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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Good morning FCA!

I only went to one high school reunion, my 20th. Small class -- 80 kids, small town Illinois. (Clayzor, you'll have to tell me where your husband is from...) The main reason I really wanted to go was that I was the kid in high school who never had a date, so I wanted to show off my new husband! Of course, he was bored silly. The other thing that was cool though was they took us on a tour of the school. It was amazing how much the place had changed in 20 years. The band room was the best -- but that was my hangout in high school too.

Salt shakers are a good thing. I do think it interesting, though, that we tend to believe what we want to believe. I think this reunion thing is fairly innocuous, and like merrieee and canuckie (BWAH on your post), I kinda WANT to believe this one, because it makes me happy to think that he could get to go to this without the fans knowing about it. But, at the same time, I did apply salt to this one as well. *shrug*

Ah yes, Wal Mart night. I know a bunch of people had a bad evening....but I sure didn't. I was the only one in the TV section. Bookwhore, I too had a cart with me -- like I was really going to buy something. Heh. But it was so nice to see Clay all over the TVs!

{{{{{{keepingfaith}}}} Hope you feel better soon!

*off to see what's up with lilyshines*

I'll PM you the town ldyjocelyn. I'm just getting too leary of posting personal info, anymore. Wouldn't want my husband or my picture and information showing up in somebody's blog, if you know what I mean. :eusa_whistle:

Yep I was right there with you and Bookwhore . Had a shopping cart doing my "fake shopping" in Wal-Mart. He was also at the checkout screen at every checkout stand. I think I counted around 25 of those. Every TV and overhead screen and also at the pharmacy window. I was in Heaven being surrounded by Clay and his voice.

Really? I think Clay probably did attend his reunion. I was just agreeing that people should use salt shakers, and I'm surprised we don't have clack of it. Hee. The kid can't do anything, it seems, without fans knowing about it and sharing. LOL Clay does like to keep in touch with his teachers as keepingfaith mentioned. Of course I also think there is just a wee bit of a Diva Clay, wanting to attend just to have his "How Do You You Like Me Now!" moment. Even though they liked him in high school. I know I like him just fine............. :lipstick:

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Well - I tried using that Wal-Mart shot for my wallpaper and it got all tiled on me....... so I said "no, no, no, no... this will not do!!"

So I made it bigger - now I'm happy cause my monitor is sizzling. (I think it O'd, and now it's smoking!!)

So I'm trying out the auto-desizer on these images....... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

this one is 1024x768


and this one is 1440x900 (wide-screen)


Don't have a heart attack!


eta: Here's a link to the soundcheck (they have moved it!)

Did they always have Clay and that goofy audition sequence? I don't remember hearing him talk to the auditioners before!! Funny!!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Really? I think Clay probably did attend his reunion. I was just agreeing that people should use salt shakers, and I'm surprised we don't have clack of it. Hee. The kid can't do anything, it seems, without fans knowing about it and sharing. LOL Clay does like to keep in touch with his teachers as keepingfaith mentioned. Of course I also think there is just a wee bit of a Diva Clay, wanting to attend just to have his "How Do You You Like Me Now!" moment. Even though they liked him in high school. I know I like him just fine............. :lipstick:

If Clay did attend his reunion, an additional reason could be that it was a life-affirming activity. I think after you suffer the death of someone close, you just may want to do something that proves you are alive and matter, and attending a reunion reminds you of your history and can be a useful distraction.

Question: Is the Houston posse "evil" because y'all are a bunch of characters? How did this moniker develop? I spent a few years in Houston and Houstonians are some of the nicest and friendliest people anyplace (outside of the freeways, anyway!). I miss the chicken fried steak and cream gravy.

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Walmart sound check - yes, the goofy interviews were always there - you must have missed them.

Toots, I do think school size played an improtant part on how strong the pecking order was - I came for a large suburban school (800+) in the graduating class and very few that I ever wanted to see again, edited to remove bitter, bitter rant - too much of a downerI am sure that in a reasonable school that being a cheerleader was more about being able to cheer and be heard.

We hee - I am number ! - top of the ppage - first post on the page - wheeeeeee.

ETA - I need to find those baby emoticons I save a while ago - so many babies, so few baby emoticons.

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About the "evil" in the Evil Houston Posse...we are the fun kind of villians that the audience is noisily glad has escaped their due desserts - though we ever rarely skip desserts. We only rarely draft people into slave labor (we eventually let them go again because lord knows we don't wanna pay for their upkeep), am fond of persuading police authority that we will be good...next time, and are aware there are such things as speed limits. Why, we haven't quite figured out. As Clay continues his slow but steady march toward world domination, he will need someone to do the naughty things that need to be done. We are ready and waiting.

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(we eventually let them go again because lord knows we don't wanna pay for their upkeep)

eeep... uh, did we remember to let that the last ones go? whose turn was it?

jazzgirl, you're right about the city of Houston though. Except for one other place, people haven't been nicer. When I moved here about 12 years ago I used to wander around downtown at lunchtime but I had to stop carrying a map because every single time I paused for a few moments to glance at the map, people would come up to me to offer to help. I was grateful that everyone was helpful but it was starting to get embarassing when it happened day after day.

Most of my high school class is here in the US so I don't know how the reunions back home are doing. We have a yahoo group and service projects and stuff. Unfortunately, my 3 best friends became involved in fundamentalist groups here and the last time I had one of them over at home for a weekend it just didn't work out very well -- apart from trying to convert my family the entire time (and this was so unlike the happy, snarky, partner-in-crime I fondly remember) she sincerely, honestly believed that the final battle between good and evil was going to take place here in Texas and frequently gushed over how lucky I was to live here. Finally, I had to say something to the effect of, "Well, I'm not sure I want the Final Battle between Good and Evil to happen in my hometown because it would be blacked out on pay-per-view". That sort of killed the weekend, but she forgave me and keeps including me in "Repent-now" chain e-mails. *sigh*

ETA: sylvie, Gracie Eleanor -- such a nice name for a lovely girl. She looks so peaceful! Would love to see pictures of some of your knitting/needlework too.

Edited by Scarlett
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Our beautiful new banner is courtesy of laughn...she submitted two...one mellow Clay and one action packed Clay...Couchie chose action packed. We will have the mellow Clay next week.

I'm so glad you decided on the action packed version first, I love me some Clay action! Thanks very much, yum, and well done, laughn :clap: I look forward to seeing the mellow version too. :)

Oh and thanks to cha cha trusty for making that screencap into a gorgeous wallpaper, which is now on my desktop. :hubbahubba:

Thanks for the welcomes and baby comments too. Off to watch Scarlett's fan video from GMA. I'm usually so quick to pick up on new clack but I missed those.

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TootsI didn't mean to cast aspersions on all cheerleaders (save the cheerleader, save the world!), but where I come from, being a cheerleader ONLY had to do with whether you lived in town (yes) or in the country (no) and which side of town you lived in (big house--yes; cheapass house--no). It wasn't exactly a democratic process. (NOT that some of the cheerleaders weren't perfectly nice young women!!)

Now that I have washed myself politically clean, I feel better.

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Really? I think Clay probably did attend his reunion. I was just agreeing that people should use salt shakers, and I'm surprised we don't have clack of it. Hee. The kid can't do anything, it seems, without fans knowing about it and sharing. LOL Clay does like to keep in touch with his teachers as keepingfaith mentioned. Of course I also think there is just a wee bit of a Diva Clay, wanting to attend just to have his "How Do You You Like Me Now!" moment. Even though they liked him in high school. I know I like him just fine............. :lipstick:

If Clay did attend his reunion, an additional reason could be that it was a life-affirming activity. I think after you suffer the death of someone close, you just may want to do something that proves you are alive and matter, and attending a reunion reminds you of your history and can be a useful distraction.

Question: Is the Houston posse "evil" because y'all are a bunch of characters? How did this moniker develop? I spent a few years in Houston and Houstonians are some of the nicest and friendliest people anyplace (outside of the freeways, anyway!). I miss the chicken fried steak and cream gravy.

Wow. That's deep. I guess it's a possibility. However another possibility is that IF HE WENT he was already planning on attending weeks or months or days before the loss of a loved one. That is what I tend to believe.

Don't listen to a thing those eHP gals tell you. They are indeed a bunch of characters. :imgtongue:

However the ones I have met are the nicest bunch of characters you'd ever want to meet. They love them some Clay Aiken too................That makes them a ok in my book...............I had biscuits and gravy for dinner, hee. Yes Southerners are the nicest people.

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TootsI didn't mean to cast aspersions on all cheerleaders (save the cheerleader, save the world!), but where I come from, being a cheerleader ONLY had to do with whether you lived in town (yes) or in the country (no) and which side of town you lived in (big house--yes; cheapass house--no). It wasn't exactly a democratic process. (NOT that some of the cheerleaders weren't perfectly nice young women!!)

Now that I have washed myself politically clean, I feel better.

Didn't feel your aspersions so no need to come clean. The little town I lived in was in the mountains and as I remember it only had 2 sides, neither being big or cheapass. And we were all just plain old everyday kids.

Now Wandacleo, did you steal my identity and make a post attributed to me? :cryingwlaughter:

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Walmart sound check - yes, the goofy interviews were always there - you must have missed them.
Yep - I saw the goofy interviews - I just don't remember Clay talking in the background before - or showing up at the end and telling that guy he had the job!! CRS I guess!!

I had some pics of the Wal-Mart tvs when Clay was on all of them - I have to find them! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by cha cha trusty
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I've been at work all day, and just logged in to find a lovely looking board! Great job with the colors, Ansa! It's purty.

And laughn, the banner is great. I love action Clay, and the green looks good with the board colors.

Chacha, the new wallpaper is HAWT!! I have a problem with it, though - how am I ever going to get anything done? I want to stare at it all day! Hubba hubba!! :hubbahubba:

I've been teaching computer classes all day at a different hospital in our corporation. My feet hurt, and I'm sucking on cough drops to keep from losing my voice since I have to teach classes again tomorrow. I'm not sure I'll spend much time on-line tonight - just too tired of computers. Which is rare for me - usually I love them!

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Has the world ended yet? :huh:

This is two nights in a row that I've come home early (on time) from work and actually cooked dinner for the family! This is two nights in a row that all four of us are actually here to eat the dinner.

Certainly nothing the chefs need to worry about on that show (or at the local greasy spoon)...but still. I'm impressed with m' bad self. B)

Beautiful baby pics! So glad I don't have one. :cryingwlaughter: Been there and done that and am enjoying the stages my two girls are experiencing right now. whew!



The "Best of" assignment?

Uh. Well....you see.... :unsure:

And PS....FLOVE the banner! Some sweaty, rockin' out Clay is always goood.

heh :whistling-1:

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Hey Gibby. Feel for you. Our hospital is going paperless on Sunday. I have had 4 classes and I am scared shitless. I have worked at this hospital for 35 years and know what I need to do everyday, but the idea of remembering everything come Monday is frightening. To many new things. I keep saying everyone is in my position. I need prayers.

Those pictures of Clay are just beautiflul. I can not believe he can look different in so many pictures.

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ah..so the entire famly sat down for dinner..then it's a good thing I didn't call and interrupt as I passed by. Had ti pick up my neice from school in your little burb. I just figured you were still at work as you always are.

Clayzor... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Scarlett...you're "friend's" take on Texas is very interesting!!

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Hey, gbmifan! Our hospital went paperless Nov. of 2006. We piloted a newly written program, and it was a bit rough until the bugs were worked out, but it's great now. I really, really like it, a whole lot better than paper charts. I'm teaching classes for the next set of hospitals to go live with the electronic medical record. They're really nervous, like you, but four hospitals in our system have gone paperless with no terrible disasters. There will be learning curve, but you'll probably do well and maybe even eventually like it! You'll get more and more comfortable with it each day.


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Really? I think Clay probably did attend his reunion. I was just agreeing that people should use salt shakers, and I'm surprised we don't have clack of it. Hee. The kid can't do anything, it seems, without fans knowing about it and sharing. LOL Clay does like to keep in touch with his teachers as keepingfaith mentioned. Of course I also think there is just a wee bit of a Diva Clay, wanting to attend just to have his "How Do You You Like Me Now!" moment. Even though they liked him in high school. I know I like him just fine............. :lipstick:

If Clay did attend his reunion, an additional reason could be that it was a life-affirming activity. I think after you suffer the death of someone close, you just may want to do something that proves you are alive and matter, and attending a reunion reminds you of your history and can be a useful distraction.

I think IF he went he did so because he wanted to! I never thought he hated high school. Didn't he say something like by the time he reached high school he just started being himself and had fun, made friends etc? I think he still has friends from high school. Not to mention, he could go back and still be Clayton for a little while - at least to most.

Hey Powers that Be - can we have a salt shaker emotion??? Please????

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My problem with the paperless system is that I work in a Pediatric Intensive Care and paper towels are our friend when in a hurry to write things down. I know that now I just rewrite things into my notes carefully when I have time. Knowing where to put everything is the problem now. We are suppose to have a lot of help the first couple of weeks. I know that I am better off then some people who do not even own a computer at home and are clueless.

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Guess who Brian turned out to be?

I want to know!!!!!!!

Gosh, I hope you're serious... I was sucked into that story and when it got to the end, I'm like "so, who is Brian?" doh. Took a couple of minutes and then the sledgehammer hit me... He probably did deserve to get stuffed in a locker but it was kind of funny in a sick sort of way....

Hey, gbmifan! Our hospital went paperless Nov. of 2006. Our hospital piloted a newly written program, and it was a bit rough until the bugs were worked out, but it's great now. I really, really like it, a whole lot better than paper charts. I'm teaching classes for the next set of hospitals to go live with the electronic medical record. They're really nervous, like you, but four hospitals in our system have gone paperless with no terrible disasters. There will be learning curve, but you'll probably do well and maybe even eventually like it! You'll get more and more comfortable with it each day.

So is this what my rheumatologist did - go paperless? I was just there earlier in the month and the nurse had his laptop and he was plugging all my stats into it... and then the prescription refill I got for my med was a computer printout... impressed the hell out of me... kind of scared me too... and then our server had a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig burp at work last week, first everything slowed down to a crawl and then we couldn't do crap for about 30 minutes when it went down... everything we do now needs the computer and no computer, no work..... let's say it was interesting...

sylvie - lovely baby and congrats!

ansa and couchie - thanks for the upgrade and all the purty new stuff... I can't check in during the day so I missed all the fun with the non-working stuff and colors... I get to see all the results when I get home... it's beeeeutiful!

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Awwww. This is so nice!!


Current mood: creative

Magical Holiday Tour 2007: Williamsport, PA Christmas Show Confirmed

Clay's return to the Community Arts Center in Williamsport, PA has been confirmed following months of rumblings that Clay was set to play another concert at the venue. Clay was last at the venue during last year's "Symphonic Christmas Tour".

The show is scheduled for December 15 at 7:30 PM EST.


Dear Friends,

As the House Manager of the Community Arts Center, I am so pleased to welcome Clay Aiken and his fans back to our beautiful venue. The entire staff of the CAC had such a wonderful experience with not only Mr. Aiken, but with his wonderful Claymates and Claymaniacs last year. I believe that myself and the rest of the staff were moved not only by his talent, but his kind and loving nature. Not only is he an very talented artist, but a gentleman as well!

We really hope to see all of you again at the Community Arts Center on December 15, 2007. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!

Best Wishes,

Lara Collins Breon

House Manager

Williamsport Community Arts Center MySpace

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: ansa, getting better every time I tune in....good job.

My health care provider is paperless. My doctor orders a test by computer and I go in to the lab or whatnot and have the test. They notify me of the results by e-mail unless it's something that my doctor needs to evaluate first. Went in to have a cholestrol check this morning, by tomorrow morning the results will be in my e-mail. My doctor and I can e-mail each other with questions that don't need an appt. It's wonderful...go paperless.

Hey couchie, ansa and ldyj...I wasn't kidding about my board identity being stolen. Someone made a post in my name and it wasn't me... Look at the Thread Title suggestions. I don't know nutting from nuttin..but that post wasn't made by me. :naughtywag:

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