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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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hmmm Lucky I'm kinda with you. Don't really expect a tour next year. Say the album comes out in June (and frankly I think that's pushing it)..he needs to be free to promote the album and touring kinda limits real promotion. I expect a Christmas tour because that seems like something he definitely plans to do every year if he can. And then a tour for the album in spring of 2009 would be great. That's as far as my extrapolation will go. I just really have no expectations or timelines. I don't understand how dropping an album in May and touring in June sells albums. And he's totally right about most artists not touring every year. We're kinda spoiled rotten.

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Good morning/afternoon,

I can see I'm behind on topics.


My daughter was hell on wheels as a teenager, but she is a lovely young woman now and gave me TWO GRANDSONS!!! All is forgiven.

Clay and Christmas:

Do I understand angsting about ticket sales in October for a Christmas show? NO.

Do I think that Clay is tired of Christmas shows? NO.

I mean, aside from the fact that most Christmas songs are in the public domain and he doesn't have to pony up money to sing them, he's said repeatedly that he likes to tour and loves Christmas.

But what do I know?

I just got a call from Shubert Theatre asking if I REALLY wanted two sets of tickets to Spamalot 2 nites apart or if that was an error. LOL.

They're going to be making a lot of calls, I'm afraid.

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hmmm Lucky I'm kinda with you. Don't really expect a tour next year. Say the album comes out in June (and frankly I think that's pushing it)..he needs to be free to promote the album and touring kinda limits real promotion. I expect a Christmas tour because that seems like something he definitely plans to do every year if he can. And then a tour for the album in spring of 2009 would be great. That's as far as my extrapolation will go. I just really have no expectations or timelines. I don't understand how dropping an album in May and touring in June sells albums. And he's totally right about most artists not touring every year. We're kinda spoiled rotten.

yep, yep, yep to all of this.

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Looking at that picture now, he looks about 12. I still love it, he was so full of wonder and excitement. It's hard to believe how much he has matured in a little over 4 years.

atinal, I had the same exact thought yesterday as I was gazing lovingly on our current banner (merrieeee, you so rawk!). It's been amazing to me watching the man almost literally "grow up" in front of our eyes. (That's "grow UP" people, not just "grow" -- and you know who you are....)

eta...and laugh. Don't forget to laugh *g*

That is GREAT advice for just life in general.

It sure is, isn't it? I'm laughing like crazy today, because it seems everyone else around me here at work is being a bunch of whiny asses.

The sad part is I love my current dentist - just love him with a sick and utter love. The man (all five foot zero of him) can make me laugh hysterically through my tears (his one-sided and completely in his mind relationship with Beyonce almost makes it worth the terror).

For some reason, the bolded part just cracked me up this morning. KAndre, have you shared your "relationship" with Clay with this dentist? *g*

Anyone seen Claygasm around these yhere parts? :unsure: Are you lurking out there, babe? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I think she posted and ran last night once, but I was wondering where she was too!

The mother in me REALLY wants a sit down with Clay on how to take care of himself and not get sick. He can't afford to for the next several months and he'll be under a lot of physical strain in that play. 8 performances a week!

I can identify with this sentiment -- although I think he'll figure it all out soon enough on his own. He does seem to get sick a bunch, but some people are just like that. Highly allergic people, I think, seem to have particular problems. As I said, though -- he'll figure out what to do in order to keep himself as healthy as possible. I hope. Maybe.

Clay is TIRED of doing Xmas shows? BWAH? Then why do them. I'm damn sure this is one thing no one is forcing him to do. I'd be willing to bet this is the one thing he isn't tired of. My dollar is on the table.

*slaps down a $50 bill*

I totally believe that he does the Christmas shows for a couple of reasons. One is that I see them as a Christmas gift to his fans, albeit ones that can travel to particular areas. I honestly think if he could do a show in every section of the country between Thanksgiving and Christmas in order to thank his fans for their support, he'd do it. I also see these shows as a way to "recharge his spiritual batteries" as it were. I think his faith keeps him grounded, and this is a way to share his faith without probably offending too many people. I personally believe he'll do a Christmas tour until he 85 and too old to keep touring.

Re: Christmas shows, yeah, I noticed that the unusually long period of euphoria in the fandom is over. Whatever. I'm sure his career is over. :cry4: Not. :cryingwlaughter:

Aw man. I'm bummed. I truly did think his career was over. [/snark] Seriously -- I think this fandom thrives on "highs and lows," just as a junkie seems to from their drugs. I've always said that clack was so very aptly named, and I think now that the fandom has been around for a few years, it's REALLY showing itself to be true. There are times when the hits need to be SO strong, and SO concentrated. And then, when there's "nothing" -- the lows are so intense as well. It's a tiring feeling IMO, actually. I think I'm addicted to Clay -- but not so much that I need to be on a roller coaster all the time.

What I'm tired of is that my city gets Christmas concerts by the same people year after year: Lorie Line, Trans Siberian Orchestra (2 shows!), and Jim Brickman for New Year's Eve. The symphony does a Christmas show with a national act, but unfortunately no Clay yet.

I hear ya. We usually get Trans Siberian Orchestra, Jim Brickman, and Amy Grant. *sigh* Someday, maybe Clay will play in Peoria....

I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.

Thread title?

Not sure about anyone else, but as I am unable to go to Las Vegas or Sedaka, I'm really looking forward to my Christmas romp in the snow with our BF! Can hardly wait!

I'm going to work on a variation on this for a thread title too: "Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!"

couchie and luckiest1 -- my sentiments exactly....he'll tour when he tours. All I can hope for, really.

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I'll be surprised if Clay stops doing his Christmas tour. Yet I DO hope he continues to try changing things up about it---new songs, new sounds, new format..

Hey! I have an idea, Clay! :lilredani::flirtysmile3:

Well, yeah...THAT, too.... :hubbahubba:

But I was really thinking about you doing something COMPLETELY different for the holiday tour next year...

Like---How about doing a tour that targets ONLY the states in the WESTERN part of our country? :praying: Just plan well, hit the populated areas in California, Wash., Oregon., Nevada, Arizona, Idaho...Maybe throw in New Mexico, Colorado..and wouldn't it be cool if he could do one for the people in Wyoming and Montana? :clap:

But if he could just limit it to the West, as he's limited it to the East and Midwest before, he could be more strategic about the actual places and draw some good crowds.

And the people in the EAST could get extra jobs to pay for traveling to see Clay! :whistling-1:

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Back to parenting for a second......some words of wisdom, please.

What do you say to your (much smaller than average) 16-year-old when they tell you that their friend was mistakenly suspended from school because someone told the principal he was smoking pot on the bus? And since they were sitting beside said friend and knew that it was a case of mistaken identity, they went to the office and told the principal. And the principal, who had already involved the police, sends the police to take their statement. And then they go on an insane foolhardy investigative mission, following the person who really smoked the joint, until they find out what class he's in. And they ask another person from that class the guilty party's name, so they can go back and identify him to the principal/police.

Do you say "that's so great of you for coming to your friend's defense and making sure that justice was served"?

Or "are you freaking nuts? You had better watch your back from now on!".

Or some combination of both? :fca:

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Back to parenting for a second......some words of wisdom, please.

What do you say to your (much smaller than average) 16-year-old when they tell you that their friend was mistakenly suspended from school because someone told the principal he was smoking pot on the bus? And since they were sitting beside said friend and knew that it was a case of mistaken identity, they went to the office and told the principal. And the principal, who had already involved the police, sends the police to take their statement. And then they go on an insane foolhardy investigative mission, following the person who really smoked the joint, until they find out what class he's in. And they ask another person from that class the guilty party's name, so they can go back and identify him to the principal/police.

Do you say "that's so great of you for coming to your friend's defense and making sure that justice was served"?

Or "are you freaking nuts? You had better watch your back from now on!".

Or some combination of both? :fca:

I would say:

The world is full of cowards who just turn their back because they're afraid to get involved. I'm so proud of you.

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I'd go totally with the "that's so great of you for coming to your friend's defense and making sure that justice was served" because by 16, they already know the problems they may have opened themselves up to...

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I always love being HERE at times like this. You guys are voices of reason always.

And you smut very well, too.

I like leaving the business end of his career to Clay and those managing him, who probably know a lot more than I do about the business. If he's selling, I'm buying, and that's all I need to know.

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Idle thought about Clay mentioning he was sick ....

He did say in his Spamalot blog that he was in the studio with Jaymes and the Secret Producer. Don't know if that means LA, NYC or London ... but if he happens to be in LA, it could be the air quality making him sick. When he was last on Kimmel he was hoarse and said it was because of the dry air from the LA fires.

One thing about NYC -- it will have the East Coast air he's used to breathing.

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Like---How about doing a tour that targets ONLY the states in the WESTERN part of our country? :praying: Just plan well, hit the populated areas in California, Wash., Oregon., Nevada, Arizona, Idaho...Maybe throw in New Mexico, Colorado..and wouldn't it be cool if he could do one for the people in Wyoming and Montana? :clap:

But if he could just limit it to the West, as he's limited it to the East and Midwest before, he could be more strategic about the actual places and draw some good crowds.

And the people in the EAST could get extra jobs to pay for traveling to see Clay! :whistling-1:

Muski... yes... yes.... yes tm Meg Ryan


luckiest... your son probably knew he could get people mad at him for snitching, but chose to help get his friend out of trouble over staying out of trouble himself. Definitely a proud making moment! I would just double-check that he knows to watch his back and not to travel alone for awhile. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hee, thanks all. I hope I struck the right balance. I'm definitely proud of him, just a bit skeered as well.

Just gotta love those parenting moments when they tell/ask you stuff and you have a split second to react. It's never boring, that's for sure!

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Yep, that Clay sure is tired of doing a Christmas tour. I mean, he isn't thinking about this one AT ALL! He isn't spending countless hours reading through contest submissions, or putting much thought into how the stories might fit into the show. I'm sure he's leaving all the mundane details to some nameless, faceless lackey or something. :whistling-1:

God, I love him! He is just too much! Almost makes me want to write a story for Kalamazoo tonight.....

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"Happy typing!" Heh. God, I love him.

I'm not planning to enter, but I may have to reread the rules for entry again, to see if they are THAT hard to understand. I mean, really -- if he has to go into teacher mode and such.

OTOH, I think teacher mode is HAWT!!!

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Hee that blog...bwah...sorry to tell him but he was in teacher mode from the very first instruction.

and who was it that said that it will be the lead in to some of the songs...

but can I just vent a bit about all the whining and complaining that goes on before every tour starts, by people who are disappointed with ticket sales, but who also continue to spout their theories all over the place - you know, about how tired the set list is (when we don't even know it yet) or how boring the show will be, or how unentertaining the stories will be (like they can know in advance?) *sigh* And yet once the first show hits and he WOWs and surprises us again (as I know he will) there will be a mad dash for tickets in the front orchestra sections. And much whining about how no good seats are available and how the brokers & scalpers are making a bundle, etc etc etc. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Oh thank you. Save me the trouble. Same old same old. I am interested in knowing where some seem to have gotten the notion that Clay is tired of doing the Christmas shows? Supposedly stuff he said this summer? I musta missed that.

See...people just don;t know how to relate to each other anymore without it being about Clay. I think the gerbil wheel is started when some fans or boards have nothing else to talk about...and I find that sad. I also think some people just can;t get back to regular RL when there is no Clay...so they look for things to complain about so the boards are always busy. But that is just tiring. Cos they end up just making mountain out of molehills. That is why I thank you all for finding things to talk about like pets and kids, silly, funny and smutty...and I am happy that some people can just step back and be quiet when there really is nothing to say and just jump in when they can. It keeps the board fresh and easy going.

Luckily I haven't had time to wander off to other places to check the mood. The few boards I do post at don't fret about these things. Not much if they do. State your thoughts, move on.

All the not liking to tour talk may be coming from the convo in chat at the OFC. Someone asked if he planned on touring next summer and his response was something like, 'well, we have been touring every year, more than one time a year mostly. I expect we will be touring again...' and then he was cut off by posting limitations. I thought his tone at the time was a little off, like maybe he was a leetle tired of being asked about touring next year...especially, when he was all amped about getting the Spamalot gig at the time.

I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

My impression was at the time...he was a bit tired of the questions, that seem more like demands, about the summer tour....not touring itself. I know I was a bit impatient myself cos the guy was there about spamalot and some people can have such a narrow focus.

I'd go totally with the "that's so great of you for coming to your friend's defense and making sure that justice was served" because by 16, they already know the problems they may have opened themselves up to...

Me too...my first response to your story...wow, that took guts. Good for your son...but you are right...it can be scary.

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heee love the blog.

Are people from here submitting? I hope so!!

Anyway, I went to the grocery store for my mom during my lunch..and I walk in the Pak N Save and what is by the front door..a bin loaded with of all things, honey crisp apples. I truly laughed out loud. It's what I'll eat on my break but that sucka is huge.

And my cousin called me today. I wasn't even worried about her for some reason but she lives in Santa Clarita and the fire came within four miles of her house. Other than the smoke and soot, she is fine and so is her house.

Back to Clay..those were great directions. What a great teacher he'd make.

And Ansa I so agree with you. I used to fret if there wasn't a lot of activity on the board and now I go with the flow. I'm postho enough..don't need to chat just to see myself chat. Things are great for the foreseeable future in Clay land as far as I'm concerned.

ETA: had to laugh about Clay not wanting to do a Xmas tour. Where do people get this stuff? He's so ridiculously excited about his idea.

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Heh, yeah, Cotton, it has been mentioned a few times already,we are nothing if not on constant blog alert. But thanks for checking on us. You never know.

I just wanted to drop this off to make the point on why Clay tours where he does A population density chart800px-USA-2000-population-density.gif

And to remind people that when Clay played Pheonix, I remember a few fans from that city posted that they would not bother going because it was a Christmas tour and they wanted to wait for a pop tour, so that was the lowest selling city on that tour. The north west was the next lowest.

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Loved the blog! I cannot believe people were sending their entries in over and over again just because they had to edit or change a line...and it is totally cool that Clay is reading them himself.

I cannot wait for AYSTAFG to air...loving these little teases...you can tell Jeff was really enjoying him and I love his defination of antonym!


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