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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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Interesting, :noidea: I've lived in the South ALL of my life and have never heard Clay or anyone else say cousins with a 'D'.

I've heard 'cUHzzin' - like LOTS, but never a 'D' sound.

I think Clay looks good in the screen caps.

Is that his picture on the screen? Young Clay? Big ears and glasses?

:wub: Too cute!

BTW, Thank Goodness, it is actually almost TOO cool outside! 51ยบ!!


Ick! WRAL news just said 80's will be returning! Poo!


FIVE more posts and I can quit walking the dogs!! A-Whoo-Hoo!!

Yes, that is Clay in the 5th grade.


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Just walk away from the scissors, Clay, and no one's hair will get butchered! :langue:

Oh well....I still can't wait to watch his brain work :yahoo: , even if it IS dressed in a very unflattering style. After seeing that Vegas poster of Mr. Hawt Holiday Hunk, those screencaps were uh...well, just....

different. :yow:

Even so....


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Ah, the elusive brown suit of fuzzy goodness... :wub: I loved that thing, and he only wore it for one concert. I just want to hug it and pet it and call it George.

Bottlecap... me, too!!!! I LOVED that suit (and the guy in it). :cryingwlaughter: I have excellent taste, as I've mentioned before <g>. I also just adored the Miami IT clingy shirt and he never wore that again either. :cry4:

I'm sure Clay feels comfortable with Jamie doing his hair, but she is just someone who can cut hair and is not one who can see what style is needed to compliment the shape of head, etc. She and Clay probably both look at him and just see "Clayton" so just don't get that some of his hairstyles don't compliment him a-tal! He's still gorgeous, but he could be gorgeouser! :cryingwlaughter:

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Posted by raleighlady at CV:

Clay sighting in Raleigh tonight.

We went to the NC Theatre's production of Man of LaMancha. There were five people in our group - 3 from my office and 2 from a bank (they were hosting us). At intermission, one girl from our office and the guy from the bank decided to go down to the Backer's Club for drinks and asked if we wanted to go. We decided to just stay in our seats. So just before the second act began, they came back, sat down and the girl from our office very casually said, "Clay Aiken was down there." I was like, "WHAAAAAAAAAT? WHY.DIDN'T.YOU.COME.GET.ME????" She said, "Are you a fan?" And I said, "Good Lord YES!" She said she didn't know (she's new in the office and I guess hadn't heard about the crazy lady). She said that he was mingling with everyone and that he was much taller and bigger than she had any idea and that his voice was very distinctive and could be heard over everyone else. Not that it was loud but that it was so distinctive. She actually had stars in her eyes. I think another one fell. Funny how people who haven't seen him since AI are just blown away when they see him now.

So then the second act started and then afterwards we were separated so I didn't get to ask who he was with, what he was wearing or what his hair looked like. And she's out of the office tomorrow so it will be Monday before I get any more details. I could just KICK myself because I'm not a drinker.

Oh and Clay's listed in the program as a donor to the NC Theatre in the $5,000-$10,000 Director level.

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Gack, I just fell asleep for 4 hours and I still have to move furniture to get my refirdgerator to fit in my livingroom while the kitchen is torn apart. Who knew remodeling was so stressful and tiring.

CG, do you want me to run down there and light your pilot light, I do it all the time in the trailer, which has propane cooking and heating and, most importantly, for showers, hot water heating. I also turn off my natural gas hotwater heater everytime I leave home for more than a couple of days, so I have to turn light that pilot light several times a year, as well. You do need to know what you are doing though, I read the directions a lot before I lit my hot water heater for the first time 15 years ago when it blew out because of condensation.

Well, I think I am just going to return that extra ticket to the theater, someone from another board just accused me of being a crook because I wouldn't sell it to them for a discount - what ever happend to fans being nice to each other?

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Aww. Playbiller.

Just cuz someone says doesn't make it so.

I don't remember which show you have an extra ticket for - but I wish I could take it off your hands - no discount. Go look at AYSTAFG Clay again. It'll make you feel better!

I've been looking at flights to Vegas yesterday and today for DH and me.

And he wanted to go see one of the Cirque shows - till I told him the price!! "O" is $185 each for orchestra. Eek!

I don't see how he's going to do so many consecutive shows in the beginning of the tour. And yet - I wish a show would come up closer to home. *snif*

G'Night, All!



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hee! i just noticed the new banner! look at all 'em clays!! :wub:

i loved the AYSTA5G (phew.... that took some thought) clip. sure hope they didn't test him on grammar though if he's going to say things like "some mad at mahself" and the like. :whistling-1:


eta: omg, i almost simul-posted with yrsn. rawr!

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Ah, the elusive brown suit of fuzzy goodness... :wub: I loved that thing, and he only wore it for one concert. I just want to hug it and pet it and call it George.

:hubbahubba: I remember that night. My first prettyveryclose seats, 3rd row right orchestra on inside aisle Englewood, very nice! At least I think that photo is from Englewood last December. God, he was HAWTHAWTHAWT that night (regardless of whether this is an Englewood pic)! And he called my friend HippoGA and me out for our binoc's!! I told him he was gorgeous. I think his reply was, "well, you should see me from the back!" or something like that. That view is nice too, methought!

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Awww... was that on E?

I don't know. I watched the promo clip and saw that face ... so I put in MovieMaker and snapped it. He's such a doll!!!!!

YAY!! You just solved my screen cap problem! I can take them in MM. Thanks!!

Yeah, he's pretty fricken cute in that cap!!

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Sometimes, all I need when it's 3 am and I can't get to sleep because of all of the stuff RL throws at me in the daylight is a good stiff drink and some divine inspiration.

.heck this one reminds me of Tequila.




Thanks muski and KarenEh.....

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Holy Crap! Is he the cutest or WHAT???? Clay Aiken is so freakin' cute I can't STAND IT!!!


I know that is just super duperly cute!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Awww... was that on E?

I don't know. I watched the promo clip and saw that face ... so I put in MovieMaker and snapped it. He's such a doll!!!!!

YAY!! You just solved my screen cap problem! I can take them in MM. Thanks!!

Yeah, he's pretty fricken cute in that cap!!

Well...do you know that you kept me up the other night till 2 am? I was going to try and help you with your problem only to discover that MY prntscn button is whacky as well. It wasn;t working consistently...I have been obsessed with that problem even if I don;t really use that function too much. But yeah...you can use MM for screen caps...not as easy as when I could use Nero, or BSPlayer...

The Hair...I think the problem is the length. Maybe Clay wants it this length for a bit. I actually think this bangs is better than the usual one length bangs he sometimes has...but he looks so much better than I thought...WEEEEEE so excited. An hour of Clay on TV!!! WOuld this be the most exposure he would have?

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Morning! OMG I'm so glad I didn't have to get up at 5 AM this morning! I'm so not a morning person...

Re the Raleigh sighting...every time I see/hear one of these, I am once again SOOOO thrilled for him that he was able to "go home again"...and it's worked. He is able to get out and about more and more it seems, noone really swarms him, he can do things he enjoys like the theatre...it's all good. I'm just delighted for him!

And yes, I bet he really stands out in a room in more ways than one!

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Good Morning Everyone,

14 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

20 Days until Clay is on AYSTAFG!

25 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

45 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

71 Days until Christmas In Merrillville!

74 Days until The Skating Special Airs! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Morning all!

As for the "deep" subject of the moment -- just looking at the screencaps, his hair to me looks "unbalanced." The front's length doesn't match the back, for some reason.

But then, I watched the clip...more than a few times, I might add. And the hair doesn't seem to really matter all that much anymore. He looks adorable to me, and it's because it's his personality that comes through. I don't need for him to be hawt rock star every moment of every day *waves at zena*, but I love it when he shows his smarts, his humor, HIM. He's just a fascinating chameleon, and I could sit and watch him all day. Wish I could get paid for it too.

Off for most of the day. The wedding here is tonight -- I'm not used to a Friday evening wedding, so I think this will be very interesting.

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