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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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I want to meet you too, keepingfaith, but I've been to my last concert of the tour. Sigh. Have a blast in Fla. Are you going to the last show? It'll be schmoopie. It was so cool when Clay said "Good night America" at the end of the last AC JBT show, since so many were listening via cellcert. I used to be scared of flying, and still don't love it, but I immerse myself in a mystery novel and pretend flying isn't happening.

ETA: OMGosh, I've been promoted. Dog walker no more!!

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muski...good luck on getting the creative juices flowing. I think I am in that similar slump too. Just not in a very productive or creative frame of mind...it will have to come though.

jmh...great recap.

keepingfaith thanks for the quotes and excerpts... I just have this feeling that if Clay will becaome a mainstream pop success he will be a trend setter.

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Sorry I am late to addressing this topic.

I agree with ya'll. Clay is Clay. He does what he wants to do. No matter what. More power to him. I'm not asking him to change. He knows that people think he is the king of cheese. He knows that people think he is gay, and he has to know that he acts gay at times. He has seen the clack and he knows how he looks and comes across. No argument from me on these points. He has made it abundantly clear that he doesn't care anymore. Neither do I. However, I can understand that his questionable sexuality, IMHO, is a big part of the reason he is considered uncool, along with the cheese factor. I can still wish that he would tone it down in order to help his own cause, can't I? Not because I find it offensive, but because I want him to be considered cool by enough people to continue to have some sort of a singing career. I'm here for the voice. The rest is a nice frosting on the cake, but it is the singing talent that got me on this train and will keep me on it. I also believe that it is his singing talent that will be the sustaining element to him having a long term career. I can understand that TV may have to be the way to get acceptance first, in order to be played on radio. No problem for me here either.. But, I don't think TV is where he will last. Singing is what will be his bread and butter. If he takes it seriously. JMHO

I could care less if Clay is gay. I loathe homophobia & gay bashing, and have no sympathies for anyone who is uneducated about the topic and judge people by their sexuality. However, the truth of the matter is that we are still a nation made up of a majority of people who don't accept this lifestyle. It's a large hurdle to overcome. For anyone. Sure it's their loss if others don't want to be a fan of Clay's, but it is also a loss to him, if enough people feel that way. That in turn becomes a loss to us. He has to be able to enlarge his fanbase by more than a few NJU stories that we hear from the concerts. The way to know he is increasing his fanbase is through ticket sales and cd sales. It is no secret that he is seeing a decline in both.

I think he is sexy as hell, when he wants to be. I would do him in a New York minute, if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell, but I don't want him to be Justin Timberlake. That is never going to happen. I don't believe he has to be a Justin to have a long successful career. Where I once thought super stardom was his, for the asking, I don't think that anymore. I think he will have longevity but on a smaller scale. The size of his success will depend largely on his own career choices. So he should do what he wants, but he should also be prepared if what he likes is not liked by the majority of mainstream. My hope for Clay is that there is a big enough market for what he likes and wants to do.

Like I said though, he is the one that should worry about his career, not us. He doesn't seem too worried about it. He has been at this long enough now to know how the game is played what is needed of him and to see the results of choices. I actually think Clay has come around in a lot of ways. I think we have been seeing an image change this past year and I hope it is one that will be reflected in a good way on his next cd. I don't mean that he has to get vulgar either. I do think we will see more of an edge, though, and more up tempo pop stuff.

muski I'm feeling a bit of something myself lately. I have just attributed it to burn out though. :cryingwlaughter: I am glad work has started back up for me. I think following Clay so closely has worn me out. LOL I need a break so I can come back and be refreshed for year 5. *g* Trouble is that I'm probably addicted to the boards by now and won't be able to take a break once tour is over. :eusa_whistle:

Nah, I'm not worried about that at all. My biggest fear is getting on the plane Friday morning because while I don't have many fears or phobias, flying is a huge one for me. I left a job and changed careers to stay off of airplanes. Only Clay could give me the courage to get back on, because I'm getting on an airplane for the first time in over ten years to see Clay this weekend. Yes, Clayzor, I'm doing it!

I'm so proud of you keepingfaith ....Medicate yourself and think how lucky you are that you are getting to go see Clay, again, for the 4th time. I get one concert. One stinking concert. I'm afraid I have a husband that doesn't understand going to the same concert 15 times. He says he has a lot more uses for the money. Silly man.....Hee

Great recap jmh. I wish I could of been there to give pappa a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I think about him often.

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Well my friend Muski told me to come join in on the fun here.

So Hello to you all wave.gif

I'm new to this board and really haven't had a chance to look around much.

I have to admit I get a little shy jumping right in, but I wanted to let you guys know about the BAF Approved Fundraiser I am the coordinator for.

Check out these Water Bottle Wet Suits-they are pretty cool

Thanks so much and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all


The Inclusion Revolution Brigade Beta Alpha Group is HAPPY to announce...

A new approved fundraiser for The BAF

We are linked on the Official BAF Website. You will find the link to the Inclusion Revolution Brigade at the bottom of their page or you can simply click HERE to go directly to our site for easy ordering.

Our BAF Logo Water Bottle Wet Suit has made it's debut at the Pala Pre Party and is ready for on line ordering.


Show the world your support for the BAF by buying an official Water Bottle Wet Suit at only $12.00 each,

Spread awareness by carrying this cool and refreshing 1/2 liter Water Bottle Wet Suit carrier with the BAF logo imprinted on both sides. Comes with a handy belt loop and hook so you can take it with you everywhere you go. Light neoprene suit covers this water bottle and keeps your drinks cooler. A must for sunny game days and of course Clay concerts!

Buying the Water Bottle Wet Suit is a wonderful way to show the world your support for the BAF and their projects. But more important, it is a show stopper item that will offer you countless opportunities to raise your voice to tell others about INCLUSION and how going to The Bubel Aiken Foundation they will find all the information they need to become part of the solution.

Thank You for supporting The BAF

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Clay Aiken will be featured on the Daily10 on the E! Channel! Bringing Sexy Back! Dare we watch?

ETA: It wasn't that bad. They said it was a parody and they showed the YouTube video. No real snide comments at all.

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Yeay! eandpmommy is joining us! I've been bragging to her about this place and all you women, so be sure to say hello, 'kay? This is the wonderful So. Cal woman whom I got to know through EAYOR in 2004 (no, she doesn't read clorn, why do you ask? :whistling-1: )...and she's been working her tail off for the BAF fundraising effort...

So glad you're here, Lisa! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :me0:

Now...I must leave this office, go home and cook some pasta for my family...haven't 'done' dinner together in forever because of everybody's crazy schedules...

WOOT! Tomorrow morning I can get my boarding pass! :TourExcite: :Tour3:

ETA: uh....merrieee...you won't find ME watching that E! Channel Daily 10, that's for damned sure....but I'm sure I'll hear about it from a number of people anyway....

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Filtering through the "intense fan" filter, it was OK. I didn't hear anything bad and believe me I was waiting to cringe and I didn't. Sexy back is OTT and taken as a parody, which is what they said, not bad at all.

Hey JennaZ any chance of getting together with the eHP while you are in Houston?

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I saw the E! thing too, and didn't think it was bad at all. They had a tight shot onto his face most of the time, and he looked pretty hot, actually.

ETA: From the CB, Lycos thread, Clay is #16 this week and the description is "Heartthrob". Heh.

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M&G recap from CV -- as remembered by hearing a report on a cell phone:

M & G Report

Wearing 5250 polo

10 people in the meetngreet

arm fur and leg fur growing back

looked thin

sat in semicircle.

Asked names and where everyone was from

Girl told Clay that there were NOT bats at Biltmore, but birds. Got in debate. Clay asked rest of group what they thought and all but the first girl agreed with Clay that they were bats. Said "See I win"

Someone asked if he and Jimmy K friends. Said they are. Became friends during that appearance with the mock fight. Enjoy each others company and humor. Celebrities have contacted JK to do a similar type skit like Clay's, and Jimmy has turned them all down. Likewise, Conan contacted Clay wanting to a reconcilatory skit like the JK one, but Clay turned him down too. They are very loyal to each other.

Doesn't do any kind of warm up routine before concert. Usually consists of having a grilled cheese sandwich.

Does, like to find A&Q before show and evesdrop on them and get some stuff against them to use on stage.

Was handed one of those autograph doll which was covered in autographs. He couldn't find a spot to sign. He said.."well the crack is available....and ended up signing his name on butt.

Someone asked why it takes so long to get CD out. Clay said could get another CD out there real quick but it wouldn't be what he wanted. Has been approached to do another cover CD, but he said no. Just today, they got the first 2 songs approved that he and Jaymes submitted, so it looks REALLY good chance that they are gonna get the album they want! Hoo Hoo!


More details from another:

ok, talking to the cellcerter....via CV-...Clayisacutie, i know that is the wrong spelling...but that is who gave the meet n greet report

she had a meet n greet

10 people

5230 shirt

brownish khaki

arm fur growing back

light make up

very blue eyes tonight, contacts

looked so slight...so seem filled out on the stage but in the room he was normal size

sat behind stage area

asked names and shook hands

asked where from

first question:

Biltmore not bats they were birds and brought documentation

debate over birds vs. bats

Clay took a poll about bats...everyone but the one lady voted bats...he won

He didn't say he wouldn't go on Conan, but that he won't do the skit

next question from a nurse...

socialized medicine....that's kind of personal...no, not the reason...what about the socialized medicine...no one at hospital spoke English...given him erothmycin...he is allergic...

specific warm up routine before concert....he sleeps right until the meet n greet...Idol...Ruben, Kim and Clay did no warm ups...he used to ate a grilled cheese sandwich...thinks the no diary is urban legend

if doing a new song...he does prepare...he does have to stretch to do that...he loves to change it up...

mentioned at the JNT02 it was death to him b/c he couldn't do the change up...

European McD are the quarter pounder or meteric....most countries they are quarter pounders....

her question...who would he like to win a meet n greet...historical or otherwise...gave her a funny look...that's a really hard question....initially he said Mr. Rogers, but that doesn't fell right...he needs to think about it...he is still thinking while they do the photo...talking the entire time...thinking a celebrity ....no not necessarily...wouldn't mind Winston Churchill...no, he smokes...so he thinks about it....offers him a different question...no, he will think about it...

7 more people...

3rd possibilty...Jimmy Carter, but he has already met him

steps back into the room...goodbye...never got answer....

so down to earth and friendly, put everyone at ease...

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YAY!!!! Look who is here - eandpmommy!!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

It was sooooooooooooo good seeing you again in California!

And ladies - this woman's hubby makes a mean (and very strong....) cosmo!

Glad to see you here. This is a great place and I think you'll like it here.

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Let me guess... "RCA wants him to do another covers album."

Why don't people focus on the statement that two of the songs Clay wants have already been approved? Apparently, there is a report clarifying that RCA offered him a covers album if he wanted to get something out quickly, but he said no. This doesn't seem like an "ultimatum," just an option he chose not to take. A covers album would be much easier to put together than an album of originals. Nothing "mandated" there.

Sounds very positive to me, and Clay seems happy about the situation, so what's all the angst about?

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I dunno, I was too busy laughing at these parts:

Likewise, Conan contacted Clay wanting to a reconcilatory skit like the JK one, but Clay turned him down too. They are very loyal to each other.

Does, like to find A&Q before show and evesdrop on them and get some stuff against them to use on stage.

Was handed one of those autograph doll which was covered in autographs. He couldn't find a spot to sign. He said.."well the crack is available....and ended up signing his name on butt.


I wouldn't have any album angst even if he said they shackled him to the basement [tm Eeyore sorta] and forced him to sing for his suppah. Didn't have any last time. Never will. Just who I am. He'll be fine. I'll either like it or not. His house will still be bigger than mine.

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Let me guess... "RCA wants him to do another covers album."

Why don't people focus on the statement that two of the songs Clay wants have already been approved? Apparently, there is a report clarifying that RCA offered him a covers album if he wanted to get something out quickly, but he said no. This doesn't seem like an "ultimatum," just an option he chose not to take. A covers album would be much easier to put together than an album of originals. Nothing "mandated" there.

Sounds very positive to me, and Clay seems happy about the situation, so what's all the angst about?

exactly...the report of course focused on the RCA wanted him to do covers...this sounds really positive though.

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VERY interesting that Conan wants Clay on his show - to drive up ratings no doubt. And I can't tell you how happy I am that Clay has said NO so far. Not out of some loyalty to Kimmel but because Conan's shit has crossed the line. Yay Clay. Probably why Conancontinues to ratchet up the bullshit. I know it's possible he may one day do it..but for now..hallelujah.

I've enjoyed the Kimmel/Clay interaction but just thought business - was waiting for the shoe to drop one of these days..will not do that anymore. Hilarious that others want to get the Aiken treatment.

Seems to me that RCA was quite alright with Clay's gold album. And the RCA wanted to do another covers was proabably from a few weeks ago and after that he said they were on the same page. Nothing new. Hopefully folks will not get upset everytime they hear the same OLD thing LOL.

I am so proud of Clay and how he handled the last album and this one. I can see him wanting to get anything out rather than waiting last time because of the fear that fame is fleeting. But now he'll wait and get out what he wants. And RCA will wait, I'm happy they have approved two of his songs. Yes! This is sounding great. Better the devil you know... I really think that applies here. I just don't feel and never have that this is a totally atagonistic relationship. It's just business. Anyway, good news.

Clay needs to take care of his voice better. I know nothing about singing but it just seems prudent to me that he not take things for granted.

now off to read the day's posts...

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Let me guess... "RCA wants him to do another covers album."

Why don't people focus on the statement that two of the songs Clay wants have already been approved? Apparently, there is a report clarifying that RCA offered him a covers album if he wanted to get something out quickly, but he said no. This doesn't seem like an "ultimatum," just an option he chose not to take. A covers album would be much easier to put together than an album of originals. Nothing "mandated" there.

Sounds very positive to me, and Clay seems happy about the situation, so what's all the angst about?

or I can just follow Jenna around going Word :cryingwlaughter: What cellcert was this on..glad I was late.

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CG, how is dad? And YSRN, how are you feeling?

M & G Report

Someone asked if he and Jimmy K friends. Said they are. Became friends during that appearance with the mock fight. Enjoy each others company and humor. Celebrities have contacted JK to do a similar type skit like Clay's, and Jimmy has turned them all down. Likewise, Conan contacted Clay wanting to a reconcilatory skit like the JK one, but Clay turned him down too. They are very loyal to each other.

That's very cool that JK and he have really got a friendship going. They really do seem to be the "Odd Couple" in so many ways.

And as far as Conan -- heh. Serves him right.

Doesn't do any kind of warm up routine before concert. Usually consists of having a grilled cheese sandwich.

Clay....that's not good. Warming up is important. And grilled cheese?!?!?! *sigh*

Was handed one of those autograph doll which was covered in autographs. He couldn't find a spot to sign. He said.."well the crack is available....and ended up signing his name on butt.

This really cracks me up!

Let me guess... "RCA wants him to do another covers album."

Why don't people focus on the statement that two of the songs Clay wants have already been approved? Apparently, there is a report clarifying that RCA offered him a covers album if he wanted to get something out quickly, but he said no. This doesn't seem like an "ultimatum," just an option he chose not to take. A covers album would be much easier to put together than an album of originals. Nothing "mandated" there.

Sounds very positive to me, and Clay seems happy about the situation, so what's all the angst about?

*major eye roll*

I'm totally happy that he has gotten two songs approved so far. It also sounds like he is reflecting on his options...and we should celebrate that he HAS options. (Not that I don't think he didn't last time either....but I digress....)

I wouldn't have any album angst even if he said they shackled him to the basement [tm Eeyore sorta] and forced him to sing for his suppah. Didn't have any last time. Never will. Just who I am. He'll be fine. I'll either like it or not. His house will still be bigger than mine.

You are me. I just can't worry about any of this. And I wish I had his house.

I am so proud of Clay and how he handled the last album and this one. I can see him wanting to get anything out rather than waiting last time because of the fear that fame is fleeting. But now he'll wait and get out what he wants. And RCA will wait, I'm happy they have approved two of his songs. Yes! This is sounding great. Better the devil you know... I really think that applies here. I just don't feel and never have that this is a totally atagonistic relationship. It's just business. Anyway, good news.

Thank you!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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