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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Oh, crap, the game is finally over and WTF, they're showing something from the first season.

Oh, bad thought, bad thought, bad thought.

Edited by wandacleo
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Confession time...I came into this fandome at the end of AI2. I never watched the auditions. I never voted. I watched some performances here and there, but never sat through an entire show, and probably never saw a show back to back.

Basically, I am an AI2 virgin. I am so ready for this. :lipstick:

laughn, You will love AI2 and you will really love Clay. That boy (I know, I'm sorry) just stole everyone's heart with his sweet smile, southern gentlemen personality and that beautiful face and voice that come from some other universe. I've seen it and can't wait to go back and do it all over again. I can't watch it until tomorrow so I may download it tonight. :hubbahubba:

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I just watched it, and enjoyed it a great deal. I missed the very first part, but tuned in about 5 minutes in. Unless they happened to mention that Clay was narrating, I think there are a lot of people who wouldn't know it was him. That said, I enjoyed hearing Clay's voice so much. He did a good job of narrating with feeling. It will be fascinating to hear how he narrates the show when he auditions!

I really liked it that they interviewed Julia and Frenchie. It was very interesting to hear how nervous they were! Frenchie really hasn't changed at all, but Julia looks 100% different!

Of course, I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing Clay's first audition, and even more to the shows when the top 12 sing. I expect to fall in love with Clay all over again, just like I did the first time! Of course, the voice drew me in, but I also loved his humble, sweet demeanor, as well. And I always thought he was sexy!

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When I was trying to catch the season 1 Rewind, I could never find it! It was annoying. Duckyvee, if you find it in the Philly area, will you let me know (and no, I don't have Tivo or a DVR>>>>>>).

I don't know what zip code you are in - but I found this from the zaptoit (sp?) website:

American Idol Rewind (more)NY Auditions (more) [New] [CC] [stereo]9/29, 8:00 PM: WPIX, Channel 11

Kelly & Justin (more) [CC] [stereo]9/29, 9:00 PM: WPIX, Channel 119/30, 7:00 PM: WPHL, Channel 179/30,

7:00 PM: WPHLDT, Channel 17.1NY Auditions (more) [New] [CC] [stereo]9/30, 8:00 PM: WPHL, Channel 179/30,

8:00 PM: WPHLDT, Channel 17.1Miami/Detroit Auditions (more) [New] [CC] [stereo]10/6, 8:00 PM: WPIX, Channel 11

NY Auditions (more) [CC] [stereo]10/6, 9:00 PM: WPIX, Channel 1110/7, 7:00 PM: WPHL, Channel 1710/7, 7:00 PM: WPHLDT, Channel 17.1

Miami/Detroit Auditions (more) [New] [CC] [stereo]10/7, 8:00 PM: WPHL, Channel 1710/7, 8:00 PM: WPHLDT, Channel 17.1

Sorry - it got all jumbled up when I copy/pasted it!! I hope you found it!!

I have to wait another 95 minutes!!!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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I am loving it!!!

I love Ruben's opening and I totally loved Clay;s narration in the first part. I love hearing his voice.

I really love this season. I do enjoy the basic premise of AI...its just when they try to push bad singer over better ones just because they want to get a certain outcome...that it pisses me off. So a great season of a good show narrated by Clay??? that is a no brainer for me...


Sigh...I am in the last 5 of WY review...I know the 2 that is in my top 3...now I have to figure out what goes into top 3....tough call.

but I will be done...I will not be sporked!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEE love Clay's voice

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I just watched it, and enjoyed it a great deal. I missed the very first part, but tuned in about 5 minutes in. Unless they happened to mention that Clay was narrating, I think there are a lot of people who wouldn't know it was him. That said, I enjoyed hearing Clay's voice so much. He did a good job of narrating with feeling. It will be fascinating to hear how he narrates the show when he auditions!

I really liked it that they interviewed Julia and Frenchie. It was very interesting to hear how nervous they were! Frenchie really hasn't changed at all, but Julia looks 100% different!

Of course, I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing Clay's first audition, and even more to the shows when the top 12 sing. I expect to fall in love with Clay all over again, just like I did the first time! Of course, the voice drew me in, but I also loved his humble, sweet demeanor, as well. And I always thought he was sexy!

Gibby, you really have to see the whoel show form the very beginning. It started with Ruben and then the review of the whole audition period was the longest narration for clay and yes there was a big narration by Clay Aiken in the very beginning...right after all the credits for producers and when he started talking.

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See this is the last season where the judges really took their role seriously...or their task seriously. Yeah they made fun of some people...but mostly...they did give good advice...and Paula was still pretty lucid and looked really good.

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Thanks, Ansa, for letting me know that Clay gets to narrate a longer segment at the beginning. I'll download it later and enjoy watching the first part!

So, does anybody else think that the producers might have asked Clay to narrate to help ratings? They had to know that the ClayNation would tune in to every episode if they gave him a role from the first episode. Whatever their motivation, I'm thrilled that he's doing it!

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See this is the last season where the judges really took their role seriously...or their task seriously. Yeah they made fun of some people...but mostly...they did give good advice...and Paula was still pretty lucid and looked really good.

Yeah that!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I just watched it on KTLA - we get that in Vancouver - go figure! Anyway, I thought he did an awesome job. Ruben was cute starting it off but then Clay took over and was fabulous as a narrator - he is just fabulous at every bitty thing he does!


I hope at some point we see him in today's time - maybe when they talk about "Where are they now?" That would be cool.

He's awesome!

Toots Mike Weir gets to play Tiger Woods tomorrow! How lucky is he??? :cryingwlaughter: Anyway, our team is sucking but Mikey has played awesome and I'm so happy for him. He was under so much pressure being the only Canadian in the field - at home - and he's their highest scorer!! So cool!

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Well that was v. cool. I am dying now to know when he recorded this. If it was during the small break in DCAT, he would have already sang Baby Got Back. I wonder how hard he laughed watching this guy??? Yeah, it was scripted, but I sure heard 'our' Clay in there a couple times.

I'm thinking he must only be narrating the audition round shows. How weird would it be for him to narrate on the actual shows, when he's such a big part of every one.

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cindilu I expect him to narrate the whole series of shows. He won't have to comment on his performance but he could add a lot to the broadcast. I don't think they would have him so prominent in the credits if he was just going to be doing it for the auditions but I'm just surmising here. :)
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cindilu I expect him to narrate the whole series of shows. He won't have to comment on his performance but he could add a lot to the broadcast. I don't think they would have him so prominent in the credits if he was just going to be doing it for the auditions but I'm just surmising here. :)

canuck, I will be very, very happy to be wrong in this instance! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I just forwarded a copy of the Clay Nation News to two friends who have gone to Clay concerts with me. Of course they went to humor me but they do like Clay. Hopefully they will tune in and watch him, that might make three people from my town watching. I can't believe that we get it four times here during the week. Twice its on FOX. Unfortunately I don't watch FOX, but I guess I could tape it. The picture is a little clearer. :photo:

I'm gonna try to finish up my one song tommorrow. Unfortunately I downloaded all the classics in video form so I'm getting distracted and watching all of them. At least I'm up to Knoxville. :woohoo:

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Poop. Tuned in to AIR and saw some stuff about Season 1 Top Ten---where are they now kinda thing.

I was at a soccer tournament all day (Alex's team kicked BUTT! They're tied for first now and play tomorrow at 8 freakin' AM! :fca: )...and got all excited when I saw it listed in the tv thingy but then


So it's tomorrow Couchie? YSRN? What time? Alex has an early morning game and then not another one until 3 or 4:30 pm, depending on how they do in the morning one.

I'll probably sneak Clack when it's uploaded anyway...

Oh...wait. Heh. Clack.

Right. I have some audio clack to...er, uh....review, don't I?


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Wheeeee! That was so much fun. I loved hearing Clay's voice, and a couple of times I cracked up over the way he said something. And I really, really, really cracked up at the Baby Got Back guy.....wondering what Clay was thinking watching it, or if he was also cracking up and had to redo his lines.....and the bit about "that wasn't really an arrow" was just the cherry on top. BWAH HA HA.

I can't wait for the next week...and the next week...and the next week. This will be a fun way to kill time until the tour starts.

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yeah but everyone videos the classics. Try getting sorry - I had to download full concerts and try and find it - can't listen to it in the car or on the player, must listen through computer on those files because there was so little of it caught. need Frisco, Houston, Philly, Newark, Atlanta, syracuse and a couple more. I have video of a few, but don't feel like looking them up right now. I really did not want to listen through the computer, but it is too hard to compare not to.

Fromthe MP3's , my favorite in #8, and the worst is #11 - I just have to go back to the spread sheet and see where they are.

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I actually found it easier to listen to and rate the individual songs (i.e. I did RHW which was only sung for half the tour) rather than songs that were a part of the TV Theme Song medley or the Classics medley, because you had to listen through each medley to get to your song. Plus less available means less to have to listen to and compare. One thing that is great is that the best quality videos usually also have audio hosted in the vaults (Scarlett, spotlightlover, 4192spooky, etc).

In any case my iPod is happy to get more "best of"s, no matter what method you use to select them! :clap:

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