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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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OMG, the boodgate picture!!! The board I was on at the time came UNGLUED! The pictures, the diagrams, the "shadows", the jagged edges. It was INSANE.

That is still my all time favorite picture of Clay. Love that little shit smile and twinkle!

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That is still my all time favorite picture of Clay. Love that little shit smile and twinkle!


ETA ahhh lajeterfan!! Not everyone loved the picture and I can even understand that. Just not the charge to prove it was a fake. For me, it was just one of those things along the way that suprised me. And it it was those surprises that kept me intrigued.

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Well, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be all alone at FCA when I admit this, :unsure: but I HATED the "boobgate" picture. Still do. If someone posts it, I can't even look at it- have to scroll ......FAST! I don't consider myself an "angel-winger" by any stretch of the imagination, but I am clearly more prudish than some........ a lot of......... ok, ALMOST ALL of the posters on the boards that I have frequented over the past 4+ years! It makes it difficult to find a home where I feel comfortable. For me, if that had been a picture of, say, Justin Timberlake, I would have thought,"Ugh, gross!", so it was very hard for me to put away that initial reaction just because it was Clay. I wondered at the time if it was just "my generation" , and that in this day and age that picture would be more acceptable to those younger than me. (I'm 46) But, I found that many fans older than me loved the picture and didn't have a problem with it either, so I was left with the fact that it was just....ME. :( Don't hold it against me!!! (Although if Clay wanted to hold it against me.......)

Holding my breath and pushing send........

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Boobgate, for me, was never a problem. I, too, remember the morning it came to light and also the discussion that followed about whether Squeaky should have taken it out of Mezhan's pictures. Is that right? I forgot how to spell her name. It was clearly Clay cutting up and acting a bit OTT like I'm sure he does aplenty. LOL!!! It was all in good fun and meant to be outrageous.

By the way- Way to go Soxs. Now I can't wait till Thurs. One hour of Clay and kids. It doesn't get any better than that.

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Boobgate was no problem for me either but what really bugged me was that some of the people who were complaining the loudest had no problem with crotch shots of Clay; the board I was at at the time had a forum dedicated to Waldo, and the same people were quite active in it...talk about hypocrisy and self-rightousness.


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Boobgate was interesting to me because there were so many opinions and no one knew the context. Context is important and most of the speculation that goes on goes on without any idea of context of what ever they heard or saw. I often wonder why that picture was taken, who was involved and who was the intended receiver.

Like one of the great claims proving Roger was in on the plot to destroy Clay for something he said - it read one way when you only heard part of the conversation - which was the most cited one for the RCA out to destroy Clay - and read in a a benign quiet way when I heard from someone who heard both sides of the entire conversation.

eta - Who is going to the skating show and can bring Scarlett's hat back to her?

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I loved the boobgate picture and wished mine were the boobs he was errr fon err...wrapping his beautiful hands around and I'm older than you. :naughtywag: Differences are what makes the world go round.

Talk is just talk! :thbighug-1:

Play, interesting question as to why the picture was released. To hurt Clay's angelic rep no doubt.

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For me, it was pretty obvious it was done in fun....Mezghan was in on it...and no disrespect was intended. I thought it was a side of Clay that I always thought was there but was never allowed to be shown. It was the beginning of his snarky/hilarious side and I enjoyed it.

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Who released the picture? I thought Mezhgan released it on her website. I just assumed it was her picture. She must have wanted his hands on her boobs if she put it on the internet.

ETA: LCV came out of lurkdom -- I feel honored!

the picture wasn't exactly released. It wasn't actually displayed on her website but it was a photo in her files that had been uploaded. Who knows if she ever wanted it seen by the masses. Maybe she uploaded it and sent the file name to just those involved. (I do that a lot) It may have been a mistake on her part - I don't think anyone was malicious in uploading it or in finding it. Things just happen. I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong on this... memory..first thing to go.

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Well, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be all alone at FCA when I admit this, :unsure: but I HATED the "boobgate" picture. Still do. If someone posts it, I can't even look at it- have to scroll ......FAST! I don't consider myself an "angel-winger" by any stretch of the imagination, but I am clearly more prudish than some........ a lot of......... ok, ALMOST ALL of the posters on the boards that I have frequented over the past 4+ years! It makes it difficult to find a home where I feel comfortable. For me, if that had been a picture of, say, Justin Timberlake, I would have thought,"Ugh, gross!", so it was very hard for me to put away that initial reaction just because it was Clay. I wondered at the time if it was just "my generation" , and that in this day and age that picture would be more acceptable to those younger than me. (I'm 46) But, I found that many fans older than me loved the picture and didn't have a problem with it either, so I was left with the fact that it was just....ME. :( Don't hold it against me!!! (Although if Clay wanted to hold it against me.......)

Holding my breath and pushing send........

Hey-it's kewl--room for everyone here!

Welllllll, maybe not someone who still photoshops angel-wings on the guy. That might go too far. :cryingwlaughter:

Who released the picture? I thought Mezhgan released it on her website. I just assumed it was her picture. She must have wanted his hands on her boobs if she put it on the internet.

ETA: LCV came out of lurkdom -- I feel honored!

Happy to see LCV too!

No, Mezhgan didn't release the picture--it was in the index files of her website, and someone rooting around found it and posted it. Her index files were hastily made private, but it was too late. She was clearly in on the joke--just not in on making it public.

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For me, it was pretty obvious it was done in fun....Mezghan was in on it...and no disrespect was intended. I thought it was a side of Clay that I always thought was there but was never allowed to be shown. It was the beginning of his snarky/hilarious side and I enjoyed it.

Yep, that's how I saw it, too. It was obviously (to me at least) a staged pic---just friends goofing around together...Ooooh, Clay....goof around with MYYYYYYYYYYY boobs! :hubbahubba: And I never thought the guy was the innocent that so many did. He always seemed to have that little devil playing around on his oh-so-hunky shoulders....the eyes, the agile mouth...gah. The man's a born flirt and horndog....

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The talk today reminded me of something that really picked up my ears when watching DCAT clack a few days ago. Clay mentioned that someone had contacted his mother and told her that he was doing a vulgar show. Who in their right mind would do something like that? I was appalled that anyone would have the gall to write his mother and tattle on him as if he were 8 years old, instead of 28 years old. Who is that uptight? I don't know, when I read that it made me ponder what he must go through that we never hear about. And he said his mother called and asked him if he was doing a vulgar show! That just stunned me.

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I did not mean she released it to the public, but it was on her website probably because she wanted to send it to one or more friends for reasons unknown. Someone once speculated it might be her boyfriend who might have not been jealous of her working with Clay - perhaps she was tgrying to show he was dangerous and this is the position they came up with. Let's just say, I have seen this position before (sans clothes) at a friend's house when waiting for them and looking through books. I put it away and sat down with my hands folded until they appeared, uh. Yes, I did used to look at books while waiting, now I look at the pictures on the wall

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The picture was not released...it was discovered...

When fans discovered Megzhans site...it had several pictures of Clay with her. The boobgate picture was not published on the site but was in the folder with all the others that can be seen on the site. They were all taken at the same time, a series of photographs. One CHer discovered it by simply changing the last number of the published picture...and she was pretty surprised to find that picture. I should say that her discovery and subsequent sharing was done in total innocence. I remember when she went on the board to tell us about it and everyone reacted in a fun positive way and everyone started saving the pictures to their HD. Later...Megzhan took the picture off her board all together.

I think the reason why I totally loved it is that it looked like it was done in a totally silly way...and when seen with the other photos...it was clear that Megzhan and Clay had a good and playful relationship.

laljeterfan...thats a totally normal reaction. I;m sure you are not alone in FCA. I know not everyone was happy with it. Glad you feel comfortable enough to be the voice of the minority.

eta: eeeeeeeeeee top of the page...I really like it here...just don;t leave me dangling too long...k??

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The Boobgate picture itself never bothered me. It was clearly consensual and done in good fun. It showed me that he had a naughty side of him, which actually kind of tickles me.

However, I did not think it was a good idea to take a private photo from a web site and display it. True, it could have been guarded in a more secure manner, but to me, it was clearly not meant for general display. The person who found it may have meant no harm, but personally, I would have thought twice before posting it on a public board.

It wasn't an obscene photo, but was this something that Clay really wanted out there, on VH1 and various radio station web sites (which, of course, joked about it in a negative fashion)? Was this the image he wanted to present to the world? He may have had fun privately, but did he really want to offend a sizeable percentage of his fanbase? Would he have wanted his mother to see it? His church? Maybe not. And of course, Mezghan got her share of nasty e-mails and responses from fans.

The photo didn't make me think any less of him. However, I was not glad it was so widely promulgated. I know this makes me a bit of a party-pooper, but I just don't think we fans have an absolute right to clack.

On to lighter things:

I once saw an hilarious photoshopped parody of angelwinger art. It had Clay's head put on the body of a cherub, surrounded by rainbows, unicorns, and kittens. In a thought bubble, it had Clay saying something like, "Get me out of here!" It was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. Does anyone happen to have that?

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Sorta off topic, but semi-sorta Clay-related:

ET just had a very quick blurb on Megan Mullally appearing in "Young Frankenstein" on Broadway. I think this is a brand new show, so it might warrant more coverage than Clay joining an existing production, but still, I'm hopeful he might get a quick clip on ET and / or The Insider in January when his run starts.

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Hey-it's kewl--room for everyone here!

Welllllll, maybe not someone who still photoshops angel-wings on the guy. That might go too far. :cryingwlaughter:

I promise you- I have never done, and will never do -THAT!!!!! :whistling-1:

And I freely admit to this: :DoClay:

Good girl...now you're getting the hang of smutting, maybe baby smuts but smuts nonetheless. :clap:

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Jennaz...I really can;t disagree with anything you said. Except that I do believe the picture was discovered by accident and was shared on the board because at that time, we were still quite unaware about how our actions can really affect Clay if we are not careful. I think at this time...we are more conscious about how clack can spread so fast and how easily the media can get involved. I would hope that now... if a fan stumbled upon a similar picture there would be more discretion.

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It's taken me forever to get caught up, but it sure has been a fun read! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

So, in my usual slooooooooow way of beating around the bush, I want to say thank-you FCA for making this the kind of place where I feel there is room to breathe, to speak, and to get to know people with all kinds of different opinions; where there is respect and tolerance,(even for tremendously run-on sentences) and thank God, lots of laughter and real stuff to keep our Clay heads from floating off into the cybersphere.

zena bows......." Thank you, FCA, with all my heart"

Awww..that was such a sweet milestone post! And it expresses exactly the way I feel about FCA myself. I had pretty much stopped having fun in my fandom until I was directed here. You're so much more eloquent that I, though. I think my milestone post was something like, " :hubbahubba: I see Waldo!"

Since everyone gets to say whatever they want about anything at all here --- I am going to be pissy Keepingfaith and say that I'm not fond of the term "pissy Clay" and don't get why that would be a good thing to be since it denotes immature petulance. Unless he was kicking a coke machine while writing that blog, that sounded like Teacher Clay to me -- which is a whole different deal. I loooove Teacher Clay.

I think pissy Clay is hott. I don't get turned on by being smacked around or dominated at all, but I do love me a strong-willed, in-charge type of man. Couple that with intelligence and sensitivity and I'm toast! :flirtysmile3:

I saw a post by Divayenta on CH about passing Jaymes and a gentleman in his 50s holding hands in the streets of the NYC the other day.

Maybe it was her cousin.

:lmaosmiley-1: You owe me a new monitor!

Seriously, the old angel wingers used to HATE me. I'd :cryingwlaughter: at their posts. Nothing pis....ummmm..peeves an angel winger more.

Some of their stuff was just so unbelievable. Remember the photoshopped pictures?

Ewwwww....just ewwwww.

I often wondered what Clay thought of all those pictures of himself? Was he embarrassed, or did he laugh his ass off? I honestly believe that some of those angel wingers thought Clay's crotch was a smooth as a newly manufactured Ken doll...no external genetalia at all. But really, in the early days I think many of us held a view of Clay that was consistent with the image that Fox created for him - soft-spoken, polite, innocent, young and virginal. I held that opinion somewhat....until the first time we had sex I mean, he sang Solitaire. :whistling-1: He went straight from virgin to whore in 90 seconds flat.

Remember Boobgate!?

......And of course that devilishly satisfied smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes proved their point even further that it was a photoshopped pic. I mean, even if the woman HAD forced him to do such a dreadful thing, he sure as hell wouldn't be ENJOYING it!

:lmaosmiley-1: :lmaosmiley-1:

Ah yes....that was before he went on tour with Kelly and did his grindage all up on Angela's butt...

heh. I love that man.

OMG, the boodgate picture!!! The board I was on at the time came UNGLUED! The pictures, the diagrams, the "shadows", the jagged edges. It was INSANE.

That is still my all time favorite picture of Clay. Love that little shit smile and twinkle!

I loved Boobgate and LMAO even still whenever I see the picture. On the board I was on at the time (I think it was RHT) I made it my avi, with the caption "Is it real, or is it mammorex?". HoCrap! Talk about cause a stink. I had people PMing me demanding that I change my avi. But I had an equal number of people that PM'd me saying how funny it was and that they liked it. Which just goes to prove that if there's anything we can all agree on in Clayland, it's that we don't agree on anything.

Well, it took me so long to get this typed I'm sure y'all have added three more pages by now and are on a whole nuther topic.

Oh, BTW, I managed to eat an entire HoneyCrisp apple last night. As an example of how big they are, I tried to use one of those apple slicers (the round ones that have blades like spokes that cut the apple into wedges) but the apple was too big and the damn slicer got stuck in it. :

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