI2 songs earlier.

Thanks Lucky!!

Time for Lost!

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And ... for my sentimental favorite, my most treasured wish would be for Clay to sing every single word of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me in concert with the symphony orchestras. If he's ever going to do it, this would be the time. I could be persuaded to settle for an Elton medley with SSTBTHW, CYFTLT, and DLTSGDOM. Heavens, I'm starting to swoon just thinking about it. :Tour3:

Heee remember CYFTLT from AI tour...that was so fun...he realized his power over us during that song.

Rawr. I do remember. We realized his power over us too--with that and Invisible. I lurved TLS, and that point in the medley when Clay's voice came in after Ricky and Charles' solos, "and you come to me..." and everyone screamed. It's like EOTR--you think the others sing so well and then Clay's voice is heard and you realize, WOW, man can SANG. Keepingfaith, I love your idea. Elton medley, rah rah rah rah.

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

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And ... for my sentimental favorite, my most treasured wish would be for Clay to sing every single word of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me in concert with the symphony orchestras. If he's ever going to do it, this would be the time. I could be persuaded to settle for an Elton medley with SSTBTHW, CYFTLT, and DLTSGDOM. Heavens, I'm starting to swoon just thinking about it. :Tour3:

Oh, I'm right there with you on this wish! Wouldn't that just be awesome? He's never done DLTSGDOM in a solo concert (except on time on Stump the Band) so it wouldn't be a repeat.....and like you say, an Elton medley (or any Elton song, since I luuuuurves me some Elton) would be fantastic!

Claygasm, I have been a George Harrison fan since my teens. I have all his music on my iPod along with Clay's.

Welcome, Gibby!

OK, bring on the Kimmel reports! I'm ready! (Is anyone here attending? If not, cut and paste will do. :cryingwlaughter:) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I grew up loving George

OM Goodness that brings back some bad memories.

My Dad was from Liverpool and his relations all knew The Beatles! John's aunt lived across the sreet from my aunt and my cousin dated George for a while! She used to go to the Cavern all the time. My Dad would not take me up there to visit! I was sooo mad at him for a long, long time!

I cannot wait to SEE Clay at my concerts! I honestly do not care what he sings...just sing! Though I would love a full version of When A Man Loves A Woman. I miss that voice

As for the controversy king...I wonder if he is getting a giggle out of stuff now? At this point it just has to be so ridiculous how things are taken out of context and manipulated! If there is one thing I have learned over the past few years is how anything in the media can be changed to fit their agendas. It certainly has opened my eyes up to what I see in print and on TV. I don't believe much of anything any more.........

Well unless it's good about Clay*g*

Edited by merrieeee
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Glad to see you merrieee, hope everything went well with your surgery. (BTW, I almost ALWAYS have to check the spelling of your name. *repeats a few times: 2 r's, 3 e's*)

Top5 medley from season 2 is my all time favorite medley. I play that one all the time it's so good.

I think that one comes in for a close second after the BeeGees medley IMO....and again, I think this one shows that the AI season two was just magical -- those kids worked hard, got a lot accomplished, and managed to sing their solos plus work up medleys that were really good. AI has never been able to capture that since.

The BeeGees medley on the tour was fantastic--remember Charles Grigsby? They should've pimped him instead of Corey.

When my husband and I went to the AI2 tour, he came away VERY impressed by Charles. He thought the very opening number was outstanding. And yes, the BeeGees medley live was so much fun. That whole tour really was a blast, so much good stuff in just a few hours, and IMO, not just Clay either. I enjoyed practically everything about that tour, except for Kimbermeee (I even liked Carmen better than her....)

Oooooo, an Elton John medley would rock the house....but I'm guessing Clay wouldn't sing "The Bitch is Back," would he? *g*

OK, bring on the Kimmel reports! I'm ready! (Is anyone here attending? If not, cut and paste will do. :cryingwlaughter:) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yeah, gotta keep up with Kimmel reports! EEEEEEEEEEE! Clay on TV! :allgood:

It's interesting reading the "fights" or "shared custody" between songs on ATDW. I'm surprised no one has claimed HYCA, although I think diva might end up fighting me for that one. I'll also take a hit for both BYLM and WISYS. BYLM is one of those songs that I was dreading -- I mean, Celine Dion! But I really, really love what I feel is the passion in his voice, and I think the arrangement of the songs just works. WISYS is one that took me a while to "get" -- but one day, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Again, I think the instrumentation on this one is fantastic...I love the strings at the end during the last chorus. And Clay's voice is sublime to me.

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Hey LdyJ..I LUUUUUUUV BYLM. I did my first montage to that song which means I've listened to it thousands of times more than any other song on ATDW and never tire of it. My mom even said... she misses the sound of it coming from my room.

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For anyone who might be interested, there is an interesting article at CNN about the plight of Afghani women:


And it also says that there is a related special on Anderson Cooper 360 tonight at 11 pm. I plan to watch it while I wait for Kimmel to come on. :)

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I grew up loving George

OM Goodness that brings back some bad memories.

My Dad was from Liverpool and his relations all knew The Beatles! John's aunt lived across the sreet from my aunt and my cousin dated George for a while! She used to go to the Cavern all the time. My Dad would not take me up there to visit! I was sooo mad at him for a long, long time!

I cannot wait to SEE Clay at my concerts! I honestly do not care what he sings...just sing! Though I would love a full version of When A Man Loves A Woman. I miss that voice

As for the controversy king...I wonder if he is getting a giggle out of stuff now? At this point it just has to be so ridiculous how things are taken out of context and manipulated! If there is one thing I have learned over the past few years is how anything in the media can be changed to fit their agendas. It certainly has opened my eyes up to what I see in print and on TV. I don't believe much of anything any more.........

Well unless it's good about Clay*g*

{{{{{merrieeee}}}}}, so glad that your surgery went well! And I have to pile on the George love here. Two of my prized possessions are the ticket stub from my George concert in the 70's with Ravi Shankar, Billy Preston, et al. and the DVD of the Concert for George at Royal Albert Hall with Eric, Paul, Ringo, Ravi, Dhani, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty ... mmmm, I need to watch that again. Paul and Eric doing Something is beyond words.

Your aunt lived across the street from Aunt Mimi? My, my. See, I'm still enough of a BeatlesChick that my heart is aflutter at that. A girl in my gym class back in the day was from London and at the time the boys were filming A Hard Day's Night her uncle was working on the train they filmed on and was in the movie. That was enough to make her a school celebrity. She had an advance copy of Lennon's "In His Own Write" and I remember the first day we all read "No Flies On Frank" ... oh for those days.

BTW, I'm nuts about the Beatles Love CD, and the acoustic version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. {{{sigh}}}

I've only been in two fan clubs in my life .... The Beatles and Clay Aiken. And for attending multiple concerts over the years, only the Moody Blues ... but that's getting ready to change in a couple of months, ahem.

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