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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Awww, an article about Quiana.

Quiana's dream

Everyone who has ever seen her knows that Quiana Parler is great on stage. Remember "Serenade" at the Charleston Music Hall? She was, well, dreamy.

Sure, she's a fabulous stand-up singer, but she's a natural in a theater role, too.

North Carolina Theatre, Raleigh's premier professional regional theater, has scheduled Parler to play Effie White in its upcoming production of "Dreamgirls," set to run Jan. 12-20 in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts.

A Lowcountry native, Parler has toured with Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson as a background vocalist and was featured in the "Clay Aiken Christmas Show" last year.

She has performed on many national television shows including "Saturday Night Live," "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," the "Today" show and "The View." She has opened for jazz and R&B artists Phil Perry, Alphonso Blackwell, Keith Sweat, Ann Nesby and others.

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He has really taken control of his instrument.

You do that on purpose, don't you? Just to see if she picks up on it! :cryingwlaughter:

I'm sure glad Q is getting these opportunities; those TV appearances sure can't hurt her resume either!

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He has really taken control of his instrument.

You do that on purpose, don't you? Just to see if she picks up on it! :cryingwlaughter:

I'm sure glad Q is getting these opportunities; those TV appearances sure can't hurt her resume either!

bwah... eek..actually I didn't

CG - I think you know me well enough to know what I'm about to say. LOL. To everyone that contributed in the discussion, those that wanted to, those that wish it would end and those who want to look at pretty pictures - it's up to you. We have some rules and philosphies or some such stuff around here somewhere. Just read it again and then develop some sort of short term memory problem and start again.

ETA: And maybe I'm busy or something(sure you can't tell that from my posthoing but I have mad multitask skills heee) but am actually not feeling much issues. Maybe it's just me and everything is zooming over my head. Or I'm just used to much more turmoil.But reading the philosophy here can't hurt. hmmm Probably needs updating... add that new crisp thang.

My computer came today but as usual my mom ignored the UPS man. :cry4:

Ok I'm bored so let me tell you something silly. I love to play Spider Solitaire. So to make it interesting for myself I try to solve the damn thing in less than 100 moves. And then I try to win five games in a row. When I ever get that down Ill move up a level. It's been 3 years now :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Anyway, for every game I win I can take 5 people to a private Clay Aiken private concert. :cryingwlaughter: Ready to commit me.

Anybody find that penny press puzzle book. we can't order it online or something?


my finger got tired of scrolling to the top of the page so I just copied this long tall drink of water down to me

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Somebody (I'm sorry I can't recall who) in the last day or two asked for a screencap of the last frame of Gibby's Jingle Bells Medley vid... I don't think it's been done yet so here you go!


Me me me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyoueversomuch. Swoon!!!! :flirtysmile3:

THIS! is veeerrrrrryyyyy niiiiiiiiiiicEEEEEEE!

Thanks for requesting it!!


Here's a pretty, Ansa...


I love that Clay Aiken guy! :Thud:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Some more caps from Gibby's beautimous videos. Yes, I caved. I totally, unabashedly caved. I might DIE before Friday and never see his beautiful performance and then I will be so pissed!!! So, ummm yeah...

From IBHFC Medley








ETA: Yes, it is totally a coincidence that he seems to grow before your eyes in those clickables. Totally. Really.

HOLY CRAP - THANK YOU!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I like the screen caps, cindilu! Just out of curiosity - did you do them from the large wmvs, or from the mpegs? I'm wondering how much clearer the screencaps would be from an mpeg rather than a wmv.

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I like the screen caps, cindilu! Just out of curiosity - did you do them from the large wmvs, or from the mpegs? I'm wondering how much clearer the screencaps would be from an mpeg rather than a wmv.

Even tho I am running out of hard drive space (again!) I am d/l'ing the mpegs for that very reason. They make better screencaps and better DVDs!! (I hope I get time to make some soon!)

Thanks for taking such beautiful vids Gibby!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Finally got a chance to finish downloading and watching all of the clack tonight (and now I really can't sleep!) I kept thinking ... where would we be right now without Gibby and ldyjocelyn??? FCA rocksz the clack so far!!

Gibby your close ups are awesome, and LdyJ the big stage perspective is such a boon for those of us not attending shows this Christmas. This is priceless. What a voice, what a face, what a man.

I'm getting a special vibe just watching the clack. It's like Clay is constantly expanding and moving on down the road, and dragging us, if need be, along with him. I really don't mind a lack of banter because banter with the fans would break the magic of this show. Standing in one place on the platform and singing all night requires him to be totally focused and mentally disciplined -- allowing no distractions from his performance. I think this show was right on time. No, I don't think he'll be burping or hiccuping or forgetting lyrics like he playfully did last Christmas. I'm going to stop saying that I wish I could be there, because I guess that's understood. After three shows, I increasingly adore the professionalism of this tour, including Jesse's most excellent arrangements.

The first time I saw the pictures of the girls' gowns, I knew Clay picked 'em out. The cleavage gave it away.

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This is a screencap from Gibby's OHN mpg. Look at those eyes *sigh*


ETA Gibb and lydj I am very appreciative of your vids. I don't get a concert this time, which is a first for me. I'll make it through though, thanks to the generosity of you and all the selfless fans who share and share.

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Looking at that picture, I immediately heard in my head some verses from that old Carla Thomas song ...

Gee whiz

Look at his eyes

Gee whiz

How they hypnotize

He's got everything a girl could want

Man oh man, what a prize

My, my, oh my

There are things we could do

I could say I love you

But all I could say is

Gee whiz...

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Anybody who likes my calendar wallpapers, you can find December's here on my CB page.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! For those who don't know, these two graphics were also cindilu2's entries in the CB's Christmas Tour pass contest. One of them won! Hee, but I like the red one best anyways. Thanks, cindilu2! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Looks like the Broadway strike is settled.

Stagehands, theater producers reach deal

You know, as I was half sleeping this morning I remember pondering the strike and realizing that today was Thursday and hoping that they'd perhaps reached a settlement in the wee hours. Woo freaking hoo!!!!! :clap::DoClay: :thbighug-1:

Ok I'm bored so let me tell you something silly. I love to play Spider Solitaire. So to make it interesting for myself I try to solve the damn thing in less than 100 moves. And then I try to win five games in a row. When I ever get that down Ill move up a level. It's been 3 years now :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Anyway, for every game I win I can take 5 people to a private Clay Aiken private concert. :cryingwlaughter: Ready to commit me.

Hee, this CMSU. Pick me, pick me! LOL

Anybody find that penny press puzzle book. we can't order it online or something?


So far, no luck, and I've been looking, in between all my running around yesterday. But here in the great white north, our magazines are generally a week behind the US. So I'm still hopeful that it'll show up!

ETA: Hee, I didn't realize I'd left that long, lanky picture in the quote, but hey, I'm not removing it. It's relevant to any quote! :imgtongue:

Eeeek, I just realized that I am shirking my responsibilites to the FCA! St. Louis was my page to update. I promise to get it done today! Shouldn't be as hectic as yesterday.....except I have to work, and I joined the gym (finally, for those of you who frequent the weight loss thread) so I have to go to a session with the fitness guy at 6:00 pm. And I have to do laundry so I can pack for Kalamazoo which is TOMORROW!!!!!!! :xmas07a: :XmasRed: YAY!!!!!!

Those toni7babe pics killed me. asdflkj23p98fj'af/kdf/ But I am holding strong about the clack....still haven't watched anything but OHN from Wichita. I am so proud of the FCA for being the premiere clack gatherers so far this tour! And I can't wait to finally sit down and drink it all in this weekend.

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South Bend review:

Aiken's holiday fare doesn’t disappoint faithful fans



Tribune Staff Writer

SOUTH BEND — Julia Maish stood on the right side of the Morris Performing Arts Center stage recounting one of her most vivid Christmas memories.

It involved a borrowed black dress, a handsome, but intoxicated young stranger, an unfortunate fire to said dress, and a bowl of eggnog that doused the flames.

"That was the first time I ever really sizzled," she said as Clay Aiken smiled broadly at the center of the Morris stage.

Parts of this really made me chuckle, like when he confuses DSIAFCD for MGUCL, and when he says AIW pales in comparison to DSIAFCD. Do you think he was impressed by DSIAFCD???? :cryingwlaughter:

Baltimore Sun article that is more about the new album & Spamalot than the tour:

Aiken molds his own way


Clay Aiken knows he isn't cool. He doesn't seem to mind.

He's been fighting to stay that way after being launched into the ranks of superstardom as the runner-up on 2003's American Idol.

The show's quintessential nice guy never wanted to sound like he's in his 60s or like he's trying too hard to be cutting-edge.

"If I tried to be cool," Aiken says, "it would be like your parents using slang and sounding weird."

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I like the screen caps, cindilu! Just out of curiosity - did you do them from the large wmvs, or from the mpegs? I'm wondering how much clearer the screencaps would be from an mpeg rather than a wmv.

Gibby, those are from the mpegs, and I also cleaned them up a bit in PSP. I use BPS

Decompiler for screencaps and that is the best I could do. Sowwy! Hopefully someone has better software than I.

Thanks luckiest1, just cuz. :thbighug-1:

Good reviews!

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I am not going to argue about chexxxy's board but I saw a couple of comments about people worrying about others coming here only to spy. Huh! Funny, I've been here longer than the people making the comments. I won't comment again as this is not what this board is all about. But really, what is there to spy on? K'Andre, Ansamcw are you holding something back? java script:add_smilie(":lol:","smid_8")


I'm trying for laughing smilies. Haven't done many of them. Let's see if this works.

ETA: Still not working for me. Technology is fast passing me by!

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Good Morning Everyone,

Up early this morning; our cat is in heat...she is only 6 months old, but I was not aware they went into heat this early...thought we had a few more months before we had to get her spayed, but looks like that is going to happen ASAP. So this is day 2 and I understand it can last anywhere from 7-10 days...just what hubby needs, another crazed female in the house having her time of the month!, LOL! When she is not yoweling she is rubbing up against everything in sight, no shoe is safe and we have to keep her away from the front door as she is just looking for an opportunity to get out. It has been interesting to say the least.

Sounds like another great concert last night; thanks for all the pretty pictures.

Loving all the articles we have been getting!

23 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

26 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

39 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

50 Days until Clay is on Broadway (Finally uncrosses fingers!)

Everyone have a great day!


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Oooh, aikim. :thbighug-1: I just went through that, only with a Siamese cat. Oh. My. God. You have my sympathies. Hers occured about two weeks after the vet told me she was still too young. Ack!!

Guess what I'm doing tomorrow? I'm going to see Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! :lipstick:*waves to lurking gdg*

Gah, I just can't get enough of that long, tall, hunkalicous fine man photo. I just wanna start at the bottom and work my way up.

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I'm packed and today I'm "leaving on a jet plane" to see my gorgeous boyfriend! I cannot wait!!!!

Here I am frantically d/l Clack to put in my iPod for the trip. You know how you need to take those essentials on a trip well my ClayiPod is one of my essentials now. How did I ever do without this stuff? Ah, the wonders of modern technology. I d/l the mp3 files transferred them to iTunes and now instantly I can have them with me! Ain't it grand?

See a lot of you guys real soon. I'll be the one with the silly grin on my face cos I'm going to see CLAY!!!!!

Did I tell you I love that guy? Oh I did? Well it bears repeating, don't ya think*g*

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Have a safe trip Merrieeee and enjoy the show!

Could someone explain to me the reason for Clay cupping the mic during the falsetto in DSIAFCD...that move just totally fascinates me.


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I am not going to argue about chexxxy's board but I saw a couple of comments about people worrying about others coming here only to spy. Huh! Funny, I've been here longer than the people making the comments. I won't comment again as this is not what this board is all about. But really, what is there to spy on? K'Andre, Ansamcw are you holding something back? java script:add_smilie(":lol:","smid_8")


I'm trying for laughing smilies. Haven't done many of them. Let's see if this works.

ETA: Still not working for me. Technology is fast passing me by!

I just came from watching DLs, so I'm in a good moond. I highly recommend Toni7Babe's MGUCL.

Spying, huh, well I've never been accused of that before. Who's policing who, here? If I was going to spy I think I would pick a board that loved the drama. I came here because it was fun and I've always used FCA for all my board links. When I didn't know much about the computer, I used FCA because it was so easy to find things. I'd always bragged about how well organized all that was and someone told me CouchTomato put it together. Kudos. Anyway, I didn't even know there was a forum here until I stumbled upon it by accident, and I asked someone about it and they told me it was sorta drama free and fun, a bit different, so here I am. Clay Aiken is not CUTE--- He is studly and handsome. LOL!!!!

ETA- Have a great time, merrieeee!!!!

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And he admits that it would be odd for people to bump and grind to one of his songs.

Well, I don't see why it would be odd. After all, Clay does it when he's singing one of his songs! :cryingwlaughter:

Those pictures sure are purdy!! OMG, but the pile of drool forming on my desk is getting mighty deep. :hubbahubba: I have avoided listening to any cellcerts or clack because I want to see it for the first time with fresh eyes. These pictures are making it harder and harder!

He is a purdy, purdy man!

So how have the camera police been during this tour thus far. If someone were sitting, say, in the first row center on the aisle, and was not one of the brave clack gatherers, would they be stupid to try and take pictures???

Those going to Kalamazoo, say hi to my old hometown for me! Hope to see some of you in DC!

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So how have the camera police been during this tour thus far. If someone were sitting, say, in the first row center on the aisle, and was not one of the brave clack gatherers, would they be stupid to try and take pictures???

Yeah, change 'first' to 'fifth' and I'm wondering the same thing. I have never done it before but I had decent results this past summer at a non-Clay concert I went to, so I am kind of thinking about it......

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