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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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laughn, that is a great picture awaiting a title. "Shared Secrets of Mentor and Mentee"? Two Divos Caught in Stride"? "Spread Legs Subliminally Echoing Candy Corn"?

Seriously, that is the nicest picture of Clay and David that I have seen. Even at his pastiest and whitest, Clay looks luminous.

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I am constantly amazed that you always know this stuff...I wondered who it was also. thanks.

CG I see chest hair. It just has to be the angle. He wouldn't shave just part of it off and leave the other parts whispy...unless, of course, he shaved the letters of my name on his chest, then it's understandable.

I wouldn't be so amazed... the name was on the photo on the wire image site.


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:excuseme: I must say that I'm rather perplexed . :8: that it is taking multiple views of the video clips of this performance to determine whether or not it's a fold.

I SAID it was a fold upon first report, did I not?

Have I strayed so far from the fold....er.....the world of fanfic writing that former readers have lost their faith in my smut radar?


I'm hurt. :cry4:

and so very ashamed... :sorry:


Muski... I believed you instantly, but then I've known you longer than most... not better, just longer! :cryingwlaughter:

Cindilu... :bday:

I just got back from teaching an all day class, so I need to go download and gawk at the wonder you gals have extolled! If you don't hear from me, I've died and gone to heaven!

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Good Evening!

Who's the dude on the right in the pic with Clay and DF?

It's Michael Dorf, producer of the evening.

Thank you.


And - after seeing the Clack from last night, I really wish I could have been there!

Here's my 'review'.

Oh My!

Thank you bigappleforClay!!!

Love his bemusement at the reaction at his entrance . . .

his head bop of acknowledgement at the band . . .

his sideways glance at DF when the screamer shouts "I love you, Clay" . . .

The Lipbite . . .

the little hint of a smile just before "another day" . . .


the little double knee bend . . .

the forceful downward strike of his arm at the 'cutoff' signaling, 'Yeah. That's IT!' . . .

his hand curlicue bow to David's accompaniment . . .

the turn and 'low five' with David . . .

the straightness of his back and wide shoulders as he exits.

Not to mention his VOICE!

I loved that he was so still.

The quiet tension and control.

Lord that man can sing!

I can't believe I'll be seeing him live in 9 (?) days!

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Flyin' in for a break from figuring out how to feed 1500 people for 4 days! But not spend much money! But give them good enough stuff so that they don't bitch and moan! But save money on THIS part of the budget so that the program people's OVERspending on speakers won't end up affecting us so much. But make sure everybody's happy, happy, HAPPY!


Crudite Display? or Clams Casino?

House coffee? or Starbucks brand?

Chips and pretzels? or Haagen Dazs bars?

decisions, decisions.... :scream:

This is my least favorite part of meeting and event planning. :glare:

Other boards? :blink:

There are other boards?

Almost forgot...Happy Birthday to cindilu!

:EmoticonRingAround: :00003653:

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Here's my 'review'.

Oh My!

Thank you bigappleforClay!!!

Love his bemusement at the reaction at his entrance . . .

his head bop of acknowledgement at the band . . .

his sideways glance at DF when the screamer shouts "I love you, Clay" . . .

The Lipbite . . .

the little hint of a smile just before "another day" . . .


the little double knee bend . . .

the forceful downward strike of his arm at the 'cutoff' signaling, 'Yeah. That's IT!' . . .

his hand curlicue bow to David's accompaniment . . .

the turn and 'low five' with David . . .

the straightness of his back and wide shoulders as he exits.

I'd have to add the heel pivot at the end too. Like at the end of AI5 Hmm ... is this something he does unconsciously after deliverying a boffo performance?

Crudite Display? or Clams Casino?

House coffee? or Starbucks brand?

Chips and pretzels? or Haagen Dazs bars?

Crudite Display

House coffee

Haagen Dazs bars

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Well, you all forgot the4 best rumor - that RCA is keeping Clay because they don't want anyone else to have him and make him a hit maker. Alrighty then, they don't respect him, but they know he can make money with anyone but him.

Never leave a workman in your house - mine took my 18 dollar a sheet backflash and installed it incorrectrly poking holes isn it - I would think that it wasa bas idea and looked like a piece of crap if he had not instlalled it correctly in 2 places and it looks wonderful there. He is an ass to think I would not demand he take it all down and the cabinets installed over them and doi it again. Oh yeah, he also did not bother installing the end pieces so I have raggedy edges on all walls. Ass. I am not leaving my house again until this is done. even if I am late to vegas. I am so pissed and it is coming out of his money.

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OK, I did survive watching Clay sing Solitaire... just! :cryingwlaughter:

I LOVE his singing this in a slightly lower key... it was perfect for his range. He f'n NAILED every bit of it!

He looked fantabulous and he showed a bit of personality. He showed deference to both Neil and David with bows to both. You could tell when he looked over at Neil.

AWESOME!!! In every size, shape, and form! Loved the reaction of the band!

Ahhh... I kinda, sorta liked it! :cryingwlaughter:

Thank you, BigAppleforClay!!!

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I have a question about the Fosters. Since I was late to the ball and don't have a clue how Jaymes Foster came to be Clay's executive producer, do we know what that process was?

Because if that's an unknown, isn't it as plausible as anything else that Clive Davis could have introduced Clay to David Foster? I do know that David Foster has spoken about being friends with Clive and having lunch with him, yada yada. He goes to Clive's parties. So maybe DF was brought in by Clive to help Clay determine where he wanted to go with his second album and to assist him in finding the right producer. And DF is well known for working with big voices. In this scenario DF enjoyed working with Clay so much that he brought in his sister to be the ExP so he could maintain an involvement/influence without crossing contractual boundaries.

Maybe DF was the de facto producer for ATDW -- through Jaymes. We certainly know about LAA.

There are more than a few avenues to travel down if it's about speculation. So if we're just guessing, why rush to the dark side?

If there's known history here that I'm unaware of .... somebody spill, please!

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Gibby, hope your Rockies win tonight :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks for thinking of me, Toots! They aren't doing so well, though. I'm thrilled that they got this far in the series, but I'm not sure we're going to see another win this year. :cry4:

Never leave a workman in your house - mine took my 18 dollar a sheet backflash and installed it incorrectrly poking holes isn it - I would think that it wasa bas idea and looked like a piece of crap if he had not instlalled it correctly in 2 places and it looks wonderful there. He is an ass to think I would not demand he take it all down and the cabinets installed over them and doi it again. Oh yeah, he also did not bother installing the end pieces so I have raggedy edges on all walls. Ass. I am not leaving my house again until this is done. even if I am late to vegas. I am so pissed and it is coming out of his money.

You tell 'em, play! I totally agree that you shouldn't have to accept shoddy work.

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I only know what happened publicly...

I think Clive was EP of MOAM...and I think it was just taken for granted that the would do the next cd. Then in the middle of 2005...before the JBT...they announced a new EP for the 2nd CD...and that was Jaymes Foster. We do not know how Clay found Jaymes...but it was clear she was there with label approval. So the Clay/David connection happened through Jaymes.

Clay and Jaymes have been working together for 2 years now and have become good friends and she helped him with a lot of projects. Its very possible that Clay truly enjoys working with her and just sees David as another mentor. It could be that David does not want to steal Clay from Jaymes...she is his sister and that would certainly be tacky.

Why can't people just be happy with Clay and David working together occasionally...there is a reason why RCA didn't use DF for Kat's debut album...David has a rep for a certain style and it would be easy to really box a singer that David handles...

Besides...David does not always mean success...didn;t he work with Diana DeGarmo too...and John stevens???

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We do not know how Clay found Jaymes...but it was clear she was there with label approval.
I thought Clay interviewed several possible people to work with (presumably with the label's blessing) and thought he had a rapport with Jaymes, so she was his pick.
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I have a question about the Fosters. Since I was late to the ball and don't have a clue how Jaymes Foster came to be Clay's executive producer, do we know what that process was?

Because if that's an unknown, isn't it as plausible as anything else that Clive Davis could have introduced Clay to David Foster? I do know that David Foster has spoken about being friends with Clive and having lunch with him, yada yada. He goes to Clive's parties. So maybe DF was brought in by Clive to help Clay determine where he wanted to go with his second album and to assist him in finding the right producer. And DF is well known for working with big voices. In this scenario DF enjoyed working with Clay so much that he brought in his sister to be the ExP so he could maintain an involvement/influence without crossing contractual boundaries.

Maybe DF was the de facto producer for ATDW -- through Jaymes. We certainly know about LAA.

There are more than a few avenues to travel down if it's about speculation. So if we're just guessing, why rush to the dark side?

If there's known history here that I'm unaware of .... somebody spill, please!

Clive obviously did agree for Clay to have a new EP, and it is possible that he steered Clay the Fosters' way.

Why rush to the dark side? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It is fun to see so much of the fandom all fangirlie again. Since I never stopped being fangirlie, I'm no more or less so than I was before. I'm a little skeered of potential backlash from all this renewed fangirlieness.

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Never leave a workman in your house -snip- He is an-snip- Ass.-snip- I am not leaving my house again-snip-
Ah my sentiments exactly......

Playbiller please forgive me for shamelessly snipping your posts to my own devices. Just couldn't help myself. I am painfully familiar with the foibles and antics of repairmen.My kitchen carpenter's idea of a finished product was the pantry cupboard doors sticking so far out when they were open than there wasn't even room to walk around them. They ended up building the hinges into the garage. Gah! But look on the bright side, at least your repairman was in the right house .

And then there is this thing with the post count. :bye2: doggie!!!!

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And then there this thing with the post count. :bye2: doggie!!!!


Who knew working from home meant... you actually have to work from home Sigh.

AWESOME!!! In every size, shape, and form! Loved the reaction of the band!

Ahhh... I kinda, sorta liked it! cryingwlaughter.gif

Just word Liney!!

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It is fun to see so much of the fandom all fangirlie again. Since I never stopped being fangirlie, I'm no more or less so than I was before. I'm a little skeered of potential backlash from all this renewed fangirlieness.

I do not get the predictable crash and burn in the fandom after every big high. It's not logical. I don't think it's necessary, and I want to know where the drag is coming from and why. But I've wondered that in vain for about as long as I've been on the boards. I just want it to cease to be. Yeah, I know, no chance, huh?

Clay was magnificent last night. No question about it. As many times as I've already watched the videos, sliced and diced them for screencaps, or closed my eyes just for the sound of his voice, every little thing is sublime. As good as it gets. It lights up my face to see it. There's no past he has to live up to; there's no future he must strive for --- he is so fucking incredible.

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There are more than a few avenues to travel down if it's about speculation. So if we're just guessing, why rush to the dark side?

So true, keepingfaith. Much of the angst seems to be premised on weak assumptions.

That David Foster as a producer would mean automatic success. As ansa pointed out, he didn't turn Diana DeGarmo or John Stevens into superstars. I don't deny his talent, and I recognize that he may have a positive influence on Clay, but that's no guarantee that he'd be the best producer for Clay. Without knowing who Clay's current producer is, IMHO, it's a HUGE stretch to assume that he'd be better for Clay than the person he has now.

That Clay would necessarily want to work with David Foster. He may be a friend, but that doesn't necessarily translate into a good working relationship, or a shared artistic vision. It's entirely possible that Clay is looking for a different type of sound, or that this other producer has ideas that Clay finds more innovative or appealing.

If we're going to speculate, why not meander toward the bright side? Maybe Clay's current producer is better than David Foster? Maybe it's this new producer who's been improving Clay's voice? Clay's been recording, right? And he's been in New York a lot, lately. Isn't it at least slightly plausible that he's been working with him/her recently?

I kind of get the sense that part of the DF/Kat angst is simply jealousy--that he would choose to work with an idol other than Clay. But that seems to place an excessive amount of importance on Foster, and a lack of trust in Clay's own artistic judgment.

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I kind of get the sense that part of the DF/Kat angst is simply jealousy--that he would choose to work with an idol other than Clay. But that seems to place an excessive amount of importance on Foster, and a lack of trust in Clay's own artistic judgment.

My sense is that Foster's interest in Kat is at least partially libidinous! No wonder the boyfriend seems tethered to her. IMO, she has a nice, but not great, voice, but her greatest quality is a stunning visual presence.

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If we're going to speculate, why not meander toward the bright side? Maybe Clay's current producer is better than David Foster? Maybe it's this new producer who's been improving Clay's voice? Clay's been recording, right? And he's been in New York a lot, lately. Isn't it at least slightly plausible that he's been working with him/her recently?

I kind of get the sense that part of the DF/Kat angst is simply jealousy--that he would choose to work with an idol other than Clay. But that seems to place an excessive amount of importance on Foster, and a lack of trust in Clay's own artistic judgment.


Yes, all things being equal I prefer the lighted streets over dark alleys. As long as we don't have facts to base opinions on about these inside-the-business debates, I'll go with common sense, logic and a positive perspective every time, in that order. I don't doubt that Foster has had an influence on Clay's singing of Solitaire. I recall that DF had Clay sing Solitaire at the reception in Canada for Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the spring. It's plausible to me. But working with Clay's vocal technique and phrasing has nothing to do with what Clay said he was looking for in a producer for his next album ~~ a contemporary, unified sound.

David Foster seems in all respects to be a stand up guy. That doesn't make me a fan of his music, or the artists he produces whether they are successful or flop. I certainly don't hold John Stevens against him, because I don't even know who the hell John Stevens is. But I do know who Josh Groban is, and I don't like his stuff either. He has a pure voice -- and he sings one of my top three versions of O Holy Night --- Pavarotti, Clay and Josh Groban --- but I can't listen to Josh Groban sing a whole album! I'd go screaming into the night before it was over. Same with Bocelli --- I like him, but in very small doses, and only once every couple of years at most. As for Celine Dion, I've probably not heard her sing more than three or four songs ever ... and they were on TV. David Foster's music never made it onto my turntable or CD player. Clay Aiken's music did --- and pretty much took over. So my money's on Clay.

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If we're going to speculate, why not meander toward the bright side? Maybe Clay's current producer is better than David Foster? Maybe it's this new producer who's been improving Clay's voice? Clay's been recording, right? And he's been in New York a lot, lately. Isn't it at least slightly plausible that he's been working with him/her recently?


All I know is that Clay's voice last night had a quality that seemed...aged. Like a fine wine. There were tones in certain notes that had me gasp---literally. Maybe he was inspired by the occasion. Maybe he rehearsed his ass off or tried that olive oil trick. Maybe he HAS been coached by a new producer or vocal expert. Maybe....maybe...

Maybe he just continues to improve an already otherworldly talent because he's....


Or maybe...maybe he's just that damned good that he can constantly, repeatedly bring it and, with his poise and presence, make it seem as natural to him as breathing.

I am so in love with the man he is. He slays me. That performance? Show it to those who haven't kept up with Clay since AI2...and watch 'em drop. With stars in their eyes, a goofy grin on their faces and ---n the cases of the females---familiar stirrings in certain girly parts :hubbahubba:

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Clay has been touring every year since Idol ended...and over that time he has simply gotten better. He took MoaM and made it new this summer so unless David Foster has been following him around for the past 3 years I'm giving Clay the credit. BTW, OMG I just listened again and it's beauitful. Low notes. The entire thing is just gorgeous. (and I love my skill of only hearing what I want to and kinda turning down the knob on what I don't want to hear... like the piano. heh)

I do like David Foster and if he ever does produce Clay I'll know it's because Clay wants it. Right now I think he's happy with Jaymes and frankly I don't know who the hell she's ever produced. I know that if he brought her along for the ride with him again, then he is satisfied.

It's 11:39...

happy birthday Cindilu!! heee.

I told her privately...but wanted to scream it from the board as well.

Word to your whole post JennaZ!

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My sense is that Foster's interest in Kat is at least partially libidinous! No wonder the boyfriend seems tethered to her. IMO, she has a nice, but not great, voice, but her greatest quality is a stunning visual presence.

Oh, I agree, totally. More than slightly, I'd venture.

If we're going to speculate, why not meander toward the bright side? Maybe Clay's current producer is better than David Foster? Maybe it's this new producer who's been improving Clay's voice? Clay's been recording, right? And he's been in New York a lot, lately. Isn't it at least slightly plausible that he's been working with him/her recently?

I kind of get the sense that part of the DF/Kat angst is simply jealousy--that he would choose to work with an idol other than Clay. But that seems to place an excessive amount of importance on Foster, and a lack of trust in Clay's own artistic judgment.


Yes, all things being equal I prefer the lighted streets over dark alleys. As long as we don't have facts to base opinions on about these inside-the-business debates, I'll go with common sense, logic and a positive perspective every time, in that order. I don't doubt that Foster has had an influence on Clay's singing of Solitaire. I recall that DF had Clay sing Solitaire at the reception in Canada for Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the spring. It's plausible to me. But working with Clay's vocal technique and phrasing has nothing to do with what Clay said he was looking for in a producer for his next album ~~ a contemporary, unified sound.

David Foster seems in all respects to be a stand up guy. That doesn't make me a fan of his music, or the artists he produces whether they are successful or flop. I certainly don't hold John Stevens against him, because I don't even know who the hell John Stevens is. But I do know who Josh Groban is, and I don't like his stuff either. He has a pure voice -- and he sings one of my top three versions of O Holy Night --- Pavarotti, Clay and Josh Groban --- but I can't listen to Josh Groban sing a whole album! I'd go screaming into the night before it was over. Same with Bocelli --- I like him, but in very small doses, and only once every couple of years at most. As for Celine Dion, I've probably not heard her sing more than three or four songs ever ... and they were on TV. David Foster's music never made it onto my turntable or CD player. Clay Aiken's music did --- and pretty much took over. So my money's on Clay.

Oh my yes. Without a doubt someone has been encouraging Clay to improve his vocal technique. But Clay's not just another pretty voice. I feel the same as you about all those singers you mention. A little goes a long way. And David's piano playing drives me nuts--the choice of notes is gorgeous but the delivery lacks nuance. Maybe it sounds better when you're actually in the room than in our fan videos.

Clay sang the shit out of Solitaire all summer in '05 and a lot of the fans took that, like all the ballads, as an opportunity for a chat.

What I think most fans really like the most about David Foster is that he publicly praises Clay. Fans are pretty starved for that kind of thing, and they're like hungry ghosts, no matter how much they get, it isn't enough.

I hope Scarlett got audio of the whole show--I really want to hear some of the other performances!!

Well, you all forgot the4 best rumor - that RCA is keeping Clay because they don't want anyone else to have him and make him a hit maker. Alrighty then, they don't respect him, but they know he can make money with anyone but him.

Tsk tsk, too bad they didn't drop him. NOT. If Clay ever leaves RCA he should leave on his own terms and by his own power; it's just not good PR to be dropped by your label. :cryingwlaughter:

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What I think most fans really like the most about David Foster is that he publicly praises Clay. Fans are pretty starved for that kind of thing, and they're like hungry ghosts, no matter how much they get, it isn't enough.

Actually jmh, I believe you're right about that. Just like when Kimmel started saying nice stuff, the fans reacted in kind. He no longer was on the list of 'most hated.' Sadly, I think many in the fandom have an 'us against the world' mentality. Any slight, perceived or otherwise, puts the label/newscaster/late night talk show host/man on the street on the side of the enemy...until they show that they've repented, as with Kimmel. Thing is, not every negative mention is meant to wound. It's just another opinion. Not every decision the label makes is designed to ruin Clay. I think most labels think of their bottom or the bottom line first.

I am glad Clay connected with the Fosters. It's good to have friends in high places...especially if they're in the business you're in. And they do seem to have a true friendship....something even more valuable than a good business deal, imho. I've always said I believe Clay is a smart business man with good instincts about people. I do not worry about his career at all...besides, what good with that do anyhow. I doubt he'll be calling me up anytime soon to ask my advise on what his next move should be (damn, there are a few moves that come to mind instantly too ;) )

Here's that same pic I posted earlier with the not-a-fold on his leg...without the watermarks. Beware! It's HUGE. (not the not-a-fold you smutters, the picture itself!)


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