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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
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    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
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    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Wheeee! 14 pages this time. I'm getting there.....

The thought of Clay skillfully holding his long, sustained, heavy weight, keeping his arms straight while I appreciate how hard it is and how he does it so well. I, personally, don't think I'd get ever get bored with it. Or did I mix that up? It's been that kind of a day. I found a pair of panties in my drawer marked size M. I don't know whether to be more depressed that I used to wear them or that I obviously haven't cleaned out that drawer in the past ten years.

This is one of the best delurking posts I've ever seen. :cryingwlaughter:

About Jamie and Clay:

Ship away. Don't mind it at all. Speculation is fine.


We don't know Jamie's situation. And certainly her custody issues and son's living arrangements are definitely none of our business.

Yep. I don't mind light-hearted shipping. Sometimes I engage in it myself. :blush: But when it starts to get intrusive I get squicked out. Can anyone say Santa Monica? ETA: I hope not. That was NOT an invitation to start. :lol:

And Clay


Wheee! She is alive! ;)

I do hope Clay is happy, but personal happiness doesn't always include a significant other. Just sayin'. I wish I had a nickle (okay this is the Aught's *g* make it a buck) for everyone who tried to fix me up after my divorce. And who still ask when I'm going to start dating again. As if finding another man should be my top priority. :shrugs:

But I do rather like the thought of Clay Aiken's Home for Wayward Divorcees.

I mean...Sign me up. :cryingwlaughter:

Hee, this cracked me up. And ITA, I like being single.

Well I'm having issues with the piano intro to Sexy Tractor because they so varied from night to night ... sometimes its missing altogether, sometimes the rhythm seems off, sometimes the sound doesn't pick it up very well, and then there are times when it sounds mangled. I was thinking, "Wow some of these pianists were a lot better than others" ... then I remembered they are all Jesse!!!

BWAH, that sounds like something I would say. But I gotta admit, some of y'all are skeering me with your in depth orchestra talk. Seriously, I used to play the freaking oboe and I don't know that much about orchestras! The extent of my notes about the orchestra in my RHW and WISYS recommendations are, and I quote..."nice violins". :cryingwlaughter:

Edited by luckiest1
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Just wanted to say, "Hey."

Luckiest, I am enjoying your catching up a lot! The pages go by so fast that it is fun to catch up with you.

Muski... I never noticed the "not a sock" in the AMA pic, either. Too busy looking at the overall luciousness and that smile on his face. Man he was gorgeous that night! :Thud: Anyway, thanks for bringing that to my attention! I'm still getting my smut radar tuned up after being on a smut-almost free board for so long. :cryingwlaughter:

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I LOVED THE 2006 AMA hair, too. The whole outfit was to die for. YUMMMMMM! I loved the pic posted by ialreadyam. Here's another yummy one:


And now, I'm off to work. Won't see you gals much in the next few days - if I can post from work, it will be stealth posting.

That is one confident sexy man strolling out there on stage. He IS the cock of the walk. No doubt about it......... :eusa_whistle: Loved the outfit, the hair, his whole aura.

I have nothing to add - just wanted to see my new-old avi, since ShoeWhore reminded me of it.


Oh me likey cindi.

I just read on an OFC thread that AI Rewind Season 2 begins September 29th, beginning with a "red carpet event" in Hollywood. Can't vouch for the information, but I'm now officially praying for the entirety of Season 2 in XviD.

I can't wait to watch this again. I believe season two is still the best one. Had the most talent and I loved the group songs too. I actually would like to hear Josh Gracin again, as well as Trenyce and Kim Locke. Hell I even liked Carmen.

Jumping in to say :Morning: to everybody here. Those yummy pictures can drag anyone out of lurkdom!

I see a lot of familiar names here...some who I have known since the beginning of this fantastic ride and some who I have met along the way.

Thanks to chacha trusty for poking me to come over here! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

OMG...........Where have you been hiding? I'm glad to see you here..... :F_05BL17blowkiss: Welcome to couchies new friend too. Luvthatguy?

do we have this?


:cryingwlaughter: That avatar of Clay's lips from the Hees picture is just awesome. If I didn't already know those lips belonged to Clay I would guess them to be Elvis Presley's lips. :Thud: I hated the Mohawk hair. It cost Clay in merchandise sales. I would of bought more stuff if it didn't have that mohawk picture on it. Go ahead and boo me but I've seen that said by many fans. Just saying. :eusa_whistle:

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First posts are kinda scary.

Thank you for telling me about your board couchie

I really enjoyed spending our fabulous day in 5th grade with you. You are a hoot!

Hello!!! I'm so happy to see you here. I loved your and Gareem's recap!

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Lovethatguy and Gareeem - glad to see you both here. What a blast we had. You dropped me off at the airport at 4:30 and by 5 had changed my ticket and was heading home. Still on a cloud.


ETA: Bwah..I love that name woo lovereyes.

The other screen name I just loved is from CH..saladcankillya heee. She's great too!!

extremely hot..and there is no air conditioning in my office. I don't even have a fan cuz it blows my papers all over the darn place. So yes...I'm dying.

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How hot is it where you are at couchie and muski??? It's a friggin 105 right here in Sacratamatoe. Now I'm all for hawtt when it comes to our sexy singerman, but this is insane. Geez, is there some really boring clack to chill out/off??? Didn't think so. :scream:

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Quick news report on Clay in all the 5th grader stories (do you notice how many have his picture?) Celebrities Study for a Cause on 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader'

yadda yadda yadda and then

Clay Aiken will attempt to do his best to raise funds for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation or TBAF, of which he is a co-founder. TBAF is already set to receive a minimum of $25,000 just for Aiken's appearance but the American Idol runner-up and multi-platinum recording artist hopes to win as much for his charity as he possibly can.

Jerry Aiken, Clay's uncle and executive director of TBAF, has expressed much enthusiasm over his nephew's participation in the game show.

"We are excited about Clay's appearance on the show to fundraise for the Foundation.” Jerry Aiken stated. “FOX has given us a great opportunity to move closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008. Clay's appearance will also gain exposure for our goals of full inclusion. Of course we are hoping to win the million, but Clay's being part of their hit show will be great for the Foundation either way."

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? premieres on Thursday, September 6 from 8-9pm. Hour-long original episodes will also air Friday nights on September 14, 21 and 28 and October 5 at the same time slot on FOX. The celebrity edition will air some time in November.

Off to see how many more are mostly about Clay.

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Couchie, I kept looking for you in line yesterday - we got there at 7:30am. But I didn't see you. I finally saw you once we were all seated. I was sitting in the first row behind Clay, staring at his fine butt the whole time, lol. You were to my left, holding that sign you loved so much. Wish I'd seen you in line so that I could have said howdy! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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Must be Smut Day in Clayland....or maybe that is every day :hubbahubba:

Welcome to Lovethatguy, Gareem and TLS nice to have you here!

So, I am still waiting for adam's apple picture...I am the only one who loves this body part?


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Must be Smut Day in Clayland....or maybe that is every day :hubbahubba:

Welcome to Lovethatguy, Gareem and TLS nice to have you here!

So, I am still waiting for adam's apple picture...I am the only one who loves this body part?



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Totally! You were there, too? Woo hoo! Ok...now YOU need to give a hair report! :RedGuy:

I was there ALL day, which was a little bit more than I bargained for - saw Regis also.

I didn't think the hair was so bad - really didn't think about it much at all, but then I had a different perspective than some, since I was sitting behind Clay. But I was very close to him, since I was in the first row. I also could see the big screen and he turned around quite a bit. I thought he looked great. Although I'm trusting some of the reports that the bangs didn't look wonderful - too much product and seperated and stiff. Stiff is not always a bad look for Clay, if you know what I mean, but when it comes to the bangs, I prefer softer. :)

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How hot is it where you are at couchie and muski??? It's a friggin 105 right here in Sacratamatoe. Now I'm all for hawtt when it comes to our sexy singerman, but this is insane. Geez, is there some really boring clack to chill out/off??? Didn't think so. :scream:

Hey woo, you'd better take care to keep those beautiful green eyes out of the bright Sacramento sunshine or I'll be all over that avi.. Just sayin.

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heee..cuz I fully admit to me Clay has only had 3 bad hair days in 4 years. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:
...and they were?

Fess up, chickie!


Kevin Studdard greasy spikes

Mohawk photo

graduation day

loved Oprah hair. LOVED! heee

eta: me and muski..whoo..picking up our tradition tonight...no not walking.... :drinking34:

wow Totally..I was just getting on a plane in Oakland at 7:30am!

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We need an I"m caught up celebratory emoticon!!

Yes, we do! Cuz I am! :RedGuy:


I luuurve the mosaics. I used to collect pictures of them, in a folder. Last year, we went to the ATDW release party in Detroit, and wasn't ClayIzzaQT there with one to be auctioned off? She and I had corresponded via email a few times, and I found out that while I was a big fan of her work, she was also a big fan of our (mine & goldarngirl's) montages. Hee, I tried to bribe her with DVDs, but it didn't work. So I bought a whole pile of tickets (proceeds to BAF) and stood by the table the whole night, throwing one into the can for the mosaic every few minutes, to space them out. I was determined to win! Hee, can you believe that I actually did? The coolest thing was that she took my daughter aside and told her that she had brought an extra, in case I didn't win, to give to me. :F_05BL17blowkiss: She's the greatest. So I now have the most awesome, framed and matted ATDW mosaic hanging in my living room. :clap:

Thanks YSRN & cha cha trusty for the links to the mosaics. My God those are beautiful. How does she do that? Is there supposed to be a picture of Raleigh hidden in each one or did Clay just say that? I don't recall ever hearing the history on these.

Yep, there is always a pic of Raleigh hidden somewhere in there. I believe she uses some type of software to create the mosaic, but she hand picks each of the 1000 photos that are involved. They take a lot of time and patience.

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Good Evening, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

welcome2.gif Greetings to leeana, turtletoo, headoverheels, claycherie, TLS, lovethatguy, and Gareem!

Couchie, loved your recap! Same with lovethatguy and Gareem -- on this board and/or elsewhere! :clap:

WB from the woods, Luckiest1! :lilredani:

bananatype.gif After Tuesday's music lessons, I tuned into at least five cellcerts to keep up with Clay's taping of "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" in LA, one of which was at FCA. My notes from these became a blog that is basically a CliffsNotes version of the cert. This fandom produces laughable, as well as poignant, lines in reports like these. I enjoyed rounding them up.

The clickable graphic/photo interlude gives any "virgins" time to bail before the winning total. OFC and Blogspot: Carolina On My Mind.

Treenuts, thnx for stopping by the Carolina site. :)

woo lovereyes -- you even have your own emoticon! WOO.gif

th_Happy_Birthday.jpgto Huuugs!

Have a super evening, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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heee..cuz I fully admit to me Clay has only had 3 bad hair days in 4 years. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:
...and they were?

Fess up, chickie!


Kevin Studdard greasy spikes

Mohawk photo

graduation day

loved Oprah hair. LOVED! heee

Oh my. I thought I was the only person in the fandom who liked that.

Though I readily admit to liking pretty much everything Clay does. I'm a Clay whore. Oh, good grief no! Not a real whore! Not me! That would involve money and stuff. It's a metaphor. Pinky swear.

So. I've just been lurking along here enjoying myself. Nice place. Let me see if I can add a little decoration -

How'd you like to wake up at night and look at this?


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