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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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(((Muski))) Y'know... change is hard specially if it means losing someone you get along with. BUT sometimes its what move us forward. Good luck and hope this is one of those times when something that seem a negative tunrs out to be a big opportunity.

I think this is the same thing with your floor. I have seen some show about working on concrete floors...you can try some stenciling...and I think getting your daughters involved will be wonderful.

So we will definitely miss you at SD...sigh...praying for the best for all...and a chance to get to party with you sometime.

If you cannot join us for the concert...we should set up a time to meet after...I will have 2 days in the Bay area after our clayventure. CG, when do you have to go back?

cool pix Clayzor...thanks for sharing!!!

love the penguins...there was a time we had lots of penguins in the FCA...

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If you cannot join us for the concert...we should set up a time to meet after...I will have 2 days in the Bay area after our clayventure. CG, when do you have to go back?

Alas, I have to head home right after Indio. Remember, I will be just starting a new job! As it is, I start Thursday (ugh!), work just under 2 weeks, leave for a week to California, work just under 2 weeks, then take off for Florida!

Muski - I am so sorry your boss is leaving. The people you work with can make or break a job. Hopefully, whoever replaces him will be just as nice. But, why not go in and ask for a raise? You have just finished a successful conference for which you received lots of compliments. Your boss is leaving and they know they cannot afford to lose you. It would be the perfect time to try and negotiate a raise. I say go for it!

Of course, I would be too chicken, but this is you we're talking about! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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And I've got to come in and support the TV medley. That thing is growing on me like crazy! IMO, the reason that a few people don't care for it is because they aren't familiar with the themes. Honestly, I was one of those as well. But darn it, Mr. Nick-at-Night (because you know that's the only way he could know these themes!) has made me really like these things. There's really some fantastic singing there, to me, and I'm thoroughly in love with gospel!Clay! during the Jefferson's theme. I now wake up in the morning and find myself singing some of these theme songs!

LdyJ - I finally saw the tv medley yesterday and I like it although I think it goes on a tad too long and has too many obscure songs. Did anybody really watch Charles in Charge. But I do love the beginning and the last 4 or 5 songs. Now as for my favorite TV things...I wish he would have added instead:


Hill Street Blues (for the orchestra)

Homefront - although that falls int he obscure tv show category although it's my favorite but the song is well known..

You've got to accentuate the positive

elminate the negative

And latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mister In-Between

etc etc. I love that song.

STILL trying to get to California...and I am losing my mind...I have Greek tickets available to me, THIRD row San Diego, and Indio..and would have to sit out Pala as they do not allow anyone under 21...stupid casinos....problem is, I pretty much spent my $ on Houston/Tulsa. WHY do plane tickets have to be so much???????

Oh I feel you. It sucks being responsible doesn't it. Two years ago I would have been sitting in my front rwo seat in Houston. I mean the eHP really pulled out all the stops heh. I just could not do it.

Good morning everyone. Add me to the list of folks who love this board...lots of friends here!

Hey Sally, hope to meet you in Los Angeles!!

I'm baaaaaaaack!!!!!

I've been reading and trying to catch up, but I am suffering with severe low back pain and must get medicated before I can sit here any longer. I'm so happy to be home in my own bed with my own computer. I would love to have a laptop, but boy, it sure does takes a lot to get used to. Hee I really missed my mouse. LOL I'm sure, though, that once I got used to using a laptop, I would never go back to a regular computer.

Welcome back Clayzor!! Thanks for telling us about your trip. And girl, I can relate to the back problems. Mine have gotten better but I've regressed in the last couple days. The nights are the worst. Good luck with yours.

Eeeee! This time tomorrow I will be winging my way to Philly - the big chunky Ace bandage and surgical boot is off my foot (down to a sweltve ankle wrap thingie) and (KAndre wraps herself in a green velvet curtain...) As God is my witness, I will finish my recap today!

Oooo, and muski, don't forget I've got your binoculars - push comes to shove, I'll leave 'em with couchie.

Hmmmm do I see a new recap around here? heee. I'm glad you're foot getting better. By the time you get to Cali you'll be able to run a marathon!! Yay I'll have binocs heee.

Lousy hair? I love him.

Baggy pants? I love him.

Wandering feet? I love him.

Forgetful brain? I love him.

Funky faces while singing? I love him.

He's genuine and flawed and I swear it's like he creates ripples of love that make whomever they reach--and whoever is willing to accept them---just...better for knowing him. And I love him.

thread title? I can make it fit. heee.

And Muski...what does this do to our plan to bring me aboard heee. I'll help you take that beyotch down!!

Couchie - check your pm's :)

Thanks PuddinsJoy!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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LdyJ - I finally saw the tv medley yesterday and I like it although I think it goes on a tad too long and has too many obscure songs. Did anybody really watch Charles in Charge. But I do love the beginning and the last 4 or 5 songs.

Well, someone must have been watching it, because according to IMDB, it was on TV for 6 years! Actually, that was one that I did know -- I never watched the show, but damn it if that isn't a catchy one, IMO. The two I didn't know at all were Growing Pains and Who's the Boss.

The theme I think he should have added? I would have keeled over in laughter if he had added The X-Files for the orchestra.

And again, I'd love to know who picked the songs. Clay? Jesse? A combination of the two of them (which is probably true)?

Clayzor, thanks for posting your pictures. Sounds like you had a fairly cool vacation.


Oh.My.God. Why does the OFC insist on sending out emails on the eve of m&g announcements? I just about had a heart attack when I saw it! And it was for 20% off a NJ ticket.....

BWAH! Oh, sorry, I should have laughed, should I? 'Cause I know I'll get hit the next time you see me.




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I can't help it. I like cheesy sitcoms. And their themes songs.

For that reason I choose to believe Clay chose them all too. :wub:


Seriously Joan Jett did a great remake of the Mary Tyler Moore theme which is also on my ipod and Son #2 has the Saturday Morning Cartoons Greatest Hits CD which contains remakes of all your favorite Saturday Morning Cartoons.


Seriously...Track 9 Spider-Man by the Ramones.

Edited by jamar1700
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Oh.My.God. Why does the OFC insist on sending out emails on the eve of m&g announcements? I just about had a heart attack when I saw it! And it was for 20% off a NJ ticket.....

Well, that's kind of sad. Must mean this concert is not selling well at all! And its less than 2 weeks before the concert.

I wonder if any of these concerts are selling that well. Outside of "us" that is....

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Oh.My.God. Why does the OFC insist on sending out emails on the eve of m&g announcements? I just about had a heart attack when I saw it! And it was for 20% off a NJ ticket.....

Well, that's kind of sad. Must mean this concert is not selling well at all! And its less than 2 weeks before the concert.

I wonder if any of these concerts are selling that well. Outside of "us" that is....

I think these shows include not just us right..due to the subscriptions? Frankly anything past 10th row to me is not just us :cryingwlaughter: I think if it were doing really badly we'd see some cancellations and more deals which is common. Somebody is doing ticket tracking at CH and it seems ok to me. A few are lower than I would like but they are just estimates. So we'll see what happens. I don't think they are in danger of being cancelled and that's the important thing for the fans that want to see him because he does put on a great show no matter the audience size. I do like the the Cali shows look good...well all but Indio and major press went out on those this past weekend.

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Heh, I love the theme to the great American Hero, I think it was a top 40 hit, as well. believe it or not, I'm floating on air....

Don't jump to any conclusions about the tickets not selling well. Newark is an odd site, apparently the NY contingent decided to skip it because they spent to much on tickets to Philly, but I have looked at others appearing and no one sells well, except the premiere of "Hairspray" with an appearance by Queen Latifah. everything else seems lack luster.

On 7/18 the $20 dollar tickets for the top tiers go on sale for students at the local area colleges (Rutgers, UMD, NCE, etc.). Up to the first tier, the sales are great - it is from the second tier up that the sales slack off - who wants to be that far from Clay? The biggest number of seats (600) are in the fourth tier, which is behind the third tier and not another level up - figure that one out. I think the students will fill it out nicely.

Edited by playbiller
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All righty, then. Know that game "Telephone" or some such? You whisper something to someone; she whispers it to the next person in a line; she whispers it to the next, etc...and then you ask the last person to say out loud what she heard and compare it to what was first whispered? Well, let's take a "fer instance", shall we?

Just stopped by softball practice cuz I couldn't wait for Carrie to get home from it---haven't seen her since July 3 and I missed her! Anyhoo, while there I saw one of the 'moms' who's going to the Greek for her first Clay concert and what's the first thing she says?

"What's all this about Clay hitting some woman on a plane?"

"Can you believe that crap? It's all some crazy bullshit that..."

"Some fan with a crush who..."

"Huh? What crush? What are you talking about?"

"I heard that some woman on the plane had a crush on Clay and then she found out he's gay so she was mad and said something to him and he hit her."



I said, "Where did you hear THAT?"

"On the radio."



BTW...does anyone know how to make the 'glow' a teenager shows her mother last a few hours AFTER said teenager gets back from the day the mother drives her and her three friends to Santa Cruz for a birthday present? <_< Man. That cuddly, appreciative, loving sixteen year old must've gotten stranded on the "Giant Dipper" ride on the boardwalk, 'cuz the surly, lazy, eye-rolling kid who didn't see the dishwasher of clean dishes that needed to get put away so that the counter full of dirty dishes could get loaded sure is pissing me off. :angry:

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Regarding ticket sales.....

IF someone had come out with the tour schedule sooner and gave info about NY, NH, PA and NJ at the same time...there would have been additional sales...we had our tixs and plane tixs to PA and NH before NJ was announced...who can afford to play the fee to change plane tickets....shrug!

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BTW...does anyone know how to make the 'glow' a teenager shows her mother last a few hours AFTER said teenager gets back from the day the mother drives her and her three friends to Santa Cruz for a birthday present? <_< Man. That cuddly, appreciative, loving sixteen year old must've gotten stranded on the "Giant Dipper" ride on the boardwalk, 'cuz the surly, lazy, eye-rolling kid who didn't see the dishwasher of clean dishes that needed to get put away so that the counter full of dirty dishes could get loaded sure is pissing me off. :angry:

Muski, my two teenaged daughters are the same. I was away from home for nine days, taking care of my ailing parents. Hubby kept the damage to the house down to a dull roar, which was no small feat, considering that DD#1 is in a musical, a play, and voice lessons this summer. Lots of driving for hubby to do all by himself (we usually share the chauferring). Anyway, I got home on Friday of last week, and the dishwasher was running, but only because they knew I was coming home. However, there were still dishes all over the kitchen! And some in the family room, the computer room, etc. etc. Wonder what the house looked like an hour before I arrived home??? These teenagers simply DO NOT get the concept that they have to pitch in to keep the house clean. Especially when they're home more than Mom & Dad during the summer.

Your 'telephone' story was a pretty funny. Good Gawd, could the story be any further from the truth??

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Ok explain this......here I am packing for my two week trip to England and I am getting all down because I'd rather be going with my buds to see Clay!!

For the first time ever I am going home with almost no plans! My daughter and I are going to London first and then we are going to go to the train station and see where the trains are going to and we are going to hop on whichever one takes our fancy!! I don't have hotel reservations or anything. Tell me I'm not a little bit crazy. Hee! At least I speak the language*g*

I also will have no internet for two weeks! I hope nothing big like footgate occurs I don't want to have to read it in England y'all.

Oh and that picture, well just GAH!!!!!! He can look at me like that anytime!

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Regarding ticket sales.....

IF someone had come out with the tour schedule sooner and gave info about NY, NH, PA and NJ at the same time...there would have been additional sales...we had our tixs and plane tixs to PA and NH before NJ was announced...who can afford to play the fee to change plane tickets....shrug!

Well, I ate the extra ticket money when the Houston-Dallas show changed for me into the Houston-Tulsa show. Cost me more money, money that I really didn't have....but I did it anyway. I'm easy like that when it comes to Clay. Besides, I could do that because I knew those two shows were going to be my only ones.

I don't know....there's always choices to be made, by all parties involved. TC chose to release the dates the way they did (don't have to like the way they did it, but I can't change them either). The fans choose to go to particular shows....sometimes way earlier than they really should. I mean, I learned my lesson this time. And I do think that waiting isn't always a bad thing anymore. If I would decide to attend another show later (don't look at me like that Ansa, I just CAN'T come to California...*g*), there are people who would be willing to put me up (or put up with me). I'd have tickets offered to me at the drop of a hat, probably.

Anyway, it sounds like the NJ show will be doing OK anyway. I'm not sweating it. JMO.

muski's telephone story reminded me of my office mate. I got back in last Tuesday to work, and she said to me "what happened with Clay? Was it a slow news day or what? And he was asleep, wasn't he?" She had the whole thing figured out in 30 seconds, and I keep hoping that people will be smart like her and see it in the way she did. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like that's always the case.

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Yay I have done it. I have gotten through the Houston clack. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I love the show. I love A Thousand Different Ways. I love every single on of the songs Some I always loved. A couple he made me love by the way he did them. My favorites are Here You Come Again, These Open Arms (can't believe it! hee), Lover All Alone (of course) and Because You Loved Me. And my favorite? I Want to Know what Love Is. OMG they wail on that song. I can't believe that he isn't singing Broken Wings, Lonely No More, or If You Don't Know me By Now - those are favorite songs Number 1, 2 and 3 from the album but I still can't wait to see this show in Cali. I already mentioned the TV thingie ...it's aight. hee. Classics medley is good too. I'd give them both up for my 3 aforementioned songs though. Or he could just add them LOL. That works for me.

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Well, I am trying to stay on top of the clack but it's hard ya'll and it's only gonna get harder 'cause in less than 24 hours he's BACK! EEEEEEEEEEE

I've enjoyed the "Best Of" so far and it makes it easy :)

but still can't warm up to the TV Show Themes medely. Eh, oh well. I agree it would be nice to replace or reduce this medely to add LNM or possibly add an encore of something really powerful like Invisible, Solitaire or IYDKMBN. I'd love to see Clay with a BIG finish. But it's always easy to be an armchair quarterback :wordpooper:

muski, I often think when my teenage daughter IS sweet and helpful, especially without my asking (500,000 times) I believe aliens have invaded her body. It's only when the mothership calls them back that she returns to us her usual, surly, languid self. I've often considered making said aliens a proposition. But then hubby steps in a spoils the plot!!

OMG I'm going to actually see HIM in just a few weeks ya'll and I am beginning to get nervous. Do you think he'll notice me or look my way or scold me (I love me some "dom" clay) or sing to meeeeeeeee???

hehe can you tell I'm excited :Tour3:

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(don't look at me like that Ansa, I just CAN'T come to California...*g*),

And why not??? And don't give me any "good" reasons like work, family obligations, money, blah, blah, blah! When did any of that stop a TRUE fan??? :medium-smiley-070:

These Open Arms (can't believe it! hee)

Told ya so! I have heard more people say they now love this song. Somehow I feel so vindicated. I loved it from day one!

I must get to bed. I got involved in something and now suddenly its almost 2am. My friend who is coming to the Philly show will be here like 10 hours and I need to sleep!

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Good god, I can not take my eyes off the new banner over at CH. My mind does not compute....

How can one man be so damn beautiful and manly all at once. God bless the wood nymphs and their camera genius, one and all!!

I bow to you :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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On 7/18 the $20 dollar tickets for the top tiers go on sale for students at the local area colleges (Rutgers, UMD, NCE, etc.). Up to the first tier, the sales are great - it is from the second tier up that the sales slack off - who wants to be that far from Clay? The biggest number of seats (600) are in the fourth tier, which is behind the third tier and not another level up - figure that one out. I think the students will fill it out nicely.

And I think that this is the crux of the matter - and always will be for Clay fans. We can complain until we're blue in the face about poor ticket sales, but until we realize that someone is going to have to sit farther than 10 rows away from Clay to make it happen, nothing much is going to change. We can't always just rely on the not.just.us to buy those seats - sometimes maybe we'll have to sit in them ourselves. JMO of course.

I can't believe that we finally made it. By this time tomorrow I will be standing at my front door waiting for my ride! :cryingwlaughter: All this waiting is killing me.

No more days 'till Philly!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!11!!!! :04: :club0:

1 more day 'till Syracuse!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :DoClay:

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