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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Oooo thanks for the screen caps. Did the guy go to bed with his number on and how did he get to room with Quiana? He always seems to gravitate to the ladies. I think it is so great that he managed to take her along with him on his fantastic ride. They must have become real friends in Hollywood.

Aren't we the luckiest fans to have all this stuff?

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Almost three days without checking a board - I'm pretty sure that's the longest stretch I've had since, oh, May 2003. No monkey.

****wraps arms around laptop and FCA and squeeeeeeeeeeeeezes****

Thanks, to cameocat for the original picture.

I cropped it.



Think both her little feet would fit in one of his boots???!

Holy moly!!! That's some big feet right there.

Meet & Greet buttons are up at the OFC. Main page under tours.

Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Oh pretty, pretty please!


Sorry for the language, but I had to watch each clip 3 times because the tears that sprung up in my eyes were blurring my vision. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for pre-AI Clay clips. These are such a gift, one I never thought we'd see. I am blown away by the voice, and the gorgeous, gorgeous eyes. And the personality, which hasn't changed one iota. WOW.

Um, yeah, I caved. Hee, only 7 hours till showtime tonight!

Yeah, that ^ ^ ^ The reason I was off-line for three days is that I was visiting my 79 year old aunt, who is a very sweet lady, but one who has nooooooo idea how close she came to being smothered with a pillow when she would. not. stop. talking. all through Rewind :cryingwlaughter: thank ya Jesus for Clack!!

Those eyes, that neck, that fucking amazing voice. It's beyond me that he had to eventually go the Wildcard route (my first encounter with him) but I honestly wouldn't change a thing. Each event led inevitably to the next, and I think his journey needed to unfold just like it did.

WOW--I'm an Executive Producer!! When did that happen?

Aha! so now we know what the 'j' stands for. :evillaugh:

I am re-watching Rewind right now. Lawd Jesus, Pauler looked like she got hit on the head with a hammer when Clay was singing.

Apart from all the gooey goodness that is one Clay Aiken, can I just say how incredibly skeevy Corey Clark is. Ewww.

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Were he and Quiana roomates?

I think they were or they sure were hanging out together. I love those glimpses of the two of them together. Also when they get to scene of Quiana and her room being told they were cut..she was comforting everyone. She is such a class act. Love her!!

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Have a blast with our buddy chach, couchie. You braved the Bay with Muski for me- which I really appurciate! Course, we met you in Oakland twice too. Here's to many more times and have a blast! Still swooonning over the throat, the lips, the eyes, the voice, the layers, etc. The mose delectable creature ever! And it looks like Qiana had him all to herself! :cryingwlaughter: And a lifelong friendship and family was forged. Did she ever dream back then that he'd be her baby's godfather? What a great story this is.

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I have edited one more measly picture. Has anyone mentioned how adorable Clay was at the skating show?? So gorgeous, but really, all kinds of cute!!!! Y'all have corrupted me. Now I can't stop seeing the cute.


OMG! What a GREAT picture!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another FCA get together tonight..I"m getting ready to go meet Cha Cha Trusty and her family for dinner in a couple of hours. She is sooooooo good..she's the one from out of town yet she's taking pity on me and coming to Jack London Square to meet me rather than making me face my fears and drive over to San Francisco. I can fly across the country and rent a car and drive all over but ask me to drive to San Francisco and I start shaking.

I don't know, couchie. You seemed pretty relieved when I took over all the driving this summer....... ;)

Just saw Clay on my TV! LOVED kissy face Clay! So CUTE!!!!

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First and foremost.... HEIDIHO!!!!!!! :squeeze:

Right back at ya, babe. How you been since Houston? <g>

I hated the puka shells and as I said before was not attracted to him - or his choice of clothing - then, but now...... Damn, there is something I am finding incredibly sexy about this man!


Yes, yes, yes….very sexy. I want to spend a LOT of time on that adam’s apple. <g> The whole neckal area. I’m not sure why. <g> Well, okay, I am sure why.

Ok - What am I missing. Am I just naive? Some are saying Randy's "concert" comment was an insult. I kind of thought it was a compliment!

I think there is still a need by some out there to see everything from the AI crew as an insult. I find that one to be quite a stretch, though.

Hello - someone who never posts anymore is driven to post by the hotness that was Hollywood Clay. <g> Yeah, I think part of Simon knew way back when that Clay could win. But the greater, shallower part told himself that the kid was just tooooo dorky looking and that women would never go for him. Heh. Right. <g>

First of all, heyhowareya to Heidi! Secondly, with the section I bolded....add that the word "some" before the word "women" and I think you're right. Maybe I'm playing devil's advocate here, but I still think to this day that there are women out there who would never ever find Clay Aiken attractive. They just will never see it, and definitely would not have seen it back then. I'm not "wired" to find Justin Timberlake all that attractive....but there are plenty that are. See what I'm saying? Anyway, in Simon's case, I think he thought the talent was there for a recording career, but the "cool kids" couldn't see something to like in Clay. And we all know that the media is all about the cool kids (with their disposable careers). So, I can actually see the quandry for Simon.

Actually, no, I don’t really understand what you’re saying. Of course there are women out there who don’t or won’t think Clay is attractive – that’s only natural. And of course he wouldn’t appeal to some of the cool kids. He doesn’t have to be attractive to all women – that goes without saying. We are talking about *Simon* here and what he would think. Don’t think the “some” is really necessary – particularly in that context and the context of my comment. That he could listen to that voice and still put him in the maybe group tells me that he thinks it very unlikely that Clay would appeal to *any* women. And Quianna? Nuff said.

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Just finished watching AI Rewind. These shows have been interesting for me to watch since I did not see them the first go around; I did not start watching until the Wildcard Show. As usual, Clay was Cute with a capital C, but just not enough of him.

One of the things that has struck me about the auditions is how many of the contestants are trying so hard to be what they think the judges want instead of themselves; oversinging; overselling themselves...then Clay comes in and he is so natural...just here I am, this is me, take it or leave it.

He just stands there and sings; no pretension, no "I am the greatest thing ever and you would be out of your mind not to pick me" attitude. Just Clay being Clay. He stands out immediately because of that and If I had been watching then, I would have picked him out right away and he definately is the kind of guy I would have gone for in high school.

Honest reactions tonight...I thought Ruben was awful and never would have picked him for the American Idol after tonights show...off key a lot and bad breath control. Obviously they picked him because of the similiarity to Luther Vondross and I know that they played that up during the show which I thought was rather goulish considering Luther was so ill...it almost like they were waiting for Luther to pass on so they could crown Ruben the new Luthor.

Corey is just skeevy and his singing was terrible, obviously he was only there because they thought he could bring in the teen girl vote.

Honestly, watching the show, I really wondered how some of those people got put through and it is obvious that for many of them it was looks over talent. The manipulation is so obvious now.

I am looking forward to next week, not really a fan of any of the girls...I actually liked Kim Caldwell on the Wildcard Show, but I actually think she peaked on that show and didn't live up to her potential the rest of the way through.

The concept of AI was a good one and I think this could have been a really good show if they actually made it a talent contest...but instead they went the game show route...sad really, because I think they could have made a real impact on the music industry if they had gone for talent instead of formulaic pop star stereotypes.


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I think Simon's - and for that matter everyone at AI's - conundrum with Clay - was just what do you do with a guy who obviously has oodles of talent but whose image goes against everything that sells in the pop music world. Let's face it - the entertainment industry is a very visual industry. Looks sell and Clay did not have the look that sells for a young white male pop star.

His talent was undeniable. I think they also recognized his charisma. But how do you market someone like that, someone that goes against everything that traditionally sells in pop music?

Ultimately they decided to leave it up to America. It sure seems, though, that the powers that be still haven't quite figured out how to market Clay.

What was it that Gladys Knight said about Clay? That he was a mystery and she didn't know what would become of him in the music world?

I think that's one thing I love about this ride we're on. So much about where Clay is going is still a mystery, still unpredictable, still surprising.

Keeps things interesting.

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I don't post much anymore but just wanted to check in and tell wandacleo what a pleasure it was meeting her in Las Vegas.

Tesssy! I'm so sorry I missed meeting you!!! :cry4:

I'm sorry to jump in OT, but I'm so far behind - way back on page 33.

I didn't get online much yesterday. Trying to avoid this pinchED nerve - well - pinching! :)

Sorry to hear about that Cotton.....hope you and your pinched nerve feel better soon!
OMG, did any of you see Alicia Keyes on Sunday Morning??So many of her comments sound so much like Clay - about being true to yourself. I just don't understand why Clive can 'get' AK and not 'get' Clay.???

One theory: Alicia's a woman. Clay's a man. Guys frequently have a hard time seeing what women find attractive, or don't understand this "true to yourself" thing coming from a guy. Doesn't compute. Now, I don't know shit either, but I think it's a definite possibility.

heee well I ain't gonna lie... he's cuter to me now cuz I love him now..back then I thought he was a truely funny looking guy with a bad wardrobe but the voice of an angel.

That's pretty much me, with a "and he had a fantastic quick wit" tacked on to this definition for good measure. His wit and charm grabbed me LONG before even his voice.

Good Lord! I do know how to spelled pinched!

And - I've enjoyed the Alicia discussion. I know she has a 'tighter' self-definition than Clay - for lack of a better description. I do think part of Clay's "problem" is the double-edged sword that is his Multi-talented giftedness! He is NOT just one thing! He is SO-O-O many things!


He is just a Smorgasboard of Yummyness, isn't he?!

EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you, Gibby!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
Yeah! Thanks for the great screencaps! Love them!

(I may have messed up the quotes and lost attribution. If I have the wrong person saying the wrong thing, please forgive me and straighten me out!)


I forgot - his unusual combination of HUMILITY and CONFIDENCE! And his GENEROSITY!

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My area is a week behind on AI Rewind, but even last week, I found what Simon said very odd in regard to J. D. Adams, the distant president progeny. Simon just seemed to think that he was exactly what the competition was looking for, when, IMO, he was a poor man's Clay. I think Simon is very singularly focused on image, hence his infatuation with Tamyra and Claudia Christian in AI1, who had the right look, which makes his inclusion of Kim Locke and Frenchie in season 2 all the more interesting. Ruben, of course, got a complete pass from Simon regarding his image.

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Yes, I love watching Gladys Knight's reaction to Clay, especially when she said that something big was going to happen for him. I watch the AI clips of Clay's performances regularly. I just can't go too long without seeing Clay on AI and I never really had any complaints about Idol at all up until the Finale (and I threw a fit about that!). I didn't watch Idol during the times now being shown on Rewind -- not until the Wildcard Results show -- but I have to be honest and say I know that if I had been watching it then I would not have found Clay attractive. Not my type at all. It was the voice, voice, voice, in that order that sucked me into watching Idol week after week to hear him sing -- but then I started getting soft on his expressions and body language: the smile that lit up his face, his starry-eyed excitement when he finished tearing up a song and the audience screamed and cheered for him, which turned into serious concern as he faced Simon, the raised eyebrows, the lip bites, the sweet moments of humility, and the twinkling eyes eventually got to me and made me love him. But never was I attracted to this guy, although it didn't escape me that he was getting better looking week by week. Okay, I was felled when critical mass was eventually reached. It took a while for me, but it took. He's fucking gorgeous, totally hot, and waaaaaay cool. You can spread butter on this piece of toast.

These are some of my favorite moments from Idol:











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keepingfaith, I love every one of those pictures and moments! He's adorable in every single picture. It's great to re-live the moments when I fell in love with Clay the first time. I've fallen in love over and over since then, but this is when I first fell headfirst into this love affair with a man I've never met. And there's been no looking back!
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whoo hooo..thanks for the pictures everybody. Keepingfaith, love those photos from AI. I loved AI2. I loved so many of the contestants and the competition. There was some great singing that season...and I still listen to Trenyce and Ricky and KLO on the ipod. I thought Clay's transformation was dramatic. And I"m not talking about the hair. To see that confidence grow week after week, it was an amazing thing. And yeah, I do believe Randy and Simon would take a good looking mediocre singer that cound dance over Clay any day of the week because to them that sells. But building up the season to be image vs talent was a great thing and it allowed Clay and Kimberley and Ruben and Ricky to actually be contestants. America didn't vote for the pretty people in the groups, they went for talent.

Had a wonderful wonderful time with Cha Cha Trusty. We had met once before briefly but this was the first time we got to talk for an extended period. She has a very sweet and fun husband...and I got to meet one of her daughters whose Ecuadorian adventures we all followed this past summer. What a beauty. And I loved her attitude about the whole Clay thing. She's very supportive and encouraging. And her only concert was Dover and she loved the adventure of it. My friend Salud rounded out the party. I'm so glad it worked out and we were able to get together.

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Wow, there's nothing like a little American Idol Clay to brighten up a sleepless night. :countingsheep:

Thanks, keepingfaith, I'm going to take those lovely images back to my pillow to dream on...


This one's my favorite of the night... :flirtysmile3: .....the smile, the eyelashes, the sparkle; it's just all there.

It just goes to show somehow that whatever anyone tried to do to tweak his "image", that light from inside just comes shining through. That light called 'beautiful' that is.


Yeah, I know I got it bad. Insomnia does it to me every time. I hope you'll still respect me in the morning. hee.

'nite fca :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt:

eta that it's only 3:30 am here....so I actually have five whole hours to dream before that alarm goes.

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Good Morning Everyone,

14 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! Two Weeks!

40 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

43 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

56 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

67 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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Obviously they picked him because of the similiarity to Luther Vondross and I know that they played that up during the show which I thought was rather goulish considering Luther was so ill...it almost like they were waiting for Luther to pass on so they could crown Ruben the new Luthor.

Actually Luther didn't suffer a stroke until April of 2003, a scant month before the finale. The comparisons before then were, IMO anyway, genuine. The first time I heard FWOW on the radio I caught it in the middle and really thought it WAS Luther singing up until the chorus. Say whatever about the judges pimping Ruben but there is no denying that his singing voice in quality and tone and style is very similar to Luther's. I was only ever bothered when they tried to compare him to Barry White, cuz that was just a size thing. Barry's voice was truly one of a kind. *g*

About, Corey...yeah. I think they were going for a definite type there.

Boy did they get it. :cryingwlaughter:


Guess who's off work today?

Go on. Guess. :D

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That's one of my all time favorites! :clap:

What a night that was! Thanks, keepingfaith!


I agree about the Luther comparison. It came pretty much right away and is easy to hear to me. I had that reaction to him immediately. I really like Ruben's tone. He can't match Luther on some other parameters, though. I enjoyed seeing him on AIR last night.


JaMar :imgtongue:

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Guess we are going to have to agree to disagree (seems to be a pattern lately, LOL) Jamar; I never saw the comparisons to Luther and Ruben always sounded one-dimensional to me...very monotone at times. Like I said, I thought he was pretty bad in last nights episode, off key and he always had pretty bad breath control. You know, there is a lot they can do in a studio to make someone sound like what they want.


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